Welcome to create Pull Requests or open Issues for bugfix, doc, example, suggestion and anything.
If you want to add any new feature, feel free to pull a request.
If you find a bug, please create an issue in GitHub and please provide your environment setup and detail bug information. Thanks for your reporting.
After download this project to your local machine, you need install it with command line
$ npm install
Build this project with command line
$ node build.js
This website use Firebase to serve the task data, so you need to connect to firebase firstly.
$ firebase server
The server is default to http://localhost:5000
Then you can visit project webiste with this line.
$ firebase deploy
For each week’s learning, there are several requirements to develop an app, if you would like to share your implementation or method, it will greatly help other learners.
This is a one semester course to learn how to design and develop a user friendly website, there are lots more interesting stuff could be added, so if you have some new learning material, I will really appreciate about your sharing. Your contribute make this project a better book for new learners.
This original version and content of the guide is maintained in English. If you could help to translate learning material or this book to your native language, it will benefit a larger group. Translations to new languages are always welcome, especially if you can maintain the translation!
This is initial version for this project, and there is not a roadmap for now.
Any kind of contribution is welcome, now I have finished this course, so I won’t spend much time on this project, but I’m willing to help more people to learn it.