diff --git a/explorer/merged.py b/explorer/merged.py
index 13ad765..252e089 100644
--- a/explorer/merged.py
+++ b/explorer/merged.py
@@ -3,38 +3,90 @@
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
-import phik
-import base64
-from io import BytesIO
-# Factors to filter by (CS & MS)
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# country
-# ----------------------+----------------------
-# CShr1 | MShr1 hr1
-# CSgender | MSgender gender
-# CSattitude1-6 | MSattitude1-6 attitude1-6
-# Factors to compare (CS & MS)
-# ----------------------+----------------------
-# CShr2 | MShr2 hr2
-# CSexpertise1-4 | MSexpertise1-4 expertise1-4
-# CSfinance1 | MSfinance1 finance1
-# CSfoi1-4 | MSfoi1-4 foi1-4
-# CSprotectops2-4 | MSprotectops2-4 protectops2-4
-# CSprotectleg1-3 | MSprotectleg1-3 protectleg1-3
-# CSconstraintinter1-6 | MSconstraintinter1-6 constraintinter1-6
+from pathlib import Path
+from lib.figures import (
+ generate_pie_chart,
+ generate_histogram,
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart,
+ generate_ranking_plot,
+from lib.download import (
+ get_csv_download_link,
+ get_excel_download_link,
+# Helper functions
+def render_pie_chart(
+ df,
+ values,
+ names,
+ color=None,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ color_discrete_map=None,
+ hover_name=None,
+ return generate_pie_chart(
+ df,
+ values,
+ names,
+ hover_name,
+ color,
+ color_discrete_sequence,
+ color_discrete_map,
+ )
+def render_histogram(df, x, y, nbins, color, color_discrete_map, labels):
+ return generate_histogram(df, x, y, nbins, color, color_discrete_map, labels)
+def render_stacked_bar_chart(data):
+ return generate_stacked_bar_chart(data)
+def render_ranking_plot(input_col):
+ return generate_ranking_plot(df[filter], input_col, bodies, scoring)
+def read_markdown_file(file):
+ return Path(file).read_text()
+def get_corr_matrix(df):
+ df = pd.read_pickle("./data/merged_corr.pkl")
+ fig = px.imshow(df, zmin=0, zmax=1, color_continuous_scale="viridis", height=1300)
+ return fig
+def get_significance_matrix(df):
+ df = pd.read_pickle("./data/merged_sig.pkl")
+ fig = px.imshow(df, zmin=-5, zmax=5, color_continuous_scale="viridis", height=1300)
+ return fig
# General configuration
page_title="IOI Survey Data Explorer (CS & MS)",
- layout="wide",
- initial_sidebar_state="expanded",
-st.title("IOI Survey Data Explorer (CS & MS)")
# Data wrangling
@@ -398,16 +450,21 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
return df
-# Merge CS with MS
+# Define base DataFrame (Merge CS with MS)
df_cs = get_merged_cs_df()
df_ms = get_merged_ms_df()
df = pd.concat([df_cs, df_ms], ignore_index=True)
# Make answers human-readable
# Helper variables needed when answers are coded differently in the respective
# survey types or languages
is_civsoc = df.surveytype == "Civil Society Scrutiny"
@@ -732,8 +789,8 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
df["attitude2"] = df["attitude2"].replace(
"AO01": "Intelligence oversight generally succeeds in uncovering
past misconduct and preventing future misconduct",
- "AO02": "Intelligence oversight is mostly effective, however its
institutional design needs reform for oversight practitioners to reliably
uncover past misconduct and prevent future misconduct",
- "AO03": "Intelligence oversight lacks efficacy, hence a fundamental
reorganization of oversight capacity is needed for oversight practitioners
to reliably uncover past misconduct and prevent future misconduct",
+ "AO02": "Intelligence oversight is mostly effective, however its
institutional design needs reform for oversight practitioners
to reliably uncover past misconduct and prevent future
+ "AO03": "Intelligence oversight lacks efficacy, hence a fundamental
reorganization of oversight capacity is needed for oversight
practitioners to reliably uncover past misconduct and
prevent future misconduct",
"AO04": "Effective intelligence oversight is a hopeless endeavour
and even a systematic reorganization is unlikely to ensure
misconduct is uncovered and prevented.",
"AO05": "I prefer not to say",
@@ -765,9 +822,11 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
# Make answers analysable (change data types etc.)
df["hr2"] = df["hr2"].replace("?", np.nan)
df["hr2"] = df["hr2"].replace("0,5", 0.5)
df["hr2"] = pd.to_numeric(df["hr2"], errors="coerce")
@@ -788,10 +847,12 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
df[col] = df[col].replace("Y", True)
df[col] = df[col].astype("bool")
# Filter logic
-# TODO filter by attitudes1-2
filters = {
"surveytype": st.sidebar.selectbox(
"Survey type", ["All", "Civil Society Scrutiny", "Media Scrutiny"]
@@ -799,28 +860,6 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
"country": st.sidebar.selectbox(
"Country", ["All", "United Kingdom", "Germany", "France"]
- "hr1": st.sidebar.selectbox(
- "Employment status",
- [
- "All",
- "Full-time",
- "Part-time (>50%)",
- "Part-time (<50%)",
- "Freelance",
- "Unpaid",
- "Other",
- ],
- ),
- "gender": st.sidebar.selectbox(
- "Self-identified gender",
- [
- "All",
- "Female",
- "Non-binary",
- "Male",
- "Other",
- ],
- ),
filter = np.full(len(df.index), True)
@@ -830,303 +869,292 @@ def get_merged_ms_df():
filter = filter & (df[column_name] == selectbox)
-# Provide download links
-# Save a useful snapshot of the merged data
-def get_csv_download_link(df):
- """Generates a link allowing the data in a given panda dataframe to be downloaded
- in: dataframe
- out: href string
- """
- csv = df.to_csv(index=False)
- b64 = base64.b64encode(
- csv.encode()
- ).decode() # some strings <-> bytes conversions necessary here
- href = f'Download as CSV file'
- return href
+# Save a useful snapshot of the merged data (comment out for production)
-def to_excel(df):
- output = BytesIO()
- writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter")
- df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sheet1")
- writer.save()
- processed_data = output.getvalue()
- return processed_data
+# df.to_pickle("./data/merged.pkl")
+# df.to_excel("./data/merged.xlsx")
+# df.to_csv("./data/merged.csv")
-def get_excel_download_link(df):
- """Generates a link allowing the data in a given panda dataframe to be downloaded
- in: dataframe
- out: href string
- """
- val = to_excel(df)
- b64 = base64.b64encode(val)
- return f'Download as Excel file'
+# Custom CSS
-st.write(get_csv_download_link(df), unsafe_allow_html=True)
-st.write(get_excel_download_link(df), unsafe_allow_html=True)
-# Display table
-st.dataframe(df[filter], height=1000)
+ """ """,
+ unsafe_allow_html=True,
# Display dynamic charts
-# Correlation matrix (Phi_k)
-def get_corr_matrix(df):
- df = pd.read_pickle("./data/merged_corr.pkl")
- fig = px.imshow(df, zmin=0, zmax=1, color_continuous_scale="viridis", height=1300)
- return fig
+st.title("IOI Survey Data Explorer (CS & MS)")
+st.write("# General")
-def get_significance_matrix(df):
- df = pd.read_pickle("./data/merged_sig.pkl")
- fig = px.imshow(df, zmin=-5, zmax=5, color_continuous_scale="viridis", height=1300)
- return fig
+merged_markdown = read_markdown_file("explorer/markdown/merged.md")
+st.markdown(merged_markdown, unsafe_allow_html=True)
- "# Correlation Matrix (Phik `φK`) \nPhik (φk) is a new and practical correlation coefficient that works consistently between categorical, ordinal and interval variables, captures non-linear dependency and reverts to the Pearson correlation coefficient in case of a bivariate normal input distribution. There is extensive documentation available [here](https://phik.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)"
+st.write("### Country `[country]`")
+country_counts = df[filter]["country"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=country_counts,
+ names=country_counts.index,
+ )
-fig_corr = get_corr_matrix(df)
-st.plotly_chart(fig_corr, use_container_width=True)
-st.write("# Significance Matrix")
- body="When assessing correlations it is good practise to evaluate both the correlation and the significance of the correlation: a large correlation may be statistically insignificant, and vice versa a small correlation may be very significant. For instance, scipy.stats.pearsonr returns both the pearson correlation and the p-value. Similarly, the phik package offers functionality the calculate a significance matrix. Significance is defined as: "
- body="$Z=\Phi^{-1}(1-p); \Phi(z)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{z} e^{-t^{2}/2}\,dt$"
+st.write("### Surveytype `[surveytype]`")
+surveytype_counts = df[filter]["surveytype"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=surveytype_counts,
+ names=surveytype_counts.index,
+ )
-fig_sig = get_significance_matrix(df)
-st.plotly_chart(fig_sig, use_container_width=True)
+st.write("# Resources")
+st.write("## Human Resources")
-# Pie chart (country)
-st.write("Country `[country]`")
-country_counts = df[filter]["country"].value_counts()
-country_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=country_counts,
- names=country_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+st.write("### What is your employment status `[hr1]`")
+hr1_counts = df[filter]["hr1"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ hr1_counts,
+ values=hr1_counts,
+ names=hr1_counts.index,
+ color=hr1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Full-time": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[0],
+ "Part-time (>50%)": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "Part-time (<50%)": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "Freelance": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[4],
+ "Other": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie chart (surveytype)
-st.write("Surveytype `[surveytype]`")
-surveytype_counts = df[filter]["surveytype"].value_counts()
-surveytype_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=surveytype_counts,
- names=surveytype_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ "### How many days per month do you work on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[hr2]`"
+ render_histogram(
+ df=df[filter],
+ x="hr2",
+ y=None,
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"hr2": "days per month"},
+ )
+st.write("## Expertise")
-# Pie chart (hr1)
-st.write("Employment status `[hr1]`")
-hr1_counts = df[filter]["hr1"].value_counts()
-hr1_fig = px.pie(
- hr1_counts,
- values=hr1_counts,
- hover_name=hr1_counts.index,
- names=hr1_counts.index,
- color=hr1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "Full-time": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[0],
- "Part-time (>50%)": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "Part-time (<50%)": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- "Freelance": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[4],
- "Other": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
-# Histogram (hr2)
- "How many days per month do you work on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[hr2]`"
-hr2_fig = px.histogram(
- df[filter],
- x="hr2",
- labels={"hr2": "days per month"},
- color="country",
- color_discrete_map={
- "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
- "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
- },
-# Histogram (expertise1)
- "How many years have you spent working on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[expertise1]`"
+ "### How many years have you spent working on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[expertise1]`"
+ render_histogram(
+ df[filter],
+ x="expertise1",
+ y=None,
+ nbins=20,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"expertise1": "years"},
+ )
-expertise1_fig = px.histogram(
- df[filter],
- x="expertise1",
- nbins=20,
- labels={"expertise1": "years"},
- color="country",
- color_discrete_map={
- "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
- "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
- },
-# Pie chart (expertise2)
- "How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **legal** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies? For example, knowledge of intelligence law, case law. `[expertise2]`"
+ "### How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **legal** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies? For example, knowledge of intelligence law, case law. `[expertise2]`"
expertise2_counts = df[filter]["expertise2"].value_counts()
-expertise2_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=expertise2_counts,
- names=expertise2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=expertise2_counts,
+ names=expertise2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=None,
+ color=expertise2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Expert knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Advanced knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Some knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Basic knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "No knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie chart (expertise3)
- "How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **political** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies?` [expertise3]`"
+ "### How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **political** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies?` [expertise3]`"
expertise3_counts = df[filter]["expertise3"].value_counts()
-expertise3_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=expertise3_counts,
- names=expertise3_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=expertise3_counts,
+ names=expertise3_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=None,
+ color=expertise3_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Expert knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Advanced knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Some knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Basic knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "No knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie chart (expertise4)
- "How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **technical** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies?` [expertise4]`"
+ "### How do you assess your level of expertise concerning the **technical** aspects of surveillance by intelligence agencies?` [expertise4]`"
expertise4_counts = df[filter]["expertise4"].value_counts()
-expertise4_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=expertise4_counts,
- names=expertise4_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=expertise4_counts,
+ names=expertise4_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=None,
+ color=expertise4_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Expert knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Advanced knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Some knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Basic knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "No knowledge": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie Chart (finance1)
+st.write("## Financial Resources")
- "How do you assess the financial resources that have been available for your work on intelligence over the past 5 years? `[finance1]`"
+ "### How do you assess the financial resources that have been available for your work on intelligence over the past 5 years? `[finance1]`"
finance1_counts = df[filter]["finance1"].value_counts()
-finance1_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=finance1_counts,
- names=finance1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=finance1_counts,
+ names=finance1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=None,
+ color=finance1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "A great deal of funding": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Sufficient funding": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Some funding": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Little funding": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "No funding": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie Chart (foi1)
+st.write("## Freedom of Information")
- "Have you requested information under the national Freedom of Information Law when you worked on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years? `[foi1]`"
+ "### Have you requested information under the national FOI law when you worked on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years? `[foi1]`"
foi1_counts = df[filter]["foi1"].value_counts()
-foi1_fig = px.pie(
- foi1_counts,
- values=foi1_counts,
- names=foi1_counts.index,
- color=foi1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- "Yes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
-# Histogram (foi2)
-st.write("How often did you request information? `[foi2]`")
-foi2_fig = px.histogram(
- df[filter],
- x="foi2",
- nbins=10,
- labels={"foi2": "Number of requests"},
- color="country",
- color_discrete_map={
- "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
- "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
- },
-# Pie Chart (foi3)
+ render_pie_chart(
+ foi1_counts,
+ values=foi1_counts,
+ names=foi1_counts.index,
+ color=foi1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Yes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
+st.write("### How often did you request information? `[foi2]`")
+ render_histogram(
+ df[filter],
+ x="foi2",
+ y=None,
+ nbins=10,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"foi2": "Number of requests"},
+ )
- "Over the past 5 years, did you receive a response to your FOI request(s) in a timely manner? `[foi3]`"
+ "### Over the past 5 years, did you receive a response to your FOI request(s) in a timely manner? `[foi3]`"
foi3_counts = df[filter]["foi3"].value_counts()
-foi3_fig = px.pie(
- foi3_counts,
- values=foi3_counts,
- names=foi3_counts.index,
- color=foi3_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "Never": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
- "No, usually longer than 30 days": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- "Yes, within 30 days": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
-# Pie Chart (foi4)
+ render_pie_chart(
+ foi3_counts,
+ values=foi3_counts,
+ names=foi3_counts.index,
+ color=foi3_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Never": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "No, usually longer than 30 days": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Yes, within 30 days": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
- "How helpful have Freedom of Information requests been for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[foi4]`"
+ "### How helpful have Freedom of Information requests been for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[foi4]`"
protectops2_counts = df[filter]["foi4"].value_counts()
-protectops2_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=protectops2_counts,
- names=protectops2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=protectops2_counts,
+ names=protectops2_counts.index,
+ )
-# Histogram (foi5)
- "Why haven’t you requested information under the national FOI law when you reported on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years? `[foi5]`"
+ "### Why haven’t you requested information under the national FOI law when you reported on intelligence-related issues over the past 5 years? `[foi5]`"
-# TODO add proper labels
foi5_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+# TODO Map proper labels
for label in [
@@ -1144,25 +1172,30 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
{"option": label, "count": foi5_data.count(i), "country": i},
foi5_df = foi5_df.drop_duplicates()
-foi5_fig = px.histogram(
- foi5_df,
- x="option",
- y="count",
- color="country",
- color_discrete_map={
- "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
- "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
- },
- labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
-# Stacked Bar Chart (protectops1)
+ render_histogram(
+ foi5_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ )
+st.write("# Protection")
+st.write("## Operational Protection")
- "Have you taken any of the following measures to protect your datas from attacks and surveillance? `[protectops1]`"
+ "### Have you taken any of the following measures to protect your datas from attacks and surveillance? `[protectops1]`"
protectops1_options = [
"Participation in digital security training",
@@ -1195,57 +1228,50 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-protectops1_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Yes",
- x=protectops1_options,
- y=protectops1_yes,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="No",
- x=protectops1_options,
- y=protectops1_no,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I don't know",
- x=protectops1_options,
- y=protectops1_dont_know,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I prefer not to say",
- x=protectops1_options,
- y=protectops1_prefer_not_to_say,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- ),
- ],
- width=800,
- height=800,
- barmode="stack",
-# Pie chart (protectops2)
-st.write("Were any of these measures provided by your employer? `[protectops2]`")
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=protectops1_options,
+ y=protectops1_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=protectops1_options,
+ y=protectops1_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=protectops1_options,
+ y=protectops1_dont_know,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=protectops1_options,
+ y=protectops1_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("### Were any of these measures provided by your employer? `[protectops2]`")
protectops2_counts = df[filter]["protectops2"].value_counts()
-protectops2_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=protectops2_counts,
- names=protectops2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=protectops2_counts,
+ names=protectops2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ )
-# Stacked bar chart (protectops3)
- "How important is the use of the following technical tools for you to protect your communications, your online activities and the data you handle? `[protectops3]`"
+ "### How important is the use of the following technical tools for you to protect your communications, your online activities and the data you handle? `[protectops3]`"
protectops3_options = [
"Encrypted Email",
@@ -1295,118 +1321,123 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-protectops3_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Very important",
- x=protectops3_options,
- y=protectops3_very_important,
- marker_color="#581845",
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="Somewhat important",
- x=protectops3_options,
- y=protectops3_somewhat_important,
- marker_color="#900C3F",
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="Important",
- x=protectops3_options,
- y=protectops3_important,
- marker_color="#C70039",
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="Slightly important",
- x=protectops3_options,
- y=protectops3_slightly_important,
- marker_color="#FF5733",
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="Not important at all",
- x=protectops3_options,
- y=protectops3_not_important,
- marker_color="#FFC300",
- ),
- ],
-protectops3_fig.update_layout(width=800, height=800, barmode="stack")
-# Pie chart (protectops4)
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Very important",
+ x=protectops3_options,
+ y=protectops3_very_important,
+ marker_color="#581845",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Somewhat important",
+ x=protectops3_options,
+ y=protectops3_somewhat_important,
+ marker_color="#900C3F",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Important",
+ x=protectops3_options,
+ y=protectops3_important,
+ marker_color="#C70039",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Slightly important",
+ x=protectops3_options,
+ y=protectops3_slightly_important,
+ marker_color="#FF5733",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Not important at all",
+ x=protectops3_options,
+ y=protectops3_not_important,
+ marker_color="#FFC300",
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
- "Which of the following statements best describes your level of confidence in the protection offered by technological tools? `[protectops4]`"
+ "### Which of the following statements best describes your level of confidence in the protection offered by technological tools? `[protectops4]`"
protectops4_counts = df[filter]["protectops4"].value_counts()
-protectops4_fig = px.pie(
- protectops4_counts,
- values=protectops4_counts,
- names=protectops4_counts.index,
- color=protectops4_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "I have full confidence that the right tools
will protect my communication from surveillance": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
- 4
- ],
- "Technological tools help to protect my identity
to some extent, but an attacker with sufficient power
may eventually be able to bypass my technological
safeguards": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
- 5
- ],
- "Under the current conditions of communications
surveillance, technological solutions cannot offer
sufficient protection for the data I handle": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
- 6
- ],
- "I have no confidence in the protection offered by
technological tools": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
- 7
- ],
- "I try to avoid technology-based communication whenever
possible when I work on intelligence-related issues": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
- 8
- ],
- "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
+ render_pie_chart(
+ protectops4_counts,
+ values=protectops4_counts,
+ names=protectops4_counts.index,
+ color=protectops4_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "I have full confidence that the right tools
will protect my communication from surveillance": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 4
+ ],
+ "Technological tools help to protect my identity
to some extent, but an attacker with sufficient power
may eventually be able to bypass my technological
safeguards": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 5
+ ],
+ "Under the current conditions of communications
surveillance, technological solutions cannot offer
sufficient protection for the data I handle": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 6
+ ],
+ "I have no confidence in the protection offered by
technological tools": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 7
+ ],
+ "I try to avoid technology-based communication whenever
possible when I work on intelligence-related issues": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 8
+ ],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
+st.write("## Legal Protection")
-# Pie chart (protectleg1)
- "When working on intelligence-related issues, do you feel you have reason to be concerned about surveillance of your activities `[protectleg1]`"
+ "### When working on intelligence-related issues, do you feel you have reason to be concerned about surveillance of your activities `[protectleg1]`"
protectleg1_counts = df[filter]["protectleg1"].value_counts()
-protectleg1_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=protectleg1_counts,
- names=protectleg1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=protectleg1_counts,
+ names=protectleg1_counts.index,
+ color=protectleg1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Always": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Often": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Sometimes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Rarely": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "Never": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie chart (protectleg2)
- "Do you regard the existing legal protections against surveillance of your activities in your country as a sufficient safeguard for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[protectleg2]`"
+ "### Do you regard the existing legal protections against surveillance of your activities in your country as a sufficient safeguard for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[protectleg2]`"
protectleg2_counts = df[filter]["protectleg2"].value_counts()
-protectleg2_fig = px.pie(
- protectleg2_counts,
- values=protectleg2_counts,
- names=protectleg2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
- color=protectleg2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- "Yes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
+ render_pie_chart(
+ protectleg2_counts,
+ values=protectleg2_counts,
+ names=protectleg2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ color=protectleg2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Yes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Stacked bar chart (protectleg3)
- "Are any of the following forms of institutional support readily available to you? `[protectleg3]`"
+ "### Are any of the following forms of institutional support readily available to you? `[protectleg3]`"
protectleg3_options = ["Free legal counsel", "Legal cost insurance", "Other"]
protectleg3_yes = []
@@ -1430,65 +1461,66 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-protectleg3_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Yes",
- x=protectleg3_options,
- y=protectleg3_yes,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="No",
- x=protectleg3_options,
- y=protectleg3_no,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I don't know",
- x=protectleg3_options,
- y=protectleg3_dont_know,
- marker_color="#7f7f7f",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I prefer not to say",
- x=protectleg3_options,
- y=protectleg3_prefer_not_to_say,
- marker_color="#525252",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- ],
-protectleg3_fig.update_layout(width=800, height=800, barmode="stack")
-# Pie chart (constraintinter1)
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=protectleg3_options,
+ y=protectleg3_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=protectleg3_options,
+ y=protectleg3_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=protectleg3_options,
+ y=protectleg3_dont_know,
+ marker_color="#7f7f7f",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=protectleg3_options,
+ y=protectleg3_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color="#525252",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("# Constraints")
+st.write("## Interferences")
- "Has your institution or have you yourself been subjected to surveillance by intelligence agencies in the past five years? `[constraintinter1]`"
+ "### Has your institution or have you yourself been subjected to surveillance by intelligence agencies in the past five years? `[constraintinter1]`"
constraintinter1_counts = df[filter]["constraintinter1"].value_counts()
-constraintinter1_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=constraintinter1_counts,
- names=constraintinter1_counts.index,
- color=constraintinter1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_map={
- "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- "Yes, I have evidence": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "Yes, I suspect": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
- },
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=constraintinter1_counts,
+ names=constraintinter1_counts.index,
+ color=constraintinter1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Yes, I have evidence": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "Yes, I suspect": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
-# Pie chart (constraintinter2)
- "In the past 5 years, have you been threatened with prosecution or have you actually been prosecuted for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[constraintinter2]`"
+ "### In the past 5 years, have you been threatened with prosecution or have you actually been prosecuted for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[constraintinter2]`"
constraintinter2_counts = df[filter]["constraintinter2"].value_counts()
@@ -1501,24 +1533,22 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-# Pie chart (constraintinter3)
-st.write("What was the outcome? `[constraintinter3]`")
+st.write("### What was the outcome? `[constraintinter3]`")
constraintinter3_counts = df[filter]["constraintinter3"].value_counts()
-constraintinter3_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=constraintinter3_counts,
- names=constraintinter3_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=constraintinter3_counts,
+ names=constraintinter3_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ )
-# Stacked bar chart (constraintinter4)
- "In the past 5 years, have you experienced any of the following interferences by public authorities in relation to your work on intelligence related topics? `[constraintinter4]`"
+ "### In the past 5 years, have you experienced any of the following interferences by public authorities in relation to your work on intelligence related topics? `[constraintinter4]`"
-# TODO add proper labels
+# TODO Map proper labels
constraintinter4_yes = []
constraintinter4_no = []
constraintinter4_dont_know = []
@@ -1539,44 +1569,41 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=constraintinter4_options,
+ y=constraintinter4_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=constraintinter4_options,
+ y=constraintinter4_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=constraintinter4_options,
+ y=constraintinter4_dont_know,
+ marker_color="#7f7f7f",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=constraintinter4_options,
+ y=constraintinter4_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color="#525252",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
-constraintinter4_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Yes",
- x=constraintinter4_options,
- y=constraintinter4_yes,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="No",
- x=constraintinter4_options,
- y=constraintinter4_no,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I don't know",
- x=constraintinter4_options,
- y=constraintinter4_dont_know,
- marker_color="#7f7f7f",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I prefer not to say",
- x=constraintinter4_options,
- y=constraintinter4_prefer_not_to_say,
- marker_color="#525252",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- ],
-constraintinter4_fig.update_layout(width=800, height=800, barmode="stack")
-# Stacked bar chart (constraintinter5)
- "In the past 5 years, have you been approached by intelligence officials and received... `[constraintinter5]`"
+ "### In the past 5 years, have you been approached by intelligence officials and received... `[constraintinter5]`"
constraintinter5_options = [
"Unsolicited information",
@@ -1604,43 +1631,41 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-constraintinter5_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Yes",
- x=constraintinter5_options,
- y=constraintinter5_yes,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="No",
- x=constraintinter5_options,
- y=constraintinter5_no,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I don't know",
- x=constraintinter5_options,
- y=constraintinter5_dont_know,
- marker_color="#7f7f7f",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I prefer not to say",
- x=constraintinter5_options,
- y=constraintinter5_prefer_not_to_say,
- marker_color="#525252",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- ],
-constraintinter5_fig.update_layout(width=800, height=800, barmode="stack")
-# Stacked bar chart (constraintinter6)
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=constraintinter5_options,
+ y=constraintinter5_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=constraintinter5_options,
+ y=constraintinter5_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=constraintinter5_options,
+ y=constraintinter5_dont_know,
+ marker_color="#7f7f7f",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=constraintinter5_options,
+ y=constraintinter5_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color="#525252",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
- "When working on intelligence-related issues have you ever experienced harassment by security agencies or politicians due to your... `[constraintinter6]`"
+ "### When working on intelligence-related issues have you ever experienced harassment by security agencies or politicians due to your... `[constraintinter6]`"
constraintinter6_options = [
@@ -1671,77 +1696,74 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
-constraintinter6_fig = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Bar(
- name="Yes",
- x=constraintinter6_options,
- y=constraintinter6_yes,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="No",
- x=constraintinter6_options,
- y=constraintinter6_no,
- marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I don't know",
- x=constraintinter6_options,
- y=constraintinter6_dont_know,
- marker_color="#7f7f7f",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- go.Bar(
- name="I prefer not to say",
- x=constraintinter6_options,
- y=constraintinter6_prefer_not_to_say,
- marker_color="#525252",
- opacity=0.8,
- ),
- ],
-constraintinter6_fig.update_layout(width=800, height=800, barmode="stack")
-# 6. Attitudes
-st.write("# Attitudes `[attitude1-6]`")
-# Pie chart attitudes (attitude1)
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=constraintinter6_options,
+ y=constraintinter6_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=constraintinter6_options,
+ y=constraintinter6_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=constraintinter6_options,
+ y=constraintinter6_dont_know,
+ marker_color="#7f7f7f",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=constraintinter6_options,
+ y=constraintinter6_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color="#525252",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("# Attitude")
- "The following four statements are about **intelligence agencies**. Please select the statement you most agree with, based on your national context. `[attitude1]`"
+ "### The following four statements are about **intelligence agencies**. Please select the statement you most agree with, based on your national context. `[attitude1]`"
attitude1_counts = df[filter]["attitude1"].value_counts()
-attitude1_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=attitude1_counts,
- names=attitude1_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
- width=1000,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=attitude1_counts,
+ names=attitude1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ )
# Pie chart attitudes (attitude2)
- "The following four statements are about **intelligence oversight**. Please select the statement you most agree with, based on your national context. `[attitude2]`"
+ "### The following four statements are about **intelligence oversight**. Please select the statement you most agree with, based on your national context. `[attitude2]`"
attitude2_counts = df[filter]["attitude2"].value_counts()
-attitude2_fig = px.pie(
- df[filter],
- values=attitude2_counts,
- names=attitude2_counts.index,
- color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
- width=1000,
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=attitude2_counts,
+ names=attitude2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ )
# Histogram (attitude3)
- "In your personal view, what are the goals of intelligence oversight? Please select the three goals of oversight you subscribe to the most. `[attitude3]`"
+ "### In your personal view, what are the goals of intelligence oversight? Please select the three goals of oversight you subscribe to the most. `[attitude3]`"
attitude3_options = [
@@ -1762,26 +1784,27 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
{"option": label, "count": attitude3_data.count(i), "country": i},
attitude3_df = attitude3_df.drop_duplicates()
-attitude3_fig = px.histogram(
- attitude3_df,
- x="option",
- y="count",
- color="country",
- color_discrete_map={
- "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
- "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
- "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
- },
- labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
-# Helper vars for attitude ranking questions
+ generate_histogram(
+ df=attitude3_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ )
scoring = {1: 6, 2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 3, 5: 2, 6: 1}
-attitude_options = [
+bodies = [
"Parliamentary oversight bodies",
"Judicial oversight bodies",
"Independent expert bodies",
@@ -1790,57 +1813,59 @@ def get_significance_matrix(df):
"CSOs | The media",
+ "### Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **enable public debate** on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[attitude4]`"
-def generate_ranking_plot(input_col):
- input_col_score = pd.Series(index=attitude_options)
- for i in range(1, 7):
- input_col_counts = df[filter][f"{input_col}[{i}]"].value_counts()
- scores = input_col_counts.multiply(scoring[i])
- input_col_score = input_col_score.add(scores, fill_value=0)
- input_col_score = input_col_score.sort_values(ascending=False)
- if i == 1:
- ranked_first = df[filter][f"{input_col}[1]"].value_counts()
- attitude4_ranked_first = pd.DataFrame(
- {"institution": ranked_first.index, "ranked_first": ranked_first.values}
- )
- input_col_df = pd.DataFrame(
- {
- "institution": input_col_score.index,
- "score": input_col_score.values,
- }
- )
- input_col_df = input_col_df.merge(
- attitude4_ranked_first, on="institution", how="left"
- ).fillna(0)
- fig = px.bar(
- input_col_df.sort_values(by="score"),
- y="institution",
- x="score",
- color="ranked_first",
- range_color=[0, 20],
- color_continuous_scale="viridis",
- orientation="h",
- )
- return fig
+ "### Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **contest surveillance** by intelligence agencies? `[attitude5]`"
-# Bar chart (attitude4)
- "Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **enable public debate** on surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[attitude4]`"
+ "### Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **enforce compliance** regarding surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[attitude6]`"
-# Bar chart (attitude5)
+# Appendix
+st.write("# Appendix")
+st.write("## Raw data")
+st.write(get_csv_download_link(df, "merged"), unsafe_allow_html=True)
+st.write(get_excel_download_link(df, "merged"), unsafe_allow_html=True)
+table = st.checkbox("Show data as table")
+if table:
+ st.dataframe(df[filter])
+st.write("## Correlation Matrix (Phik `φK`)")
- "Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **contest surveillance** by intelligence agencies? `[attitude5]`"
+ "Phik (φk) is a new and practical correlation coefficient that works consistently between categorical, ordinal and interval variables, captures non-linear dependency and reverts to the Pearson correlation coefficient in case of a bivariate normal input distribution. There is extensive documentation available [here](https://phik.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)"
+show_corr = st.checkbox("Show correlation matrix")
+if show_corr:
+ fig_corr = get_corr_matrix(df)
+ st.plotly_chart(fig_corr, use_container_width=True)
-# Bar chart (attitude6)
- "Which of the following actors do you trust the most to **enforce compliance** regarding surveillance by intelligence agencies? `[attitude6]`"
+st.write("## Significance Matrix")
+ body="When assessing correlations it is good practise to evaluate both the correlation and the significance of the correlation: a large correlation may be statistically insignificant, and vice versa a small correlation may be very significant. For instance, scipy.stats.pearsonr returns both the pearson correlation and the p-value. Similarly, the phik package offers functionality the calculate a significance matrix. Significance is defined as: "
+ body="$Z=\Phi^{-1}(1-p); \Phi(z)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{z} e^{-t^{2}/2}\,dt$"
+show_sig = st.checkbox("Show significance matrix")
+if show_sig:
+ fig_sig = get_significance_matrix(df)
+ st.plotly_chart(fig_sig, use_container_width=True)