diff --git a/explorer/media.py b/explorer/media.py
index 4842191..d00a390 100644
--- a/explorer/media.py
+++ b/explorer/media.py
@@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ def get_ms_df():
+ "MSprotectleg3other",
@@ -614,13 +615,10 @@ def get_ms_df():
df[f"MSprotectops1[{label}]"] = df[f"MSprotectops1[{label}]"].replace(
- "AO01": "Very important",
- "AO02": "Important",
- "AO03": "Somewhat important",
- "AO04": "Slightly important",
- "AO05": "Not important at all",
- "AO06": "I don't know",
- "AO07": "I prefer not to say",
+ "AO01": "Yes",
+ "AO02": "No",
+ "AO03": "I don't know",
+ "AO04": "I prefer not to say",
@@ -952,9 +950,9 @@ def get_ms_df():
or col.startswith("MSfoi5")
or col.startswith("MSsoc5[")
or col.startswith("MSsoc6[")
- or col.startswith("MSimpact1")
- or col.startswith("MSimpact2")
- or col.startswith("MSattitude3")
+ or col.startswith("MSimpact1[")
+ or col.startswith("MSimpact2[")
+ or col.startswith("MSattitude3[")
df[col] = df[col].replace(np.nan, False)
df[col] = df[col].replace("Y", True)
@@ -1674,6 +1672,365 @@ def get_ms_df():
+ "### When you think of responses to your articles on intelligence agencies by administrations or policy makers, did your reporting contribute to any of the following forms of political action? `[MSimpact2]`"
+MSimpact2_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("option", "count", "country"))
+for label in [
+ "diplomatic_pressure",
+ "civic_action",
+ "conversations_with_government",
+ "official_inquiries",
+ "government_statements",
+ "conversations_with_intelligence",
+ "dont_know",
+ "prefer_not_to_say",
+ "other",
+ MSimpact2_data = df[filter]["country"][df[f"MSimpact2[{label}]"] == 1].tolist()
+ for i in MSimpact2_data:
+ MSimpact2_df = MSimpact2_df.append(
+ {"option": label, "count": MSimpact2_data.count(i), "country": i},
+ ignore_index=True,
+ )
+MSimpact2_df = MSimpact2_df.drop_duplicates()
+ render_histogram(
+ MSsoc6_df,
+ x="option",
+ y="count",
+ nbins=None,
+ color="country",
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Germany": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "France": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[1],
+ "United Kingdom": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ },
+ labels={"count": "people who answered 'Yes'"},
+ )
+st.write("### If you selected ‘other’, please specify `[MSimpact2other]`")
+for i in df[filter]["MSimpact2other"].to_list():
+ if type(i) != float:
+ st.write("- " + i)
+st.write("# Protection")
+st.write("## Operational Protection")
+ "### Have you taken any of the following measures to protect your datas from attacks and surveillance? `[MSprotectops1]`"
+MSprotectops1_options = [
+ "Participation in digital security training",
+ "Provision of secure drop or similar anonymous leaking platform",
+ "Use of E2E encrypted communication channels",
+MSprotectops1_yes = []
+MSprotectops1_no = []
+MSprotectops1_dont_know = []
+MSprotectops1_prefer_not_to_say = []
+for answer in [
+ "Yes",
+ "No",
+ "I don't know",
+ "I prefer not to say",
+ for label in ["sectraining", "secure_drop", "e2e"]:
+ try:
+ count = df[filter][f"MSprotectops1[{label}]"].value_counts()[answer]
+ except KeyError:
+ count = 0
+ if answer == "Yes":
+ MSprotectops1_yes.append(count)
+ elif answer == "No":
+ MSprotectops1_no.append(count)
+ elif answer == "I don't know":
+ MSprotectops1_dont_know.append(count)
+ elif answer == "I prefer not to say":
+ MSprotectops1_prefer_not_to_say.append(count)
+ else:
+ continue
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=MSprotectops1_options,
+ y=MSprotectops1_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=MSprotectops1_options,
+ y=MSprotectops1_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=MSprotectops1_options,
+ y=MSprotectops1_dont_know,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=MSprotectops1_options,
+ y=MSprotectops1_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("### Were any of these measures provided by your employer? `[MSprotectops2]`")
+MSprotectops2_counts = df[filter]["MSprotectops2"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=MSprotectops2_counts,
+ names=MSprotectops2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ )
+ "### How important is the use of the following technical tools for you to protect your communications, your online activities and the data you handle? `[MSprotectops3]`"
+MSprotectops3_options = [
+ "Encrypted Email",
+ "VPN",
+ "Tor",
+ "E2E Messengers",
+ "Encrpyted hardware",
+ "Two-Factor authentication",
+ "Other",
+MSprotectops3_very_important = []
+MSprotectops3_somewhat_important = []
+MSprotectops3_important = []
+MSprotectops3_slightly_important = []
+MSprotectops3_not_important = []
+for importance in [
+ "Very important",
+ "Somewhat important",
+ "Important",
+ "Slightly important",
+ "Not important at all",
+ for label in [
+ "encrypted_email",
+ "vpn",
+ "tor",
+ "e2e_chat",
+ "encrypted_hardware",
+ "2fa",
+ "other",
+ ]:
+ try:
+ count = df[filter][f"MSprotectops3[{label}]"].value_counts()[importance]
+ except KeyError:
+ count = 0
+ if importance == "Very important":
+ MSprotectops3_very_important.append(count)
+ elif importance == "Somewhat important":
+ MSprotectops3_somewhat_important.append(count)
+ elif importance == "Important":
+ MSprotectops3_important.append(count)
+ elif importance == "Slightly important":
+ MSprotectops3_slightly_important.append(count)
+ elif importance == "Not important at all":
+ MSprotectops3_not_important.append(count)
+ else:
+ continue
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Very important",
+ x=MSprotectops3_options,
+ y=MSprotectops3_very_important,
+ marker_color="#581845",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Somewhat important",
+ x=MSprotectops3_options,
+ y=MSprotectops3_somewhat_important,
+ marker_color="#900C3F",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Important",
+ x=MSprotectops3_options,
+ y=MSprotectops3_important,
+ marker_color="#C70039",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Slightly important",
+ x=MSprotectops3_options,
+ y=MSprotectops3_slightly_important,
+ marker_color="#FF5733",
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Not important at all",
+ x=MSprotectops3_options,
+ y=MSprotectops3_not_important,
+ marker_color="#FFC300",
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("### If you selected ‘other’, please specify `[MSprotectops3other]`")
+for i in df[filter]["MSprotectops3other"].to_list():
+ if type(i) != float:
+ st.write("- " + i)
+ "### Which of the following statements best describes your level of confidence in the protection offered by technological tools? `[MSprotectops4]`"
+MSprotectops4_counts = df[filter]["MSprotectops4"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ MSprotectops4_counts,
+ values=MSprotectops4_counts,
+ names=MSprotectops4_counts.index,
+ color=MSprotectops4_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "I have full confidence that the right tools
will protect my communication from surveillance": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 4
+ ],
+ "Technological tools help to protect my identity
to some extent, but an attacker with sufficient power
may eventually be able to bypass my technological
safeguards": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 5
+ ],
+ "Under the current conditions of communications
surveillance, technological solutions cannot offer
sufficient protection for the data I handle": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 6
+ ],
+ "I have no confidence in the protection offered by
technological tools": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 7
+ ],
+ "I try to avoid technology-based communication whenever
possible when I work on intelligence-related issues": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[
+ 8
+ ],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
+st.write("## Legal Protection")
+# TODO Clarify that in MS it's about source protection (also for MSprotectleg2)
+ "### When working on intelligence-related issues, do you feel you have reason to be concerned about surveillance of your activities `[MSprotectleg1]`"
+MSprotectleg1_counts = df[filter]["MSprotectleg1"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ df[filter],
+ values=MSprotectleg1_counts,
+ names=MSprotectleg1_counts.index,
+ color=MSprotectleg1_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "Always": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[9],
+ "Often": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Sometimes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[7],
+ "Rarely": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[6],
+ "Never": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[5],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
+ "### Do you regard the existing legal protections against surveillance of your activities in your country as a sufficient safeguard for your work on intelligence-related issues? `[MSprotectleg2]`"
+MSprotectleg2_counts = df[filter]["MSprotectleg2"].value_counts()
+ render_pie_chart(
+ MSprotectleg2_counts,
+ values=MSprotectleg2_counts,
+ names=MSprotectleg2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Prism,
+ color=MSprotectleg2_counts.index,
+ color_discrete_map={
+ "No": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ "Yes": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ "I don't know": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ "I prefer not to say": px.colors.qualitative.Prism[10],
+ },
+ )
+ "### Are any of the following forms of institutional support readily available to you? `[MSprotectleg3]`"
+MSprotectleg3_options = ["Free legal counsel", "Legal cost insurance", "Other"]
+MSprotectleg3_yes = []
+MSprotectleg3_no = []
+MSprotectleg3_dont_know = []
+MSprotectleg3_prefer_not_to_say = []
+for answer in ["Yes", "No", "I don't know", "I prefer not to say"]:
+ for label in ["free_counsel", "cost_insurance", "other"]:
+ try:
+ count = df[filter][f"MSprotectleg3[{label}]"].value_counts()[answer]
+ except KeyError:
+ count = 0
+ if answer == "Yes":
+ MSprotectleg3_yes.append(count)
+ elif answer == "No":
+ MSprotectleg3_no.append(count)
+ elif answer == "I don't know":
+ MSprotectleg3_dont_know.append(count)
+ elif answer == "I prefer not to say":
+ MSprotectleg3_prefer_not_to_say.append(count)
+ else:
+ continue
+ generate_stacked_bar_chart(
+ data=[
+ go.Bar(
+ name="Yes",
+ x=MSprotectleg3_options,
+ y=MSprotectleg3_yes,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[2],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="No",
+ x=MSprotectleg3_options,
+ y=MSprotectleg3_no,
+ marker_color=px.colors.qualitative.Prism[8],
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I don't know",
+ x=MSprotectleg3_options,
+ y=MSprotectleg3_dont_know,
+ marker_color="#7f7f7f",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ go.Bar(
+ name="I prefer not to say",
+ x=MSprotectleg3_options,
+ y=MSprotectleg3_prefer_not_to_say,
+ marker_color="#525252",
+ opacity=0.8,
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+st.write("### If you selected ‘other’, please specify `[MSprotectleg3other]`")
+for i in df[filter]["MSprotectleg3other"].to_list():
+ if type(i) != float:
+ st.write("- " + i)
# Appendix