Let's take a social backend as an example (based on social.go)
- Users create posts
- Other users like Posts
- Other users comment on Posts
- Other users like the comments
- Other users comment on the comment (aka reply)
- (Extra) Other users like the comment on the comment
- (Extra) Other users comment on the like
A typical table for a Post would be like this:
Column | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique identifier of the post |
VersionId | string | To identify edits to the post |
Timestamp | time | Version creation time |
Body | string | Content of the post |
Url | string | Any urls shared |
Image | blob | Any images shared |
User | string | Author of the post |
Privacy | int | Shared with self, friends or the world |
Column | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique identifier of the comment |
VersionId | string | To identify edits to the comment |
PostId | string | Id of parent post |
CommentId | string | Id of parent comment |
Timestamp | time | Version creation time |
Body | string | Content of the comment |
Url | string | Any urls shared |
User | string | Author of the comment |
and so on for Like. Then for each of these types, one would have to write functions to create, update, or delete these entities. And while reading, one would have to join these tables to get the entire structured data. All this would be a lot of effort on its own.
This is how various operations can be performed using gocrud library
p := store.NewUpdate("User", userid).SetSource(userid).AddChild("Post")
p.Set("url", "www.google.com").Set("body", "You can search for cat videos here")
p.Set("tags", [arbitrary Go data]).Execute(ctx)
p := store.NewUpdate("Post", postid).SetSource(userid)
p.AddChild("Comment").Set("body", "Comment on the post")
p.AddChild("Like").Set("thumbsup", true).Execute(ctx)
c := store.NewUpdate("Comment", commentid).SetSource(userid)
c.AddChild("Comment").Set("body", "Comment on comment").Execute(ctx)
l := store.NewUpdate("Like", likeid).SetSource(userid)
l.AddChild("Comment").Set("body", "Nice that you like this").Execute(ctx)
store.NewUpdate("Comment", commentid).SetSource(uid).Set("censored", true).Execute(ctx)
Something marked as deleted would never be retrieved.
store.NewUpdate("Like", like.Id).SetSource(newUser()).MarkDeleted().Execute(ctx)
Now finally, read it all back
q := store.NewQuery(uid).Collect("Post")
// Note that Collect() on a node would return child node query pointer,
// and run operations there.
result, err := q.Run(c)
js, err := result.ToJson()
// or directly to w http.ResponseWriter
Sample result produced: Full JSON
"Post": [
"Comment": [
"Comment": [
"body": "Comment di on comment",
"id": "w0YDg",
"kind": "Comment",
"source": "uid_IxD",
"ts_millis": 1435373783693
"Like": [
"Comment": [
"body": "Comment j3 on Like",
"id": "O1Kqv",
"kind": "Comment",
"source": "uid_avi",
"ts_millis": 1435373783695
"id": "PYuUz",
"kind": "Like",
"source": "uid_IxD",
"thumb": 1,
"ts_millis": 1435373783693
"body": "Comment gI on the post",
"censored": true,
"id": "xcbbG",
"kind": "Comment",
"source": "uid_rfV",
"ts_millis": 1435373783696
"Like": [
"id": "h5izf",
"kind": "Like",
"source": "uid_uQf",
"thumb": 1,
"ts_millis": 1435373783691
"id": "3P1RK",
"kind": "Like",
"source": "uid_Nab",
"thumb": 1,
"ts_millis": 1435373783692
"body": "You can search for cat videos here",
"id": "6MV1v",
"kind": "Post",
"source": "uid_rWe",
"tags": [
"ts_millis": 1435373783690,
"url": "www.google.com"
"id": "uid_rWe",
"kind": "User",
"ts_millis": 0
JSON produced after removing node with censored
, and the deleted nodes.
"Post": [
"Like": [
"id": "3P1RK",
"kind": "Like",
"source": "uid_Nab",
"thumb": 1,
"ts_millis": 1435373783692
"body": "You can search for cat videos here",
"id": "6MV1v",
"kind": "Post",
"source": "uid_rWe",
"tags": [
"ts_millis": 1435373783690,
"url": "www.google.com"
"id": "uid_rWe",
"kind": "User",
"ts_millis": 0
To see this in action, run this example:
go build example/social/social.go
// Also a REST server
go build example/server/server.go
These are fairly complex operations on fairly complex data structure, CRUD for which would have been a lot of work to put together using typical SQL / NoSQL table approach.