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Community Servers

Eric Voskuil edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 45 revisions

Libbitcoin community servers are provided for private posting. Running your own server is otherwise preferred. However feel free to use the community servers for development, test or even in production. The hosts provide no assurance regarding the stability or privacy of these free services.


The community servers may be used to post a transaction (or a block) to the network privately (i.e. using Tor). Posting data to your own server (even if using Tor) can result in loss of privacy. Each item posted to a public server should utilize an independent Tor channel. Otherwise the items posted on the same channel may be correlated to each other by the server. Public servers may also be used for private query, however this is unnecessary if you maintain your own server.

The bitcoin peer-to-peer protocol is a public network of public information. It is unsafe to access via Tor. It should also not be used to query for wallet transaction information, including via Bloom Filters, or to post transactions (or blocks) if privacy is desired. Additionally, encrypting P2P connections does not anonymize either queried or posted information.


Hosted by thecodefactory.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         sqax52n5enkw4dsj.onion
public key:          >cV9Jor@9*QD3jXGA1f-XCTP9IBopFm.rY@<944E
query ports:         9091/9081
heartbeat ports:     9092/9082
block publish ports: 9093/9083
tx publish ports:    9094/9084
bitcoin p2p port:    8333


Hosted by thecodefactory.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         55k4e2eaeucf3omt.onion
public key:          }[YQ:ks:iKd0F1!ycPgj:4CVzfV-=jsF}x&%ff=/
query ports:         9091/9081
heartbeat ports:     9092/9082
block publish ports: 9093/9083
tx publish ports:    9094/9084
bitcoin p2p port:    8333


Hosted by bitprim.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         N/A
public key:          f!qCf4(YHm3rp/J15Q+!l>{jz>>eUkW9}6&pc0tB
query ports:         9091/9081
heartbeat ports:     9092/9082
block publish ports: 9093/9083
tx publish ports:    9094/9084
bitcoin p2p port:    8333


Hosted by thecodefactory.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         rmrai2ifbed2bf55.onion
public key:          )nNv4Ji=CU:}@<LOu-<QvB)b-PIh%PX[)?mH>XAl
query ports:         19091/19081
heartbeat ports:     19092/19082
block publish ports: 19093/19083
tx publish ports:    19094/19084
bitcoin p2p port:    18333


Hosted by thecodefactory.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         4zubdzxdpxrss5rv.onion
public key:          M>dfC.16SBU&O9hA@rUWP:k]>DF=xTJ73Iw}HE0g
query ports:         19091/19081
heartbeat ports:     19092/19082
block publish ports: 19093/19083
tx publish ports:    19094/19084
bitcoin p2p port:    18333


Hosted by bitprim.

ip address:
dns address:
tor address:         N/A
public key:          ZW4K2g{E>*a@n>NqZ<VeI^2ANqw.7Ub<?>UgSiNq
query ports:         19091/19081
heartbeat ports:     19092/19082
block publish ports: 19093/19083
tx publish ports:    19094/19084
bitcoin p2p port:    18333
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