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title module
Run interactive queries using serverless SQL pools
Module 2

Lab 2 - Run interactive queries using serverless SQL pools

In this lab, you will learn how to work with files stored in the data lake and external file sources, through T-SQL statements executed by a serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics. You will query Parquet files stored in a data lake, as well as CSV files stored in an external data store. Next, you will create Azure Active Directory security groups and enforce access to files in the data lake through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Access Control Lists (ACLs).

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Query Parquet data with serverless SQL pools
  • Create external tables for Parquet and CSV files
  • Create views with serverless SQL pools
  • Secure access to data in a data lake when using serverless SQL pools
  • Configure data lake security using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Lab setup and pre-requisites

Before starting this lab, ensure you have successfully completed the setup steps to create your lab environment.

Exercise 1: Querying a Data Lake Store using serverless SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

Understanding data through data exploration is one of the core challenges faced today by data engineers and data scientists as well. Depending on the underlying structure of the data as well as the specific requirements of the exploration process, different data processing engines will offer varying degrees of performance, complexity, and flexibility.

In Azure Synapse Analytics, you can use either SQL, Apache Spark for Synapse, or both. Which service you use mostly depends on your personal preference and expertise. When conducting data engineering tasks, both options can be equally valid in many cases. However, there are certain situations where harnessing the power of Apache Spark can help you overcome problems with the source data. This is because in a Synapse Notebook, you can import from a large number of free libraries that add functionality to your environment when working with data. There are other situations where it is much more convenient and faster using serveless SQL pool to explore the data, or to expose data in the data lake through a SQL view that can be accessed from external tools, like Power BI.

In this exercise, you will explore the data lake using both options.

Task 1: Query sales Parquet data with serverless SQL pools

When you query Parquet files using serverless SQL pools, you can explore the data with T-SQL syntax.

  1. Open Synapse Studio (, and then navigate to the Data hub.

    The Data menu item is highlighted.

  2. In the pane on the left, on the Linked tab, expand Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and the asaworkspacexxxxxx primary ADLS Gen2 account, and select the wwi-02 container

  3. In the sale-small/Year=2019/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20191231 folder, right-click the sale-small-20191231-snappy.parquet file, select New SQL script, and then select Select TOP 100 rows.

    The Data hub is displayed with the options highlighted.

  4. Ensure Built-in is selected in the Connect to dropdown list above the query window, and then run the query. Data is loaded by the serverless SQL endpoint and processed as if was coming from any regular relational database.

    The Built-in connection is highlighted.

    The cell output shows the query results from the Parquet file.

    The cell output is displayed.

  5. Modify the SQL query to perform aggregates and grouping operations to better understand the data. Replace the query with the following, replacing SUFFIX with the unique suffix for your Azure Data Lake store and making sure that the file path in the OPENROWSET function matches the current file path:

        TransactionDate, ProductId,
            CAST(SUM(ProfitAmount) AS decimal(18,2)) AS [(sum) Profit],
            CAST(AVG(ProfitAmount) AS decimal(18,2)) AS [(avg) Profit],
            SUM(Quantity) AS [(sum) Quantity]
            BULK '',
        ) AS [r] GROUP BY r.TransactionDate, r.ProductId;

    The T-SQL query above is displayed within the query window.

  6. Let's move on from this single file from 2019 and transition to a newer data set. We want to figure out how many records are contained within the Parquet files for all 2019 data. This information is important for planning how we optimize for importing the data into Azure Synapse Analytics. To do this, we'll replace the query with the following (be sure to update the suffix of your data lake in the BULK statement):

            BULK '*/*/*/*',
        ) AS [r];

    Notice how we updated the path to include all Parquet files in all subfolders of sale-small/Year=2019.

    The output should be 4124857 records.

Task 2: Create an external table for 2019 sales data

Rather than creating a script with OPENROWSET and a path to the root 2019 folder every time we want to query the Parquet files, we can create an external table.

  1. In Synapse Studio, return to the wwi-02 tab, which should still be showing the contents of the sale-small/Year=2019/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20191231 folder.

  2. Right-click the sale-small-20191231-snappy.parquet file, select New SQL script, and then select Create external table. In the New external table dialog box, click Continue.

  3. Make sure Built-in is selected for the SQL pool. Then, under Select a database, select + New and create a database named demo, and click Create. For External table name, enter All2019Sales. Finally, under Create external table, ensure Using SQL script is selected, and then select Open Script to generate the SQL script.

    The create external table form is displayed.

    Note: The Properties pane for the script open automatically. You can close it by using the Properties button above it on the right to make it easier to work with the script.

    The generated script contains the following components:

    • 1) The script begins with creating the SynapseParquetFormat external file format with a FORMAT_TYPE of PARQUET.
    • 2) Next, the external data source is created, pointing to the wwi-02 container of the data lake storage account.
    • 3) The CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE WITH statement specifies the file location and refers to the new external file format and data source created above.
    • 4) Finally, we select the top 100 results from the All2019Sales external table.
  4. In the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement, in the [TransactionId] varchar(8000) line, change 8000 to 4000 and add COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2_UTF8; and replace the LOCATION value with sale-small/Year=2019/*/*/*/*.parquet so that the statement becomes similar to the following (except with your unique resource SUFFIX):

    [TransactionId] varchar(4000) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2_UTF8,
    [CustomerId] int,
    [ProductId] smallint,
    [Quantity] smallint,
    [Price] numeric(38,18),
    [TotalAmount] numeric(38,18),  
    [TransactionDate] int,
    [ProfitAmount] numeric(38,18),
    [Hour] smallint,
    [Minute] smallint,
    [StoreId] smallint
    WITH (
    LOCATION = 'sale-small/Year=2019/*/*/*/*.parquet',
    DATA_SOURCE = [wwi-02_asadatalakeSUFFIX_dfs_core_windows_net],
    FILE_FORMAT = [SynapseParquetFormat]
  1. Make sure the script is connected to the serverless SQL pool (Built-in) and that the demo database is selected in the Use database list (use the ... button to see the list if the pane is too small to display it, and then use the ↻ button to refresh the list if needed).

    The Built-in pool and demo database are selected.

  2. Run the modified script.

    After running the script, we can see the output of the SELECT query against the All2019Sales external table. This displays the first 100 records from the Parquet files located in the YEAR=2019 folder.

    The query output is displayed.

    Tip: If an error occurs because of a mistake in your code, you should delete any resources that were successfully created before trying again. You can do this by running the appropriate DROP statements, or by switching to the Workspace tab, refreshing the list of Databases, and deleting the objects in the demo database.

Task 3: Create an external table for CSV files

Tailwind Traders found an open data source for country population data that they want to use. They do not want to merely copy the data since it is regularly updated with projected populations in future years.

You decide to create an external table that connects to the external data source.

  1. Replace the SQL script you ran in the previous task with the following code:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys) BEGIN
        declare @pasword nvarchar(400) = CAST(newid() as VARCHAR(400));
        EXEC('CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''' + @pasword + '''')
    SECRET = 'sv=2018-03-28&ss=bf&srt=sco&sp=rl&st=2019-10-14T12%3A10%3A25Z&se=2061-12-31T12%3A10%3A00Z&sig=KlSU2ullCscyTS0An0nozEpo4tO5JAgGBvw%2FJX2lguw%3D'
    -- Create external data source secured using credential
        LOCATION = '',
        CREDENTIAL = sqlondemand
    WITH (  
            FIELD_TERMINATOR = ',',
            STRING_DELIMITER = '"',
            FIRST_ROW = 2
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [population]
        [country_code] VARCHAR (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
        [country_name] VARCHAR (100) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2,
        [year] smallint,
        [population] bigint
    WITH (
        LOCATION = 'csv/population/population.csv',
        DATA_SOURCE = SqlOnDemandDemo,
        FILE_FORMAT = QuotedCsvWithHeader

    At the top of the script, we create a MASTER KEY with a random password. Next, we create a database-scoped credential for the containers in the external storage account using a shared access signature (SAS) for delegated access. This credential is used when we create the SqlOnDemandDemo external data source that points to the location of the external storage account that contains the population data:

    The script is displayed.

    Database-scoped credentials are used when any principal calls the OPENROWSET function with a DATA_SOURCE or selects data from an external table that doesn't access public files. The database scoped credential doesn't need to match the name of storage account because it will be explicitly used in the DATA SOURCE that defines the storage location.

    In the next part of the script, we create an external file format called QuotedCsvWithHeader. Creating an external file format is a prerequisite for creating an External Table. By creating an External File Format, you specify the actual layout of the data referenced by an external table. Here we specify the CSV field terminator, string delimiter, and set the FIRST_ROW value to 2 since the file contains a header row:

    The script is displayed.

    Finally, at the bottom of the script, we create an external table named population. The WITH clause specifies the relative location of the CSV file, points to the data source created above, as well as the QuotedCsvWithHeader file format:

    The script is displayed.

  2. Run the script.

    Note that there are no data results for this query.

  3. Replace the SQL script with the following to select from the population external table, filtered by 2019 data where the population is greater than 100 million:

    SELECT [country_code]
    FROM [dbo].[population]
    WHERE [year] = 2019 and population > 100000000
  4. Run the script.

  5. In the query results, select the Chart view, then configure it as follows:

    • Chart type: Bar
    • Category column: country_name`
    • Legend (series) columns: population
    • Legend position: bottom - center

    The chart is displayed.

Task 4: Create a view with a serverless SQL pool

Let's create a view to wrap a SQL query. Views allow you to reuse queries and are needed if you want to use tools, such as Power BI, in conjunction with serverless SQL pools.

  1. In the Data hub, on the Linked tab, in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2/asaworkspacexxxxxx/ wwi-02 container, navigate to the customer-info folder. Then right-click the customerinfo.csv file, select New SQL script, and then Select TOP 100 rows.

    The Data hub is displayed with the options highlighted.

  2. Select Run to execute the script, and notice that the first row of the CSV file is the column header row. The columns in the resultset are named C1, C2, and so on.

    The CSV results are displayed.

  3. Update the script with the following code and make sure you replace SUFFIX in the OPENROWSET BULK path with your unique resource suffix.

    CREATE VIEW CustomerInfo AS
        SELECT * 
            BULK '',
            FORMAT = 'CSV',
        WITH (
        [UserName] NVARCHAR (50),
        [Gender] NVARCHAR (10),
        [Phone] NVARCHAR (50),
        [Email] NVARCHAR (100),
        [CreditCard] NVARCHAR (50)
        ) AS [r];
    SELECT * FROM CustomerInfo;

    The script is displayed.

  4. In the Use database list, ensure demo is still selected, and then run the script.

    We just created the view to wrap the SQL query that selects data from the CSV file, then selected rows from the view:

    The query results are displayed.

    Notice that the first row no longer contains the column headers. This is because we used the FIRSTROW=2 setting in the OPENROWSET statement when we created the view.

  5. In the Data hub, select the Workspace tab. Then select the actions ellipses (...) to the right of the Databases group and select ↻ Refresh. If the workspace is blank, then refresh the browser page.

    The refresh button is highlighted.

  6. Expand the demo SQL database.

    The demo database is displayed.

    The database contains the following objects that we created in our earlier steps:

    • 1) External tables: All2019Sales and population.
    • 2) External data sources: SqlOnDemandDemo and wwi-02_asadatalakeinadayXXX_dfs_core_windows_net.
    • 3) External file formats: QuotedCsvWithHeader and SynapseParquetFormat.
    • 4) Views: CustomerInfo

Exercise 2 - Securing access to data using a serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics

Tailwind Traders wants to enforce that any kind of modifications to sales data can happen in the current year only, while allowing all authorized users to query the entirety of data. They have a small group of admins who can modify historic data if needed.

  • Tailwind Traders should create a security group in AAD, for example called tailwind-history-owners, with the intent that all users who belong to this group will have permissions to modify data from previous years.
  • The tailwind-history-owners security group needs to be assigned to the Azure Storage built-in RBAC role Storage Blob Data Owner for the Azure Storage account containing the data lake. This allows AAD user and service principals that are added to this role to have the ability to modify all data from previous years.
  • They need to add the user security principals who will have have permissions to modify all historical data to the tailwind-history-owners security group.
  • Tailwind Traders should create another security group in AAD, for example called tailwind-readers, with the intent that all users who belong to this group will have permissions to read all contents of the file system (prod in this case), including all historical data.
  • The tailwind-readers security group needs to be assigned to the Azure Storage built-in RBAC role Storage Blob Data Reader for the Azure Storage account containing the data lake. This allows AAD user and service principals that are added to this security group to have the ability to read all data in the file system, but not to modify it.
  • Tailwind Traders should create another security group in AAD, for example called tailwind-2020-writers, with the intent that all users who belong to this group will have permissions to modify data only from the year 2020.
  • They would create a another security group, for example called tailwind-current-writers, with the intent that only security groups would be added to this group. This group will have permissions to modify data only from the current year, set using ACLs.
  • They need to add the tailwind-readers security group to the tailwind-current-writers security group.
  • At the start of the year 2020, Tailwind Traders would add tailwind-current-writers to the tailwind-2020-writers security group.
  • At the start of the year 2020, on the 2020 folder, Tailwind Traders would set the read, write and execute ACL permissions for the tailwind-2020-writers security group.
  • At the start of the year 2021, to revoke write access to the 2020 data they would remove the tailwind-current-writers security group from the tailwind-2020-writers group. Members of tailwind-readers would continue to be able to read the contents of the file system because they have been granted read and execute (list) permissions not by the ACLs but by the RBAC built in role at the level of the file system.
  • This approach takes into account that current changes to ACLs do not inherit permissions, so removing the write permission would require writing code that traverses all of its content removing the permission at each folder and file object.
  • This approach is relatively fast. RBAC role assignments may take up to five minutes to propagate, regardless of the volume of data being secured.

Task 1: Create Azure Active Directory security groups

In this segment, we will create security groups as described above. However, our data set ends in 2019, so we will create a tailwind-2019-writers group instead of 2021.

  1. Switch back to the Azure portal ( in a different browser tab, leaving Synapse Studio open.

  2. On the Home page, expand the portal menu if it is not already expanded, then select Azure Active Directory.

    The menu item is highlighted.

  3. Select Groups in the left-hand menu.

    Groups is highlighted.

  4. Select + New group.

  5. Ensure that the Security group type is selected, and enter tailwind-history-owners-SUFFIX (where suffix is your unique resource suffix) for the Group name, and then select Create.

    The form is configured as described.

  6. Add a second new security group named tailwind-readers-SUFFIX (where SUFFIX is your unique resource suffix).

  7. Add a third security group named tailwind-current-writers-SUFFIX (where SUFFIX is your unique resource suffix).

  8. Add a fourth security group named tailwind-2019-writers-SUFFIX (where SUFFIX is your unique resource suffix).

Note: In the remaining instructions in this exercise, we'll omit the -SUFFIX part of the role names for clarity. You should work with your uniquely identified role names based on your specific resource suffix.

Task 2: Add group members

To test out the permissions, we will add your own account to the groups.

  1. Open your newly created tailwind-readers group.

  2. Select Members on the left, then select + Add members.

    The group is displayed and add members is highlighted.

  3. Search for your user account that you are signed into for the lab, then select Select.

  4. Open your tailwind-2019-writers group.

  5. Select Members on the left, then select + Add members.

  6. Search for tailwind, select your tailwind-current-writers group, then select Select.

    The form is displayed as described.

  7. Select Overview in the left-hand menu, then copy the Object Id.

    The group is displayed and the Object Id is highlighted.

    Note: Save the Object Id value to Notepad or similar text editor. This will be used in a later step when you assign access control in the storage account.

Task 3: Configure data lake security - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

  1. In the Azure portal, open the data-engineering-synapse-xxxxxxx resource group.

  2. Open the asadatalakexxxxxxx storage account.

    The storage account is selected.

  3. Select Access Control (IAM) in the left-hand menu.

    Access Control is selected.

  4. Select the Role assignments tab.

    Role assignments is selected.

  5. Select + Add, then Add role assignment.

    Add role assignment is highlighted.

  6. In the Role screen, search and select Storage Blob Data Reader and then click on Next. In the Members screen, click on + Select members then search for tailwind-readers and select your tailwind-readers group in the results. Then click Select. Then click on Review + assign, and click on Review + assign a second time.

    Because your user account is added to this group, you will have read access to all files in the blob containers of this account. Tailwind Traders would need to add all users to the tailwind-readers security group.

  7. Select + Add, then Add role assignment.

    Add role assignment is highlighted.

  8. For Role, search Storage Blob Data Owner, then select Next.

  9. In the Members screen, click on + Select Members and search for tailwind and select your tailwind-history-owners group in the results. Then click on Review + Assign, and click on Review + Assign again.

    The tailwind-history-owners security group is now assigned to the Azure Storage built-in RBAC role Storage Blob Data Owner for the Azure Storage account containing the data lake. This allows Azure AD user and service principals that are added to this role to have the ability to modify all data.

    Tailwind Traders needs to add the user security principals who will have have permissions to modify all historical data to the tailwind-history-owners security group.

  10. In the Access Control (IAM) list for the storage account, select your Azure user account under the Storage Blob Data Owner role, then select Remove. On the removal confirmation message pane, select Yes.

    Notice that the tailwind-history-owners group is assigned to the Storage Blob Data Owner group, and tailwind-readers is assigned to the Storage Blob Data Reader group.

    Note: You may need to navigate back to the resource group, then come back to this screen to see all of the new role assignments.

Task 4: Configure data lake security - Access Control Lists (ACLs)

  1. Select Storage browser (preview) on the left-hand menu. Expand Blob containers and select the wwi-02 container. Open the sale-small folder, right-click the Year=2019 folder, then select Manage ACL.

    The 2019 folder is highlighted and Manage Access is selected.

  2. In the Manage ACL screen, in the Access permissions screen, click on + Add principal, paste the object Id value you copied from the tailwind-2019-writers security group into the Add principal search box, click on tailwind-2019-writers-suffix, then select Select.

  3. Now you should see that the tailwind-2019-writers group is selected in the Manage ACL dialog. Check Read, Write, and Execute checkboxes, then select Save.

  4. In the Manage ACL screen, select the Default permissions tab. Enable the checkbox for Configure default permissions, then click on + Add principal, paste the object Id value you copied from the tailwind-2019-writers security group into the Add principal search box, click on tailwind-2019-writers-suffix, then select Select. Check Read, Write, and Execute checkboxes for the new object, then select Save

    Now the security ACLs have been set to allow any users added to the tailwind-current security group to write to the Year=2019 folder, by way of the tailwind-2019-writers group. These users can only manage current (2019 in this case) sales files.

    At the start of the following year, to revoke write access to the 2019 data they would remove the tailwind-current-writers security group from the tailwind-2019-writers group. Members of tailwind-readers would continue to be able to read the contents of the file system because they have been granted read and execute (list) permissions not by the ACLs but by the RBAC built in role at the level of the file system.

    Notice that we configured both the access ACLs and default ACLs in this configuration.

    Access ACLs control access to an object. Files and directories both have access ACLs.

    Default ACLs are templates of ACLs associated with a directory that determine the access ACLs for any child items that are created under that directory. Files do not have default ACLs.

    Both access ACLs and default ACLs have the same structure.

    Note be sure to save after configuring permissions.

Task 5: Test permissions

  1. In Synapse Studio, in the Data hub, on the Linked tab select the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2/asaworkspacexxxxxxx/wwi02 container; and in the sale-small/Year=2019/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20191231 folder, right-click the sale-small-20191231-snappy.parquet file, select New SQL script, and select Select TOP 100 rows.

    The Data hub is displayed with the options highlighted.

  2. Ensure Built-in is selected in the Connect to dropdown list above the query window, then run the query. Data is loaded by the serverless SQL pool endpoint and processed as if was coming from any regular relational database.

    The Built-in connection is highlighted.

    The cell output shows the query results from the Parquet file.

    The cell output is displayed.

    The read permissions to the Parquet file assigned to us through the tailwind-readers security group, which then is granted RBAC permissions on the storage account through the Storage Blob Data Reader role assignment, is what enabled us to view the file contents.

    However, since we removed our account from the Storage Blob Data Owner role, and we did not add our account to the tailwind-history-owners security group, what if we try to write to this directory?

    Let's give it a try.

  3. In the wwi-02 pane, right-click the sale-small-20191231-snappy.parquet file, select New Notebook, then select Load to DataFrame.

    The Data hub is displayed with the options highlighted.

  4. Attach your SparkPool01 Spark pool to the notebook.

    The Spark pool is highlighted.

  5. Run the cell in the notebook to load the data into a datafame. This may take a while as the spark pool is started, but eventually it should display the first ten rows of the data - confirming once again that you have permission to read data in this location.

  6. Under the results, select + Code to add a code cell beneath the existing cell.

  7. Enter the following code, replacing SUFFIX with the unique suffix for your data lake resource (you can copy this from cell 1 above):

    df.write.parquet('abfss://[email protected]/sale-small/Year=2016/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20161231/sale-small-20161231-snappy-test.parquet')
  8. Run the new cell you just added. You should see a 403 error in the output.

    The error is displayed in Cell 2's output.

    As expected, you do not have write permissions. The error returned by cell 2 is, This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission., with a status code of 403.

  9. Publish the notebook and end the session. Then sign out of Azure Synapse Studio and close the browser tab, returning to the Azure portal tab (

  10. On the Home page, in the portal menu, select Azure Active Directory.

  11. Select Groups in the left-hand menu.

  12. Type tailwind in the search box, then select your tailwind-history-owners group in the results.

  13. Select Members on the left, then select + Add members.

  14. Add your user account that you are signed into for the lab, then select Select.

  15. In a new tab, browse to Azure Synapse Studio ( Then on the Develop tab, expand Notebooks and re-open the notebook you published previously.

  16. Click Run All to re-run all of the cells in the notebook. After a while, the Spark session will start and the code will run. Cell 2 should return a status of Succeeded, indicating that a new file was written to the data lake store.

    Cell 2 succeeded.

    The cell succeeded this time because we added our account to the tailwind-history-owners group, which is assigned the Storage Blob Data Owner role.

    Note: If you encounter the same error this time, stop the Spark session on the notebook, then select Publish all, then Publish. After publishing your changes, select your user profile on the top-right corner of the page and log out. Close the browser tab after logout is successful, then re-launch Synapse Studio (, re-open the notebook, then re-run the cell. This may be needed because you must refresh the security token for the auth changes to take place.

  17. At the top right of the notebook, use the Stop Session button to stop the notebook session.

  18. Publish the notebook if you want to save the changes. Then close it.

    Now let's verify that the file was written to the data lake.

  19. In Synapse Studio, in the Data hub, on the Linked tab select the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2/asaworkspacexxxxxxx/wwi02 container; and browse to the sale-small/Year=2016/Quarter=Q4/Month=12/Day=20161231 folder to verify that a new file has been added to this folder.

    The test Parquet file is displayed.