AHK++ has a lot of configuration options, and they can be hard to understand within VS Code's default settings editor. This page covers every setting in detail. If you have any questions, feel free to start a discussion 🤓
For advanced users, all settings can be found in
package.json, under the contributes.configuration
sections. A description of each property is
in package.nls.json. This page aggregates all that
information while removing the fluff :)
All settings, alphabetically by section ID:
Section | Property | Type | Default | Description |
Compiler | compileIcon | path | (empty string) | Icon path for the compiled AHK file (optional). |
Compiler | compilerPath | path | C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/Compiler/Ahk2Exe.exe | Path to the AHK compiler. This is the same for both v1 and v2. |
Compiler | useMpress | boolean | false | Use MPRESS (if available) to compress the resulting executable. |
Exclude | (n/a) | string array | (empty array) | Glob patterns for excluding files and folders from completion suggestions. Applies even when files are opened. |
General | showOutput |
always | Automatically show output view when running a script. View can always be toggled with F1 > 'View: Toggle Output' (Ctrl+Shift+U ).
Menu | showDebugButton | boolean | true | Show the debug buttons in the editor title menu. |
v1: File | compileBaseFile | path | (empty string) | Base file path for compiling v1 scripts (optional). |
v1: File | helpPath | path | C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkey.chm | Path to the AHK v1 help document. |
v1: File | interpreterPath | path | C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyU64.exe | Path to the AHK v1 interpreter. |
v1: File | templateSnippetName | string | AhkTemplateV1 | The name of the template snippet to populate new AHK v1 files. If blank, no snippet will be applied. |
v1: Formatter | allowedNumberOfEmptyLines | number | 1 | Allowed number of empty lines.
v1: Formatter | indentCodeAfterIfDirective | boolean | true | Indent code after a directive that creates context-sensitive hotkeys or hotstrings (#If , #IfWinActive , #IfWinNotActive , #IfWinExist , #IfWinNotExist ). |
v1: Formatter | indentCodeAfterLabel | boolean | true | Indent code after hotkeys and labels in top-level code blocks. |
v1: Formatter | preserveIndent | boolean | false | Preserve indentation on empty line. |
v1: Formatter | trimExtraSpaces | boolean | false | Trim extra spaces between words and symbols |
v1: IntelliSense | maximumParseLength | number | 10000 | Number of lines to parse each AHK file for IntelliSense.
v2: Completion commit characters | Class | string | .( | Characters which commit auto-completion for classes |
v2: Completion commit characters | Function | string | ( | Characters which commit auto-completion for functions |
v2: Debug configuration | (n/a) | object | (see note 1) | The launch configuration to use when debugging |
v2: Diagnostics | classNonDynamicMemberCheck | boolean | true | Check whether non-dynamic members of a class exist |
v2: Diagnostics | paramsCheck | boolean | true | Check that the function call has the correct number of arguments |
v2: File | compileBaseFile | path | (empty string) | Base file path for compiling v2 scripts (optional) |
v2: File | helpPath | path | C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/v2/AutoHotkey.chm | Path to the AHK v2 help document |
v2: File | interpreterPath | path | C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\v2\AutoHotkey64.exe | Path to the AHK v2 interpreter |
v2: File | maxScanDepth | number | 2 | Depth of folders to scan for IntelliSense |
v2: File | templateSnippetName | string | AhkTemplateV2 | The name of the snippet to populate new AHK v2 files |
v2: Formatter | arrayStyle |
none | Line break style for array formatting |
v2: Formatter | braceStyle | enum, see note 2 | One True Brace | Line break style for brace placement |
v2: Formatter | breakChainedMethods | boolean | false | Whether to break chained method calls onto new lines |
v2: Formatter | ignoreComment | boolean | false | Whether to ignore formatting within comments |
v2: Formatter | indentBetweenHotIfDirectives | boolean | false | Whether to indent code between HotIf directives |
v2: Formatter | indentString | string | (four spaces) | String to use for indentation (usually one tab or some spaces) |
v2: Formatter | keywordStartWithUppercase | boolean | false | Whether keywords should start with uppercase |
v2: Formatter | maxPreserveNewlines | number | 2 | Maximum number of consecutive empty lines to preserve |
v2: Formatter | objectStyle |
none | Line break style for object formatting |
v2: Formatter | preserveNewlines | boolean | true | Whether to preserve existing line breaks |
v2: Formatter | spaceAfterDoubleColon | boolean | true | Whether to add space after double colons |
v2: Formatter | spaceBeforeConditional | boolean | true | Whether to add space before conditional statements |
v2: Formatter | spaceInEmptyParen | boolean | false | Whether to add space in empty parentheses |
v2: Formatter | spaceInOther | boolean | true | Whether to add spaces in other contexts |
v2: Formatter | spaceInParen | boolean | false | Whether to add spaces inside parentheses |
v2: Formatter | switchCaseAlignment | boolean | false | Whether to align switch case statements |
v2: Formatter | symbolWithSameCase | boolean | false | Whether to maintain case consistency in symbols |
v2: Formatter | whitespaceBeforeInlineComment | string | (empty string) | Whitespace to add before inline comments |
v2: Formatter | wrapLineLength | number | 120 | Maximum line length before wrapping (0 to disable) |
v2: General | actionWhenV1Detected | enum, see note 3 | "SwitchToV1" | Action when v1 script is detected |
v2: General | commentTagRegex | regex | ^;;\\s\*(?<tag>.+) |
The regular expression for custom symbols to appear in the breadcrumb and elsewhere. Default matches any line that starts with ;; . Changes take effect after restart. |
v2: General | completeFunctionCalls | boolean | false | Whether to automatically add parentheses when calling a function |
v2: General | librarySuggestions | enum, see note 4 | Disabled | Which libraries to suggest functions from, if any. In case of issues, please restart your IDE. |
v2: General | symbolFoldingFromOpenBrace | boolean | false | Fold parameter lists separately from definitions |
v2: General | syntaxes | path | (empty string) | Path to the folder containing ahk2.json, ahk2.d.ahk, and *.snippet.json files used by IntelliSense. |
v2: Warn | callWithoutParentheses |
Off | Display warnings for each function or method call without parentheses.
v2: Warn | localSameAsGlobal | boolean | false | Display warnings for each undeclared local variable that has the same name as a global variable. Changes take effect after restart. |
v2: Warn | varUnset | boolean | true | Display a warning when referencing an unassigned variable. Changes take effect after restart. |
v2: Working directories | (n/a) | path array | (empty array) | Additional directories containing referenced AHK files, separate from the script library folders. |
Note 1: Default AHK++.v2.debugConfiguration
"port": "9002-9100",
"useAnnounce": "detail",
"useAutoJumpToError": true,
"useDebugDirective": true,
"usePerfTips": true
Note 2: Possible values of v2: Formatter braceStyle
- One True Brace
- Allman
- One True Brace Variant
Note 3: Possible values of v2: General actionWhenV1Detected
- Continue
- Warn
- StopParsing
- SwitchToV1
- SkipLine
Note 4: Possible values of v2: General librarySuggestions
- Disabled
- Local
- User and Standard
- All
It's always good to explore your IDE! There are a million settings to learn, here are some VS Code favorites picked by the community:
: Whether to show a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type.editor.hover.enabled
: Whether the hover is shown. The hover suggests autocompletion for symbol names.