The ASP.NET Core image does not come with a built-in unprivileged user, so we must create it ourselves and set it as the owner of the /app
Note that this is a multistage Dockerfile, and the 'build' stage runs as root. The final stage, where the application runs unprivileged, just copies files from the build stage.
Build and run the image
docker-compose up
Then browse to http://localhost:3000/Hello
In a new window, run whoami to see the user the process is running as:
docker-compose exec webserver whoami
# app
Try mounting a volume, and you should fail.
docker-compose exec webserver mount /dev/null /mnt/test
# mount: permission denied (are you root?)
Try installing nmap, and you should fail.
docker-compose exec webserver apk add nmap
# ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied
# ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied
You can stop the container now, and don't forget to clean up
docker-compose down