A generic inference script example to handle TensorRT engines created from both fixed-shape and dynamic-shape ONNX models.
This script will detect the input/output names/shapes and generate random inputs to do inference on. It will also dump a lot of relevant metadata and information that happens along the way to clarify the steps that happen when doing inference with TensorRT.
- (Optional) Start a TensorRT Docker container using the NGC 20.06 TensorRT Release:
# Mount current directory to /mnt and use /mnt as workspace inside container
nvidia-docker run -it -v `pwd`:/mnt -w /mnt nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:20.06-py3
- (Optional) Download and run a sample script to:
- Generate a fixed-shape Alexnet ONNX model
- Generate a dynamic-shape Alexnet ONNX model
# Download sample pytorch->onnx script
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rmccorm4/b72abac18aed6be4c1725db18eba4930/raw/3919c883b97a231877b454dae695fe074a1acdff/alexnet_onnx.py
# Install dependencies
python3 -m pip install torch==1.5.1 torchvision==0.6.1 onnx==1.6
# Export sample Alexnet model to ONNX with a dynamic batch dimension
python3 alexnet_onnx.py --opset=11
- (Optional) Use
- Create a TensorRT engine from the fixed-shape Alexnet ONNX model in previous step
# Create TensorRT engine from fixed-shape ONNX model
trtexec --explicitBatch \
--onnx=alexnet_fixed.onnx \
- (Optional) Use
- Create a TensorRT engine from the dynamic-shape Alexnet ONNX model in previous step
# Emulate "maxBatchSize" behavior from implicit batch engines by setting
# an optimization profile with min=(1, *shape), opt=max=(maxBatchSize, *shape)
# Convert dynamic batch ONNX model to TRT Engine with optimization profile defined
# --minShapes: kMIN shape
# --optShapes: kOPT shape
# --maxShapes: kMAX shape
# --shapes: # Inference shape - this is like context.set_binding_shape(0, shape)
trtexec --onnx=alexnet_dynamic.onnx \
--explicitBatch \
--minShapes=${INPUT_NAME}:1x3x224x224 \
--optShapes=${INPUT_NAME}:${MAX_BATCH_SIZE}x3x224x224 \
--maxShapes=${INPUT_NAME}:${MAX_BATCH_SIZE}x3x224x224 \
--shapes=${INPUT_NAME}:1x3x224x224 \
- Run a generic python script that can handle both fixed-shape and dynamic-shape TensorRT engines.
- This script generates random input data
- For dynamic shape engines, this script defaults to input shapes of the engine's
first optimization profile's (
) kOPT shape
NOTE: This script is not meant for peak performance, but is meant to serve as a detailed example to demonstrate all of the moving parts involved in inference, especially for dynamic shape engines.
root@49b19ca81d38:/mnt# python3 infer.py -e alexnet_fixed.engine
Loaded engine: alexnet_fixed.engine
Active Optimization Profile: 0
Engine/Binding Metadata
Number of optimization profiles: 1
Number of bindings per profile: 2
First binding for profile: 0
Last binding for profile: 0
Generating Random Inputs
Input [actual_input_1] shape: (10, 3, 224, 224)
Input Metadata
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Bindings for Profile 0: [0]
Input names: ['actual_input_1']
Input shapes: [(10, 3, 224, 224)]
Output Metadata
Number of Outputs: 1
Output names: ['output1']
Output shapes: [(10, 1000)]
Output Bindings for Profile 0: [1]
Inference Outputs: [array([[-1.9423429 , -0.31228915, -0.11592922, ..., -1.8848201 ,
-1.967107 , 1.77118 ],
[-2.067131 , -0.1413779 , -0.10807458, ..., -1.8306588 ,
-2.0896611 , 1.8038476 ],
[-1.9210347 , -0.59420735, -0.46031308, ..., -1.8159304 ,
-1.953881 , 1.7182006 ],
[-2.091892 , -0.24702555, 0.01917603, ..., -2.0384629 ,
-2.075258 , 1.877627 ],
[-2.1854897 , -0.48040774, -0.19558612, ..., -1.9172117 ,
-2.1862085 , 1.877256 ],
[-2.2054253 , -0.29715982, -0.15480372, ..., -1.5839869 ,
-1.941939 , 1.9311339 ]], dtype=float32)]
root@49b19ca81d38:/mnt# python3 infer.py -e alexnet_dynamic.engine
Loaded engine: alexnet_dynamic.engine
Active Optimization Profile: 0
Engine/Binding Metadata
Number of optimization profiles: 1
Number of bindings per profile: 2
First binding for profile: 0
Last binding for profile: 0
Generating Random Inputs
Input [actual_input_1] shape: (-1, 3, 224, 224)
Profile Shapes for [actual_input_1]: [kMIN (1, 3, 224, 224) | kOPT (32, 3, 224, 224) | kMAX (32, 3, 224, 224)]
Input [actual_input_1] shape was dynamic, setting inference shape to (32, 3, 224, 224)
Input Metadata
Number of Inputs: 1
Input Bindings for Profile 0: [0]
Input names: ['actual_input_1']
Input shapes: [(32, 3, 224, 224)]
Output Metadata
Number of Outputs: 1
Output names: ['output1']
Output shapes: [(32, 1000)]
Output Bindings for Profile 0: [1]
Inference Outputs: [array([[-2.1023765 , -0.3775048 , -0.17939475, ..., -1.8248225 ,
-2.042846 , 2.0328057 ],
[-1.737236 , -0.54789805, -0.33429265, ..., -1.7502917 ,
-2.173114 , 1.699208 ],
[-1.9979393 , -0.467514 , -0.3265229 , ..., -1.8016856 ,
-2.025305 , 1.6176162 ],
[-1.9945843 , -0.42376897, 0.11915839, ..., -1.7103177 ,
-2.0614984 , 1.7928884 ],
[-2.180842 , -0.52559745, -0.12792507, ..., -1.9101417 ,
-2.132482 , 1.8081576 ],
[-2.011236 , -0.29210696, -0.2629762 , ..., -1.8188174 ,
-2.0216613 , 1.884306 ]], dtype=float32)]