(Functional Pearl) Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers.pdf
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20.000 lieues sous les Free Monads Coproducts - Public-2.pdf
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A categorical semantics for inductive-inductive definitions.pdf
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A logical basis for constructive systems.pdf
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A polynomial testing principle .pdf
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Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction(LNCS2297, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540436138)(400s).pdf
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Algorithms_ Part II, 4th Edition.pdf
An Introduction to (Co)Algebras and (Co)Induction and their Application to the Semantics of Programming Languages.pdf
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An Investigation of the Laws of Traversals.pdf
An introduction to Yoneda structures.pdf
Applicative Programming with effects.pdf
Arity-Generic Datatype-Generic Programming.pdf
Arrows and Computation - slides.pdf
Arrows are Strong Monads.pdf
C Quick Syntax Reference.pdf
Calculating Correct Compilers.pdf
Cartesian Closed Categories CCC - Andrzej Tarlecki.pdf
Categorical Programming with Abstract data types - Martin Erwig.pdf
Categorical Programming with Inductive and Coinductive Types.pdf
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Categorical Semantics for Logic-Enriched Type Theories.pdf
Categorical semantics and composition of tree transducers.pdf
Categories for the working mathematician.pdf
Categorifying Computations into Components via Arrows as Profunctors.pdf
Category theory for Computer Science - Andrzej Tarlecki.pdf
Certified Programming with Dependent Types.pdf
Comonadic Notions of Computation.pdf
Comonadic notions of computation vene-slides.pdf
Comonads - Musings on Signals and Comonads.pdf
Compilation a la Carte.pdf
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Composing and Decomposing Data Types A Closed Type Families Implementation of Data Types a` la Carte.pdf
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Constructing Applicative Functors.pdf
Constructing tournament representations: An exercise in pointwise relational programming.pdf
Denotational Design from meanings to programs Conal Elliott - lambdajam-2014.pdf
Denotational Design from meanings to programs Conal Elliott.pdf
Denotational design with type class morphisms (extended version).pdf
Dependently Typed Functional Programming with Idris Lecture 3- Effect Management.pdf
Dependently Typed Functional Programming with Idris Lecture 4: Implementing Idris.pdf
Dependently Typed Metaprogramming (in Agda) - Conor Mcbride.pdf
Dependently Typed Programming with Domain-Specific Logics.pdf
Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons.pdf
Dependently typed programs with propositions.pdf
Dependently-Typed Programming in GHC.pdf
Derivation of a Typed Functional LR Parser.pdf
Duality Theory and Categorical Universal Logic-With Emphasis on Quantum Structures.pdf
Even more generic solution construction in Valuation-Based Systems.pdf
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FUNCTIONAL PEARL Kleisli arrows of outrageous fortune - paper- .pdf
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Freyd is Kleisli, for Arrows.pdf
From Action Calculi to Linear Logic.pdf
From truth to computability I.pdf
From truth to computability II.pdf
Full Lambek Hyperdoctrine-Categorical Semantics for First-Order Substructural Logics.pdf
Fun With Type Functions-Slides.pdf
Fun with Type Functions.pdf
Functional Pearl - Be Kind Rewind Jeremy Gibbons.pdf
Functional Pearl - Comprehensive Encoding of Data Types and Algorithms in the λ-Calculus .pdf
Functional Pearl - The Zipper.pdf
Functional Pearl A fresh look at binary search trees.pdf
Functional Pearl- La Tour D’Hano ̈ı.pdf
Functional Pearl- Streams and Unique Fixed Points.pdf
Functional Pearls Explaining Binomial Heaps.pdf
Functional Programming for Domain−Specific Languages.pdf
Functional Programming in Scala.pdf
Functorial Semantics of Algebraic Theories And Some Algebraic Problems in The Context of Functorial Semantics of Algebraic Theories.pdf
Functors and Natural Transformations - Andrzej Tarlecki.pdf
Generalizing Determinization From Automata to Coalgebras.pdf
Generic Programming -An Introduction-.pdf
Generic Programming Prim (Co)Recursion and C-o-V (Co)Iteration Categorically Slides.pdf
Generic Programming With Dependent Types II Generic Haskell in Agda.pdf
Generic Programming With Dependent Types I Generic Programming in Agda .pdf
Generic Programming with Adjunctions-slides.pdf
Generic Programming with Adjunctions.pdf
Generic Programming with relations and functors.pdf
Generic Properies of Datatypes.pdf
Generic and Indexed Programming - Jeremy Gibbons.pdf
Generic and Indexed Programming.pdf
Idris, a General Purpose Dependently Typed Programming Language: Design and Implementation.pdf
Imperative Programs as Proofs via Game Semantics.pdf
Initial Algebra Semantics is Enough.pdf
Institutions - Andrzej Tarlecki.pdf
Internal Diagrams and Archetypal Reasoning in Category Theory.pdf
Introduction to Category Theory, Algebras & Coalgebra.pdf
Introduction to Formal Reasoning (G52IFR).pdf
Introduction to Formal Reasoning.pdf
Intuitionistic computability logic.pdf
Isomorphic Data Encodings and their Generalization to Hylomorphisms on Hereditarily Finite Data Types .pdf
Jacobs B. Categorical Logic and Type Theory.pdf
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.pdf
Lamba Calculi with Types.pdf
Lambek J., Scott P.J. Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic.pdf
Lecture Notes on Denotational Semantics.pdf
Lectures on Dependent Type Theory - notes-gambino.pdf
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Leinster T. The Yoneda Lemma.pdf
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Logic Modelling Reasoning.pdf
Logic and linear algebra-an introduction.pdf
Logical Relations and Parametricity - A Reynolds Programme for Category Theory and Programming Languages.pdf
Logical Specifications for Functional Programs.pdf
Machine assisted proofs in the theory of monads.pdf
Manufacturing Datatypes.pdf
Modularising inductive families.pdf
Modularity and Implementation of Mathematical Operational Semantics.pdf
Monad Transformer and Modular-interpreters.pdf
Monadic Functional Reactive Programming-talk.pdf
Monadic Functional Reactive Programming.pdf
Monads are Trees with Grafting.pdf
Monads for functional programming.pdf
Monads for natural language semantics.pdf
Monoids- Theme and Variations (Functional Pearl).pdf
Notes on Universes in Type Theory.pdf
Notes on “Algebra of Programming” .pdf
Notions of computation and monads.pdf
On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism.pdf
On resources and tasks.pdf
On the Bright Side of Type Classes - Instance Arguments in Agda.pdf
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Parametric Compositional Data Types-slides (full).pdf
Parametric Compositional Data Types.pdf
Per Martin-Lof On the Meanings of the Logical Constants & THE Justification of the Logical Laws.pdf
Program Semantics & Verification-intro.pdf
Program Semantics & Verification-Working example-tiny.pdf
Programming and Reasoning with Algebraic Effects and Dependent Types.pdf
Programming and Reasoning with Side-Effects in IDRIS.pdf
Programming in IDRIS: A Tutorial.pdf
Programming with Arrows.pdf
Propositions as Types - Philip Wadler.pdf
Propositions as [Types] - Steve Awodey Andrej Bauer.pdf
Push-Pull Functional Reactive Programming-slides.pdf
Push-Pull Functional Reactive Programming.pdf
Quantifiers and Sheaves.pdf
Quasiquotes for Scala, a Technical Report .pdf
Real World Haskell - Oreilly.pdf
Reason Isomorphically!.pdf
Reasoning About Effects: Seeing the Wood Through the Trees (Extended Version).pdf
Recursive Coalgebras from Comonads.pdf
Resource-safe Systems Programming with Embedded Domain Specific Languages.pdf
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SQL and Relational Theory, 2nd Edition.pdf
Semantics of Interaction.pdf
Semantics-Driven DSL Design.pdf
Sheaf Semantics for Physicaly Motivated Network Description with Applications.pdf
Sheaves for Children .pdf
Sheaves, Objects and Distributed Systems.pdf
Simply efficient functional reactivity.pdf
Squiggoling with Bialgebras Recursion Schemes from Comonads Revisited.pdf
Strongly Typed Heterogeneous Collections.pdf
Structural induction and Coinduction in a fibrational setting.pdf
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Sum of product data types ocaml-data.pdf
THEORETICAL PEARL - Church numerals, twice!.pdf
The Curry–Howard Correspondence between Temporal Logic and Functional Reactive Programming-slides.pdf
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The Monad Reader Issue 7.pdf
The Reader Monad for Dependency Injection.pdf
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Logic.pdf
The Yoneda Lemma - what's it all about.pdf
There and Back Again Arrows for Invertible Programming.pdf
Towards a Categorical Foundation for Generic Programming.pdf
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Towards a Common Categorical Semantics for Linear-Time Temporal Logic and Functional Reactive Programming.pdf
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Type Theory through Comprehension Categories.pdf
Type checking by theorem proving in IDRIS.pdf
Types For Programming And Reasoning.pdf
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Vene V. Coding Recursion a la Mendler.pdf
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What is Categorical Type Theory?.pdf
What is a model of type theory?.pdf
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Worker:Wrapper:Makes it:Faster.pdf
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just do it - simple equational monadic reasoning.pdf
Isomorphisms, Hylomorphisms and Hereditarily Finite Data Types in Haskell.pdf
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