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This is an m3u8 downloader.
- Auto decrypt for
Master List
- Live stream recording(
) - Customize HTTP headers
- Auto merge clips(Binary or ffmpeg)
- Select save clip by
time code
- Network driver on Windows OS
- Alternative audio/video track
- Mux without video track
- Custom HTTP proxy or Use system proxy
- Optimization for Chinese streaming platforms
- Easy-to-use
--workDir Set work dir (Video will be here)
--saveName Set save name(Exclude extention)
--baseUrl Set Baseurl
--headers Set HTTP headers,format: key:value use | split all
--maxThreads (Default: 32) Set max thread
--minThreads (Default: 16) Set min thread
--retryCount (Default: 15) Set retry times
--timeOut (Default: 10) Set timeout for http request(second)
--muxSetJson Set a json file for mux
--useKeyFile Use 16 bytes file as KEY for AES-128 decryption
--useKeyBase64 Use Base64 String as KEY for AES-128 decryption
--useKeyIV Use HEX String as IV for AES-128 decryption
--downloadRange Set range for a video
--liveRecDur When the live recording reaches this length, the
software will exit automatically(HH:MM:SS)
--stopSpeed Speed below this, retry(KB/s)
--maxSpeed Set max download speed(KB/s)
--proxyAddress Set HTTP/SOCKS5 Proxy, like
--enableDelAfterDone Enable delete clips after download completed
--enableMuxFastStart Enable fast start for mp4
--enableBinaryMerge Enable use binary merge instead of ffmpeg
--enableParseOnly Enable parse only mode
--enableAudioOnly Enable only audio track when mux use ffmpeg
--disableDateInfo Disable write date info when mux use ffmpeg
--disableIntegrityCheck Disable integrity check
--noMerge Disable auto merge
--noProxy Disable use system proxy
--registerUrlProtocol Register m3u8dl URL protocol
--unregisterUrlProtocol Unregister m3u8dl URL protocol
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
New commandline options:
--registerUrlProtocol Register m3u8dl URL protocol
--unregisterUrlProtocol Unregister m3u8dl URL protocol
URI Format:
m3u8dl://<base64 encoded params>
URI Example:
URI Decode Result:
"https://example.com/abc.m3u8" --workDir "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\m3u8dl" --saveName "abc" --enableDelAfterDone --disableDateInfo --noProxy