From 5fdb2cfb3cd2a4c5eb0744c164a1aa1b12bd0616 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Liz Muehlmann <> Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2023 12:18:21 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix post layout --- ...40b622142f1c98125abcfe89a76a661b0e8e343910 | 2 +- ...b29077ed69bcfc2bacd2b5c445136ac44f82e08a71 | 478 ------------------ ...bb1d9a330c2e1b48cf94e49f38c1ca4ad936353dc6 | 185 +++++++ ...8ae9776fc2e7e595a44ea68a276fdf57eb3135a61} | 4 +- ...15e1901d6fffecf9ee1107626295c002d20d4da95} | 14 +- ...bb2021089069e909752ae1b4db43326f1cb604e6a} | 10 +- ...29e74b0459e8c0f8abc492a3295c7505aaa825de3b | 185 +++++++ ...f8b1959b2a5d25b3029b7b8f5a22a56bdb0c0be4c5 | 184 +++++++ ...ecd0e9c5dacd3b834cf6b6827c6e79c7bbe4045f5e | 2 + ...503790d3930f822981fe4c43979b74c954c21e96c3 | 184 +++++++ ...e8ebb037ede4ebad74e6b5993444c3c0daa876515c | 2 - _layouts/post.html | 6 +- pages/ | 9 +- 13 files changed, 762 insertions(+), 503 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/24/9e63b80ffcf088c2da4cb29077ed69bcfc2bacd2b5c445136ac44f82e08a71 create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/26/69d16ec18aed49e7e7a7bb1d9a330c2e1b48cf94e49f38c1ca4ad936353dc6 rename .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/{3a/cf7758220e8b0968da031dd5612ed80ee16559457940d44c2b443c856d72ed => 34/bbcb61666643110d059488ae9776fc2e7e595a44ea68a276fdf57eb3135a61} (98%) rename .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/{9d/849d888df3e44631c9286041e63f5bc8d7dbe9549dec2a81226f38ced2f76b => 34/eb99690e1ac213ddc1e0215e1901d6fffecf9ee1107626295c002d20d4da95} (98%) rename .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/{2c/57ead486850c69504052cd7b4e0803265ceeacd4c3c7ffe26c0819a3130e55 => 35/a05f37cd1f44b2e4f6043bb2021089069e909752ae1b4db43326f1cb604e6a} (97%) create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/60/1da067f2777c0535c4d629e74b0459e8c0f8abc492a3295c7505aaa825de3b create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/6f/fd213f83bb6fdc1908e5f8b1959b2a5d25b3029b7b8f5a22a56bdb0c0be4c5 create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/83/1184ba12daf6fe59c9bdecd0e9c5dacd3b834cf6b6827c6e79c7bbe4045f5e create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c1/a0e6f48d038d15f7f767503790d3930f822981fe4c43979b74c954c21e96c3 delete mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c7/4be6eb9e7816be1e7656e8ebb037ede4ebad74e6b5993444c3c0daa876515c diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Cache/b7/9606fb3afea5bd1609ed40b622142f1c98125abcfe89a76a661b0e8e343910 b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Cache/b7/9606fb3afea5bd1609ed40b622142f1c98125abcfe89a76a661b0e8e343910 index cce5c46..b2f4f5b 100644 --- a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Cache/b7/9606fb3afea5bd1609ed40b622142f1c98125abcfe89a76a661b0e8e343910 +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Cache/b7/9606fb3afea5bd1609ed40b622142f1c98125abcfe89a76a661b0e8e343910 @@ -1 +1 @@ -I"Y{"source"=>"C:/Users/lizmo/Documents/GitHub/", "destination"=>"C:/Users/lizmo/Documents/GitHub/", "collections_dir"=>"", "cache_dir"=>".jekyll-cache", "plugins_dir"=>"_plugins", "layouts_dir"=>"_layouts", "data_dir"=>"_data", "includes_dir"=>"_includes", "collections"=>{"posts"=>{"output"=>true, "permalink"=>"/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title:output_ext"}}, "safe"=>false, "include"=>[".htaccess"], "exclude"=>[".sass-cache", ".jekyll-cache", "gemfiles", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "node_modules", "vendor/bundle/", "vendor/cache/", "vendor/gems/", "vendor/ruby/"], "keep_files"=>[".git", ".svn"], "encoding"=>"utf-8", "markdown_ext"=>"markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md", "strict_front_matter"=>false, "show_drafts"=>nil, "limit_posts"=>0, "future"=>false, "unpublished"=>false, "whitelist"=>[], "plugins"=>[], "markdown"=>"kramdown", "highlighter"=>"rouge", "lsi"=>false, "excerpt_separator"=>"\n\n", "incremental"=>false, "detach"=>false, "port"=>"4000", "host"=>"", "baseurl"=>"/", "show_dir_listing"=>false, "permalink"=>"date", "paginate_path"=>"/page:num", "timezone"=>nil, "quiet"=>false, "verbose"=>false, "defaults"=>[], "liquid"=>{"error_mode"=>"warn", "strict_filters"=>false, "strict_variables"=>false}, "kramdown"=>{"auto_ids"=>true, "toc_levels"=>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "entity_output"=>"as_char", "smart_quotes"=>"lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo", "input"=>"GFM", "hard_wrap"=>false, "guess_lang"=>true, "footnote_nr"=>1, "show_warnings"=>false}, "title"=>"Liz Muehlmann", "email"=>"", "description"=>"Academic website for Liz Muehlmann. 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Twitter is a great resource for engaging with the academic community. For example, I saw this Tweet by PhD Genie asking users to name one positive skill learned during their PhD. I love this question for a number of reasons. First, it helps PhDs reframe their experience so it’s applicable outside of academia - which can help when applying to jobs. Second, it’s really cool to see what skills other people have learned during their program.

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- - - Image: PhD Genie Tweet - - -
PhD Genie Tweet
- -

I responded to the tweet because during my PhD I learned how to create maps in R. I started by recreating a map from the University of North Carolina’s Hussman School of Journalism’s News Deserts project (below). Now, I am working on a personal project mapping the U.S. National and State parks.

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- - - Image: Map of US newspapers by county - - -
Map of US newspapers by county
- -

There was quite a bit of interest in how to do this, so in this series of posts I will document my process from start to finish.

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a few notes

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First, I’m not an expert. I wanted to make a map, so I learned how. There may be easier ways and, if I learn how to do them, I’ll write another post.

- -

Second, before starting, I strongly suggest setting up a Github and DVC. I wrote about how to use GitHub, the Github Website, and Github Desktop. You can use any of these methods to manage your repositories. I use all three based purely on whatever mood I’m in.

- -

If you do use Git or GitHub, then DVC (data version control) is mandatory. GitHub will warn you that your file is too large if it’s over 50MB and reject your pushes if the files are over 100MB. The total repository size can’t exceed 2GB if you’re using the free version (which I am). DVC is useful because cartography files are large. They contain a lot of coordinates which increases with each location you try to map. DVC will store your data outside of GitHub but allows you to track changes with your data. It’s super useful.

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Third, there are several ways to make a map. R is capable of making interactive maps and static maps. Static maps are less computationally expensive and better for publication. Interactive maps are prettier and better for displaying on the web.

- -

I make interactive maps with Leaflet and Shiny because they offer a lot of functionality. The most common way is to use map tiles. Map tiles use data from sources like Open Street Map and Maps to create map squares (tiles) with custom data on top. A list of available map tiles is available on the Open Street Maps website.

- -
- - - Image: Earthquakes near Australia, using map tiles - - -
Earthquakes near Australia, using map tiles
- -

When I make static maps (like the US map pictured above), I use ggplot

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project outline

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I had to break the tutorial into different parts because it became unwieldy. I list the component parts below. The annotated version of the code can be found in this project’s repository in the folder called r files

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I. cartography in r part one

- - -

II. cartography in r part two

- - -

III. cartography in r part three

- - -

IV. cartography in r part four

- - -

V. cartography in r part five

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VI. cartography in r part six

- - -

1. install packages

- -

You only need to install the packages once. You can do so by running each line in the terminal. When you rerun the code later, you can skip right to loading the packages using library("package-name")

- -
Note: I will give the entire codeblock first. I also include the individual line before describing what it does. I find this to be cleaner than including a bunch of comments in the code itself. If you want to copy and paste the code to your own file, you only need to copy the code block and not each individual line.
- -
    ## you only need to install the packages once
-    install.packages("leaflet")        # interactive maps
-    install.packages("shiny")          # added map functionality
-    install.packages("tidyverse")      # data manipulation
-    install.packages("tigris")         # cartographic boundaries
-    install.packages("") # for the not-in function
-    install.packages("sf")             # read and write shapefiles
- -
package descriptions
- -
3    install.packages("leaflet")
- - - -
4    install.packages("shiny")
- - - -
5    install.packages("tidyverse")
- - - -
6    install.packages("tigris")
- - - -
7    install.packages("")
- - - -
8    install.packages("sf")
- - - -

2. load the packages

- -

To start, create and save a new file called usa.r. In it, we’re going to download and modify the United States shape data that we’ll use to create the base map in part two of this series.

- -

At the beginning of each file, you have to load the necessary packages. In this file, the only packages we need to load are tidyverse, sf, and tigris. I also load leaflet to make sure the map renders correctly.

- -
    ## load libraries
-    library("tidyverse")
-    library("sf")
-    library("tigris")
-    library("leaflet")
- -

3. download usa shapefile

- -

There’s two ways to download the USA shape data. First, we can use the R package, tigris. Second, we can download it from the Census website.

- -
Note: I show two ways to download the shape data but you only have to choose one method.
- -

I prefer using tigris but I’ve been having some problems with it. Sometimes it ignores the Great Lakes and merges Michigan and Wisconsin into a Frankenstate (boxed in red below).

- -
- - - Image: Weird Frankenstate that merges Michigan and Wisconsin. - - -
Weird Frankenstate that merges Michigan and Wisconsin.
- -
method 1: using tigris()
- -

tigris() downloads the TIGER/Shapefile data directly from the Census and includes a treasure trove of data. Some of the data includes land area, water area, state names, and geometry.

- -

Tigris can also download boundaries for counties, divisions, regions, tracts, blocks, congressional and school districts, and a whole host of other groupings. A complete list of available data can be found on the packages’ GitHub.

- -
    ## download state data using tigris()
-    us_states <- tigris::states(cb = FALSE, year = 2020)  %>% 
-        filter(STATEFP < 57)  %>% 
-        shift_geometry(preserve_area = FALSE,
-                       position = "below")  %>% 
-        sf::st_transform("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
-    ## save the shifted shapefile
-    st_write(us_states, "path/to/file/usa.shp")
- -

Here we create the us_states variable, save the geographic data to it, move Alaska and Hawaii so they’re beneath the continental US, and save the shifted shapefile.

- -
- - - -
2   us_states <- tigris::states(cb = FALSE, year = 2020)  %>%
- -

R uses the <- operator to define new variables. Here, we’re naming our new variable us_states.

- -

In our us_states variable we’re going to store data on the 50 states downloaded using tigris. Within (::) tigris, we’re going to use the states() function.

- -

The states() function allows you to pull state-level data from the Census. This function takes several arguments

- -

The cb argument can either be TRUE or FALSE. If cb = FALSE tells Tigris() to download the most detailed shapefile. If cb = TRUE it will download a generalized (1:5000k) file. After a lot of trial and error, I found that using cb = TRUE prevents the Frankenstate from happening.

- -

If the year argument is omitted it will download the shapefile for the default year (currently 2020). I set out of habit from when I work with county boundaries. When I work with county boundaries I have to set the year because their boundaries change more than states.

- -

Finally, the %>% operator is part of the Tidyverse. It basically tells R “Hey! I’m not done, keep going to the next line!”

- -
- - - -
3    filter(STATEFP < 57)  %>% 
- -

tigris::states() downloads data for the 50 states and the United States’ minor outlying islands, Puerto Rico, and its associated territories. Each state and territory is assigned a unique two-digit Federal Information Processing Standard [FIPS] code.

- -

They’re mostly consecutive (Alaska is 01) but when they were conceived of in the 1970s a couple were reserved for the US territories (American Samoa was 03), but in the updated version the “reserved codes” were left out and the territories were assigned to new numbers (American Samoa is now 60). The important bit about this is that the last official state (Wyoming) has a FIPS of 56.

- -

This line of code uses the filter() function on the STATEFP variable downloaded using Tigris(). All it says is keep any row that has a FIPS of less than 57. This will keep only the 50 states and exclude the United States’ empire associated territories.

- -
- - - -
4    shift_geometry(preserve_area = FALSE,
-5                   position = "below")  %>%
- -

The shift_geometry() is from the Tigris package. It takes two arguments preserve_area and position.

- -
Note: Strictly speaking, these two lines are not required. Delete them if you want Alaska and Hawaii to remain in their original locations.
- -

When preserve_area = FALSE tigris will shrink Alaska’s size and increase Hawaii’s so that they are comparable to the size of the other states.

- -

The position argument can either be "below" or "outside". When it’s below, both Alaska and Hawaii are moved to be below California. When it’s outside then Alaska is moved to be near Washington and Hawaii is moved to be near California.

- -
- -

Since I’m a born-theorist, I should warn you that messing with maps has inherent normative implications. The most common projection is Mercator which stretches the continents near the poles and squishes the ones near the equator.

- -
- - - Image: Mercator vs. Gall-Peters Projection - - -
Mercator vs. Gall-Peters Projection
- -

One of the competing projections is Gall-Peters which claims to be more accurate because it was - at the time it was created in the 1980s - the only “area-correct map.” Though it has now been criticized for skewing the polar continents and the equatorial ones. The above photo shows you just how different the projects are from one another.

- -

The problem arises because we’re trying to project a 3D object into 2D space. It’s a classic case of even though we can, maybe we shouldn’t. Computers can do these computations and change the projections to anything we want fairly easily. However, humans think and exist in metaphors. We assume bigger = better and up = good. When we project maps that puts the Northern Hemisphere as both upwards and larger than other parts of the world we are imbuing that projection with metaphorical meaning.

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I caution you to be careful when creating maps. Think through the implications of something as simple as making Alaska more visually appealing by distorting it to be of similar size as the other states.

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If you want to read more about map projections this is a good post. If you want to read more about metaphors, I suggest Metaphors We Live By by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.

- -
- - - -
6    sf::st_transform("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
- -

The sf package includes a function called st_transform() which will reproject the data for us. There are a lot of projects. You can read them at the proj website.

- -

Leaflet requires all boundaries use the World Geodetic Service 1984 (WGS84) coordinate system. While making maps I’ve come across two main coordinate systems: WGS84 and North American Datum (1983). WGS84 uses the WGS84 ellipsoid and NAD83 uses the Geodetic Reference System (GRS80). From what I’ve gathered, the differences are slight, but leaflet requires WGS and the Census uses NAD83. As a result, we have to reproject the the data in order to make our map.

- -

The st_transform function takes four arguments, each preceded by a +. All four arguments are required to transform the data from NAD83 to WGS84.

- -

Briefly, +proj=longlat tells R to use project the code into longitude and latitude [rather than, for example, transverse mercator (tmerc)].

- -

+ellps=WGS84 sets the ellipsoid to the WGS84 standard.

- -

+datum=WGS84 is a holdover from previous proj releases. It tells R to use the WGS84 data.

- -

+no_defs is also a holdover.

- -

Essentially, you need to include line 6 before you create the map, but after you do any data manipulation. It might throw some warnings which you can just ignore.

- -
- - - -
9    st_write(us_states, "path/to/file/usa.shp")
- -

In the last line, we save the data we manipulated in lines 2-6. Strictly speaking you don’t have to save the shapefile. You can manipulate the data and then skip right to mapping the data. I caution against it because the files can get unreadable once you start using multiple data sets. I usually comment out line 9 after I save the file. That way I’m not saving and re-saving it whenever I need to run the code above it.

- -

The st_write() function is part of the sf package and it takes two arguments. The first is the data set you want to save. Since I used us_states to save the data, it will be the first argument in the st_write() function call.

- -

The second argument is the path to where you want the file saved and what name you want to give it. I named mine usa. It is mandatory that you add .shp to the end of the filepath so that R knows to save it as a shapefile.

- -

Although it’s called a shapefile, it’s actually four files. I usually create a separate folder for each set of shapefiles and store that in one master folder called shapefiles. An example of my folder structure is below. I keep all of this in my GitHub repo and track changes using DVC.

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- - - Image: Example folder structure - - -
Example folder structure
- -

On my C:// drive is My Documents. In that folder I keep a GitHub folder that holds all my repos, including my nps one. Inside the nps folder I separate my shapefiles into their own folder. For this tutorial I am using original and shifted shapefiles, so I’ve also separated them into two separate folders to keep things neat. I also know I’m going to have multiple shapefiles (one for the USA, one for the National Parks, and a final one for the State Parks) so I created a folder for each set. In the usa folder I saved the shifted states shapefile.

- -

Altogether, my line 9 would read:

- -
9    st_write(us_states, "~/Documents/GitHub/nps/shapefiles/shifted/usa/usa.shp")
- -

Running that line will save the four necessary files that R needs to load the geographic data.

- -

That’s it for method 1 using tigris. The next section, method 2, shows how to load and transform a previously downloaded shapefile. If you used method 1, feel free to leave this post and go directly to mapping the shapefile in part II of this series.

- -
- -
method 2: using downloaded shapefiles
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In this section, I’ll go through the process of downloading the shapefiles from the Census website. If you tried method 1 and tigris caused the weird Frankenstate, you can try using the data downloaded from the Census website. I don’t know why it works, since tigris uses the same data, but it does.

- -

Generally, though, finding and using shapefiles created by others is a great way to create cool maps. There are thousands of shapefiles available, many from ArcGis’ Open Data Website.

- - - -
- - - Image: Census website dropdown. - - -
Census website dropdown.
- - - -
- - - Image: TIGER Data Products Download Link - - -
TIGER Data Products Download Link
- - - -
- - - Image: Cartographic Boundaries Shapefiles - - -
Cartographic Boundaries Shapefiles
- -

Save the file wherever you want, but I prefer to keep it within the “original” shapefiles folder in a sub-folder called “zips.” Once it downloads, unzip it - again, anywhere is fine. It will download all 30 Census shapefiles. We’re only going to use the one called “”. The rest you can delete, if you want.

- -
- - - Image: cb_2021_us_state_500k folder - - -
cb_2021_us_state_500k folder
- -

When you unzip the, it will contain four files. You’ll only ever work with the .shp file, but the other three are used in the background to display the data.

- - - -

Once all the files are unzipped, we can load the .shp file into R.

- -
    ## load a previously downloaded shapefile
-    usa <- read_sf("shapefiles/original/usa/states/cb_2021_us_state_500k.shp") %>%
-        filter(STATEFP < 57) %>%
-        shift_geometry(preserve_area = FALSE,
-            position = "below") %>%
-        sf::st_transform("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
-    ## save the shifted shapefile
-    st_write(usa, "path/to/file/usa.shp")
- -

Everything except line 2 is the same as in method 1. I won’t go over lines 3-9 here, because all the information is above.

- - - -

This line is very similar to the one above. I changed the name of the variable to usa so I could keep both methods in the same R file (each R variable needs to be unique or it will be overwritten).

- -

read_sf is part of the sf() package. It’s used to load shapefiles into R. The path to the file is enclosed in quotation marks and parentheses. Simply navigate to wherever you unzipped the cb_2021_us_state_500k file and choose the file with the .shp extension.

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4. conclusion

- -

Once the shapefiles are downloaded - either using tigris() or by loading the shapefiles from the Census website - you can create the base map. I’ll tackle making the base map in part II of this series.

-:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/26/69d16ec18aed49e7e7a7bb1d9a330c2e1b48cf94e49f38c1ca4ad936353dc6 b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/26/69d16ec18aed49e7e7a7bb1d9a330c2e1b48cf94e49f38c1ca4ad936353dc6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f86bd1b --- /dev/null +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/26/69d16ec18aed49e7e7a7bb1d9a330c2e1b48cf94e49f38c1ca4ad936353dc6 @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +I"!
+ +
+ + + +

cartography in R part four


Welcome to part four of my cartography in R series. In this post, we’ll download and process the state park data before adding it to the base map created in part II.

+ + + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

cartography in R part three


This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.

+ +

In this post, I will download and process the National Park data. Once that’s done, I’ll add it to the base map I created in part II.

+ + + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

cartography in R part two


This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

+ + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

cartography in R part one


Twitter is a great resource for engaging with the academic community. For example, I saw this Tweet by PhD Genie asking users to name one positive skill learned during their PhD. I love this question for a number of reasons. First, it helps PhDs reframe their experience so it’s applicable outside of academia - which can help when applying to jobs. Second, it’s really cool to see what skills other people have learned during their program.

+ + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

dvc (data version control)


Version control is helpful when you want to track your project’s changes. However, GitHub has one major (yet, understandable) shortcoming: file size. The free version of GitHub will warn you if your file is over 50MB and completely reject your push if the file is over 100MB. This is a huge problem when you’re working with shapefiles (.shp) which contain the geographic coordinates necessary for cartography. “Officially” there are three ways around GitHub’s file size limits, but I have a clear favorite.

+ + + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

github website


Building off my post about using Git & GitHub, this post is about using the GitHub website to initialize repos and get URLs from existing repos to clone them.

+ + + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

github desktop


This is part of my tutorial series on using Git and GitHub. In particular, this guide is about using GitHub’s desktop app for creating and managing repos. You can download the app here..

+ + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +

git & github


Arguably one of the best things you can do before starting a PhD is invest time in learning how to properly use version control. With version control, you can track, save, and revert changes to any kind of project. There are several options available, but I’m partial to Git & GitHub. Even if you never touch a piece of code, version control is very helpful.

+ + + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +



+This area will not be a real blog, in the sense that it will probably not have regular updates. +

+ + + + + | + + + +read more +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/3a/cf7758220e8b0968da031dd5612ed80ee16559457940d44c2b443c856d72ed b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/bbcb61666643110d059488ae9776fc2e7e595a44ea68a276fdf57eb3135a61 similarity index 98% rename from .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/3a/cf7758220e8b0968da031dd5612ed80ee16559457940d44c2b443c856d72ed rename to .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/bbcb61666643110d059488ae9776fc2e7e595a44ea68a276fdf57eb3135a61 index 9219f73..9475f66 100644 --- a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/3a/cf7758220e8b0968da031dd5612ed80ee16559457940d44c2b443c856d72ed +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/bbcb61666643110d059488ae9776fc2e7e595a44ea68a276fdf57eb3135a61 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -I"“\

This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shape data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa. +I"Ś\

This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

In this post, I’ll go over how to use Leaflet to map the shapefile we made in the previous post. If you’ve come here from part one of the series, you probably have the libraries and data loaded already. However, if you don’t, be sure to load the libraries and shapefiles before moving to number two.

@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
USA map with default leaflet styling

You can leave the base map like this if you want, but all additional data will be added as a layer on top</i>* of this map which can become distracting very quickly. I prefer to make my base maps as basic and unobtrusive as possible so the data I add on top of the base map is more prominent.


You can leave the base map like this if you want, but all additional data will be added as a layer on top of this map which can become distracting very quickly. I prefer to make my base maps as basic and unobtrusive as possible so the data I add on top of the base map is more prominent.

diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/9d/849d888df3e44631c9286041e63f5bc8d7dbe9549dec2a81226f38ced2f76b b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/eb99690e1ac213ddc1e0215e1901d6fffecf9ee1107626295c002d20d4da95 similarity index 98% rename from .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/9d/849d888df3e44631c9286041e63f5bc8d7dbe9549dec2a81226f38ced2f76b rename to .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/eb99690e1ac213ddc1e0215e1901d6fffecf9ee1107626295c002d20d4da95 index 1ed0196..96b70b3 100644 --- a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/9d/849d888df3e44631c9286041e63f5bc8d7dbe9549dec2a81226f38ced2f76b +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/34/eb99690e1ac213ddc1e0215e1901d6fffecf9ee1107626295c002d20d4da95 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -I"Ňĺ

This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.


This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.

In this post, I will download and process the National Park data. Once that’s done, I’ll add it to the base map I created in part II.

@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@

nps <- read_sf("path/to/file.shp") loads the National Park data set to a variable called nps using the read_sf() function that is part of the sf package. You will need to change the file path so it reflects where you saved the data on your hard drive.


The %>% operator is part of the tidyverse package. It tells R to go to the next line and process the next command. It has to go at the end of a line, rather than the beginning.


The %>% operator is part of the tidyverse package. It tells R to go to the next line and process the next command. The >%> has to go at the end of a line, rather than the beginning.

@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
  • geometry
  • -
    Note: The column name must be exact for select() to work. For example, in the NPS data, the park area is stored the Shape__Are column - two underscores and no a in area - and I have to use that exact format when selecting the column.
    Note: The column name must be exact for select() to work. For example, in the NPS data, the park area is stored the Shape__Are column - two underscores and no second a in area - and I have to use that exact format when selecting the column.

    The geometry column is specific to shapefiles and it includes the coordinates of the shape. It will be kept automatically - unless you use the st_drop_geometry() function. I like to specifically select so I remember it’s there.

    @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@

    mutate() is part of the tidyverse package and it’s extremely versatile. It is mainly used to create new variables or modify existing ones.


    The NPS data set has 23 different types of National Parks listed (you can view all of them by running levels(as.factor(nps$UNIT_TYPE))). I know that in later posts, I’m going to color code the land by type (blue for rivers, green for national parks, etc) so I wanted to reduce the number of colors I would have to use.


    The NPS data set has 23 different types of National Parks listed (you can view all of them by running levels(as.factor(nps$UNIT_TYPE))). I know that in later posts, I’m going to color code the land by type (blue for rivers, green for national parks, etc) so I wanted to reduce the number of colors I will have to use.

    mutate()’s first argument, type = creates a new column called type. R will populate the newly created column with whatever comes after the first (singular) equal = sign. For example, I can put type = NA and every row in the column will say NA.

    @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@

    Line 30 creates the new column, visited and uses case_when to look for the names of the parks that I’ve been to. If I have visited them, it adds visited to the column of the same name.


    The last line, TRUE ~ "not_visited)), acts as an else statement. For any park not listed above, it will put not visited in the visited column I created.


    The last line, TRUE ~ "not_visited")), acts as an else statement. For any park not listed above, it will put not visited in the visited column I created.

    This feels like a very brute-force method of tracking which parks I’ve visited, but I haven’t spend much time trying to find another way.

    @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@

    In part I, when I made the base map, I moved Alaska and Hawaii so they were of similar size and closer to the continental USA. For the map to display the parks correctly, I have to shift them as well.


    I went over these two lines in part II, so I won’t go over them again here. If you want to read more about them, check out that post.


    I went over these two lines in part II, so I won’t go over them again here. If you want to read more about them, check out that post.

    @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
    19   fillColor = "#354f52",
     20   fillOpacity = 1,

    Define the color and transparency of the National Parks. In a future post, I am going to change the color of each type of public land, but for now, I’ll make them all a nice sage green color #354f52. I also want to make the parks to be fully opaque.


    Define the color and transparency of the National Parks. In a future post, I am going to change the color of each type of public land, but for now, I’ll make them all a nice sage green color #354f52. I also want to make the parks fully opaque.

    diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/2c/57ead486850c69504052cd7b4e0803265ceeacd4c3c7ffe26c0819a3130e55 b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/35/a05f37cd1f44b2e4f6043bb2021089069e909752ae1b4db43326f1cb604e6a similarity index 97% rename from .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/2c/57ead486850c69504052cd7b4e0803265ceeacd4c3c7ffe26c0819a3130e55 rename to .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/35/a05f37cd1f44b2e4f6043bb2021089069e909752ae1b4db43326f1cb604e6a index 9369ebb..dbb084f 100644 --- a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/2c/57ead486850c69504052cd7b4e0803265ceeacd4c3c7ffe26c0819a3130e55 +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/35/a05f37cd1f44b2e4f6043bb2021089069e909752ae1b4db43326f1cb604e6a @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -I"!
    @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@

    cartography in R part two


    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shape data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.


    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ This area will not be a real blog, in the sense that it will probably not have r
    diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/60/1da067f2777c0535c4d629e74b0459e8c0f8abc492a3295c7505aaa825de3b b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/60/1da067f2777c0535c4d629e74b0459e8c0f8abc492a3295c7505aaa825de3b new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c0971c --- /dev/null +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/60/1da067f2777c0535c4d629e74b0459e8c0f8abc492a3295c7505aaa825de3b @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +I"!
    + +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part four


    Welcome to part four of my cartography in R series. In this post, we’ll download and process the state park data before adding it to the base map created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part three


    This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.

    + +

    In this post, I will download and process the National Park data. Once that’s done, I’ll add it to the base map I created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part two


    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part one


    Twitter is a great resource for engaging with the academic community. For example, I saw this Tweet by PhD Genie asking users to name one positive skill learned during their PhD. I love this question for a number of reasons. First, it helps PhDs reframe their experience so it’s applicable outside of academia - which can help when applying to jobs. Second, it’s really cool to see what skills other people have learned during their program.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    dvc (data version control)


    Version control is helpful when you want to track your project’s changes. However, GitHub has one major (yet, understandable) shortcoming: file size. The free version of GitHub will warn you if your file is over 50MB and completely reject your push if the file is over 100MB. This is a huge problem when you’re working with shapefiles (.shp) which contain the geographic coordinates necessary for cartography. “Officially” there are three ways around GitHub’s file size limits, but I have a clear favorite.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github website


    Building off my post about using Git & GitHub, this post is about using the GitHub website to initialize repos and get URLs from existing repos to clone them.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github desktop


    This is part of my tutorial series on using Git and GitHub. In particular, this guide is about using GitHub’s desktop app for creating and managing repos. You can download the app here..

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    git & github


    Arguably one of the best things you can do before starting a PhD is invest time in learning how to properly use version control. With version control, you can track, save, and revert changes to any kind of project. There are several options available, but I’m partial to Git & GitHub. Even if you never touch a piece of code, version control is very helpful.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +



    +This area will not be a real blog, in the sense that it will probably not have regular updates. +

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +
    + +
    + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +
    +:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/6f/fd213f83bb6fdc1908e5f8b1959b2a5d25b3029b7b8f5a22a56bdb0c0be4c5 b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/6f/fd213f83bb6fdc1908e5f8b1959b2a5d25b3029b7b8f5a22a56bdb0c0be4c5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c8fd14 --- /dev/null +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/6f/fd213f83bb6fdc1908e5f8b1959b2a5d25b3029b7b8f5a22a56bdb0c0be4c5 @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +I"!
    + +
    + + +

    cartography in R part four


    Welcome to part four of my cartography in R series. In this post, we’ll download and process the state park data before adding it to the base map created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part three


    This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.

    + +

    In this post, I will download and process the National Park data. Once that’s done, I’ll add it to the base map I created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part two


    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part one


    Twitter is a great resource for engaging with the academic community. For example, I saw this Tweet by PhD Genie asking users to name one positive skill learned during their PhD. I love this question for a number of reasons. First, it helps PhDs reframe their experience so it’s applicable outside of academia - which can help when applying to jobs. Second, it’s really cool to see what skills other people have learned during their program.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    dvc (data version control)


    Version control is helpful when you want to track your project’s changes. However, GitHub has one major (yet, understandable) shortcoming: file size. The free version of GitHub will warn you if your file is over 50MB and completely reject your push if the file is over 100MB. This is a huge problem when you’re working with shapefiles (.shp) which contain the geographic coordinates necessary for cartography. “Officially” there are three ways around GitHub’s file size limits, but I have a clear favorite.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github website


    Building off my post about using Git & GitHub, this post is about using the GitHub website to initialize repos and get URLs from existing repos to clone them.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github desktop


    This is part of my tutorial series on using Git and GitHub. In particular, this guide is about using GitHub’s desktop app for creating and managing repos. You can download the app here..

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    git & github


    Arguably one of the best things you can do before starting a PhD is invest time in learning how to properly use version control. With version control, you can track, save, and revert changes to any kind of project. There are several options available, but I’m partial to Git & GitHub. Even if you never touch a piece of code, version control is very helpful.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +



    +This area will not be a real blog, in the sense that it will probably not have regular updates. +

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +
    + +
    + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +
    +:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/83/1184ba12daf6fe59c9bdecd0e9c5dacd3b834cf6b6827c6e79c7bbe4045f5e b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/83/1184ba12daf6fe59c9bdecd0e9c5dacd3b834cf6b6827c6e79c7bbe4045f5e new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5078574 --- /dev/null +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/83/1184ba12daf6fe59c9bdecd0e9c5dacd3b834cf6b6827c6e79c7bbe4045f5e @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +I"5

    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    +:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c1/a0e6f48d038d15f7f767503790d3930f822981fe4c43979b74c954c21e96c3 b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c1/a0e6f48d038d15f7f767503790d3930f822981fe4c43979b74c954c21e96c3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..132821f --- /dev/null +++ b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c1/a0e6f48d038d15f7f767503790d3930f822981fe4c43979b74c954c21e96c3 @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +I"!
    + +
    + + +

    cartography in R part four


    Welcome to part four of my cartography in R series. In this post, we’ll download and process the state park data before adding it to the base map created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part three


    This is part three of my cartography in R series. If you are just finding this, I suggest taking a look at part I and part II first.

    + +

    In this post, I will download and process the National Park data. Once that’s done, I’ll add it to the base map I created in part II.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part two


    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shapefile data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    cartography in R part one


    Twitter is a great resource for engaging with the academic community. For example, I saw this Tweet by PhD Genie asking users to name one positive skill learned during their PhD. I love this question for a number of reasons. First, it helps PhDs reframe their experience so it’s applicable outside of academia - which can help when applying to jobs. Second, it’s really cool to see what skills other people have learned during their program.

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    dvc (data version control)


    Version control is helpful when you want to track your project’s changes. However, GitHub has one major (yet, understandable) shortcoming: file size. The free version of GitHub will warn you if your file is over 50MB and completely reject your push if the file is over 100MB. This is a huge problem when you’re working with shapefiles (.shp) which contain the geographic coordinates necessary for cartography. “Officially” there are three ways around GitHub’s file size limits, but I have a clear favorite.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github website


    Building off my post about using Git & GitHub, this post is about using the GitHub website to initialize repos and get URLs from existing repos to clone them.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    github desktop


    This is part of my tutorial series on using Git and GitHub. In particular, this guide is about using GitHub’s desktop app for creating and managing repos. You can download the app here..

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +

    git & github


    Arguably one of the best things you can do before starting a PhD is invest time in learning how to properly use version control. With version control, you can track, save, and revert changes to any kind of project. There are several options available, but I’m partial to Git & GitHub. Even if you never touch a piece of code, version control is very helpful.

    + + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +



    +This area will not be a real blog, in the sense that it will probably not have regular updates. +

    + + + + + | + + + +read more +
    + + + +
    + +
    + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +
    +:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c7/4be6eb9e7816be1e7656e8ebb037ede4ebad74e6b5993444c3c0daa876515c b/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c7/4be6eb9e7816be1e7656e8ebb037ede4ebad74e6b5993444c3c0daa876515c deleted file mode 100644 index 5b7d348..0000000 --- a/.jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Converters--Markdown/c7/4be6eb9e7816be1e7656e8ebb037ede4ebad74e6b5993444c3c0daa876515c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -I"1

    This is a continuation of my previous post where I walked through how to download and modify shape data. I also showed how to shift Alaska and Hawaii so they are closer to the continental usa.

    -:ET \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_layouts/post.html b/_layouts/post.html index b7fb7f1..075055c 100644 --- a/_layouts/post.html +++ b/_layouts/post.html @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@

    {{ page.title }}

    {{ content }} @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

    {{ page.title }}

    diff --git a/pages/ b/pages/ index 87347b1..11c46ef 100644 --- a/pages/ +++ b/pages/ @@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ excerpt_separator:
    - +
    {% for post in site.posts %}

    {{ post.title }}

    @@ -22,11 +21,11 @@ excerpt_separator: {% include readmore.html %} {% endfor %} -