diff --git a/.streamlit/config.toml b/.streamlit/config.toml
index 645e042..8958e70 100644
--- a/.streamlit/config.toml
+++ b/.streamlit/config.toml
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
gatherUsageStats = false
-runOnSave = true
diff --git a/explorer.py b/explorer.py
index 509dfd4..9d7885a 100644
--- a/explorer.py
+++ b/explorer.py
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ def gen_px_histogram(
+ marginal=kwargs.get("marginal", "rug"),
# Update layout
@@ -173,6 +174,50 @@ def gen_px_histogram(
return fig
+def gen_go_histogram_overlaid(traces, names, colors, **kwargs):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ for trace, name, color in zip(traces, names, colors):
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Histogram(
+ x=trace,
+ name=name,
+ marker_color=color,
+ xbins={"size": 2},
+ cumulative_enabled=True,
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(barmode="overlay")
+ fig.update_traces(opacity=0.75)
+ # Update layout
+ fig.update_layout(
+ autosize=False,
+ width=700,
+ height=450,
+ margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=100, t=30),
+ font={"size": kwargs.get("font_size", 13), "family": "Roboto Mono, monospace"},
+ legend={
+ "font": {"size": kwargs.get("legend_font_size", 10)},
+ },
+ modebar={"orientation": "h"},
+ )
+ # Add logo
+ fig.add_layout_image(
+ dict(
+ source="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snv-berlin/ioi/master/guardint_logo.png",
+ xref="paper",
+ yref="paper",
+ x=1.18,
+ y=-0.005,
+ sizex=0.15,
+ sizey=0.15,
+ xanchor="right",
+ yanchor="bottom",
+ )
+ )
+ return fig
def gen_px_box(df, x, y, points, color, labels, color_discrete_map=colors, **kwargs):
fig = px.box(
@@ -354,7 +399,12 @@ def callback():
sections = [
- "Resources",
+ "Resources // HR",
+ "Resources // Expertise",
+ "Resources // Finance",
+ "Resources // FOI",
+ "Resources // Appreciation",
+ "Media Reporting",
@@ -381,9 +431,7 @@ def callback():
- "__" + selected_section + "__ | Civil Society Organisation and Media professionals"
+st.caption("GUARDINT Survey // " + selected_section)
filters = {
"country": st.sidebar.selectbox(
@@ -583,15 +631,15 @@ def callback():
"Germany": colors[0],
- "United Kingdom": colors[2],
- "France": colors[5],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[5],
- st.write("### Field [`field`]")
+ st.write("### Field `[field]`")
field_counts = df[filter]["field"].value_counts()
@@ -631,10 +679,8 @@ def callback():
# ===========================================================================
-if selected_section == "Resources":
- st.write("# Resources")
- st.write("## Human Resources")
+if selected_section == "Resources // HR":
+ st.write("# Resources // HR")
st.write("### What is your employment status? `[hr1]`")
hr1_counts = df[filter]["hr1"].value_counts()
@@ -789,7 +835,8 @@ def callback():
- st.write("## Expertise")
+if selected_section == "Resources // Expertise":
+ st.write("# Resources // Expertise")
"### How many years have you spent working on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[expertise1]`"
@@ -874,7 +921,8 @@ def callback():
- st.write("## Financial Resources")
+if selected_section == "Resources // Finance":
+ st.write("# Resources // Finance")
"### How do you assess the financial resources that have been available for your work on intelligence over the past 5 years? `[finance1]`"
@@ -1014,11 +1062,14 @@ def callback():
- st.write("## Freedom of Information")
+if selected_section == "Resources // FOI":
+ st.write("# Resources // FOI")
- "### Have you requested information under the national FOI law when you worked on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years?"
+ "### Have you requested information under the national FOI† law when you worked on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years?"
+ st.caption("†Freedom of Information")
foi1_counts = df[filter]["foi1"].value_counts()
@@ -1157,6 +1208,507 @@ def callback():
+# ===========================================================================
+# Resources // Appreciation
+# ===========================================================================
+if selected_section == "Resources // Appreciation":
+ st.write("# Resources // Appreciation")
+ st.write(
+ "### In the past 5 years, have stories on surveillance by intelligence agencies been nominated for a journalistic award in the country you primarily work in? `[MSapp1]`"
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSapp1_counts = df[filter]["MSapp1"].value_counts()
+ print_total(MSapp1_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_pie(
+ MSapp1_counts,
+ values=MSapp1_counts,
+ names=MSapp1_counts.index,
+ color=MSapp1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": colors[0],
+ "Yes": colors[2],
+ "I don't know": colors[4],
+ "I prefer not to say": colors[5],
+ },
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### Are there specific awards in the country you primarily work in for reporting on intelligence-related topics? `[MSapp2]`"
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSapp2_counts = df[filter]["MSapp2"].value_counts()
+ print_total(MSapp2_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_pie(
+ MSapp2_counts,
+ values=MSapp2_counts,
+ names=MSapp2_counts.index,
+ color=MSapp2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": colors[0],
+ "Yes": colors[2],
+ "I don't know": colors[4],
+ "I prefer not to say": colors[5],
+ },
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+# ===========================================================================
+# Media Reporting
+# ===========================================================================
+if selected_section == "Media Reporting":
+ st.caption(
+ "__NB__: All questions in this section have only been presented to media professionals."
+ )
+ st.write("# Scope of Coverage")
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ """### Please estimate: how many journalistic pieces have you produced on intelligence-related topics in the past year? `[MSsoc1]`"""
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSsoc1_df = df[filter][["country", "MSsoc1"]]
+ MSsoc1_df = MSsoc1_df.dropna(subset=["MSsoc1"])
+ print_total(MSsoc1_df["MSsoc1"].value_counts().sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ df=MSsoc1_df,
+ x="MSsoc1",
+ y=None,
+ nbins=20,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[5],
+ },
+ labels={"MSsoc1": "pieces produced lasy year"},
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_box(
+ df=df[filter],
+ points="all",
+ x="country",
+ y="MSsoc1",
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[5],
+ },
+ labels={"MSsoc1": "pieces produced lasy year"},
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### Please estimate: how many of these pieces focused on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[MSsoc2]`"
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSsoc2_df = df[filter][["country", "MSsoc2"]]
+ MSsoc2_df = MSsoc2_df.dropna(subset=["MSsoc2"])
+ print_total(MSsoc2_df["MSsoc2"].value_counts().sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ df=MSsoc2_df,
+ x="MSsoc2",
+ y=None,
+ nbins=10,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[5],
+ },
+ labels={
+ "MSsoc2": "pieces focused on surveillance by intelligence agencies"
+ },
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_box(
+ df=df[filter],
+ points="all",
+ x="country",
+ y="MSsoc2",
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[5],
+ },
+ labels={
+ "MSsoc2": "pieces focused on
surveillance by intelligence agencies"
+ },
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ MSsoc1_list = df[filter]["MSsoc1"].to_list()
+ MSsoc2_list = df[filter]["MSsoc2"].to_list()
+ MSsoc1_sum = int(df[filter]["MSsoc1"].sum())
+ MSsoc2_sum = int(df[filter]["MSsoc2"].sum())
+ try:
+ MSsoc12_ratio = MSsoc2_sum / MSsoc1_sum
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ MSsoc12_ratio = 0
+ st.write("### Comparison between `[MSsoc1]` and `[MSsoc2]`")
+ st.write(
+ f"""
+Out of a total of __{MSsoc1_sum}__ pieces written on intelligence,
+__{MSsoc2_sum}__ or __{MSsoc12_ratio:.1%}__ have foused on surveillance
+by intelligence agencies given the current filter.
+ """
+ )
+ df_comp = df[filter][["MSsoc1", "country"]].dropna()
+ df_comp["subject"] = "all pieces on
+ df_comp = df_comp.append(df[filter][["MSsoc2", "country"]].dropna())
+ df_comp["subject"] = np.where(
+ df_comp["MSsoc2"].notnull(),
+ "pieces focused
on surveillance
by intelligence",
+ "all pieces on
+ )
+ df_comp["pieces"] = df_comp.loc[:, ["MSsoc1", "MSsoc2"]].sum(axis=1)
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_box(
+ df=df_comp,
+ points="all",
+ x="subject",
+ y="pieces",
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[4],
+ },
+ labels={"pieces": "journalistic pieces"},
+ ),
+ config=chart_config,
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### How regularly do you report on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[MSsoc3]`"
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSsoc3_counts = df[filter]["MSsoc3"].value_counts()
+ print_total(MSsoc3_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_go_pie(
+ labels=MSsoc3_counts.sort_index().index,
+ values=MSsoc3_counts.sort_index().values,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### When covering surveillance by intelligence agencies, which topics usually prompt you to write an article? `[MSsoc4]`"
+ )
+ answered_by("media")
+ MSsoc4_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+ MSsoc4_options = [
+ "follow_up_on_other_media",
+ "statements_government",
+ "oversight_reports",
+ "leaks",
+ "own_investigations",
+ "dont_know",
+ "prefer_not_to_say",
+ "other",
+ ]
+ MSsoc4_options_clean = [
+ "Follow-up on other media",
+ "Statements by Government",
+ "Oversight reports",
+ "Leaked material",
+ "Own investigations",
+ "I don't know",
+ "I prefer not to say",
+ "Other",
+ ]
+ for option, option_clean in zip(MSsoc4_options, MSsoc4_options_clean):
+ MSsoc4_data = df[filter]["country"][df[f"MSsoc4[{option}]"] == 1].tolist()
+ for i in MSsoc4_data:
+ MSsoc4_df = MSsoc4_df.append(
+ {"option": option_clean, "count": MSsoc4_data.count(i), "country": i},
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ MSsoc4_df = MSsoc4_df.drop_duplicates()
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ MSsoc4_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[4],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ marginal=None,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### When covering surveillance by intelligence agencies, which of the following topics to you report on frequently? `[MSsoc5]`"
+ )
+ MSsoc5_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+ MSsoc5_options = [
+ "national_security_risks",
+ "intelligence_success",
+ "intelligence_misconduct",
+ "oversight_interventions",
+ "oversight_failures",
+ "policy_debates_leg_reforms",
+ "other",
+ ]
+ MSsoc5_options_clean = [
+ "National security risks",
+ "Successful intelligence
+ "Misconduct by intelligence",
+ "Oversight interventions",
+ "Oversight failures",
+ "Policy debates and/or
legilsative reform",
+ "Other",
+ ]
+ for option, option_clean in zip(MSsoc5_options, MSsoc5_options_clean):
+ MSsoc5_data = df[filter]["country"][df[f"MSsoc5[{option}]"] == 1].tolist()
+ for i in MSsoc5_data:
+ MSsoc5_df = MSsoc5_df.append(
+ {"option": option_clean, "count": MSsoc5_data.count(i), "country": i},
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ MSsoc5_df = MSsoc5_df.drop_duplicates()
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ MSsoc5_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[4],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ marginal=None,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write("# Transnational Scope")
+ st.write(
+ "### How often does your work on surveillance by intelligence agencies cover a transnational angle? `[MStrans1]`"
+ )
+ MStrans1_counts = df[filter]["MStrans1"].value_counts().sort_index()
+ answered_by("media")
+ print_total(MStrans1_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_go_pie(
+ labels=MStrans1_counts.sort_index().index,
+ values=MStrans1_counts.sort_index().values,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### How often do you collaborate with colleagues covering other countries when working on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[MStrans2]`"
+ )
+ MStrans2_counts = df[filter]["MStrans2"].value_counts().sort_index()
+ answered_by("media")
+ print_total(MStrans2_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_go_pie(
+ labels=MStrans2_counts.sort_index().index,
+ values=MStrans2_counts.sort_index().values,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ config=chart_config,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### Have those collaborations included an investigative research project with colleagues from abroad? `[MStrans3]`"
+ )
+ MStrans3_counts = df[filter]["MStrans3"].value_counts()
+ answered_by("media")
+ print_total(MStrans3_counts.sum())
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_pie(
+ MStrans3_counts,
+ values=MStrans3_counts,
+ names=MStrans3_counts.index,
+ color=MStrans3_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": colors[0],
+ "Yes": colors[2],
+ "I don't know": colors[4],
+ "I prefer not to say": colors[5],
+ },
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write("# Perceived Impact")
+ st.write(
+ "### When you think about public responses to your articles on intelligence agencies by readers and colleagues, did you receive any of the following forms of public feedback or engagement? `[MSimpact1]`"
+ )
+ MSimpact1_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+ options = [
+ "above_avg_comments",
+ "above_avg_shares",
+ "above_avg_readers",
+ "letters_to_the_editor",
+ "follow_up_by_other_media",
+ "other",
+ "none_of_the_above",
+ "dont_know",
+ "prefer_not_to_say",
+ ]
+ options_clean = [
+ "An above average number of comments",
+ "An above average number of shares",
+ "An above average number of readers",
+ "Letters to the editor",
+ "Follow-up reporting by other media",
+ "Other",
+ "None of the above",
+ "I don't know",
+ "I prefer not to say",
+ ]
+ print(df[filter]["country"][df["MSimpact1[above_avg_comments]"]])
+ for option, option_clean in zip(options, options_clean):
+ MSimpact1_data = df[filter]["country"][df[f"MSimpact1[{option}]"] == 1].tolist()
+ for i in MSimpact1_data:
+ MSimpact1_df = MSimpact1_df.append(
+ {
+ "option": option_clean,
+ "count": MSimpact1_data.count(i),
+ "country": i,
+ },
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ MSimpact1_df = MSimpact1_df.drop_duplicates()
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ MSimpact1_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[4],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ marginal=None,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
+ # =======================================================================
+ st.write(
+ "### When you think of responses to your articles on intelligence agencies by administrations or policy makers, did your reporting contribute to any of the following forms of political action? `[MSimpact2]`"
+ )
+ MSimpact2_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+ options = [
+ "diplomatic_pressure",
+ "civic_action",
+ "conversations_with_government",
+ "official_inquiries",
+ "government_statements",
+ "conversations_with_intelligence",
+ "dont_know",
+ "prefer_not_to_say",
+ "other",
+ ]
+ options_clean = [
+ "My reporting led to
diplomatic pressure being exercised",
+ "My reporting spurred
civic action",
+ "My reporting led to
a conversation with policy makers",
+ "My reporting spurred
official inquiries",
+ "My reporting prompted
the government to issue a public statement",
+ "My reporting led to
a conversation with intelligence practitioners",
+ "I don't know",
+ "I prefer not to say",
+ "Other",
+ ]
+ for option, option_clean in zip(options, options_clean):
+ MSimpact2_data = df[filter]["country"][df[f"MSimpact2[{option}]"] == 1].tolist()
+ for i in MSimpact2_data:
+ MSimpact2_df = MSimpact2_df.append(
+ {
+ "option": option_clean,
+ "count": MSimpact2_data.count(i),
+ "country": i,
+ },
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+ MSimpact2_df = MSimpact2_df.drop_duplicates()
+ st.plotly_chart(
+ gen_px_histogram(
+ MSimpact2_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": colors[0],
+ "France": colors[2],
+ "United Kingdom": colors[4],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ marginal=None,
+ font_size=11,
+ ),
+ use_container_width=True,
+ )
# ===========================================================================
# Protection
# ===========================================================================
@@ -1791,7 +2343,6 @@ def callback():
"### The following four statements are about **intelligence agencies**. Please select the statement you most agree with, based on your national context."
attitude1_counts = df[filter]["attitude1"].value_counts().sort_index()
@@ -1817,7 +2368,6 @@ def callback():
"A1: Intelligence oversight generally succeeds
in uncovering past misconduct and preventing
future misconduct"
] = 0
- print(attitude2_counts)
diff --git a/scripts/clean.py b/scripts/clean.py
index 28b8435..13ec359 100755
--- a/scripts/clean.py
+++ b/scripts/clean.py
@@ -241,10 +241,50 @@ def construct_ms_df():
"MSfoi5[SQ07]": "MSfoi5[other]",
"MSfoi5[SQ08]": "MSfoi5[dont_know]",
"MSfoi5[SQ09]": "MSfoi5[prefer_not_to_say]",
- # "MSfoi5specify": "MSfoi5other",
+ "MSapp1": "MSMSapp1",
+ "MSapp2": "MSMSapp2",
+ "MSsoc1": "MSMSsoc1",
+ "MSsoc2": "MSMSsoc2",
+ "MSsoc4": "MSMSsoc3",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ01]": "MSMSsoc4[follow_up_on_other_media]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ02]": "MSMSsoc4[statements_government]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ03]": "MSMSsoc4[oversight_reports]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ04]": "MSMSsoc4[leaks]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ05]": "MSMSsoc4[own_investigations]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ07]": "MSMSsoc4[dont_know]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ08]": "MSMSsoc4[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSsoc5[SQ09]": "MSMSsoc4[other]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ01]": "MSMSsoc5[national_security_risks]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ02]": "MSMSsoc5[intelligence_success]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ03]": "MSMSsoc5[intelligence_misconduct]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ04]": "MSMSsoc5[oversight_interventions]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ05]": "MSMSsoc5[oversight_failures]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ06]": "MSMSsoc5[policy_debates_leg_reforms]",
+ "MSsoc6[SQ07]": "MSMSsoc5[other]",
+ "MStrans1": "MSMStrans1",
+ "MStrans2": "MSMStrans2",
+ "MStrans3": "MSMStrans3",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ01]": "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_comments]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ02]": "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_shares]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ03]": "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_readers]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ04]": "MSMSimpact1[letters_to_the_editor]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ05]": "MSMSimpact1[follow_up_by_other_media]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ06]": "MSMSimpact1[other]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ07]": "MSMSimpact1[none_of_the_above]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ08]": "MSMSimpact1[dont_know]",
+ "MSimpact1[SQ09]": "MSMSimpact1[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ01]": "MSMSimpact2[diplomatic_pressure]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ02]": "MSMSimpact2[civic_action]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ03]": "MSMSimpact2[conversations_with_government]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ04]": "MSMSimpact2[official_inquiries]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ05]": "MSMSimpact2[government_statements]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ06]": "MSMSimpact2[conversations_with_intelligence]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ08]": "MSMSimpact2[dont_know]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ09]": "MSMSimpact2[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ10]": "MSMSimpact2[other]",
+ "MSimpact2[SQ11]": "MSMSimpact2[none_of_the_above]",
"MScontstraintinter1": "MSconstraintinter1",
"MSprotectleg2A": "MSprotectleg2",
- # "MSprotectleg2Ano": "MSprotectleg2no",
"MSprotectops1[SQ01]": "MSprotectops1[sectraining]",
"MSprotectops1[SQ03]": "MSprotectops1[e2e]",
"MSprotectops3[SQ01]": "MSprotectops3[encrypted_email]",
@@ -271,14 +311,12 @@ def construct_ms_df():
"MSconstraintinter5[SQ01]": "MSconstraintinter5[unsolicited_information]",
"MSconstraintinter5[SQ02]": "MSconstraintinter5[invitations]",
"MSconstraintinter5[SQ03]": "MSconstraintinter5[other]",
- # "MSconstraintinter5ot": "MSconstraintinter5other",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ01]": "MSconstraintinter6[gender]",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ02]": "MSconstraintinter6[ethnicity]",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ03]": "MSconstraintinter6[political]",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ04]": "MSconstraintinter6[sexual]",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ05]": "MSconstraintinter6[religious]",
"MSconstraintinter6[SQ06]": "MSconstraintinter6[other]",
- # "MSconstraintinter6ot": "MSconstraintinter6other",
"MSattitude3[SQ01]": "MSattitude3[rule_of_law]",
"MSattitude3[SQ02]": "MSattitude3[civil_liberties]",
"MSattitude3[SQ03]": "MSattitude3[effectiveness_of_intel]",
@@ -331,7 +369,47 @@ def construct_ms_df():
- # "MSfoi5other",
+ "MSMSapp1",
+ "MSMSapp2",
+ "MSMSsoc1",
+ "MSMSsoc2",
+ "MSMSsoc3",
+ "MSMSsoc4[follow_up_on_other_media]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[statements_government]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[oversight_reports]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[leaks]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[own_investigations]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[dont_know]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSMSsoc4[other]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[national_security_risks]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[intelligence_success]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[intelligence_misconduct]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[oversight_interventions]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[oversight_failures]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[policy_debates_leg_reforms]",
+ "MSMSsoc5[other]",
+ "MSMStrans1",
+ "MSMStrans2",
+ "MSMStrans3",
+ "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_comments]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_shares]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[above_avg_readers]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[letters_to_the_editor]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[follow_up_by_other_media]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[other]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[none_of_the_above]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[dont_know]",
+ "MSMSimpact1[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[diplomatic_pressure]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[civic_action]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[conversations_with_government]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[official_inquiries]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[government_statements]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[conversations_with_intelligence]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[dont_know]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[prefer_not_to_say]",
+ "MSMSimpact2[other]",
@@ -605,6 +683,54 @@ def construct_ms_df():
+df["MSapp1"] = df["MSapp1"].replace(
+ {
+ "AO01": "Yes",
+ "AO02": "No",
+ "AO03": "I don't know",
+ }
+df["MSapp2"] = df["MSapp2"].replace(
+ {
+ "AO01": "Yes",
+ "AO02": "No",
+ "AO03": "I don't know",
+ }
+df["MStrans1"] = df["MStrans1"].replace(
+ {
+ "AO001": "A1: Always",
+ "AO002": "A2: Often (75% of the time)",
+ "AO003": "A3: Sometimes (50% of the time)",
+ "AO004": "A4: Rarely (25% of the time)",
+ "AO005": "A5: Never",
+ "AO006": "A6: I don't know",
+ "AO007": "A7: I prefer not to say",
+ }
+df["MStrans2"] = df["MStrans2"].replace(
+ {
+ "AO01": "A1: Always",
+ "AO02": "A2: Often (75% of the time)",
+ "AO03": "A3: Sometimes (50% of the time)",
+ "AO04": "A4: Rarely (25% of the time)",
+ "AO05": "A5: Never",
+ "AO06": "A6: I don't know",
+ "AO07": "A7: I prefer not to say",
+ }
+df["MStrans3"] = df["MStrans3"].replace(
+ {
+ "AO01": "Yes",
+ "AO02": "No",
+ "AO03": "I don't know",
+ "AO04": "I prefer not to say",
+ }
df["protectops1[sectraining]"] = df["protectops1[sectraining]"].replace(
"AO01": "Yes",
@@ -855,10 +981,10 @@ def construct_ms_df():
or col.startswith("attitude3")
or col.startswith("hr3")
- or col.startswith("soc5")
- or col.startswith("soc6")
- or col.startswith("impact1")
- or col.startswith("impact2")
+ or col.startswith("MSsoc4")
+ or col.startswith("MSsoc5")
+ or col.startswith("MSimpact1")
+ or col.startswith("MSimpact2")
or col.startswith("attitude3")
df[col] = df[col].replace(np.nan, False)