cp .env.example .env
# fill the env variable
env $(xargs < .env) pnpm test:integration
docker build -t contentful-migration .
# run migration with `contentful-migration@latest`
export $(xargs < .env) && docker run --rm --tty --name contentful-migration-runner -e CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN=$CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN -e SPACE_ID=$SPACE_ID -e ENVIRONMENT_ID=$ENVIRONMENT_ID -v $(pwd)/migrations:/app/migrations contentful-migration
# run migration with `[email protected]`
export $(xargs < .env) && docker run --rm --tty --name contentful-migration-runner -e CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN=$CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN -e SPACE_ID=$SPACE_ID -e ENVIRONMENT_ID=$ENVIRONMENT_ID -v $(pwd)/migrations:/app/migrations contentful-migration --cfmversion 4.0.0
pnpm build
env $(xargs < .env) pnpm tsx ./bin/index.js run ./migrations
# Creates a new version by incrementing the major, minor, or patch number of the current version.
pnpm version [major | minor | patch]
# Creates a new prerelease version by incrementing the major, minor, or patch number of the current version and adding a prerelease number.
pnpm version --preid beta [premajor | preminor | prepatch]
# Increments the prerelease version number keeping the main version.
pnpm version prerelease
# Push branch and tags
git push origin main --follow-tags