The following are the setup instructions for the lab (do look at the diferent optional paths for the lab below. You won't need the cloud specific parts if that is not what interests you such as GitHub, Docker Hub, Kubernetes and Azure).
- Please bring your laptop and ensure a reliable internet connection.
- Install Java SE 8 or Java SE 11 (we used Azul Zulu Java 11 LTS).
- Install the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers from here.
- Install Docker for your OS.
- You will need a GitHub account.
- You need to have a Docker Hub account.
- You will need to setup kubectl. Here are instructions on how to do that.
- Optionally get a free one year Azure subscription here. You will need to provide a credit card.
- Optionally install the Azure CLI. Here are instructions on how to do that.
- Optionally sign up for Azure DevOps for free here.
Each of the parts of this repository can be run independently, which means you can go directly to the parts that interest you the most. Below are some recommendations.
- Take a quick look at the code in the jakartaee folder.
- If you don't have a cloud service you could explore the 3 ways a Jakarta EE application can be packaged to run on Docker thin-war, uber-jar and hollow-uber-jar. Also, the exposed-port and external-volume sections can be run in a local Docker.
- If you have a cloud service such as Azure with a Kubernetes engine you can go to the kubernetes-clustering and kubernetes-devops parts.