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A cutting-edge crypto company unveiled http://JWT.pk, a revolutionary identity
infrastructure platform designed to simplify private key management. By allowing
users to register seamlessly with existing keys, the service promised to redefine convenience and
security in the digital world. It allows users to send amounts up to $100 without having access to their
private keys.
The registration process goes as follows: Users sign up with their existing
public keys (pk) http://JWT.pk then samples a secret value called “pepper” and computes an identifier
of the form: “{pk}_{pepper}”. SHA256 of the identifier is then added to the set of registered identifiers.
Users can later authenticate a transaction by simply providing a proof
of knowledge of the whitelisted identifier formed by the (pk, pepper) pair without needing to use
their private key at any step of the process.
Alice found out that Bob registered to http://JWT.pk with a
public key “BOB_pk”. She then registered using “ALICE_pk” and
obtained “ALICE_pepper” from http://JWT.pk.
Bob woke up one morning to see his account drained. How did Alice do it?
main.nr 代码中实现了电路逻辑:
fn main(identifier: BoundedVec<u8, 128>, pub_key: pub [u8; 32], whitelist: pub [[u8; 32]; 10]) {
// the identifier hashes to a digest that is in the public whitelist
let digest = std::hash::sha256_var(identifier.storage(), identifier.len() as u64);
let mut present = false;
for i in 0..whitelist.len() {
if whitelist[i] == digest {
present = true;
// the specified public key is in the identifier
let id_haystack: StringBody128 = StringBody::new(identifier.storage(), 128);
let pk_needle: SubString32 = SubString::new(pub_key, 32);
let (result, _): (bool, u32) = id_haystack.substring_match(pk_needle);
- identifier 的 sha256 hash 在白名单里
- pub_key 在 identifier 里
identifier 中需要包括三个信息:
- Alice 的 pub_key
- Alice 的 pepper
- Bob 的 pub_key
sha256_var 可以将 hash length 作为参数传入以 hash 指定长度的数据. 所以 identifier 可以为 [32B alice pub_key, b'_', 32B alice pepper, 32B bob pub_key, 31B zeros], len = "65".