diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
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- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
- rev: v4.6.0
+ rev: v5.0.0
- id: check-yaml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
- rev: 24.4.2
+ rev: 24.10.0
- id: black
language_version: python3.11
diff --git a/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/index.rst b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/index.rst
index e932baff..e6738a99 100644
--- a/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/index.rst
+++ b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/index.rst
@@ -61,6 +61,14 @@ Python API reference
+.. automodapi:: lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp
+ :no-main-docstr:
+ :no-inheritance-diagram:
+.. automodapi:: lsst.drp.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp
+ :no-main-docstr:
+ :no-inheritance-diagram:
.. automodapi:: lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary
diff --git a/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask.rst b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4b8ec4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.. lsst-task-topic:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask
+Warp single visit images (calexps or PVIs) onto a common projection by performing the following operations:
+- Group the single-visit images by visit/run
+- For each visit, generate a Warp by calling method @ref run.
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask-api:
+Python API summary
+.. lsst-task-api-summary:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask-subtasks:
+Retargetable subtasks
+.. lsst-task-config-subtasks:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask-configs:
+Configuration fields
+.. lsst-task-config-fields:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_direct_warp.MakeDirectWarpTask
diff --git a/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask.rst b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask.rst
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index 00000000..4e6875e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/lsst.drp.tasks/tasks/lsst.drp.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+.. lsst-task-topic:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+Convolve a direct warp by a kernel to produce a PSF-matched warp, whose PSF matches a desired target PSF.
+This task separates the warp into a set of non-overlapping polygons corresponding to each detector.
+The PSF-matching is done on each detector separately.
+The subtask `~lsst.ip.diffim.modelPsfMatch.ModelPsfMatchTask` is responsible for the PSF-Matching, and its config is accessed via `config.psfMatch`.
+The optimal configuration depends on aspects of dataset: the pixel scale, average PSF FWHM and dimensions of the PSF kernel.
+These configs include the requested model PSF, the matching kernel size, padding of the science PSF thumbnail and spatial sampling frequency of the PSF.
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask-api:
+Python API summary
+.. lsst-task-api-summary:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask-subtasks:
+Retargetable subtasks
+.. lsst-task-config-subtasks:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+.. _lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask-configs:
+Configuration fields
+.. lsst-task-config-fields:: lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp.MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+In Depth
+Config Guidelines
+The user must specify the size of the model PSF to which to match by setting `config.modelPsf.defaultFwhm` in units of pixels.
+The appropriate values depend on science case.
+In general, for a set of input images, this config should equal the FWHM of the visit with the worst seeing.
+The smallest it should be set to is the median FWHM.
+The defaults of the other config options offer a reasonable starting point.
+The following list presents the most common problems that arise from a misconfigured `~lsst.ip.diffim.modelPsfMatch.ModelPsfMatchTask` and corresponding solutions.
+All assume the default Alard-Lupton kernel, with configs accessed via `config.psfMatch.kernel['AL']`.
+Each item in the list is formatted as Problem, Explanation. *Solution*.
+Troubleshooting PSF-Matching Configuration
+Matched PSFs look boxy
+The matching kernel is too small.
+Increase the matching kernel size. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.psfMatch.kernel['AL'].kernelSize=27
+ # default 21
+Note that increasing the kernel size also increases runtime.
+Matched PSFs look ugly (dipoles, quadrupoles, donuts)
+Unable to find good solution for matching kernel.
+Provide the matcher with more data by either increasing the spatial sampling by decreasing the spatial cell size.
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.psfMatch.kernel['AL'].sizeCellX = 64
+ # default 128
+ config.psfMatch.kernel['AL'].sizeCellY = 64
+ # default 128
+- or increasing the padding around the Science PSF, for example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.psfMatch.autoPadPsfTo=1.6 # default 1.4
+Increasing `autoPadPsfTo` increases the minimum ratio of input PSF dimensions to the matching kernel dimensions, thus increasing the number of pixels available to fit after convolving the PSF with the matching kernel.
+Optionally, for debugging the effects of padding, the level of padding may be manually controlled by setting turning off the automatic padding and setting the number of pixels by which to pad the PSF:
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.psfMatch.doAutoPadPsf = False
+ # default True
+ config.psfMatch.padPsfBy = 6
+ # pixels. default 0
+Ripple Noise Pattern
+ Matching a large PSF to a smaller PSF produces a telltale noise pattern which looks like ripples or a brain.
+Increase the size of the requested model PSF. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.modelPsf.defaultFwhm = 11 # Gaussian sigma in units of pixels.
+High frequency (sometimes checkered) noise
+The matching basis functions are too small.
+Increase the width of the Gaussian basis functions.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ config.psfMatch.kernel['AL'].alardSigGauss= [1.5, 3.0, 6.0] # from default [0.7, 1.5, 3.0]
diff --git a/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_direct_warp.py b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_direct_warp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71ec931d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_direct_warp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+import dataclasses
+from collections.abc import Mapping
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable
+import numpy as np
+from lsst.afw.image import ExposureF, Mask
+from lsst.afw.math import BackgroundList, Warper
+from lsst.coadd.utils import copyGoodPixels
+from lsst.daf.butler import DataCoordinate, DeferredDatasetHandle
+from lsst.geom import Box2D
+from lsst.meas.algorithms import CoaddPsf, CoaddPsfConfig
+from lsst.meas.algorithms.cloughTocher2DInterpolator import CloughTocher2DInterpolateTask
+from lsst.meas.base import DetectorVisitIdGeneratorConfig
+from lsst.pex.config import ConfigField, ConfigurableField, Field, RangeField
+from lsst.pipe.base import NoWorkFound, PipelineTask, PipelineTaskConfig, PipelineTaskConnections, Struct
+from lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes import Input, Output
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import makeSkyInfo
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder import CoaddInputRecorderTask
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.selectImages import PsfWcsSelectImagesTask
+from lsst.skymap import BaseSkyMap
+ from lsst.afw.image import MaskedImage
+ from lsst.afw.table import ExposureCatalog
+ from lsst.pipe.base import InMemoryDatasetHandle
+__all__ = (
+ "MakeDirectWarpConfig",
+ "MakeDirectWarpTask",
+class WarpDetectorInputs:
+ """Inputs passed to `MakeDirectWarpTask.run` for a single detector."""
+ exposure_or_handle: ExposureF | DeferredDatasetHandle | InMemoryDatasetHandle
+ """Detector image with initial calibration objects, or a deferred-load
+ handle for one.
+ """
+ data_id: DataCoordinate
+ """Butler data ID for this detector."""
+ background_revert: BackgroundList | None = None
+ """Background model to restore in (i.e. add to) the image."""
+ background_apply: BackgroundList | None = None
+ """Background model to apply to (i.e. subtract from) the image."""
+ @property
+ def exposure(self) -> ExposureF:
+ """Get the exposure object, loading it if necessary."""
+ if not isinstance(self.exposure_or_handle, ExposureF):
+ self.exposure_or_handle = self.exposure_or_handle.get()
+ return self.exposure_or_handle
+ def apply_background(self) -> None:
+ """Apply (subtract) the `background_apply` to the exposure in-place.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ RuntimeError
+ Raised if `background_apply` is None.
+ """
+ if self.background_apply is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("No background to apply")
+ if self.background_apply:
+ # Subtract only if `background_apply` is not a trivial background.
+ self.exposure.maskedImage -= self.background_apply.getImage()
+ def revert_background(self) -> None:
+ """Revert (add) the `background_revert` from the exposure in-place.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ RuntimeError
+ Raised if `background_revert` is None.
+ """
+ if self.background_revert is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("No background to revert")
+ if self.background_revert:
+ # Add only if `background_revert` is not a trivial background.
+ self.exposure.maskedImage += self.background_revert.getImage()
+class MakeDirectWarpConnections(
+ PipelineTaskConnections,
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ defaultTemplates={
+ "coaddName": "deep",
+ },
+ """Connections for MakeWarpTask"""
+ calexp_list = Input(
+ doc="Input exposures to be interpolated and resampled onto a SkyMap " "projection/patch.",
+ name="calexp",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("instrument", "visit", "detector"),
+ multiple=True,
+ deferLoad=True,
+ )
+ background_revert_list = Input(
+ doc="Background to be reverted (i.e., added back to the calexp). "
+ "This connection is used only if doRevertOldBackground=False.",
+ name="calexpBackground",
+ storageClass="Background",
+ dimensions=("instrument", "visit", "detector"),
+ multiple=True,
+ )
+ background_apply_list = Input(
+ doc="Background to be applied (subtracted from the calexp). "
+ "This is used only if doApplyNewBackground=True.",
+ name="skyCorr",
+ storageClass="Background",
+ dimensions=("instrument", "visit", "detector"),
+ multiple=True,
+ )
+ visit_summary = Input(
+ doc="Input visit-summary catalog with updated calibration objects.",
+ name="finalVisitSummary",
+ storageClass="ExposureCatalog",
+ dimensions=("instrument", "visit"),
+ )
+ sky_map = Input(
+ doc="Input definition of geometry/bbox and projection/wcs for warps.",
+ storageClass="SkyMap",
+ dimensions=("skymap",),
+ )
+ # Declare all possible outputs (except noise, which is configurable)
+ warp = Output(
+ doc="Output direct warped exposure produced by resampling calexps " "onto the skyMap patch geometry.",
+ name="{coaddName}Coadd_directWarp",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ )
+ masked_fraction_warp = Output(
+ doc="Output masked fraction warped exposure.",
+ name="{coaddName}Coadd_directWarp_maskedFraction",
+ storageClass="ImageF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *, config=None):
+ super().__init__(config=config)
+ if not config:
+ return
+ if not config.doRevertOldBackground:
+ del self.background_revert_list
+ if not config.doApplyNewBackground:
+ del self.background_apply_list
+ if not config.doWarpMaskedFraction:
+ del self.masked_fraction_warp
+ # Dynamically set output connections for noise images, depending on the
+ # number of noise realization specified in the config.
+ for n in range(config.numberOfNoiseRealizations):
+ noise_warp = Output(
+ doc=f"Output direct warped noise exposure ({n})",
+ name=f"{config.connections.coaddName}Coadd_directWarp_noise{n}",
+ # Store it as a MaskedImage to preserve the variance plane.
+ storageClass="MaskedImageF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ )
+ setattr(self, f"noise_warp{n}", noise_warp)
+class MakeDirectWarpConfig(
+ PipelineTaskConfig,
+ pipelineConnections=MakeDirectWarpConnections,
+ """Configuration for the MakeDirectWarpTask.
+ The config fields are as similar as possible to the corresponding fields in
+ MakeWarpConfig.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The config fields are in camelCase to match the fields in the earlier
+ version of the makeWarp task as closely as possible.
+ """
+ """
+ numberOfNoiseRealizations is defined as a RangeField to prevent from
+ making multiple output connections and blowing up the memory usage by
+ accident. An upper bound of 3 is based on the best guess of the maximum
+ number of noise realizations that will be used for metadetection.
+ """
+ numberOfNoiseRealizations = RangeField[int](
+ doc="Number of noise realizations to simulate and persist.",
+ default=0,
+ min=0,
+ inclusiveMax=True,
+ )
+ seedOffset = Field[int](
+ doc="Offset to the seed used for the noise realization. This can be "
+ "used to create a different noise realization if the default ones "
+ "are catastrophic, or for testing sensitivity to the noise.",
+ default=0,
+ )
+ useMedianVariance = Field[bool](
+ doc="Use the median of variance plane in the input calexp to generate "
+ "noise realizations? If False, per-pixel variance will be used.",
+ default=True,
+ )
+ doRevertOldBackground = Field[bool](
+ doc="Revert the old backgrounds from the `background_revert_list` " "connection?",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ doApplyNewBackground = Field[bool](
+ doc="Apply the new backgrounds from the `background_apply_list` " "connection?",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ useVisitSummaryPsf = Field[bool](
+ doc="If True, use the PSF model and aperture corrections from the "
+ "'visit_summary' connection to make the warp. If False, use the "
+ "PSF model and aperture corrections from the 'calexp' connection.",
+ default=True,
+ )
+ doSelectPreWarp = Field[bool](
+ doc="Select ccds before warping?",
+ default=True,
+ )
+ select = ConfigurableField(
+ doc="Image selection subtask.",
+ target=PsfWcsSelectImagesTask,
+ )
+ doPreWarpInterpolation = Field[bool](
+ doc="Interpolate over bad pixels before warping?",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ preWarpInterpolation = ConfigurableField(
+ doc="Interpolation task to use for pre-warping interpolation",
+ target=CloughTocher2DInterpolateTask,
+ )
+ inputRecorder = ConfigurableField(
+ doc="Subtask that helps fill CoaddInputs catalogs added to the final " "coadd",
+ target=CoaddInputRecorderTask,
+ )
+ includeCalibVar = Field[bool](
+ doc="Add photometric calibration variance to warp variance plane?",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ border = Field[int](
+ doc="Pad the patch boundary of the warp by these many pixels, so as to allow for PSF-matching later",
+ default=256,
+ )
+ warper = ConfigField(
+ doc="Configuration for the warper that warps the image and noise",
+ dtype=Warper.ConfigClass,
+ )
+ doWarpMaskedFraction = Field[bool](
+ doc="Warp the masked fraction image?",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ maskedFractionWarper = ConfigField(
+ doc="Configuration for the warp that warps the mask fraction image",
+ dtype=Warper.ConfigClass,
+ )
+ coaddPsf = ConfigField(
+ doc="Configuration for CoaddPsf",
+ dtype=CoaddPsfConfig,
+ )
+ idGenerator = DetectorVisitIdGeneratorConfig.make_field()
+ # Use bgSubtracted and doApplySkyCorr to match the old MakeWarpConfig,
+ # but as properties instead of config fields.
+ @property
+ def bgSubtracted(self) -> bool:
+ return not self.doRevertOldBackground
+ @bgSubtracted.setter
+ def bgSubtracted(self, value: bool) -> None:
+ self.doRevertOldBackground = not value
+ @property
+ def doApplySkyCorr(self) -> bool:
+ return self.doApplyNewBackground
+ @doApplySkyCorr.setter
+ def doApplySkyCorr(self, value: bool) -> None:
+ self.doApplyNewBackground = value
+ def setDefaults(self) -> None:
+ super().setDefaults()
+ self.warper.warpingKernelName = "lanczos3"
+ self.warper.cacheSize = 0
+ self.maskedFractionWarper.warpingKernelName = "bilinear"
+class MakeDirectWarpTask(PipelineTask):
+ """Warp single-detector images onto a common projection.
+ This task iterates over multiple images (corresponding to different
+ detectors) from a single visit that overlap the target patch. Pixels that
+ receive no input from any detector are set to NaN in the output image, and
+ NO_DATA bit is set in the mask plane.
+ This differs from the standard `MakeWarp` Task in the following
+ ways:
+ 1. No selection on ccds at the time of warping. This is done later during
+ the coaddition stage.
+ 2. Interpolate over a set of masked pixels before warping.
+ 3. Generate an image where each pixel denotes how much of the pixel is
+ masked.
+ 4. Generate multiple noise warps with the same interpolation applied.
+ 5. No option to produce a PSF-matched warp.
+ """
+ ConfigClass = MakeDirectWarpConfig
+ _DefaultName = "makeDirectWarp"
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.makeSubtask("inputRecorder")
+ self.makeSubtask("preWarpInterpolation")
+ if self.config.doSelectPreWarp:
+ self.makeSubtask("select")
+ self.warper = Warper.fromConfig(self.config.warper)
+ if self.config.doWarpMaskedFraction:
+ self.maskedFractionWarper = Warper.fromConfig(self.config.maskedFractionWarper)
+ def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
+ # Docstring inherited.
+ inputs: Mapping[int, WarpDetectorInputs] = {} # Detector ID -> WarpDetectorInputs
+ for handle in butlerQC.get(inputRefs.calexp_list):
+ inputs[handle.dataId["detector"]] = WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=handle,
+ data_id=handle.dataId,
+ )
+ if not inputs:
+ raise NoWorkFound("No input warps provided for co-addition")
+ # Add backgrounds to the inputs struct, being careful not to assume
+ # they're present for the same detectors we got image handles for, in
+ # case of upstream errors.
+ for ref in getattr(inputRefs, "background_revert_list", []):
+ inputs[ref.dataId["detector"]].background_revert = butlerQC.get(ref)
+ for ref in getattr(inputRefs, "background_apply_list", []):
+ inputs[ref.dataId["detector"]].background_apply = butlerQC.get(ref)
+ visit_summary = butlerQC.get(inputRefs.visit_summary)
+ sky_map = butlerQC.get(inputRefs.sky_map)
+ quantumDataId = butlerQC.quantum.dataId
+ sky_info = makeSkyInfo(
+ sky_map,
+ tractId=quantumDataId["tract"],
+ patchId=quantumDataId["patch"],
+ )
+ results = self.run(inputs, sky_info, visit_summary=visit_summary)
+ butlerQC.put(results, outputRefs)
+ def _preselect_inputs(
+ self,
+ inputs: Mapping[int, WarpDetectorInputs],
+ sky_info: Struct,
+ visit_summary: ExposureCatalog,
+ ) -> dict[int, WarpDetectorInputs]:
+ """Filter the list of inputs via a 'select' subtask.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ inputs : ``~collections.abc.Mapping` [ `int`, `WarpDetectorInputs` ]
+ Per-detector input structs.
+ sky_info : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ Structure with information about the tract and patch.
+ visit_summary : `~lsst.afw.table.ExposureCatalog`
+ Record with updated calibration information for the full visit.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ filtered_inputs : `dict` [ `int`, `WarpDetectorInputs` ]
+ Like ``inputs``, with rejected detectors dropped.
+ """
+ data_id_list, bbox_list, wcs_list = [], [], []
+ for detector_id, detector_inputs in inputs.items():
+ row = visit_summary.find(detector_id)
+ if row is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpectedly incomplete visit_summary: {detector_id=} is missing.")
+ data_id_list.append(detector_inputs.data_id)
+ bbox_list.append(row.getBBox())
+ wcs_list.append(row.getWcs())
+ cornerPosList = Box2D(sky_info.bbox).getCorners()
+ coordList = [sky_info.wcs.pixelToSky(pos) for pos in cornerPosList]
+ good_indices = self.select.run(
+ bboxList=bbox_list,
+ wcsList=wcs_list,
+ visitSummary=visit_summary,
+ coordList=coordList,
+ dataIds=data_id_list,
+ )
+ detector_ids = list(inputs.keys())
+ good_detector_ids = [detector_ids[i] for i in good_indices]
+ return {detector_id: inputs[detector_id] for detector_id in good_detector_ids}
+ def run(self, inputs: Mapping[int, WarpDetectorInputs], sky_info, visit_summary) -> Struct:
+ """Create a Warp dataset from inputs.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ inputs : `Mapping` [ `int`, `WarpDetectorInputs` ]
+ Dictionary of input datasets, with the detector id being the key.
+ sky_info : `~lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ A Struct object containing wcs, bounding box, and other information
+ about the patches within the tract.
+ visit_summary : `~lsst.afw.table.ExposureCatalog` | None
+ Table of visit summary information. If provided, the visit summary
+ information will be used to update the calibration of the input
+ exposures. If None, the input exposures will be used as-is.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ results : `~lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ A Struct object containing the warped exposure, noise exposure(s),
+ and masked fraction image.
+ """
+ if self.config.doSelectPreWarp:
+ inputs = self._preselect_inputs(inputs, sky_info, visit_summary=visit_summary)
+ if not inputs:
+ raise NoWorkFound("No input warps remain after selection for co-addition")
+ sky_info.bbox.grow(self.config.border)
+ target_bbox, target_wcs = sky_info.bbox, sky_info.wcs
+ # Initialize the objects that will hold the warp.
+ final_warp = ExposureF(target_bbox, target_wcs)
+ for _, warp_detector_input in inputs.items():
+ visit_id = warp_detector_input.data_id["visit"]
+ break # Just need the visit id from any one of the inputs.
+ # The warpExposure routine is expensive, and we do not want to call
+ # it twice (i.e., a second time for PSF-matched warps). We do not
+ # want to hold all the warped exposures in memory at once either.
+ # So we create empty exposure(s) to accumulate the warps of each type,
+ # and then process each detector serially.
+ final_warp = self._prepareEmptyExposure(sky_info)
+ final_masked_fraction_warp = self._prepareEmptyExposure(sky_info)
+ final_noise_warps = {
+ n_noise: self._prepareEmptyExposure(sky_info)
+ for n_noise in range(self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations)
+ }
+ # We need a few bookkeeping variables only for the science coadd.
+ totalGoodPixels = 0
+ inputRecorder = self.inputRecorder.makeCoaddTempExpRecorder(
+ visit_id,
+ len(inputs),
+ )
+ for index, detector_inputs in enumerate(inputs.values()):
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Warping exposure %d/%d for id=%s",
+ index + 1,
+ len(inputs),
+ detector_inputs.data_id,
+ )
+ input_exposure = detector_inputs.exposure
+ # Generate noise image(s) in-situ.
+ seed = self.get_seed_from_data_id(detector_inputs.data_id)
+ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + self.config.seedOffset)
+ # Generate noise images in-situ.
+ noise_calexps = self.make_noise_exposures(input_exposure, rng)
+ warpedExposure = self.process(
+ detector_inputs,
+ target_wcs,
+ self.warper,
+ visit_summary,
+ destBBox=target_bbox,
+ )
+ if warpedExposure is None:
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Skipping exposure %s because it could not be warped.", detector_inputs.data_id
+ )
+ continue
+ if final_warp.photoCalib is not None:
+ ratio = (
+ final_warp.photoCalib.getInstFluxAtZeroMagnitude()
+ / warpedExposure.photoCalib.getInstFluxAtZeroMagnitude()
+ )
+ else:
+ ratio = 1
+ self.log.debug("Scaling exposure %s by %f", detector_inputs.data_id, ratio)
+ warpedExposure.maskedImage *= ratio
+ # Accumulate the partial warps in an online fashion.
+ nGood = copyGoodPixels(
+ final_warp.maskedImage,
+ warpedExposure.maskedImage,
+ final_warp.mask.getPlaneBitMask(["NO_DATA"]),
+ )
+ if final_warp.photoCalib is None and nGood > 0:
+ final_warp.setPhotoCalib(warpedExposure.photoCalib)
+ ccdId = self.config.idGenerator.apply(detector_inputs.data_id).catalog_id
+ inputRecorder.addCalExp(input_exposure, ccdId, nGood)
+ totalGoodPixels += nGood
+ if self.config.doWarpMaskedFraction:
+ # Obtain the masked fraction exposure and warp it.
+ if self.config.doPreWarpInterpolation:
+ badMaskPlanes = self.preWarpInterpolation.config.badMaskPlanes
+ else:
+ badMaskPlanes = []
+ masked_fraction_exp = self._get_bad_mask(input_exposure, badMaskPlanes)
+ masked_fraction_warp = self.maskedFractionWarper.warpExposure(
+ target_wcs, masked_fraction_exp, destBBox=target_bbox
+ )
+ copyGoodPixels(
+ final_masked_fraction_warp.maskedImage,
+ masked_fraction_warp.maskedImage,
+ final_masked_fraction_warp.mask.getPlaneBitMask(["NO_DATA"]),
+ )
+ # Process and accumulate noise images.
+ for n_noise in range(self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations):
+ noise_calexp = noise_calexps[n_noise]
+ noise_pseudo_inputs = dataclasses.replace(
+ detector_inputs,
+ exposure_or_handle=noise_calexp,
+ background_revert=BackgroundList(),
+ background_apply=BackgroundList(),
+ )
+ warpedNoise = self.process(
+ noise_pseudo_inputs,
+ target_wcs,
+ self.warper,
+ visit_summary,
+ destBBox=target_bbox,
+ )
+ warpedNoise.maskedImage *= ratio
+ copyGoodPixels(
+ final_noise_warps[n_noise].maskedImage,
+ warpedNoise.maskedImage,
+ final_noise_warps[n_noise].mask.getPlaneBitMask(["NO_DATA"]),
+ )
+ # If there are no good pixels, return a Struct filled with None.
+ if totalGoodPixels == 0:
+ results = Struct(
+ warp=None,
+ masked_fraction_warp=None,
+ )
+ for noise_index in range(self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations):
+ setattr(results, f"noise_warp{noise_index}", None)
+ return results
+ # Finish the inputRecorder and add the coaddPsf to the final warp.
+ inputRecorder.finish(final_warp, totalGoodPixels)
+ coaddPsf = CoaddPsf(
+ inputRecorder.coaddInputs.ccds,
+ sky_info.wcs,
+ self.config.coaddPsf.makeControl(),
+ )
+ final_warp.setPsf(coaddPsf)
+ for _, warp_detector_input in inputs.items():
+ final_warp.setFilter(warp_detector_input.exposure.getFilter())
+ final_warp.getInfo().setVisitInfo(warp_detector_input.exposure.getInfo().getVisitInfo())
+ break # Just need the filter and visit info from any one of the inputs.
+ results = Struct(
+ warp=final_warp,
+ )
+ if self.config.doWarpMaskedFraction:
+ results.masked_fraction_warp = final_masked_fraction_warp.image
+ for noise_index, noise_exposure in final_noise_warps.items():
+ setattr(results, f"noise_warp{noise_index}", noise_exposure.maskedImage)
+ return results
+ def process(
+ self,
+ detector_inputs: WarpDetectorInputs,
+ target_wcs,
+ warper,
+ visit_summary=None,
+ maxBBox=None,
+ destBBox=None,
+ ) -> ExposureF | None:
+ """Process an exposure.
+ There are three processing steps that are applied to the input:
+ 1. Interpolate over bad pixels before warping.
+ 2. Apply all calibrations from visit_summary to the exposure.
+ 3. Warp the exposure to the target coordinate system.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ detector_inputs : `WarpDetectorInputs`
+ The input exposure to be processed, along with any other
+ per-detector modifications.
+ target_wcs : `~lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`
+ The WCS of the target patch.
+ warper : `~lsst.afw.math.Warper`
+ The warper to use for warping the input exposure.
+ visit_summary : `~lsst.afw.table.ExposureCatalog` | None
+ Table of visit summary information. If not None, the visit_summary
+ information will be used to update the calibration of the input
+ exposures. Otherwise, the input exposures will be used as-is.
+ maxBBox : `~lsst.geom.Box2I` | None
+ Maximum bounding box of the warped exposure. If None, this is
+ determined automatically.
+ destBBox : `~lsst.geom.Box2I` | None
+ Exact bounding box of the warped exposure. If None, this is
+ determined automatically.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ warped_exposure : `~lsst.afw.image.Exposure` | None
+ The processed and warped exposure, if all the calibrations could
+ be applied successfully. Otherwise, None.
+ """
+ input_exposure = detector_inputs.exposure
+ if self.config.doPreWarpInterpolation:
+ self.preWarpInterpolation.run(input_exposure.maskedImage)
+ success = self._apply_all_calibrations(
+ detector_inputs,
+ visit_summary=visit_summary,
+ includeScaleUncertainty=self.config.includeCalibVar,
+ )
+ if not success:
+ return None
+ with self.timer("warp"):
+ warped_exposure = warper.warpExposure(
+ target_wcs,
+ input_exposure,
+ maxBBox=maxBBox,
+ destBBox=destBBox,
+ )
+ # Potentially a post-warp interpolation here? Relies on DM-38630.
+ return warped_exposure
+ def _apply_all_calibrations(
+ self,
+ detector_inputs: WarpDetectorInputs,
+ *,
+ visit_summary: ExposureCatalog | None = None,
+ includeScaleUncertainty: bool = False,
+ ) -> bool:
+ """Apply all of the calibrations from visit_summary to the exposure.
+ Specifically, this method updates the following (if available) to the
+ input exposure in place from ``visit_summary``:
+ - Aperture correction map
+ - Photometric calibration
+ - PSF
+ - WCS
+ It also reverts and applies backgrounds in ``detector_inputs``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ detector_inputs : `WarpDetectorInputs`
+ The input exposure to be processed, along with any other
+ per-detector modifications.
+ visit_summary : `~lsst.afw.table.ExposureCatalog` | None
+ Table of visit summary information. If not None, the visit summary
+ information will be used to update the calibration of the input
+ exposures. Otherwise, the input exposures will be used as-is.
+ includeScaleUncertainty : bool
+ Whether to include the uncertainty on the calibration in the
+ resulting variance? Passed onto the `calibrateImage` method of the
+ PhotoCalib object attached to ``exp``.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ success : `bool`
+ True if all calibrations were successfully applied,
+ False otherwise.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ RuntimeError
+ Raised if ``visit_summary`` is provided but does not contain a
+ record corresponding to ``detector_inputs``, or if one of the
+ background fields in ``detector_inputs`` is inconsistent with the
+ task configuration.
+ """
+ if self.config.doRevertOldBackground:
+ detector_inputs.revert_background()
+ elif detector_inputs.background_revert:
+ # This could get trigged only if runQuantum is skipped and run is
+ # called directly.
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"doRevertOldBackground is False, but {detector_inputs.data_id} has a background_revert."
+ )
+ input_exposure = detector_inputs.exposure
+ if visit_summary is not None:
+ detector = input_exposure.info.getDetector().getId()
+ row = visit_summary.find(detector)
+ if row is None:
+ self.log.info(
+ "Unexpectedly incomplete visit_summary: detector = %s is missing. Skipping it.",
+ detector,
+ )
+ return False
+ if photo_calib := row.getPhotoCalib():
+ input_exposure.setPhotoCalib(photo_calib)
+ else:
+ self.log.info(
+ "No photometric calibration found in visit summary for detector = %s. Skipping it.",
+ detector,
+ )
+ return False
+ if wcs := row.getWcs():
+ input_exposure.setWcs(wcs)
+ else:
+ self.log.info("No WCS found in visit summary for detector = %s. Skipping it.", detector)
+ return False
+ if self.config.useVisitSummaryPsf:
+ if psf := row.getPsf():
+ input_exposure.setPsf(psf)
+ else:
+ self.log.info("No PSF found in visit summary for detector = %s. Skipping it.", detector)
+ return False
+ if apcorr_map := row.getApCorrMap():
+ input_exposure.setApCorrMap(apcorr_map)
+ else:
+ self.log.info(
+ "No aperture correction map found in visit summary for detector = %s. Skipping it",
+ detector,
+ )
+ return False
+ elif visit_summary is not None:
+ # We can only get here by calling `run`, not `runQuantum`.
+ raise RuntimeError("useVisitSummaryPsf=True, but visit_summary is provided. ")
+ if self.config.doApplyNewBackground:
+ detector_inputs.apply_background()
+ elif detector_inputs.background_apply:
+ # This could get trigged only if runQuantum is skipped and run is
+ # called directly.
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"doApplyNewBackground is False, but {detector_inputs.data_id} has a background_apply."
+ )
+ # Calibrate the (masked) image.
+ # This should likely happen even if visit_summary is None.
+ photo_calib = input_exposure.photoCalib
+ input_exposure.maskedImage = photo_calib.calibrateImage(
+ input_exposure.maskedImage,
+ includeScaleUncertainty=includeScaleUncertainty,
+ )
+ input_exposure.maskedImage /= photo_calib.getCalibrationMean()
+ return True
+ # This method is copied from makeWarp.py
+ @classmethod
+ def _prepareEmptyExposure(cls, sky_info):
+ """Produce an empty exposure for a given patch.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sky_info : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ Struct from `~lsst.pipe.base.coaddBase.makeSkyInfo` with
+ geometric information about the patch.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ exp : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.ExposureF`
+ An empty exposure for a given patch.
+ """
+ exp = ExposureF(sky_info.bbox, sky_info.wcs)
+ exp.getMaskedImage().set(np.nan, Mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA"), np.inf)
+ return exp
+ @staticmethod
+ def compute_median_variance(mi: MaskedImage) -> float:
+ """Compute the median variance across the good pixels of a MaskedImage.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mi : `~lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
+ The input image on which to compute the median variance.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ median_variance : `float`
+ Median variance of the input calexp.
+ """
+ # Shouldn't this exclude pixels that are masked, to be safe?
+ # This is implemented as it was in descwl_coadd.
+ return np.median(mi.variance.array[np.isfinite(mi.variance.array) & np.isfinite(mi.image.array)])
+ def get_seed_from_data_id(self, data_id) -> int:
+ """Get a seed value given a data_id.
+ This method generates a unique, reproducible pseudo-random number for
+ a data id. This is not affected by ordering of the input, or what
+ set of visits, ccds etc. are given.
+ This is implemented as a public method, so that simulations that
+ don't necessary deal with the middleware can mock up a ``data_id``
+ instance, or override this method with a different one to obtain a
+ seed value consistent with the pipeline task.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data_id : `~lsst.daf.butler.DataCoordinate`
+ Data identifier dictionary.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ seed : `int`
+ A unique seed for this data_id to seed a random number generator.
+ """
+ return self.config.idGenerator.apply(data_id).catalog_id
+ def make_noise_exposures(self, calexp: ExposureF, rng) -> dict[int, ExposureF]:
+ """Make pure noise realizations based on ``calexp``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ calexp : `~lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
+ The input exposure on which to base the noise realizations.
+ rng : `np.random.RandomState`
+ Random number generator to use for the noise realizations.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ noise_calexps : `dict` [`int`, `~lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`]
+ A mapping of integers ranging from 0 up to
+ config.numberOfNoiseRealizations to the corresponding
+ noise realization exposures.
+ """
+ noise_calexps = {}
+ # If no noise exposures are requested, return the empty dictionary
+ # without any further computations.
+ if self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations == 0:
+ return noise_calexps
+ if self.config.useMedianVariance:
+ variance = self.compute_median_variance(calexp.maskedImage)
+ else:
+ variance = calexp.variance.array
+ for n_noise in range(self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations):
+ noise_calexp = calexp.clone()
+ noise_calexp.image.array[:, :] = rng.normal(
+ scale=np.sqrt(variance),
+ size=noise_calexp.image.array.shape,
+ )
+ noise_calexp.variance.array[:, :] = variance
+ noise_calexps[n_noise] = noise_calexp
+ return noise_calexps
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_bad_mask(cls, exp: ExposureF, badMaskPlanes: Iterable[str]) -> ExposureF:
+ """Get an Exposure of bad mask
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ exp: `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
+ The exposure data.
+ badMaskPlanes: `list` [`str`]
+ List of mask planes to be considered as bad.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bad_mask: `~lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
+ An Exposure with boolean array with True if inverse variance <= 0
+ or if any of the badMaskPlanes bits are set, and False otherwise.
+ """
+ bad_mask = exp.clone()
+ var = exp.variance.array
+ mask = exp.mask.array
+ bitMask = exp.mask.getPlaneBitMask(badMaskPlanes)
+ bad_mask.image.array[:, :] = (var < 0) | np.isinf(var) | ((mask & bitMask) != 0)
+ bad_mask.variance.array *= 0.0
+ return bad_mask
diff --git a/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_psf_matched_warp.py b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_psf_matched_warp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91198286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/make_psf_matched_warp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = (
+ "MakePsfMatchedWarpConfig",
+ "MakePsfMatchedWarpConnections",
+ "MakePsfMatchedWarpTask",
+import warnings
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+import numpy as np
+import lsst.geom as geom
+from lsst.afw.geom import Polygon, SinglePolygonException, makeWcsPairTransform
+from lsst.coadd.utils import copyGoodPixels
+from lsst.ip.diffim import ModelPsfMatchTask
+from lsst.meas.algorithms import GaussianPsfFactory, WarpedPsf
+from lsst.pex.config import ConfigurableField
+from lsst.pipe.base import PipelineTask, PipelineTaskConfig, PipelineTaskConnections, Struct
+from lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes import Input, Output
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import growValidPolygons, makeSkyInfo
+from lsst.skymap import BaseSkyMap
+from lsst.utils.timer import timeMethod
+ from lsst.afw.image import Exposure
+class MakePsfMatchedWarpConnections(
+ PipelineTaskConnections,
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ defaultTemplates={
+ "coaddName": "deep",
+ },
+ """Connections for MakePsfMatchedWarpTask"""
+ sky_map = Input(
+ doc="Input definition of geometry/bbox and projection/wcs for warps.",
+ storageClass="SkyMap",
+ dimensions=("skymap",),
+ )
+ direct_warp = Input(
+ doc="Direct warped exposure produced by resampling calexps onto the skyMap patch geometry",
+ name="{coaddName}Coadd_directWarp",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "instrument", "visit"),
+ )
+ psf_matched_warp = Output(
+ doc=(
+ "Output PSF-Matched warped exposure, produced by resampling ",
+ "calexps onto the skyMap patch geometry and PSF-matching to a model PSF.",
+ ),
+ name="{coaddName}Coadd_psfMatchedWarp",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "visit", "instrument"),
+ )
+class MakePsfMatchedWarpConfig(
+ PipelineTaskConfig,
+ pipelineConnections=MakePsfMatchedWarpConnections,
+ """Config for MakePsfMatchedWarpTask."""
+ modelPsf = GaussianPsfFactory.makeField(doc="Model Psf factory")
+ psfMatch = ConfigurableField(
+ target=ModelPsfMatchTask,
+ doc="Task to warp and PSF-match calexp",
+ )
+ def setDefaults(self):
+ super().setDefaults()
+ self.psfMatch.kernel["AL"].alardSigGauss = [1.0, 2.0, 4.5]
+ self.modelPsf.defaultFwhm = 7.7
+class MakePsfMatchedWarpTask(PipelineTask):
+ ConfigClass = MakePsfMatchedWarpConfig
+ _DefaultName = "makePsfMatchedWarp"
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.makeSubtask("psfMatch")
+ def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
+ # Docstring inherited.
+ # Read in all inputs.
+ inputs = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
+ sky_map = inputs.pop("sky_map")
+ quantumDataId = butlerQC.quantum.dataId
+ sky_info = makeSkyInfo(
+ sky_map,
+ tractId=quantumDataId["tract"],
+ patchId=quantumDataId["patch"],
+ )
+ results = self.run(inputs["direct_warp"], sky_info.bbox)
+ butlerQC.put(results, outputRefs)
+ @timeMethod
+ def run(self, direct_warp: Exposure, bbox: geom.Box2I):
+ """Make a PSF-matched warp from a direct warp.
+ Each individual detector from the direct warp is isolated, one at a
+ time, and PSF-matched to the same model PSF. The PSF-matched images are
+ then added back together to form the final PSF-matched warp. The bulk
+ of the work is done by the `psfMatchTask`.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Pixels that receive no inputs are set to NaN, for e.g, chip gaps. This
+ violates LSST algorithms group policy.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ direct_warp : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
+ Direct warp to be PSF-matched.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ Struct containing the PSF-matched warp under the attribute
+ `psf_matched_warp`.
+ """
+ modelPsf = self.config.modelPsf.apply()
+ # Prepare the output exposure. We clone the input image to keep the
+ # metadata, but reset the image and variance plans.
+ exposure_psf_matched = direct_warp[bbox].clone()
+ exposure_psf_matched.image.array[:, :] = np.nan
+ exposure_psf_matched.variance.array[:, :] = np.inf
+ exposure_psf_matched.setPsf(modelPsf)
+ bit_mask = direct_warp.mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA")
+ total_good_pixels = 0 # Total number of pixels copied to output.
+ for row in direct_warp.info.getCoaddInputs().ccds:
+ transform = makeWcsPairTransform(row.wcs, direct_warp.wcs)
+ warp_psf = WarpedPsf(row.getPsf(), transform)
+ if (src_polygon := row.validPolygon) is None:
+ # Calculate the polygon for this detector.
+ src_polygon = Polygon([geom.Point2D(corner) for corner in row.getBBox().getCorners()])
+ self.log.debug("Polygon for detector=%d is calculated as %s", row["ccd"], src_polygon)
+ else:
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Polygon for detector=%d is read from the input calexp as %s", row["ccd"], src_polygon
+ )
+ try:
+ destination_polygon = src_polygon.transform(transform).intersectionSingle(
+ geom.Box2D(direct_warp.getBBox())
+ )
+ except SinglePolygonException:
+ self.log.info(
+ "Skipping CCD %d as its polygon does not intersect the direct warp",
+ row["ccd"],
+ )
+ continue
+ # Compute the minimum possible bounding box that overlaps the CCD.
+ # First find the intersection polygon between the per-detector warp
+ # and the warp bounding box.
+ bbox = geom.Box2I()
+ for corner in destination_polygon.getVertices():
+ bbox.include(geom.Point2I(corner))
+ bbox.clip(direct_warp.getBBox()) # Additional safeguard
+ # Because the direct warps are larger, it is possible that after
+ # clipping, `bbox` lies outside PSF-matched warp's bounding box.
+ if not bbox.overlaps(exposure_psf_matched.getBBox()):
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Skipping CCD %d as its bbox %s does not overlap the PSF-matched warp",
+ row["ccd"],
+ bbox,
+ )
+ continue
+ self.log.debug("PSF-matching CCD %d with bbox %s", row["ccd"], bbox)
+ ccd_mask_array = ~(destination_polygon.createImage(bbox).array <= 0)
+ # Clone the subimage, set the PSF to the model and reset the planes
+ # outside the detector.
+ temp_warp = direct_warp[bbox].clone()
+ temp_warp.setPsf(warp_psf)
+ temp_warp.image.array *= ccd_mask_array
+ temp_warp.mask.array |= (~ccd_mask_array) * bit_mask
+ # We intend to divide by zero outside the detector to set the
+ # per-pixel variance values to infinity. Suppress the warning.
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="divide by zero", category=RuntimeWarning)
+ temp_warp.variance.array /= ccd_mask_array
+ temp_psf_matched = self.psfMatch.run(temp_warp, modelPsf).psfMatchedExposure
+ del temp_warp
+ # Set pixels outside the intersection polygon to NO_DATA.
+ temp_psf_matched.maskedImage[bbox].mask.array |= (~ccd_mask_array) * bit_mask
+ # Clip the bbox to the PSF-matched warp bounding box.
+ bbox.clip(exposure_psf_matched.getBBox())
+ num_good_pixels = copyGoodPixels(
+ exposure_psf_matched.maskedImage[bbox],
+ temp_psf_matched.maskedImage[bbox],
+ bit_mask,
+ )
+ del temp_psf_matched
+ self.log.info(
+ "Copied %d pixels from CCD %d to exposure_psf_matched",
+ num_good_pixels,
+ row["ccd"],
+ )
+ total_good_pixels += num_good_pixels
+ self.log.info("Total number of good pixels = %d", total_good_pixels)
+ if total_good_pixels > 0:
+ growValidPolygons(
+ exposure_psf_matched.info.getCoaddInputs(),
+ -self.config.psfMatch.kernel.active.kernelSize // 2,
+ )
+ return Struct(psf_matched_warp=exposure_psf_matched)
+ else:
+ return Struct(psf_matched_warp=None)
diff --git a/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py b/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
index 1a9f034d..bc680268 100644
--- a/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
from lsst.geom import arcseconds, degrees
from lsst.meas.algorithms.testUtils import plantSources
from lsst.obs.base import MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import growValidPolygons
from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder import CoaddInputRecorderConfig, CoaddInputRecorderTask
-from lsst.pipe.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp import growValidPolygons
from lsst.skymap import Index2D, PatchInfo
__all__ = ["makeMockSkyInfo", "MockCoaddTestData"]
diff --git a/tests/test_make_direct_warp.py b/tests/test_make_direct_warp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b4b8413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_make_direct_warp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+import unittest
+from typing import Self, Type
+import numpy as np
+import lsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils
+import lsst.afw.image
+import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
+import lsst.skymap as skyMap
+import lsst.utils.tests
+from lsst.afw.detection import GaussianPsf
+from lsst.daf.butler import DataCoordinate, DimensionUniverse
+from lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp import MakeDirectWarpConfig, MakeDirectWarpTask, WarpDetectorInputs
+from lsst.pipe.base import InMemoryDatasetHandle
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import makeSkyInfo
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.makeWarp import MakeWarpTask
+class MakeWarpTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ np.random.seed(12345)
+ self.config = MakeDirectWarpConfig()
+ self.config.useVisitSummaryPsf = False
+ self.config.doSelectPreWarp = False
+ self.config.doWarpMaskedFraction = True
+ self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations = 1
+ meanCalibration = 1e-4
+ calibrationErr = 1e-5
+ self.exposurePhotoCalib = lsst.afw.image.PhotoCalib(meanCalibration, calibrationErr)
+ # An external photoCalib calibration to return
+ self.externalPhotoCalib = lsst.afw.image.PhotoCalib(1e-6, 1e-8)
+ crpix = lsst.geom.Point2D(0, 0)
+ crval = lsst.geom.SpherePoint(0, 45, lsst.geom.degrees)
+ cdMatrix = lsst.afw.geom.makeCdMatrix(scale=1.0 * lsst.geom.arcseconds)
+ self.skyWcs = lsst.afw.geom.makeSkyWcs(crpix, crval, cdMatrix)
+ externalCdMatrix = lsst.afw.geom.makeCdMatrix(scale=0.9 * lsst.geom.arcseconds)
+ # An external skyWcs to return
+ self.externalSkyWcs = lsst.afw.geom.makeSkyWcs(crpix, crval, externalCdMatrix)
+ self.exposure = lsst.afw.image.ExposureF(100, 150)
+ self.exposure.maskedImage.image.array = np.random.random((150, 100)).astype(np.float32) * 1000
+ self.exposure.maskedImage.variance.array = np.random.random((150, 100)).astype(np.float32)
+ # mask at least one pixel
+ self.exposure.maskedImage.mask[5, 5] = 3
+ # set the PhotoCalib and Wcs objects of this exposure.
+ self.exposure.setPhotoCalib(lsst.afw.image.PhotoCalib(meanCalibration, calibrationErr))
+ self.exposure.setWcs(self.skyWcs)
+ self.exposure.setPsf(GaussianPsf(5, 5, 2.5))
+ self.exposure.setFilter(lsst.afw.image.FilterLabel(physical="fakeFilter", band="fake"))
+ self.visit = 100
+ self.detector = 5
+ detectorName = f"detector {self.detector}"
+ detector = lsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils.DetectorWrapper(name=detectorName, id=self.detector).detector
+ self.exposure.setDetector(detector)
+ dataId_dict = {"detector_id": self.detector, "visit_id": 1248, "band": "i"}
+ dataId = self.generate_data_id(**dataId_dict)
+ self.dataRef = InMemoryDatasetHandle(self.exposure, dataId=dataId)
+ simpleMapConfig = skyMap.discreteSkyMap.DiscreteSkyMapConfig()
+ simpleMapConfig.raList = [crval.getRa().asDegrees()]
+ simpleMapConfig.decList = [crval.getDec().asDegrees()]
+ simpleMapConfig.radiusList = [0.1]
+ self.simpleMap = skyMap.DiscreteSkyMap(simpleMapConfig)
+ self.tractId = 0
+ self.patchId = self.simpleMap[0].findPatch(crval).sequential_index
+ self.skyInfo = makeSkyInfo(self.simpleMap, self.tractId, self.patchId)
+ @classmethod
+ def generate_data_id(
+ cls: Type[Self],
+ *,
+ tract: int = 9813,
+ patch: int = 42,
+ band: str = "r",
+ detector_id: int = 9,
+ visit_id: int = 1234,
+ detector_max: int = 109,
+ visit_max: int = 10000,
+ ) -> DataCoordinate:
+ """Generate a DataCoordinate instance to use as data_id.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tract : `int`, optional
+ Tract ID for the data_id
+ patch : `int`, optional
+ Patch ID for the data_id
+ band : `str`, optional
+ Band for the data_id
+ detector_id : `int`, optional
+ Detector ID for the data_id
+ visit_id : `int`, optional
+ Visit ID for the data_id
+ detector_max : `int`, optional
+ Maximum detector ID for the data_id
+ visit_max : `int`, optional
+ Maximum visit ID for the data_id
+ Returns
+ -------
+ data_id : `lsst.daf.butler.DataCoordinate`
+ An expanded data_id instance.
+ """
+ universe = DimensionUniverse()
+ instrument = universe["instrument"]
+ instrument_record = instrument.RecordClass(
+ name="DummyCam",
+ class_name="lsst.obs.base.instrument_tests.DummyCam",
+ detector_max=detector_max,
+ visit_max=visit_max,
+ )
+ skymap = universe["skymap"]
+ skymap_record = skymap.RecordClass(name="test_skymap")
+ band_element = universe["band"]
+ band_record = band_element.RecordClass(name=band)
+ visit = universe["visit"]
+ visit_record = visit.RecordClass(id=visit_id, instrument="test")
+ detector = universe["detector"]
+ detector_record = detector.RecordClass(id=detector_id, instrument="test")
+ physical_filter = universe["physical_filter"]
+ physical_filter_record = physical_filter.RecordClass(name=band, instrument="test", band=band)
+ patch_element = universe["patch"]
+ patch_record = patch_element.RecordClass(
+ skymap="test_skymap",
+ tract=tract,
+ patch=patch,
+ )
+ if "day_obs" in universe:
+ day_obs_element = universe["day_obs"]
+ day_obs_record = day_obs_element.RecordClass(id=20240201, instrument="test")
+ else:
+ day_obs_record = None
+ # A dictionary with all the relevant records.
+ record = {
+ "instrument": instrument_record,
+ "visit": visit_record,
+ "detector": detector_record,
+ "patch": patch_record,
+ "tract": 9813,
+ "band": band_record.name,
+ "skymap": skymap_record.name,
+ "physical_filter": physical_filter_record,
+ }
+ if day_obs_record:
+ record["day_obs"] = day_obs_record
+ # A dictionary with all the relevant recordIds.
+ record_id = record.copy()
+ for key in ("visit", "detector"):
+ record_id[key] = record_id[key].id
+ # TODO: Catching mypy failures on Github Actions should be made easier,
+ # perhaps in DM-36873. Igroring these for now.
+ data_id = DataCoordinate.standardize(record_id, universe=universe)
+ return data_id.expanded(record)
+ def test_makeWarp(self):
+ """Test basic MakeDirectWarpTask."""
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ )
+ }
+ result = makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp = result.warp
+ mfrac = result.masked_fraction_warp
+ noise = result.noise_warp0
+ # Ensure we got an exposure out
+ self.assertIsInstance(warp, lsst.afw.image.ExposureF)
+ # Ensure that masked fraction is an ImageF object.
+ self.assertIsInstance(mfrac, lsst.afw.image.ImageF)
+ # Ensure that the noise image is a MaskedImageF object.
+ self.assertIsInstance(noise, lsst.afw.image.MaskedImageF)
+ # Check that the noise image is not accidentally the same as the image.
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
+ self.assertImagesAlmostEqual(noise.image, warp.image)
+ # Ensure the warp has valid pixels
+ self.assertGreater(np.isfinite(warp.image.array.ravel()).sum(), 0)
+ # Ensure the warp has the correct WCS
+ self.assertEqual(warp.getWcs(), self.skyInfo.wcs)
+ # Ensure that mfrac has pixels between 0 and 1
+ self.assertTrue(np.nanmax(mfrac.array) <= 1)
+ self.assertTrue(np.nanmin(mfrac.array) >= 0)
+ def test_compare_warps(self):
+ """Test that the warp from MakeWarpTask and MakeDirectWarpTask agree
+ when makePsfMatched is True in MakeWarpConfig.
+ """
+ dataIdList = [
+ {
+ "visit": self.visit,
+ "detector": self.detector,
+ }
+ ]
+ config = MakeWarpTask.ConfigClass()
+ config.makePsfMatched = True
+ config.makeDirect = True
+ makeWarp = MakeWarpTask(config=config)
+ result0 = makeWarp.run(
+ calExpList=[self.exposure],
+ ccdIdList=[self.detector],
+ skyInfo=self.skyInfo,
+ visitId=self.visit,
+ dataIdList=dataIdList,
+ )
+ self.assertIsNotNone(result0.exposures["direct"])
+ self.assertIsNotNone(result0.exposures["psfMatched"])
+ self.config.doPreWarpInterpolation = False
+ self.config.doSelectPreWarp = False
+ self.config.useVisitSummaryPsf = False
+ task = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ )
+ }
+ result1 = task.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp0 = result0.exposures["direct"]
+ warp1 = result1.warp[warp0.getBBox()]
+ self.assertMaskedImagesAlmostEqual(warp0.maskedImage, warp1.maskedImage, rtol=3e-7, atol=6e-6)
+ def make_backgroundList(self):
+ """Obtain a BackgroundList for the image."""
+ bgCtrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
+ interpStyle = afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE
+ undersampleStyle = afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER
+ approxStyle = afwMath.ApproximateControl.UNKNOWN
+ approxOrderX = 0
+ approxOrderY = 0
+ approxWeighting = False
+ backgroundList = afwMath.BackgroundList()
+ bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(self.exposure.image, bgCtrl)
+ backgroundList.append(
+ (bkgd, interpStyle, undersampleStyle, approxStyle, approxOrderX, approxOrderY, approxWeighting)
+ )
+ return backgroundList
+ @lsst.utils.tests.methodParametersProduct(
+ doApplyNewBackground=[True, False], doRevertOldBackground=[True, False]
+ )
+ def test_backgrounds(self, doApplyNewBackground, doRevertOldBackground):
+ """Test that applying and reverting backgrounds runs without errors,
+ especially on noise images.
+ """
+ backgroundList = self.make_backgroundList()
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ background_apply=backgroundList if doApplyNewBackground else None,
+ background_revert=backgroundList if doRevertOldBackground else None,
+ )
+ }
+ self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations = 1
+ self.config.doApplyNewBackground = doApplyNewBackground
+ self.config.doRevertOldBackground = doRevertOldBackground
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ def test_background_errors(self):
+ """Test that MakeDirectWarpTask raises errors when backgrounds are not
+ set correctly.
+ """
+ backgroundList = self.make_backgroundList()
+ self.config.numberOfNoiseRealizations = 1
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ background_apply=backgroundList,
+ )
+ }
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, msg="doApplyNewBackground is False, but"):
+ makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ background_apply=None,
+ )
+ }
+ self.config.doApplyNewBackground = True
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, msg="No background to apply"):
+ makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ background_apply=backgroundList,
+ background_revert=backgroundList,
+ )
+ }
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, msg="doRevertOldBackground is False, but"):
+ makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef,
+ data_id=self.dataRef.dataId,
+ background_apply=backgroundList,
+ background_revert=None,
+ )
+ }
+ self.config.doRevertOldBackground = True
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, msg="No background to revert"):
+ makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+class MakeWarpNoGoodPixelsTestCase(MakeWarpTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.exposure.mask.array |= self.exposure.mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA")
+ self.dataRef = InMemoryDatasetHandle(self.exposure, dataId=self.dataRef.dataId)
+ def test_makeWarp(self):
+ """Test MakeDirectWarpTask fails gracefully with no good pixels.
+ It should return an empty exposure, with no PSF.
+ """
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef, data_id=self.dataRef.dataId
+ )
+ }
+ result = makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ # Ensure we got None
+ self.assertIsNone(result.warp)
+ self.assertIsNone(result.masked_fraction_warp)
+ self.assertIsNone(result.noise_warp0)
+ def test_compare_warps(self):
+ """This test is not applicable when there are no good pixels."""
+def setup_module(module):
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+class MatchMemoryTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase):
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/test_make_psf_matched_warp.py b/tests/test_make_psf_matched_warp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e0cbd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_make_psf_matched_warp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+import unittest
+import numpy as np
+from test_make_direct_warp import MakeWarpTestCase
+import lsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils
+import lsst.afw.image
+import lsst.utils.tests
+from lsst.drp.tasks.make_direct_warp import MakeDirectWarpTask, WarpDetectorInputs
+from lsst.drp.tasks.make_psf_matched_warp import MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+class MakePsfMatchedWarpTestCase(MakeWarpTestCase):
+ def test_makeWarp(self):
+ """Test basic MakePsfMatchedWarpTask
+ This constructs a direct_warp using `MakeDirectWarpTask` and then
+ runs `MakePsfMatchedWarpTask` on it.
+ """
+ makeWarp = MakeDirectWarpTask(config=self.config)
+ warp_detector_inputs = {
+ self.dataRef.dataId.detector.id: WarpDetectorInputs(
+ exposure_or_handle=self.dataRef, data_id=self.dataRef.dataId
+ )
+ }
+ result = makeWarp.run(warp_detector_inputs, sky_info=self.skyInfo, visit_summary=None)
+ warp = result.warp
+ config = MakePsfMatchedWarpTask.ConfigClass()
+ makePsfMatchedWarp = MakePsfMatchedWarpTask(config=config)
+ result = makePsfMatchedWarp.run(
+ warp,
+ bbox=self.skyInfo.bbox,
+ )
+ psf_matched_warp = result.psf_matched_warp
+ # Ensure we got an exposure out
+ self.assertIsInstance(psf_matched_warp, lsst.afw.image.ExposureF)
+ # Check that the PSF is not None.
+ psf = psf_matched_warp.getPsf()
+ assert psf is not None
+ # Ensure the warp has valid pixels
+ self.assertGreater(np.isfinite(psf_matched_warp.image.array.ravel()).sum(), 0)
+def setup_module(module):
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+class MatchMemoryTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase):
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+ unittest.main()