diff --git a/gui/history.txt b/gui/history.txt
index c5e77ff..6e439a2 100644
--- a/gui/history.txt
+++ b/gui/history.txt
@@ -7,18 +7,16 @@
Version : 0.1.0
- * Added auto-detect mode. (auto-pilot)
+ * Added auto-detect mode.
* Added a save feature.
- * Added the ability to select a file using directory navigation.
- * Added settings for you to adjust preferences
+ * Added a feature which allows you to select a file using directory navigation.
+ * Added settings for you to adjust preferences.
+ * Added a feature which allows you to load either a file or text from clipboard into the application.
Version : Beta Release
diff --git a/gui/main.py b/gui/main.py
index b61ef8b..e1c6b82 100644
--- a/gui/main.py
+++ b/gui/main.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
import pathlib
from os import path
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from os.path import getsize, splitext
+from os.path import getsize, splitext, realpath
import tempfile
from configparser import ConfigParser
import sys
@@ -44,10 +44,18 @@
drop_type = None #In saving, this checks whether a file or text was dropped
temp_files = [] #This is an array which contains a list of temporary files created.
checked = False #This is used in auto-detect mode to check if a files mode has been detected.
+file_path = ''
+# Constants
+PICTURES = ['.jpg','.jif','jfif','.jpe', '.png', '.ico', '.jpeg','.gif', '.tiff','.vda','.vst','.tif','.icb','.icns','.webp', '.ppm','.pgm', '.pnm', '.pbm', '.tga', '.pcx', '.jp2','.j2k', '.jpf','jpx','jpm','mj2', 'raw', 'bmp', 'xpm']
+AUDIOS = ['.mp3','.m4r', '.wav','.m4p','m4a', '.pcm','.aiff','.aif', '.aac', '.ogg', '.wma', '.flac', '.alac','.aifc', '.3ga', '.aa','.act', '.al','.bap','.cda','.mp2','.mpa','.oga']
+VIDEOS = ['.mp4','.m4b','.avi','.qt','.mov','.wmv','.flv','.avchd','.webm','.mkv','.ogv','.dirac', '.mpg', '.mpeg','.3gp','.nsv','.3g2','.svi','.m4v']
configurations = {
'sys_argv_mode': None,
- 'output_dir' : 'output'
+ 'output_dir' : 'output',
+ 'temp_dir' : tempfile.gettempdir()
} #The default settings for configuration
#Functions and classes
@@ -82,9 +90,13 @@ def show():
def main(self):
menu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff = 0)
- menu.add_command(label = 'Settings', command = lambda : Menubar.settings(self))
menu.add_command(label = 'About', command = lambda: Menubar.about(self))
+ menu.add_command(label = 'New Window', command = new_window)
+ menu.add_command(label = 'Restart Window', command = restart)
+ menu.add_separator()
+ menu.add_command(label = 'Settings', command = lambda : Menubar.settings(self))
+ menu.add_separator()
menu.add_command(label = 'Quit', command = lambda: root.quit())
self.menubar.add_cascade(label = 'More...', menu = menu)
@@ -95,10 +107,15 @@ def save_command():
configurations['default_mode'] = default_mode.get()
configurations['sys_argv_mode'] = sys_argv_variable.get()
configurations['output_dir'] = path_entry_variable.get()
+ configurations['temp_dir'] = temp_dir_variable.get()
def select_dir():
path = askdirectory()
+ def select_temp_dir():
+ #Function for choosing temporary tempfiles directory.
+ path = askdirectory()
+ temp_dir_variable.set(path)
settings_menu = Toplevel()
@@ -110,10 +127,12 @@ def select_dir():
default_mode = StringVar()
path_entry_variable = StringVar()
sys_argv_variable = IntVar()
+ temp_dir_variable = StringVar()
+ temp_dir_variable.set(configurations['temp_dir'])
style = ttk.Style()
@@ -134,9 +153,22 @@ def select_dir():
general_settings.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
+ path_settings = ttk.Frame(notebook)
+ #
+ output_dir_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(path_settings, text = 'Output directory')
+ path_entry = ttk.Entry(output_dir_frame, textvariable = path_entry_variable, state = 'disabled', width = 40).grid(row = 0, column = 0)
+ browse_button = ttk.Button(output_dir_frame, text = 'Browse...', command = select_dir).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
+ output_dir_frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
+ #
+ temp_folder_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(path_settings, text = 'Temporary folder path')
+ temp_path_entry = ttk.Entry(temp_folder_frame, textvariable = temp_dir_variable, state = 'disabled', width = 40).grid(row = 0, column = 0)
+ browse_button = ttk.Button(temp_folder_frame, text = 'Browse...', command = select_temp_dir).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
+ temp_folder_frame.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
+ #
+ path_settings.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
notebook.add(general_settings,text = 'General')
+ notebook.add(path_settings, text = 'Paths')
confirmation_frame = Frame(settings_menu)
button_ok = ttk.Button(confirmation_frame, text = 'OK', command = save_command).grid(row = 0, column = 0)
button_cancel = ttk.Button(confirmation_frame, text = 'Cancel', command = lambda: settings_menu.destroy()).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
@@ -157,14 +189,32 @@ def select_dir():
def rightclick_menu_results(event):
save_state = DISABLED
- if temp_file_name != '':
+ copy_html_state = DISABLED
+ if temp_file_name != '': #If the temp_file_name is empty.
save_state = NORMAL
+ copy_html_state = NORMAL
+ copy_css_state = NORMAL
+ if drop_type == 'text' or mode_variable.get() == 'decode': #If drop_type is text or mode is decode
+ copy_html_state = DISABLED
+ copy_css_state = DISABLED
elif drop_type == 'text':
save_state = NORMAL
+ suffix = str(pathlib.Path(file_path).suffix).lower()
+ if (suffix in PICTURES) or (suffix in AUDIOS) or (suffix in VIDEOS):
+ copy_html_state = NORMAL
+ else:
+ copy_html_state = DISABLED
+ if suffix in PICTURES:
+ copy_css_state = NORMAL
+ else:
+ copy_css_state = DISABLED
menu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menu.add_command(label = 'Save', command = save_file, state = save_state)
menu.add_command(label = 'Save (Give ext.)', command = save_file_manual, state = save_state)
menu.add_command(label = 'Copy', command = copy_to_clipboard, state = save_state)
+ menu.add_command(label = 'Copy (HTML)', command = copy_html, state = copy_html_state)
+ menu.add_command(label = 'Copy (CSS)', command = copy_css, state = copy_css_state)
menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
def rightclick_menu_file(event):
@@ -184,6 +234,7 @@ def rightclick_menu_file(event):
menu.add_command(label = 'Clipboard (Text)', state = text_state, command = load_text_clipboard)
menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
def copy_to_clipboard():
if type(results) == str:
@@ -204,21 +255,34 @@ def save_file_manual():
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
+def restart():
+ os.startfile(__file__)
+ root.quit()
+def new_window():
+ os.startfile(__file__)
def save_file():
#Just saves a file
mode = mode_variable.get()
- if mode == 'encode':
+ directory = pathlib.Path(configurations['output_dir'])
+ try:
+ if str(directory) == 'output':
+ os.mkdir('output')
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ if mode == 'encode':
if drop_type == 'file' or drop_type == 'load':
- p = pathlib.Path(file_path).name
- directory = pathlib.Path(configurations['output_dir'])
- with open(p+'.txt', 'w') as file:
+ p = pathlib.Path(file_path).name
+ path = str(directory.joinpath(p))
+ with open(path + '.txt', 'w') as file:
elif drop_type == 'text':
- p = asksaveasbfilename(filetypes = (("Text files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")))
+ p = asksaveasfilename(filetypes = (("Text files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")))
if p == '':
+ print(p)
+ path = str(directory.joinpath(p))
with open(p, 'w') as file:
elif mode == 'decode':
@@ -226,7 +290,8 @@ def save_file():
if save_extension == None:
p = pathlib.Path(file_path).name
- with open(p+save_extension, 'wb') as file:
+ path = str(directory.joinpath(p))
+ with open(path+save_extension, 'wb') as file:
elif drop_type == 'text':
@@ -275,7 +340,7 @@ def load_text_clipboard():
checked = False
- insert(results[1:20000])
+ insert(results[:20000])
statusbar_label.config(fg ='black')
status_variable.set("Text too large to display all output.")
@@ -441,52 +506,72 @@ def get_file_type(filename):
print("File type is ", file_type)
if file_type == 'text/plain':
save_extension = '.txt'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'audio/mpeg':
save_extension = '.mp3'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'application/x-dosexec':
save_extension = '.exe'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'application/x-font-tff':
save_extension = '.ttf'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'image/png':
save_extension = '.png'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'image/gif':
save_extension = '.gif'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'application/octet-stream':
save_extension = '.txt'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/html':
save_extension = '.html'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/rtf':
save_extension = '.rtf'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/x-c++':
save_extension = '.cpp'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/x-python':
save_extension = '.py'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/x-msdos-batch':
save_extension = '.bat'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/x-php':
save_extension = '.php'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'application/zip':
save_extension = '.zip'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'application/x-gzip':
save_extension = '.tar'
+ return file_type
elif file_type == 'text/xml':
save_extension = '.xml'
+ return file_type
def write_to_temp():
global temp_file_name
- #This function writes the data to a temporary file.
- __, temp_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
- if mode_variable.get() == 'encode':
- with open(temp_file_name, 'w') as file:
- file.write(results)
- os.close(__)
- temp_files.append(temp_file_name)
- elif mode_variable.get() == 'decode':
- with open(temp_file_name, 'wb') as file:
- file.write(results)
- os.close(__)
- temp_files.append(temp_file_name)
- get_file_type(temp_file_name)
+ try:
+ #This function writes the data to a temporary file.
+ __, temp_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir = configurations['temp_dir'])
+ if mode_variable.get() == 'encode':
+ with open(temp_file_name, 'w') as file:
+ file.write(results)
+ os.close(__)
+ temp_files.append(temp_file_name)
+ elif mode_variable.get() == 'decode':
+ with open(temp_file_name, 'wb') as file:
+ file.write(results)
+ os.close(__)
+ temp_files.append(temp_file_name)
+ get_file_type(temp_file_name)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ os.mkdir(configurations['output'])
+ write_to_temp()
def load_file(filename = None):
#In auto-detect mode, if the filename == None, it means the file's mode
@@ -573,6 +658,36 @@ def file_contents(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
contents = file.read()
return contents, 'binary'
+def copy_html():
+ #Copy to clipboard for embeddding in HTML
+ path_suffix = str(pathlib.Path(file_path).suffix).lower()
+ if drop_type == 'file' or drop_type == 'load':
+ if path_suffix in PICTURES:
+ code = '"data:image/%s;base64,%s"' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
+ elif path_suffix in AUDIOS:
+ code = '"data:audio/%s;base64,%s"' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
+ elif path_suffix in VIDEOS:
+ code = '"data:video/%s;base64,%s"' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
+def copy_css():
+ #Copy to clipboard for embeddding in CSS
+ path_suffix = str(pathlib.Path(file_path).suffix).lower()
+ if drop_type == 'file' or drop_type == 'load':
+ if path_suffix in PICTURES:
+ code = 'url(data:image/%s;base64,%s)' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
+ elif path_suffix in AUDIOS:
+ code = 'url(data:audio/%s;base64,%s)' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
+ elif path_suffix in VIDEOS:
+ code = 'url(data:video/%s;base64,%s)' % (path_suffix[1:], results)
+ pyperclip.copy(code)
def drop_file(event):
global drop_type
global results
@@ -668,7 +783,7 @@ def drop_text(event):
- insert(results[1:20000])
+ insert(results[:20000])
statusbar_label.config(fg ='black')
status_variable.set("Text too large to display all output.")
@@ -684,7 +799,7 @@ def drop_text(event):
checked = False
- insert(results[1:20000])
+ insert(results[:20000])
statusbar_label.config(fg ='black')
status_variable.set("Text too large to display all output.")
@@ -799,7 +914,7 @@ def sys_argv():
def init_configuration():
- # Note:
+ # This function is for starting and reading the configuration.
global mode_variable
global mode
@@ -807,20 +922,25 @@ def init_configuration():
mode = config['general'].get('default_mode')
sys_argv_mode = config['general'].get('sys_argv_mode')
+ output_dir = config['paths'].get('output_dir')
+ temp_dir = config['paths'].get('temp_dir')
configurations['default_mode'] = mode
configurations['sys_argv_mode'] = sys_argv_mode
+ configurations['output_dir'] = output_dir
+ configurations['temp_dir'] = temp_dir
if mode == 'detect':
mode = 'encode'
configurations['default_mode'] = mode
+ configurations['output_dir'] = 'output'
configurations['sys_argv_mode'] = 1
+ configurations['temp_dir'] = tempfile.gettempdir()
@@ -849,14 +969,14 @@ def init_configuration():
text_frame.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = E+W+N+S)
controls_frame.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = W+E+N)
statusbar_frame.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W+E, columnspan = 2)
# Widgets
mode_encode.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = W)
mode_auto_detect.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
mode_decode.grid(row = 0, column = 2)
text_area.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = N+E+W+S)
statusbar_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
# Making widgets stretchable
root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1, minsize = 150)
@@ -891,9 +1011,9 @@ def init_configuration():
#This statement deletes all the temporary files created
#by the application.
@@ -912,5 +1032,9 @@ def init_configuration():
'default_mode' : configurations['default_mode'],
'sys_argv_mode' : configurations['sys_argv_mode'],
+configuration['paths'] = {
+ 'output_dir' : configurations['output_dir'],
+ 'temp_dir' : configurations['temp_dir']
with open('configuration.ini', 'w') as file:
diff --git a/gui/readme.txt b/gui/readme.txt
index 786f1ed..4fc78c9 100644
--- a/gui/readme.txt
+++ b/gui/readme.txt
@@ -8,9 +8,92 @@ to base64 format and can decode base64 contents back to it's original format.
It's cool auto-detecting feature allows you to encode and decode with ease. Just drop a file, it will detect the mode
and perform the action.
+Encode : This mode encodes an object into base64 format.
+Decode : This function decodes an object from base64 format.
+auto-detect : This function on it's own set the mode to encode if your file needs to be encoded.
+It will also set the mode to decode if your file needs to be decoded.
-1. Set a mode, either 'encode' or 'decode'
-2. Drop a file onto the surface of the program.
-3. You then recieve contents in the results panel.
+1. Set a mode,
+NB: If auto-detect is active, it will overide your default mode and choose a mode depending on the object.
+2. Drag and drop a file onto the application's left pane,
+the results will appear on the right side pane of the application.
+The application allows you to save either the encoded or the decoded contents.
+After either encoding or decoding, right-click on the right side pane, a pop-up menu will apppear,
+select save.
+NB: If you are saving a decoded file, the application automatically use the object's mime-type to
+generate an extension for your file, meaning, you don't have to know the file type of the contents
+you are decoding.
+To overide this feature, select the option 'Save (Give ext.)', this options allows you yourself
+to generate a filename with your prefered extension.
+General settings
+Default mode: This allows you to set the mode you want on application start.
+This mode is very useful if you want to encode or decode a file without opening the application.
+The best mode for this is 'auto-detect'. For instance, if the mode is on auto-detect, and your drop
+a file on Quick Base64's exe, it will determine the mode and encode/decode. This way, the application
+will start with the results, saving you a bunch of time.
+Drop file and work on application start? : This option allows you to disable the ability of a file being encoded or decoded when dropped on Quick Base64's exe while's it's closed.
+If set to 'yes', when a file is dropped on Quick Base64's exe, a command will be executed, command being
+either encode or decode.
+If set to 'no', when a file is dropped on Quick Base64's exe, it will just open the application.
+Output directory : This enables you to specify a directory where all encoded or decoded files will
+be saved.
+Temporary file directory : This allows you to specify the temporary directory Quick Base64 will use.
+Whenever you close Quick Base64, the temporary files are deleted, but on a case of an application crash,
+these temporary files, wont be deleted, specifying the temporary folder is useful as it gives you control over the temporary files.
+Right-Click Context Menu on Right Panel.
+ 1. Save
+ This option saves the encoded/decoded contents to a file.
+ 2. Save (Give ext.)
+ This option allows you to determine the filename and extension of the file to be saved.
+ 3. Copy
+ Copies the raw decoded/encoded contents to clipboard.
+ 4. Copy (HTML)
+ Converts the encoded results into base64 format which you can embed in html.
+ For example, if you encode a file 'picture.png', this option will produce the following
+ results, "".
+ NB: The results is already wrapped in quotation marks so when coding it in HTML,
+ just write the tag to paste the results,
+ wrong : url(data:mime/type;base64, base64contents)
+ This command works for files which are images only.
+ Right-Click Context Menu on Left Panel.
+ 1.Load file:
+ This option allows you to select a file using the windows file selector dialog.
+ 2. Clipboard (File):
+ This enables you to embed a file which you have copied to clipboard into the application.
+ NB: Quick Base64 is able to differentiate between text and files in clipboard.
+ 3. Clipboard (Text):
+ This allows you to embed text in your clipboard into the application.
+Report bugs to support@eakloe.com or make an issue on github at github.com/biah/quickbase64
\ No newline at end of file