- A Tour of Go A good live intro to much of the language
- Just for Func Video Series Fun videos by a former Googler Evangelist
- Effective Go
- Go By Example Annotated examples of Go in practice
- O'Reilly Go Tutorials
- https://gophercises.com/ : exercises in Go
- https://www.ardanlabs.com/ultimate-go/ : training in Go
- https://github.com/Pungyeon/clean-go-article : Clean Go manifesto
- https://golangbot.com/ : series of posts about learning Go
- https://www.doxsey.net/blog/go-concurrency-from-the-ground-up Exploring concurrency in Go using Python
- Go-Patterns Good recipe and structural guide
- Awesome Go : An extensive curated list of several thousand resources maintained by the Go community