diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 3e90c221..26e5aede 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ markdown_extensions:
- pymdownx.keys
- pymdownx.mark
- pymdownx.tilde
+ - admonition
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg
diff --git a/src/doc-templates/slot.md.jinja2 b/src/doc-templates/slot.md.jinja2
index 8bd9890d..649f5c43 100644
--- a/src/doc-templates/slot.md.jinja2
+++ b/src/doc-templates/slot.md.jinja2
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-# Slot: {{ gen.name(element) }}
+# {{ gen.name(element) }}
-{%- if header -%}
-{%- endif -%}
+**URI**: {{ gen.uri_link(element) }}
-{% if element.description %}
-{% set element_description_lines = element.description.split('\n') %}
-{% for element_description_line in element_description_lines %}
-_{{ element_description_line }}_
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-URI: {{ gen.uri_link(element) }}
+**Applicable to**: {% for c in schemaview.get_classes_by_slot(element, include_induced=True) %}{{ gen.link(c) }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor -%}
+{%- if element.description %}
+{%- set element_description_lines = element.description.split('\n') %}
+!!! info "Description"
+ {% for element_description_line in element_description_lines %}
+ _{{ element_description_line }}_
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif -%}
{% if schemaview.slot_parents(element.name) or schemaview.slot_children(element.name, mixins=False) %}
## Inheritance
@@ -24,19 +23,10 @@ URI: {{ gen.uri_link(element) }}
{% endif %}
{% if schemaview.get_classes_by_slot(element, include_induced=True) %}
-## Applicable Classes
-| Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-{% for c in schemaview.get_classes_by_slot(element, include_induced=True) -%}
-{{ gen.link(c) }} | {{ schemaview.get_class(c).description|enshorten }} | {% if c in schemaview.get_classes_modifying_slot(element) %} yes {% else %} no {% endif %} |
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
{% if schemaview.is_mixin(element.name) %}
## Mixin Usage
| mixed into | description | range | domain |
@@ -45,31 +35,18 @@ URI: {{ gen.uri_link(element) }}
| {{ gen.link(s) }} | {{ schemaview.get_slot(s).description|enshorten }} | {{ schemaview.get_slot(s).range }} | {{ schemaview.get_classes_by_slot(schemaview.get_slot(s))|join(', ') }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
## Properties
-* Range: {{gen.link(element.range)}}
-{% if element.multivalued %}
-* Multivalued: {{ element.multivalued }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% if element.required %}
-* Required: {{ element.required }}
-{% elif element.recommended %}
-* Recommended: {{ element.recommended }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% if element.minimum_value is not none %}
-* Minimum Value: {{ element.minimum_value|int }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% if element.maximum_value is not none %}
-* Maximum Value: {{ element.maximum_value|int }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% if element.pattern %}
-* Regex pattern: {{ '`' }}{{ element.pattern }}{{ '`' }}
-{% endif -%}
-{% if schemaview.is_mixin(element.name) %}
-* Mixin: {{ element.mixin }}
-{% endif -%}
+* **Range**: {{gen.link(element.range)}}. The range of the element is the type of the value that can be assigned to it.
+{% if element.multivalued %}* **Multivalued**: {{ element.multivalued }}. If the element is multivalued, more than one value can be attached to the same field. In the TSV format, these are `|` separated.{% endif %}
+* **Required?**: {% if element.required %}Required (element has to be added to the mapping or mapping set.)
+{% elif element.recommended %}Recommended (We suggest adding this element to the mapping or mapping set, but it is not required.
+{% else %}Optional (You can add this element to the mapping or mapping set, but it is not required.){% endif -%}
+{% if element.minimum_value is not none %}* **Minimum Value**: {{ element.minimum_value|int }}{% endif -%}
+{% if element.maximum_value is not none %}* **Maximum Value**: {{ element.maximum_value|int }}{% endif -%}
+{% if element.pattern %}* **Regex pattern**: {{ '`' }}{{ element.pattern }}{{ '`' }}{% endif -%}
{% if schemaview.usage_index().get(element.name) %}
## Usages
@@ -80,17 +57,47 @@ URI: {{ gen.uri_link(element) }}
| {{gen.link(usage.used_by)}} | {{gen.link(usage.slot)}} | {{usage.metaslot}} | {{ gen.link(usage.used) }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
+{% if element.examples %}
+## Examples
+{% for x in element.examples -%}
+!!! example "Example: {{ x.value }}"
+ Example value:
+ ```
+ {{ x.value }}
+ ```
+ {% if x.description %}Description: {{ x.description }}{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if element.comments -%}
+## Comments
-{% include "common_metadata.md.jinja2" %}
+{% for x in element.comments -%}
+* {{x}}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if element.see_also -%}
+## See Also
-## LinkML Source
+These are some relevant resources you might find useful to get additional information about the element,
+such as example implementations, issues and pull requests.
+{% for x in element.see_also -%}
+* {{ gen.uri_link(x) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif -%}
+## Schema developer documentation
+LinkML source
{{ gen.yaml(element) }}
-{%- if footer -%}
-{%- endif -%}
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