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Intro to Eventonica

Welcome to the Eventonica project!

In this project, you'll make a web app to manage events.

You'll work on this project over the next several days. The features will remain the same but as you learn more libraries and techniques, you'll integrate those into the app. By the end you'll have built a full-stack web app with React and a database.

Project Goals (You will NOT be able to do everything, so choose the things you need extra practice on!)


  • create-react-app
  • React
  • JavaScript / NodeJs
  • Express
  • SQL
  • Postgres
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library


  • Add a new Event

    • The attributes are up to you. Look through all the features and see what an Event needs
  • Delete an Event

  • Good for practicing: Post and Delete requests, useReducer hook, React form, SQL-create table, insert data, delete data

Search Events

  • Search for events by date

  • Search for events by category

  • Good for practicing: Get Requests and SQL queries


  • Add a new User

  • Delete a User

  • Good for practicing: Post and Delete requests, React state, React form, SQL-create table, insert data, delete data

Favorite Events

  • A User can favorite an Event

  • A User can unfavorite an Event

  • A User can view their list of previously favorite events

  • Good for practicing: Update requests, React state

Optional Bonus Tasks

  • Update existing Event
  • Update existing User

Assignment Sequence (tentative)

  1. Setup Eventonica App and Starter Code
  2. Start React UI
  3. Eventonica React UI: Part 2
  4. Add Express Backend
  5. Add Postgres Database
  6. Testing the Frontend logic with Jest
  7. Testing the React Components with React Testing library

Optional Assignments

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We can add common FAQs here. Open a PR if you have any questions.