Gocrud supports both SQL and NoSQL databases including other datastores. This is how they can be used and initialized in your code.
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/cassandra"
func main() {
// You can use table_cassandra.cql to generate the table.
// Arguments: ip address, keyspace, table
store.Get().Init("", "crudtest", "instructions")
// OR, if you need authentication, it can also take 5 args, like so:
// store.Get().Init("", "crudtest", "instructions", "username", "password")
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/leveldb"
func main() {
Any SQL stores (via http://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/)
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/sqlstore"
func main() {
// Arguments: store name, connection, table name
store.Get().Init("mysql", "root@tcp(", "instructions")
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/sqlstore"
func main() {
// Arguments: store name, connection, table name
store.Get().Init("postgres", "postgres://localhost/test?sslmode=disable", "instructions")
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/datastore"
func main() {
// Arguments: table prefix, google project id.
store.Get().Init("Test-", "project-id")
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/rethinkdb"
func main() {
// Arguments: IP address with port, database, tablename
store.Get().Init("", "test", "instructions")
import "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/store"
import _ "github.com/manishrjain/gocrud/drivers/mongodb"
func main() {
// Arguments: IP address with port, database, tablename
store.Get().Init("", "crudtest", "instructions")
Drivers for any other data stores can be easily added by implementing the Store
interface below.
type Store interface {
Init(args ...string)
Commit(its []*x.Instruction) error
IsNew(subject string) bool
GetEntity(subject string) ([]x.Instruction, error)
The data is stored in a flat “tuple” format, to allow for horizontal scaling across machines in both SQL and NoSQL databases. Again, no data is ever deleted (Retention principle), to allow for log tracking all the changes.