The goal of this assignment is to translate MicroC code into LLVM IR code.
MicroC mainly follows the same rules of language C with some exceptions described below.
For the code generation, you should use the LLVM API we presented during the classes. Remember that you only generate code for semantically correct programs, thus, you can be sure that some situations are catch in the previous compilation stages.
MicroC support two library functions to perform I/O operations:
void print(int)
to print an integer on the standard output;int getint()
to read an integer from the standard input.
Their implementation is written in C and it is the file bin/rt-support.c
You can modify these functions as you prefer to match your compilation strategy.
During the code generation phase, the module that you generate must include the
corresponding prototype for these library functions.
Once you produce a bitcode file, to run your application you have to link it with
the object code of the runtime support.
To do that, you can use the LLVM command line tools we described during the lectures, e.g.,
, clang
The code generation phase produces a LLVM modules that can be compiled and statically linked with the code the runtime support.
The code requires:
- OCaml >= 4.12.0
- Menhir >= 20210419
- ppx_deriving >= 5.2
- llvm >= 12.0.0
You can install the required dependencies via opam
$ opam install menhir ppx_deriving llvm
Here, you can find the documentation of ppx_deriving
Here, you can find the documentation of LLVM bindings.
Typing make
will generate a the compiler executable bin/microcc.exe
, and the testing program test/codegen_test.exe
$ make
To clean-up the folder, run:
$ make clean
To test your parser you can use the files in test/samples
directory, for example
$ dune exec bin/microcc.exe -- samples/
$ dune exec test/codegen_test.exe -- samples/
You can also use the bash script
to test the result of your compilation.
Note that this script may be adapted to your local machine.
Read about the organization of the project here.
The lib/
directory contains the modules for each phase of the compiler.
Your code will stay there.
More precisely, the lib/
directory provides: <-- Definition of the abstract syntax tree of MicroC <-- The file from which build the executable <-- The module Location provides two data types to represent code locations
location.mli <-- The interface of the module Location
parser.mly <-- Menhir specification of the grammar <-- The module Parsing implements the parser
parsing.mli <-- The interface of the module Parsing
scanner.mll <-- ocamllex specification of the scanner
scanner.mli <-- The interface of the module Scanner <-- The module Symbol_table provides the implementation of a symbol table
symbol_table.mli <-- The interface of the module Symbol_table <-- The module Semantic_analysis implements the semantic checker
semantic_analysis.mli <-- The interface of the module Semantic_analysis <-- The module Codegen translates a µcomp-lang into a LLVM module
codegen.mli <-- The interface of the module Codegen <-- The module Optimizer runs a sequence of optimization on a LLVM module
optimizer.mli <-- The interface of the module Optimizer
The bin/
directory provide: <-- The code of the compiler executable
mcompc.mli <-- A dummy interface
rt-support.c <-- A simple implementation of the functions of the standard library
The assignment requires you to complete the implementation of
. Depending on your compilation strategy in
you may need to adjust the code in rt-support.c