The return
statement from Java signals a side-effect - unwind the
stack and give this value to the caller. In a language in which the
emphasis is on side-effect-full programming, this makes sense. However
Scala is an expression oriented language in which the emphasis is on
controlling/limiting side-effects and return
is not idiomatic.
To make matters worse, return
probably doesn't behave as you think
it does. For example in a Play controller, try doing this:
def action = Action { request =>
if (someInvalidationOf(request))
return BadRequest("bad")
Ok("all ok")
In Scala, a return
statement inside a nested anonymous function is
implemented by throwing and catching a NonLocalReturnException
. It
says so in the
Scala Language Specification, section 6.20.
Besides, return
is anti structural programming, as functions can be
described with multiple exit points and if you need return
, like in
those gigantic methods with lots of if/else branches, the presence of
a return
is a clear signal that the code stinks, a magnet for future
bugs and is thus in urgent need of refactoring.
Immutable data-structures are facts that can be compared and reasoned about. Mutable things are error-prone buckets. You should never use a mutable data-structure unless you're able to defend it and there are really, really few places in which a mutable data-structure is defensible.
Lets exemplify:
trait Producer[T] {
def fetchList: List[T]
// consumer side
Question - if the List
returned above is mutable, what does that say
about the Producer
Here are some problems:
if this List is produced on another thread than the consumer, one can have both visibility and atomicity problems - you can't know whether that will happen, unless you take a look at the Producer's implementation.
even if this List is effectively immutable (i.e. still mutable, but no longer modified after being signaled to the Consumer), you don't know if it will be signaled to other Consumers that may modify it by themselves, so you can't reason about what you can do with it.
even if it is described that access to this List must be synchronized, problem is - on which lock are you going to synchronize? Are you sure you'll get the locking order right? Locks are not composable.
So there you have it - a public API exposing a mutable data-structure is an abomination of nature, leading to problems that can be worse than what happens when doing manual memory management.
It's a mistake that most Java developers do when they come to Scala. Example:
var sum = 0
for (elem <- elements) {
sum += elem.value
Avoid doing this, prefer the available operators instead, like foldLeft
val sum = elements.foldLeft(0)((acc, e) => acc + e.value)
Or even better, know the standard library and always prefer to use the built-in functions - the more expressive you go, the less bugs you'll have:
val sum =
In the same spirit, you shouldn't update a partial result with a condition. Example:
def compute(x) = {
var result = resultFrom(x)
if(needToAddTwo) {
result += 2
else {
result += 1
Prefer expressions and immutability. The code will be more readable and less error-prone, since it makes the branches more explicit and that's a good thing:
def computeResult(x) = {
val r = resultFrom(x)
if (needToAddTwo)
r + 2
r + 1
And you know, as soon as the branches get too complex, just as was said in the
discussion on return
, that's a sign that the code smells and is in need
of refactoring, which is a good thing.
There was this Java Best Practice that said "program to an interface, not to an implementation", a best practice that has been cargo-cult-ed to the point that people started defining completely useless interfaces in their code. Generally speaking, that rule is healthy, but it refers to the general engineering need of hiding implementation details especially details of modifying state (encapsulation) and not to slap interface declarations that often leak implementation details anyway.
Defining traits is also a burden for readers of that code, because it signals a need for polymorphism. Example:
trait PersonLike {
def name: String
def age: Int
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
extends PersonLike
Readers of this code might come to the conclusion that there are
instances in which overriding PersonLike
is desirable. That couldn't
be further from the truth - Person
is perfectly described by its
case class as a data-structure without behavior. In other words it
describes the shape of your data and if you need to override this
shape for some unknown reason, then this trait is badly defined
because it imposes the shape of your data and that's about the only
thing you can override. You can always come up with traits later, if
you're in need of polymorphism, after your needs evolve.
And if you're thinking that you may need to override the source of
this (as in to fetch the person's name
from the DB on first access),
OMG don't do that!
Note that I'm not talking about algebraic data structures (i.e. sealed
traits that are signaling a closed set of choices - like Option
Even in those cases in which you think the issue is clear-cut, it may not be. Lets take this example:
trait DBService {
def getAssets: Future[Seq[(AssetConfig, AssetPersistedState)]]
def persistFlexValue(flex: FlexValue): Future[Unit]
This snippet is taken from real-world code - we've got a DBService
that handles either queries or persistence in a database. Those two
methods are actually unrelated, so if you only need to fetch the
assets, why depend on things you don't need in components that require
DB interaction?
Lately my code looks a lot like this:
final class AssetsObservable
(f: => Future[Seq[(AssetConfig, AssetPersistedState)]])
extends Observable[AssetConfigEvent] {
// ...
object AssetsObservable {
// constructor
def apply(db: DBService) = new AssetsObservable(db.getAssets)
See, I do not need to mock an entire DBService
in order to test the
Case classes are syntactic sugar for defining classes in which - all constructor arguments are public and immutable and thus part of the value's identity, have structural equality, a corresponding hashCode implementation and apply/unapply auto-generated functions provided by the compiler.
By doing this:
case class Sample(str: String, var number: Int)
You just broke its equality and hashCode operation. Now try using it as a key in a map.
As a general rule of thumb, structural equality only works for immutable things, because the equality operation must be stable (and not change according to the object's history). Case classes are for strictly immutable things. If you need to mutate stuff, don't use case classes.
In the approximate words of Fogus in "The Joy of Clojure" or Baker in his paper from 1993: if any two mutable objects resolve as being equal now, then there’s no guarantee that they will a moment from now. And if two objects aren’t equal forever, then they’re technically never equal ;-)
It's a bad practice to declare abstract vars in abstract classes or traits. Do not do this:
trait Foo {
var value: String
Instead, prefer to declare abstract things as def
trait Foo {
def value: String
// can then be overridden as anything
class Bar(val value: String) extends Foo
The reason has to do with the imposed restriction - a var
can only
be overridden with a var
. The way to allow freedom to choose on
inheritance is to use def
for abstract members. And why would you
impose the restriction to use a var
on those that inherit from your
interface. def
is generic so use it instead.
Two reasons:
- it goes against the principles of structured programming as a routine ends up having multiple exit points and are thus harder to reason about - with the stack unwinding happening being an awful and often unpredictable side-effect
- exceptions aren't documented in the function's signature - Java tried fixing this with the checked exceptions concept, which in practice was awful as people simply ignored them
Exceptions are useful for only one thing - signaling unexpected errors (bugs) up the stack, such that a supervisor can catch those errors and decide to do things, like log the errors, send notifications, restarting the guilty component, etc...
As an appeal to authority, it's reasonable to reference Functional Programming with Scala, chapter 4.
Never, never, never do this:
try {
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
Never catch Throwable
because we could be talking about extremely
fatal exceptions that should never be caught and that should crash the
process. For example if the JVM throws an out of memory error, even if
you re-throw that exception in that catch clause, it may be too late -
given that the process is out of memory, the garbage collector
probably took over and froze everything, with the process ending in a
zombie unrecoverable state. Which means that an external supervisor
(like Upstart) will not get an opportunity to restart it.
Instead do this:
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
You must avoid using null
. Prefer Scala's Option[T]
instead. Null
values are error prone, because the compiler cannot protect
you. Nullable values that happen in function definitions are not
documented in those definitions. So avoid doing this:
def hello(name: String) =
if (name != null)
println(s"Hello, $name")
println("Hello, anonymous")
As a first step, you could be doing this:
def hello(name: Option[String]) = {
val n = name.getOrElse("anonymous")
println(s"Hello, $n")
The point of using Option[T]
is that the compiler forces you to deal
with it, one way or another:
- you either have to deal with it right away (e.g. by providing a default, throwing an exception, etc..)
- or you can propagate the resulting
up the call stack
Also remember that Option
is just like a collection of 0 or 1
elements, so you can use foreach, which is totally idiomatic:
val name: Option[String] = ???
for (n <- name) {
// executes only when the name is defined
Combining multiple options is also easy:
val name: Option[String] = ???
val age: Option[Int] = ???
for (n <- name; a <- age)
println(s"Name: $n, age: $a")
And since Option
is seen as an Iterable
too, you can use flatMap
on collections to get rid of None
val list = Seq(1,2,3,4,5,6)
list.flatMap(x => Some(x).filter(_ % 2 == 0))
// => 2,4,6
You might be tempted to do this:
val someValue: Option[Double] = ???
// ....
val result = someValue.get + 1
Don't ever do that, since your trading a NullPointerException
for a
and that defeats the purpose of using
in the first place.
- using
- using
- using pattern matching and dealing with the
branch explicitly - not taking the value out of its optional context
As an example for (4), not taking the value out of its context means this:
val result = + 1)
Java's Date and Calendar classes from the standard library are awful because:
- resulting objects are mutable, which doesn't make sense for expressing a date, which should be a value (how would you feel if you had to work with StringBuffer everywhere you have Strings?)
- months numbering is zero based
- Date in particular does not keep timezone info, so Date values are completely useless
- it doesn't make a difference between GMT and UTC
- years are expressed as 2 digits instead of 4
Always use Joda-Time - of if you can afford to switch to Java 8, there's a shinny new JSR-310 that's based on Joda-Time and that will be the new standard once people adopt Java 8.
Avoid using Any or AnyRef or explicit casting, unless you've got a really good reason for it. Scala is a language that derives value from its expressive type system, usage of Any or of typecasting represents a hole in this expressive type system and the compiler doesn't know how to help you there. In general, something like this is bad:
val json: Any = ???
if (json.isInstanceOf[String])
else if (json.isInstanceOf[Map])
Often we are using Any when doing deserialization. Instead of working with Any, think about the generic type you want and the set of sub-types you need, and come up with an Algebraic Data-Type:
sealed trait JsValue
case class JsNumber(v: Double) extends JsValue
case class JsBool(v: Boolean) extends JsValue
case class JsString(v: String) extends JsValue
case class JsObject(map: Map[String, JsValue]) extends JsValue
case class JsArray(list: Seq[JsValue]) extends JsValue
case object JsNull extends JsValue
Now, instead of operating on Any, we can do pattern matching on JsValue and the compiler can help us here on missing branches, since the choice is finite. This will trigger a warning on missing branches:
val json: JsValue = ???
json match {
case JsString(v) => doSomethingWithString(v)
case JsNumber(v) => doSomethingWithNumber(v)
// ...
Unix timestamps, provided that we are talking about the number of seconds or milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (with emphasis on UTC) are a decent cross-platform serialization format. It does have the disadvantage that it has limits in what it can express. ISO-8601 is a decent serialization format supported by most libraries.
Avoid anything else and also when storing dates without a timezone attached (like in MySQL), always express that info in UTC.
Although not uncommon in other languages to use "magic" (special)
values like -1
to signal particular outcomes, in Scala there are a
range of types to make intent clear. Option
, Either
, Try
examples. Also, in case you want to express more than a boolean
success or failure, you can always come up with an algebraic data
Don't do this:
val index = list.find(someTest).getOrElse(-1)
Avoid using "var" at least when speaking about shared mutable state. Because if you do have shared state expressed as vars, you'd better synchronize it and it gets ugly fast. Much better is to avoid it. In case you really need mutable shared state, use an atomic reference and store immutable things in it. Also checkout Scala-STM.
So instead of something like this:
class Something {
private var cache = Map.empty[String, String]
If you can't really avoid that variable, prefer doing this:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
class Something {
private val cache =
new AtomicReference(Map.empty[String, String])
Yes, it introduces overhead due to the synchronization required, which in the case of an atomic reference means spin loops. But it will save you from lots and lots of headaches later. And it's best to avoid mutation entirely.
Prefer this:
def someFunction(param1: T1, param2: T2): Result = {
To this:
def someFunction(param1: T1, param2: T2) = {
Yeah, type inference on the result of a function is great and all, but for public methods:
- it's not OK to rely on an IDE or to inspect the implementation in order to see the returned type
- Scala currently infers the most specialized type possible, because in Scala the return type on functions is covariant, so you might actually get a really ugly type back
For example, what is the returned type of this function:
def sayHelloRunnable(name: String) = new Runnable {
def sayIt() = println(s"Hello, $name")
def run() = sayIt()
Do you think it's Runnable
Wrong, it's Runnable{def sayIt(): Unit}
As a side-effect, this also increases compilation times, as whenever
changes implementation, it also changes the
signature so everything that depends on it must be recompiled.
It is tempting, but you should almost never define nested case classes inside another object/class because it messes with Java's serialization. The reason is that when you serialize a case class it closes over the "this" pointer and serializes the whole object, which if you are putting in your App object means for every instance of a case class you serialize the whole world.
And the thing with case classes specifically is that:
- one expects a case class to be immutable (a value, a fact) and hence
- one expects a case class to be easily serializable
Prefer flat hierachies.
Classes, including case classes, traits and objects do not belong inside package objects. It is unnecessary, confuses the compiler and is therefore discouraged. For example, refrain from doing the following:
package foo
package object bar {
case object FooBar
The same effect is achieved if all artifacts are inside a plain package:
case object FooBar
Package objects should only contain value, method and type alias definitions, etc. Scala allows multiple public classes in a single file, and the convention is to have the first letter of the filename be lowercase in such cases.