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A C# analyzer to convert Rhino Mocks to NSubstitute.

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Getting started

  1. Add a package reference to the Test project using Rhino Mocks:
<PackageReference Include="LaDeak.TestMockUpdater" Version="*" />
  1. Add a package reference to NSubstitute:
<PackageReference Include="NSubstitute" Version="*" />

Use the C# Analyzer to fix and update Rhino Mocks tests. Your original source must compile before conversion may take place.


Supported Conversions

The following RhinoMocks features are converted to NSubstitute:

Rhino Method NSubstitute Comment
GenerateMock Substitute.For
GenerateStub Substitute.For
Expect Native call Extracts lambda to call method or access property on the mock.
Return Returns
Throw Throws
IgnoreArguments ReturnsForAnyArgs Respecting ThrowsForAnyArgs or ReturnsForAnyArgs.
Out Arguments Returns lamda Using Func<CallInfo, T> returnThis to set Out arguments.
OutRef Returns lamda Using Func<CallInfo, T> returnThis to set Out arguments.
Stub Native call Extracts lambda to call method or access property on the mock.
AssertWasCalled Received
AssertWasNotCalled DidNotReceive
Repeat - Repeat calls are removed and ignored.
PropertyBehavior - PropertyBehavior calls are removed and ignored.
VerifyAllExpectations Received Generates a set of Received assertatation at the end of the block.
WhenCalled Returns Action<MethodInvocation> converted to lambda expression in Returns method.
Arg<T>.Is.Null Arg.Is With predicate comparing to null.
Arg<T>.Is.NotNull Arg.Is With predicate comparing not null.
Arg<T>.Is.Equal Arg.Is With predicate comparing using Equals method call.
Arg<T>.Is.Same Arg.Is With predicate comparing using ReferenceEquals method call.
Arg<T>.Is.Matches Arg.Is With predicate defined in the original expression.


The analyzer currently looks for the following method calls: Stub, Expect, Returns, Throws, GenerateMock, GenerateStub. When mocks defined as local fieds, document level of conversion is available.


The following example shows a Rhino Mocks test is converted to NSubstitute.

Note this example is for demonstration purpose only, generally it is suggested to have separate tests to verify independent behaviors.

The original Rhino Mocks test method:

public void CalculateId_Returns_NumberEs_Multiplied_Age_Height()
    // Arrange
    var validatorStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IValidator>();
    validatorStub.Stub(x => x.TryValidate(Arg<Request>.Matches(y => y.Name == "test"), out Arg<bool>.Out(true).Dummy)).Return(true);

    var nameProviderMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<INameProvider>();
    nameProviderMock.Expect(x => x.GetFullName("test")).IgnoreArguments().Return("eee").Repeat.Any();
    nameProviderMock.Stub(x => x.Initialized).Return(true);

    var loggerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILogger<ComplexBusinessLogic>>();
    loggerMock.Stub(x => x.IsEnabled).PropertyBehavior();

    var sut = new ComplexBusinessLogic(validatorStub, nameProviderMock, loggerMock);
    // Act
    var result = sut.CalculateId(new Request() { Age = 1, Height = 1, Name = "test" });

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(3, result);
    loggerMock.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Log(Arg<string>.Is.NotNull));

The NSubstitute converted test method:

public void CalculateId_Returns_NumberEs_Multiplied_Age_Height()
    // Arrange
    var validatorStub = Substitute.For<IValidator>();
    validatorStub.TryValidate(NSubstitute.Arg.Is<Request>(y => y.Name == "test"), out NSubstitute.Arg.Any<bool>()).Returns(a0 => { a0[1] = true; return true; });

    var nameProviderMock = Substitute.For<INameProvider>();

    var loggerMock = Substitute.For<ILogger<ComplexBusinessLogic>>();

    var sut = new ComplexBusinessLogic(validatorStub, nameProviderMock, loggerMock);
    // Act
    var result = sut.CalculateId(new Request() { Age = 1, Height = 1, Name = "test" });

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(3, result);
    loggerMock.Received().Log(NSubstitute.Arg.Is<string>(a0 => a0 != null));


  1. If it is small issue (spelling or a bug fix) feel free to start working on a fix.
  2. If you are submitting a feature or substantial code contribution open an issue for discussion.
  3. Add your code changes, follow existing code conventions.
  4. Make sure all existing tests are still correct.
  5. Add new tests to cover the new use-case or bug fix.
  6. Submit a pull request with commit description detailing the new feature or the fixed bug. Link the related issue or discussion.
  7. Once your code changes are merged, a new release is created.