SFTP uploader w/options
(1)this is a github action script for upload files to server via SFTP protocol.
it using sftp-sync-deploy
host: 'example.com', // Required.
port: 22, // Optional, Default to 22.
username: 'user', // Required.
password: 'password', // Optional.
localDir: 'dist', // Required, Absolute or relative to cwd.
remoteDir: '/path/to/dest' // Required, Absolute path only.
dryRun: false // Optional. Default to false.
excludeMode: 'remove' // Optional. Default to remove.
exclude: "[ // exclude patterns (glob)
]", // Optional. Default to [].
concurrency: 100 // Optional. Default to 100.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/sftp-sync-deploy https://github.com/dobbydog/sftp-sync-deploy
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