If you are new to Python, please follow the steps below:
Create and activate conda environment
- 'conda create --name env_name python=3.7'
- 'conda activate env_name' (replace env_name with your environment name)
Install python packages
- 'conda install GDAL'
- #conda install -c http://pcraster.geo.uu.nl/pcraster/pcraster -c conda-forge #pcraster=4.3.0_rc1 # For using PCRaster to calculate predictors
- 'conda install keras' # for deep learning
- 'Anaconda install Tensorflow' # for deep learning - so far the easiest option for scaling tensorflow operations to gpu other packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, spyder, Jupyter
open spyder or jupyter notebook from conda environment: 'conda spyder'
Using jupyter notebook Run jupyter on conda environment (CE), three ways
- Conda install jupyter from CE
- Source activate CE
- Conda install ipykernel (might be the best) Then: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=firstEnv