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MyoSeq reports

This series of scripts prepares PDF reports for the MyoSeq group led by Volker Straub.

Google cloud set up

  1. Download and install the Google cloud sdk. Make sure you have a billing project set up.
  2. Create a Google bucket.
  3. Create a VM instance. Make sure the boot disk is large enough to store all of the crams. Example command: gcloud beta compute --project=cmg-analysis instances create coverage --zone=us-central1-b --machine-type=n1-standard-64 --subnet=default --network-tier=PREMIUM --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --scopes=,,,,, --image=debian-9-stretch-v20191210 --image-project=debian-cloud --boot-disk-size=500GB --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --boot-disk-device-name=coverage --reservation-affinity=any. Be sure to shut down the VM when not in use, as Google will charge for its uptime.
  4. Install samtools, bgzip, Anaconda (Python3.7), and their necessary dependencies on your VM instance. See samtools documentation and Anaconda.
  5. Clone this repo or copy the scripts in the coverage folder to the VM.
  6. Ensure the Google service account associated with the VM or a personal Gmail has access to the crams. To login on the VM with a personal Gmail, use gcloud auth login.
  7. Install hail locally.
  8. Clone the gnomAD hail utilities repo. Set HAIL_SCRIPTS (in ~/.bashrc) equal to the path to the gnomAD hail repo for imports to work properly.

Directory set up

On your local machine, set up the following directory structure:

    summary/ (create this only if samples have SMA or CNV results)
    images/ (create this only if samples have SMA or CNV results)

Part 1: Preparation

  1. Create BED files for all MyoSeq gene lists if necessary. For instructions, see README in beds/ directory. Copy BED files to the Google bucket created above.
  2. Create lists of samples with candidate genes, without candidate genes, and with candidate CNV or SMA findings.
  3. Check which seqr projects contain the samples of interest.
  4. Create an analysis group for the samples of interest in their relevant project(s).
  5. Download all variants tagged "REPORT" (saved variants page). Select only lines containing samples of interest.
  6. Download all rare variants across MyoSeq gene list (use project-wide search on the analysis group(s) created in step 4 for ClinVar pathogenic/likely pathogenic, nonsense, essential splice site, frameshift, missense, or synonymous variants in the MyoSeq gene list. Filter to AF 0.01 across all reference population databases, and do not apply any quality filters).
  7. Copy all TSVs downloaded from seqr to Google bucket.
  8. Download pedigree for samples from seqr (in the project(s) of interest, click "Download Table", then ".tsv" under "Individuals") and remove quotations from downloaded files.
  9. Locate all cram files for samples of interest and copy them to the Google bucket.
  10. Install pdflatex.
  11. Copy PDFs for CNV and SMA results to images/ if applicable. Copy CNV results (five column tsv; chromosome, start, stop, copy number, gene) for each sample to summary/. Name these files {sample}_CNV.tsv.

Part 2: Coverage

The scripts necessary for part 1 are in the coverage folder. This step requires access to the sample cram files. All scripts in this section are run on the Google VM created above.

  1. ssh into VM instance. Example command: gcloud beta compute --project "cmg-analysis" ssh --zone "us-central1-b" "coverage"
  2. Calculates sample coverage across all MyoSeq gene list genes. Outputs a bgzipped TSV per gene, with coverage per position in the gene. The columns in this file are samples in the same order as provided (i.e., in the same order as in the input crams list).
  3. Summarizes coverage across MyoSeq genes for each sample and compares each sample to the other samples in the batch. Creates one TSV per sample with gene, batch mean coverage, sample mean coverage, percent of callable sites for the batch, percent of callable sites for the sample, number of uncallable sites for the batch, and number of uncallable sites for the sample.
  4. Copy the files output by step 3 first to the Google bucket and then to local storage. Don't forget to shut down the VM.

Part 3: Ancestry and sexcheck

The scripts necessary for part 2 are in the inference folder. This step requires three files: one with inferred ancestry, one with reported sex, and another with imputed sex. The reported ancestry is always recorded as European. Note that assumes the output files are named MYOSEQ_sex.tsv and MYOSEQ_pop.tsv and stored in inference/

The two files with inferred information (seqr_sample_qc.tsv and sex.txt) are generated via the seqr sample QC pipeline.

  1. Parses seqr_sample_qc.tsv for each sample's inferred ancestry. Outputs a file with two columns: sample ID and ancestry.
  2. Parses sex.txt for each sample's inferred sex and pedigree file (downloaded from seqr) to compare inferred and reported sex. Outputs a file with four columns: sample ID, reported sex, inferred sex, f-stat, and whether the sexes match (CONCORD/CONFLICT).

Part 4: Candidate variant wrangling

The scripts necessary for part 3 are in the seqr folder. This step requires TSV files with REPORT and all MyoSeq gene list variants downloaded from seqr. Note that assumes the output files are stored in seqr/variants/

  1. Using hailctl (or preferred method), spin up a Google compute cluster to run the popmax script. Don't forget to shut down the cluster when popmax is complete. Example command: hailctl dataproc start kc --master-machine-type n1-highmem-8 --worker-machine-type n1-highmem-8 --num-workers 10 --init gs://gnomad-public/tools/inits/ --max-idle 20m --worker-boot-disk-size=100 --project cmg-analysis --properties=spark:spark.executor-memory=25g,spark:spark.speculation=true,spark:spark.speculation.quantile=0.9,spark:spark.speculation.multiplier=3
  2. Joins seqr downloaded TSVs to gnomAD hail tables to get gnomAD global allele frequency (AF), highest population AF in gnomAD exomes, and population with highest AF in gnomAD exomes.

Part 5: Report generation

The scripts necessary for part 4 are in the top level MyoSeq_reports folder.

  1. Generates .tex file for one sample at a time.
  2. Calls for all samples to generate all .tex files. Example command: bash ~/code/methods/MyoSeq_reports/pdf/ -l sample_lists/candidates.list -d ~/Documents/MYOSEQ/Reports/Nov_2019 -r ~/code/methods/MyoSeq_reports/resources/tex/ -o pdf/ -p ~/code/methods/MyoSeq_reports/pdf/
  3. Uses pdflatex to generate PDF files for all patients. NOTE: Run this twice to ensure proper formatting.


This folder contains .tex and .bed files necessary to properly format reports.