diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2f836aa..287ab43 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/test/test_site/app.yaml b/test/test_site/app.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75dc8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_site/app.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+application: appengine
+version: 1
+runtime: python
+api_version: 1
+- url: .*
+ script: index.py
diff --git a/test/test_site/index.py b/test/test_site/index.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7cbbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_site/index.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+from google.appengine.api import users
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.appengine.api import datastore
+import datetime
+import time
+import types
+print 'Content-Type: text/html'
+print ''
+print '
+print 'Datastore API
+print 'Test a simple db example...
+class Person(db.Model):
+ name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
+for result in Person.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+test = Person(name="Mike")
+key = test.put()
+result = Person.get(key)
+assert result.name == "Mike"
+print 'Test that ids get incremented properly between sessions...
+class Blah(db.Model):
+ something = db.StringProperty()
+# NOT erasing old data here
+prev_count = Blah.all().count()
+assert Blah.all().count() == prev_count + 2
+print 'Slightly less simple db test...
+class Pet(db.Model):
+ name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
+ type = db.StringProperty(required=True, choices=set(["cat", "dog", "bird"]))
+ birthdate = db.DateProperty()
+ weight_in_pounds = db.IntegerProperty()
+ spayed_or_neutered = db.BooleanProperty()
+for result in Pet.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+pet = Pet(name="Fluffy", type="cat")
+pet.weight_in_pounds = 24
+key = db.put(pet)
+result = db.get(key)
+assert result.name == "Fluffy"
+assert result.type == "cat"
+assert result.weight_in_pounds == 24
+assert result.birthdate == None
+assert result.spayed_or_neutered == None
+print 'Test db exceptions...
+pet = Pet(name="Fluffy", type="cat")
+ pet.type = "mike"
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+pet.type = "dog"
+ pet.name = None
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+pet.name = "mike"
+ pet.weight_in_pounds = "hello"
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+pet.weight_in_pounds = 30
+ pet.spayed_or_neutered = 24
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+pet.spayed_or_neutered = False
+print 'Test a delete...
+key = pet.put()
+result = Pet.get(key)
+assert result.name == "mike"
+assert pet.name == "mike"
+result = db.get(key)
+assert result == None
+print 'Test a delete on an unsaved object...
+pet = Pet(name="Fluffy", type="cat")
+ pet.delete()
+ assert False
+except db.NotSavedError:
+ pass
+assert pet.name == "Fluffy"
+print 'Test a date property...
+class Story(db.Model):
+ title = db.StringProperty(required=True)
+ created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
+for result in Story.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+story = Story(title="My Story")
+key = story.put()
+result = Story.get(key)
+assert result.title == "My Story"
+assert result.created.year in [2008, 2009, 2010]
+print 'Test a simple query...
+s1 = Story(title="The Three Little Pigs")
+s2 = Story(title="Little Red Riding Hood")
+ s = Story()
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+s3 = Story(title="Winnie the Pooh")
+assert s1.created < s2.created or s2.created < s3.created
+query = Story.all()
+s = query.get()
+assert s.title == "Winnie the Pooh"
+query = db.Query(Story)
+s = query.get()
+assert s.title == "The Three Little Pigs"
+print 'Test some different properties...
+class Article(db.Model):
+ title = db.StringProperty(required=True, default="no title")
+ content = db.TextProperty(required=True)
+ tags = db.ListProperty(db.Category)
+ author_mail = db.EmailProperty()
+ link = db.LinkProperty(required=True)
+ rating = db.RatingProperty()
+for result in Article.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+print ' Validation
+ art = Article()
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+ art = Article(content="some content")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+art = Article(content="some content", link="http://www.example.com")
+assert art.title == 'no title'
+ art = Article(content="some content", link="not a link")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+art = Article(content="some content", link="http://www.example.com", author_mail="not an email")
+ art = Article(content="some content", link="http://www.example.com", author_mail="not an email", rating=101)
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+art = Article(title="my title", content="some content", tags=[db.Category("awesome"), db.Category("super")],
+ author_mail="test@example.com", link="http://www.example.com",
+ rating=65)
+assert art.title == "my title"
+assert art.tags[1] == "super"
+print ' Put and Fetch
+out = Article.all().fetch(10)[0]
+assert art.title == out.title
+assert art.content == out.content
+assert art.tags == out.tags
+assert art.author_mail == out.author_mail
+assert art.link == out.link
+assert art.rating == out.rating
+print ' Some more query orderings
+art = Article(title="a title", content="writing", tags=[db.Category("super")],
+ author_mail="anothertest@example.com", link="http://www.10gen.com",
+ rating=95)
+art = Article(title="some title", content="writing i wrote", tags=[db.Category("writing"), db.Category("other")],
+ link="http://www.example.org",
+ rating=70)
+assert Article.all().order('title').fetch(1, 1)[0].title == "my title"
+ print Article.all().order('title').fetch(1, 1)[1].title
+ assert False
+except IndexError:
+ pass
+assert Article.all().order('-title').fetch(5)[2].title == "a title"
+assert Article.all().order('link').get().title == 'a title'
+assert Article.all().order('-link').get().title == 'some title'
+assert Article.all().order('rating').get().title == 'my title'
+assert Article.all().order('-rating').get().title == 'a title'
+assert Article.all().order('tags').get().title == 'my title'
+assert Article.all().order('-tags').get().title == 'some title'
+print 'Test a foreign key...
+class FirstModel(db.Model):
+ prop = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in FirstModel.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+ class Bad(db.Model):
+ ref_one = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)
+ ref_two = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)
+ assert False
+except db.DuplicatePropertyError:
+ pass
+class SecondModel(db.Model):
+ reference = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)
+ ref2 = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel, collection_name="testcollection")
+ selfref = db.SelfReferenceProperty()
+for result in SecondModel.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+obj1 = FirstModel()
+obj1.prop = 42
+obj2 = SecondModel()
+obj2.reference = obj1.key()
+obj2.ref2 = obj1
+key2 = obj2.put()
+obj3 = SecondModel()
+obj3.reference = obj1
+obj3.selfref = obj2
+key3 = obj3.put()
+obj4 = FirstModel()
+obj4.prop = 6
+obj5 = SecondModel()
+obj5.reference = obj4
+obj5.selfref = obj3
+key5 = obj5.put()
+obj2.reference.prop = 999
+assert FirstModel.all().count() == 2
+assert db.get(key3).reference.prop == 999
+assert db.get(key5).selfref.reference.prop == 999
+assert db.get(obj1.key()).prop == 999
+assert obj1.testcollection.count() == 1
+assert obj1.secondmodel_set.count() == 2
+assert isinstance(obj1.secondmodel_set[0], SecondModel)
+print 'Test query counts...
+class CountTest(db.Model):
+ prop = db.StringProperty()
+for result in CountTest.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+assert CountTest.all().count() == 0
+assert CountTest.all().count() == 10
+assert CountTest.all().count(5) == 5
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'hello').count() == 7
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'hello').count(5) == 5
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'goodbye').count() == 3
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'hello').filter('prop =', 'goodbye').count() == 0
+print 'Test filtering on a non-existent key...
+assert CountTest.all().filter('test <', 5).count() == 0
+print 'Test a query using the datastore API directly...
+query = datastore.Query('CountTest')
+query['prop ='] = 'hello'
+assert query.Count() == 7
+print 'Test creating and querying on an Entity directly...
+for entity in datastore.Query('mike').Get(1000):
+ datastore.Delete(entity.key())
+entity = datastore.Entity("mike")
+entity["demo"] = 5
+entity = datastore.Entity("mike")
+entity["demo"] = 10
+entity = datastore.Entity("mike")
+entity["demo"] = -4
+query = datastore.Query('mike')
+query['demo >'] = 3
+assert query.Count() == 2
+query = datastore.Query('mike')
+query['demo ='] = -4
+entities = query.Get(1)
+assert len(entities) == 1
+assert entities[0]['demo'] == -4
+print 'Test gets and deletes using key_name...
+class KeyName(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in KeyName.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+k = KeyName(x=2, key_name="test")
+assert k.key().id() == None
+assert k.key().name() == "test"
+assert KeyName.all().count() == 1
+assert db.get(k.key()).x == 2
+assert KeyName.all().count() == 0
+print 'Test __key__ queries...
+class KeySortTest(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in KeySortTest.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+zero = KeySortTest(x=0).put()
+one = KeySortTest(x=1, key_name="test").put()
+two = KeySortTest(x=2).put()
+three = KeySortTest(x=3, key_name="again").put()
+four = KeySortTest(x=4).put()
+five = KeySortTest(x=5, key_name="something").put()
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ > :1', one).count() == 0
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ <= :1', one).count() == 6
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ > :1', three).count() == 2
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ <= :1', three).count() == 4
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ < :1', zero).count() < 3
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ < :1', zero).count() != KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ < :1', two).count()
+assert KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ < :1', zero).count() + KeySortTest.gql('WHERE __key__ >= :1', zero).count() == 6
+res = KeySortTest.gql('ORDER BY __key__')
+assert res[3].x == 3
+assert res[4].x == 5
+assert res[5].x == 1
+first_three = [a.x for a in res[:3]]
+no_2 = [a.x for a in KeySortTest.gql('ORDER BY __key__')]
+assert first_three.index(no_2[0]) < first_three.index(no_2[1])
+print "Test paths in __key__ queries...
+class KeyPath(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in KeyPath.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+a = KeyPath(x=0, key_name="test").put()
+b = KeyPath(x=1, key_name="mike").put()
+c = KeyPath(x=2, key_name="test", parent=a).put()
+d = KeyPath(x=3, key_name="mike", parent=a).put()
+e = KeyPath(x=4, key_name="test", parent=b).put()
+f = KeyPath(x=5, key_name="mike", parent=c).put()
+g = KeyPath(x=6, key_name="test", parent=f).put()
+assert [a.x for a in KeyPath.gql('ORDER BY __key__ ASC')] == [1, 4, 0, 3, 2, 5, 6]
+assert [a.x for a in KeyPath.gql('ORDER BY __key__ DESC')] == [6, 5, 2, 3, 0, 4, 1]
+print "Test key uniqueness constraints...
+class KeyUnique(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in KeyUnique.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 0
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 1
+KeyUnique(x=2, key_name="test").put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 2
+KeyUnique(x=3, key_name="test").put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 2
+a = KeySortTest(x=4, key_name="test").put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 2
+b = KeyUnique(x=5, key_name="test", parent=a).put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 3
+c = KeyUnique(x=6, key_name="test", parent=b).put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 4
+KeyUnique(x=7, key_name="test", parent=a).put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 4
+KeyUnique(x=8, key_name="test", parent=c).put()
+assert KeyUnique.all().count() == 5
+print "Test that an entity's key is the same after a round trip to the db...
+class KeyUnchangedTest(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in KeyUnchangedTest.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+a = KeyUnchangedTest(x=1).put()
+b = KeyUnchangedTest(x=2, parent=a).put()
+c = KeyUnchangedTest(x=3, parent=a, key_name="test").put()
+assert b.parent() == a
+assert c.parent() == a
+assert b.name() == None
+assert c.name() == "test"
+assert b.id() != None
+assert c.id() == None
+assert isinstance(b.id(), (int, long))
+bprime = KeyUnchangedTest.all().filter("x =", 2).get().key()
+cprime = KeyUnchangedTest.all().filter("x =", 3).get().key()
+assert bprime.parent() == a
+assert cprime.parent() == a
+assert bprime.name() == None
+assert cprime.name() == "test"
+assert bprime.id() != None
+assert cprime.id() == None
+assert isinstance(bprime.id(), (int, long))
+print "Test basic ancestor queries...
+class Ancestor(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in Ancestor.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+a = Ancestor(x=0).put()
+b = Ancestor(x=1, parent=a)
+c = Ancestor(x=2, parent=b).put()
+d = Ancestor(x=3, parent=a).put()
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(a).count() == 4
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(b).count() == 2
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(d).count() == 1
+print "Test ancestor queries across kinds...
+class Ancestor2(db.Model):
+ x = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in Ancestor.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+e = Ancestor2(x=4, parent=d).put()
+f = Ancestor(x=5, parent=e).put()
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(d).count() == 1
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(e).count() == 1
+assert Ancestor.all().ancestor(f).count() == 1
+assert Ancestor2.all().ancestor(d).count() == 1
+assert Ancestor2.all().ancestor(e).count() == 1
+assert Ancestor2.all().ancestor(f).count() == 0
+print "Test trickier ancestor queries...
+a = Ancestor(x=10).put()
+b = Ancestor(x=11, key_name="test", parent=a).put()
+c = Ancestor(x=12, key_name="test").put()
+d = Ancestor(x=13, parent=b).put()
+assert db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Ancestor WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1", a).count() == 3
+assert db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Ancestor WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1", b).count() == 2
+assert db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Ancestor WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1", c).count() == 1
+assert db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Ancestor WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1", d).count() == 1
+print "Test some queries that should have a count of 0...
+class NeverBeenSaved(db.Model):
+ something = db.StringProperty()
+assert NeverBeenSaved.all().count() == 0
+assert NeverBeenSaved.all().order("something").get() == None
+class UnorderableProperty(db.Model):
+ text = db.TextProperty()
+for result in UnorderableProperty.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+assert UnorderableProperty.all().count() == 2
+assert UnorderableProperty.all().order("text").count() == 0
+print 'Test get_by_id...
+akey = CountTest(prop="zend", key_name="a").put()
+CountTest(prop="middle", key_name="b").put()
+key1 = CountTest(prop="mike").put()
+key = CountTest(prop="10gen").put()
+assert CountTest.get_by_id(key.id()).prop == "10gen"
+assert [a.prop for a in CountTest.get_by_id([key1.id(), key.id()])] == ["mike", "10gen"]
+assert CountTest.get_by_id(key5.id()) == None
+print 'Test get_by_key_name...
+assert CountTest.get_by_key_name("a").prop == "zend"
+assert [a.prop for a in CountTest.get_by_key_name(["b", "a"])] == ["middle", "zend"]
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'zend').count() == 1
+CountTest(prop="zend1", key_name="a").put()
+assert CountTest.get_by_key_name("a").prop == "zend1"
+assert CountTest.get(akey).prop == "zend1"
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop =', 'zend').count() == 0
+print 'Test get_or_insert...
+class WikiTopic(db.Model):
+ creation_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
+ body = db.TextProperty(required=True)
+# The first time through we'll create the new topic.
+wiki_word = 'CommonIdioms'
+topic = WikiTopic.get_or_insert(wiki_word,
+ body='This topic is totally new!')
+assert topic.key().name() == 'CommonIdioms'
+assert topic.body == 'This topic is totally new!'
+# The second time through will just retrieve the entity.
+overwrite_topic = WikiTopic.get_or_insert(wiki_word,
+ body='A totally different message!')
+assert topic.key().name() == 'CommonIdioms'
+assert topic.body == 'This topic is totally new!'
+print 'Test filters...
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop <', 'hello').count() == 5
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop <=', 'hello').count() == 12
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop >', 'hello').count() == 4
+assert CountTest.all().filter('prop >=', 'hello').count() == 11
+class FilterTest(db.Model):
+ num = db.IntegerProperty()
+for result in FilterTest.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num <', 2).count() == 2
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num <=', 2).count() == 3
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num =', 6).count() == 0
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num =', 8).count() == 2
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num >=', 10).count() == 3
+assert FilterTest.all().filter('num >', 10).count() == 2
+print 'Test deleting an entity directly using its key...
+assert CountTest.all().count() == 15
+print 'Test a list filter...
+class ListFilterTest(db.Model):
+ tags = db.StringListProperty()
+ list = db.ListProperty(int)
+for result in ListFilterTest.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+ListFilterTest(tags=["hello", "world"], list=[5,5,1986]).put()
+ListFilterTest(tags=["world", "of", "warcraft"], list=[100, 19]).put()
+ListFilterTest(tags=["huh", "what"], list=[]).put()
+ListFilterTest(tags=[], list=[19, 5]).put()
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags =', 'hello').count() == 1
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags =', 'goodbye').count() == 0
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags =', 'world').count() == 2
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags =', 'huh').count() == 1
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('list =', 1986).count() == 1
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('list =', 2008).count() == 0
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('list =', 5).count() == 2
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('list =', 100).count() == 1
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags >', "what").count() == 2
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags >=', "what").count() == 3
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags <', "huh").count() == 1
+assert ListFilterTest.all().filter('tags <=', "huh").count() == 2
+print 'Test Expandos...
+class Song(db.Expando):
+ title = db.StringProperty()
+for result in Song.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+crazy = Song(title='Crazy like a diamond',
+ author='Lucy Sky',
+ publish_date='yesterday',
+ rating=5.0)
+crazy_key = crazy.put()
+hoboken = Song(title='The man from Hoboken',
+ author=['Anthony', 'Lou'],
+ publish_date=datetime.datetime(1977, 5, 3))
+hobo_key = hoboken.put()
+crazy.last_minute_note=db.Text('Get a train to the station.')
+a = db.get(crazy_key)
+assert a.author == "Lucy Sky"
+assert a.rating == 5.0
+assert a.last_minute_note == "Get a train to the station."
+del a.publish_date
+ db.get(crazy_key).publish_date
+ assert False
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+b = db.get(hobo_key)
+assert 'Anthony' in b.author
+assert b.publish_date.year == 1977
+print 'Test that query results are iterable...
+count = 0
+for a in FilterTest.all():
+ count += 1
+assert count == 8
+count = 0
+for a in FilterTest.all().filter('num >=', 10):
+ count += 1
+assert count == 3
+count = 0
+for a in FilterTest.all().filter('num >=', 10).fetch(1000):
+ count += 1
+assert count == 3
+count = 0
+query = db.Query(FilterTest)
+for a in query:
+ count += 1
+assert count == 8
+print 'Test some simple GQL...
+numbers = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM FilterTest ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 4")
+numbers = [a.num for a in numbers]
+assert numbers == [19, 11, 10, 8]
+numbers = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM FilterTest WHERE num = 11")
+assert numbers.count() == 1
+numbers = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM FilterTest WHERE num = :1", 8)
+assert numbers.count() == 2
+numbers = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM FilterTest WHERE num = :number", hello="mike", number=19)
+assert numbers.count() == 1
+print 'Test the different arguments to property constructors...
+def validateHaha(x):
+ if x != "haha":
+ raise Exception("Not haha!")
+class Test(db.Model):
+ a = db.StringProperty(verbose_name="hello", default="mike", required=True)
+ b = db.StringProperty(name="hello")
+ c = db.StringProperty(default="testing", choices=None)
+ d = db.StringProperty(required=True)
+ e = db.StringProperty(validator=validateHaha)
+ f = db.StringProperty(choices=["mike", "10gen"])
+for result in Test.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+t1 = Test(d="hello", e="haha")
+assert t1.a == "mike"
+assert t1.c == "testing"
+assert not t1.b
+assert not t1.f
+assert t1.d == "hello"
+assert t1.e == "haha"
+t2 = Test(a="hello", hello="world", c="random", d="something", e="haha", f="10gen")
+assert t2.a == "hello"
+assert t2.b == "world"
+assert t2.c == "random"
+assert t2.d == "something"
+assert t2.e == "haha"
+assert t2.f == "10gen"
+assert Test.all().filter('hello =', 'world').count() == 1
+ t1 = Test(a=None, d="hello", e="haha")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+ t1 = Test(e="haha")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+ t1 = Test(d="hello", e="hello")
+ assert False
+except Exception:
+ pass
+ t1 = Test(d="hello", e="haha", f="random")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+print 'Test arguments for DateTimeProperty...
+class DateTimeTest(db.Model):
+ normal = db.DateTimeProperty()
+ change = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
+ create = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
+dt = datetime.datetime.now()
+dt = datetime.datetime(dt.year,
+ dt.month,
+ dt.day,
+ dt.hour,
+ dt.minute,
+ dt.second,
+ int(dt.microsecond / 1000) * 1000)
+d = DateTimeTest(normal=dt, change=dt)
+key = d.put()
+d = db.get(key)
+create = d.create
+change = d.change
+assert d.normal == dt
+assert d.change > d.create
+assert d.change > d.normal
+assert d.create > dt
+key = d.put()
+d = db.get(key)
+assert d.normal == dt
+assert d.change > d.create
+assert d.change > d.normal
+assert d.create > dt
+assert d.create == create
+assert d.change > change
+print 'Test arguments for ListProperty...
+ class ListTest2(db.Model):
+ list = db.ListProperty()
+ assert False
+except TypeError:
+ pass
+class ListTest(db.Model):
+ list = db.ListProperty(item_type=int)
+ list2 = db.ListProperty(int, default=None)
+l = ListTest(list=[])
+l = ListTest(list=[1,2,3])
+assert l.list2 == []
+ l = ListTest(list=None)
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+print 'Test multiline StringProperty...
+class StringTest(db.Model):
+ yes = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)
+ no = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
+s = StringTest(yes="hello\nworld", no="hello world")
+ s = StringTest(yes="hello\nworld", no="hello\nworld")
+ assert False
+except db.BadValueError:
+ pass
+print 'Test sorting on mixed string and unicode objects...
+class StringSort(db.Model):
+ prop = db.StringProperty()
+for result in StringSort.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+res = StringSort.all().order("prop").fetch(6)
+res = [e.prop for e in res]
+assert res == ["example", "goodbye", "hello", "mike", "random", "test"]
+assert StringSort.all().filter("prop >", "oops").count() == 2
+assert StringSort.all().filter("prop >", u"oops").count() == 2
+print 'Test saving and restoring strings and unicode...
+class TestStrUni(db.Model):
+ string = db.StringProperty()
+ uni = db.StringProperty()
+for result in TestStrUni.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+test = TestStrUni(string = "hello", uni = u"hello")
+assert isinstance(test.string, types.StringType)
+assert isinstance(test.uni, types.UnicodeType)
+out = db.get(test.put())
+assert isinstance(out.string, types.UnicodeType)
+assert isinstance(out.uni, types.UnicodeType)
+print 'Test saving and restoring every kind of property...
+class Everything(db.Model):
+ str = db.StringProperty()
+ bool = db.BooleanProperty()
+ int = db.IntegerProperty()
+ float = db.FloatProperty()
+ datetime = db.DateTimeProperty()
+ date = db.DateProperty()
+ time = db.TimeProperty()
+ list = db.ListProperty(types.IntType)
+ strlist = db.StringListProperty()
+ user = db.UserProperty()
+ blob = db.BlobProperty()
+ text = db.TextProperty()
+ category = db.CategoryProperty()
+ link = db.LinkProperty()
+ email = db.EmailProperty()
+ geopt = db.GeoPtProperty()
+ im = db.IMProperty()
+ phonenumber = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
+ postaladdress = db.PostalAddressProperty()
+ rating = db.RatingProperty()
+for result in Everything.all().fetch(1000):
+ result.delete()
+d2 = datetime.datetime.now()
+d2 = datetime.datetime(d2.year,
+ d2.month,
+ d2.day,
+ d2.hour,
+ d2.minute,
+ d2.second,
+ int(d2.microsecond / 1000) * 1000)
+d = datetime.datetime.now()
+d = datetime.datetime(d.year,
+ d.month,
+ d.day,
+ d.hour,
+ d.minute,
+ d.second,
+ int(d.microsecond / 1000) * 1000)
+e1 = Everything(str=u"hello",
+ bool=True,
+ int=10,
+ float=5.05,
+ datetime=d,
+ date=d.date(),
+ time=d.time(),
+ list=[1,2,3],
+ strlist=["hello", u'world'],
+ user=users.User("mike@example.com"),
+ blob=db.Blob("somerandomdata"),
+ text=db.Text("some random text"),
+ category=db.Category("awesome"),
+ link=db.Link("http://www.10gen.com"),
+ email=db.Email("test@example.com"),
+ geopt=db.GeoPt(40.74067, -73.99367),
+ im=db.IM("http://aim.com/", "example"),
+ phonenumber=db.PhoneNumber("1 (999) 123-4567"),
+ postaladdress=db.PostalAddress("40 W 20th St., New York, NY"),
+ rating=db.Rating(99),
+ )
+out = db.get(e1.put())
+def failIfNot(reference, value, type):
+ assert value == reference
+ assert isinstance(value, type)
+failIfNot(e1.str, out.str, types.UnicodeType)
+failIfNot(e1.bool, out.bool, types.BooleanType)
+# TODO on AE this would always be types.LongType
+# This gets difficult with our database, as longs are stored as doubles.
+# For now our datastore API just stores and fetches (int, long) as
+# their respective type.
+failIfNot(e1.int, out.int, (types.IntType, types.LongType))
+failIfNot(e1.float, out.float, types.FloatType)
+failIfNot(e1.datetime, out.datetime, datetime.datetime)
+failIfNot(e1.date, out.date, datetime.date)
+failIfNot(e1.time, out.time, datetime.time)
+failIfNot(e1.list, out.list, list)
+failIfNot(e1.strlist, out.strlist, list)
+failIfNot(e1.user, out.user, users.User)
+failIfNot(e1.blob, out.blob, db.Blob)
+failIfNot(e1.text, out.text, db.Text)
+failIfNot(e1.category, out.category, db.Category)
+failIfNot(e1.link, out.link, db.Link)
+failIfNot(e1.email, out.email, db.Email)
+failIfNot(e1.geopt, out.geopt, db.GeoPt)
+failIfNot(e1.im, out.im, db.IM)
+failIfNot(e1.phonenumber, out.phonenumber, db.PhoneNumber)
+failIfNot(e1.postaladdress, out.postaladdress, db.PostalAddress)
+failIfNot(e1.rating, out.rating, db.Rating)
+e2 = Everything(str="goodbye",
+ bool=False,
+ int=5,
+ float=1.01,
+ datetime=d2,
+ date=d2.date(),
+ time=d2.time(),
+ list=[10,0,3],
+ strlist=["zinc", u'alpha'],
+ user=users.User("dave@example.com"),
+ blob=db.Blob("aoeunthauneot"),
+ text=db.Text(";qtjkhrchauenth"),
+ category=db.Category("aaawesome"),
+ link=db.Link("http://10gen.com"),
+ email=db.Email("mike@example.com"),
+ geopt=db.GeoPt(38.5, -70.99367),
+ im=db.IM("http://aim.com/", "dave"),
+ phonenumber=db.PhoneNumber("1 (888) 123-4567"),
+ postaladdress=db.PostalAddress("39 W 20th St., New York, NY"),
+ rating=db.Rating(90),
+ )
+def checkOrder(attr, order, str_value):
+ assert Everything.all().order(order + attr).get().str == str_value
+checkOrder('str', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('bool', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('float', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('datetime', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('time', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('list', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('strlist', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('user', '', 'goodbye')
+ checkOrder('blob', '', 'goodbye')
+ assert False
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ checkOrder('text', '', 'goodbye')
+ assert False
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+checkOrder('category', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('link', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('email', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('geopt', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('im', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('phonenumber', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('postaladdress', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('rating', '', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('str', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('bool', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('float', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('datetime', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('time', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('list', '-', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('strlist', '-', 'goodbye')
+checkOrder('user', '-', 'hello')
+ checkOrder('blob', '-', 'hello')
+ assert False
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ checkOrder('text', '-', 'hello')
+ assert False
+except AttributeError:
+ pass
+checkOrder('category', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('link', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('email', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('geopt', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('im', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('phonenumber', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('postaladdress', '-', 'hello')
+checkOrder('rating', '-', 'hello')
+assert Everything.all().order('list').order('blob').get() == None
+assert Everything.all().order('blob').order('list').get() == None
+assert Everything.all().order('list').order('-bool').get().str == 'goodbye'
+print ''
diff --git a/test/test_site/index.yaml b/test/test_site/index.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3bacf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_site/index.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver
+# detects that a new type of query is run. If you want to manage the
+# index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line
+# saying "# AUTOGENERATED"). If you want to manage some indexes
+# manually, move them above the marker line. The index.yaml file is
+# automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy
+# your application using appcfg.py.
+# Used 20 times in query history.
+- kind: Ancestor
+ ancestor: yes
+# Used 6 times in query history.
+- kind: Ancestor2
+ ancestor: yes
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Article
+ properties:
+ - name: link
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Article
+ properties:
+ - name: rating
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Article
+ properties:
+ - name: tags
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Article
+ properties:
+ - name: title
+ direction: desc
+# Used 2 times in query history.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: blob
+ - name: list
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: blob
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: bool
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: category
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: datetime
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: email
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: float
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: geopt
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: im
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: link
+ direction: desc
+# Used 2 times in query history.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: list
+ - name: blob
+# Used 2 times in query history.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: list
+ - name: bool
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: list
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: phonenumber
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: postaladdress
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: rating
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: str
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: strlist
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: text
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: time
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Everything
+ properties:
+ - name: user
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: FilterTest
+ properties:
+ - name: num
+ direction: desc
+# Used 2 times in query history.
+- kind: KeyPath
+ properties:
+ - name: __key__
+ direction: desc
+# Unused in query history -- copied from input.
+- kind: Story
+ properties:
+ - name: created
+ direction: desc