The Employment Object ### Description The Employment
object is used to represent an employment position at a company. These are associated with the employee filling the role. Please note: Employment objects are constructed if the object does not exist in the remote system. ### Usage Example Fetch from the LIST Employments
endpoint and filter by ID
to show all employees.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | UUID | [optional] [readonly] | |
remoteId | String | The third-party API ID of the matching object. | [optional] |
employee | UUID | [optional] | |
jobTitle | String | The position's title. | [optional] |
payRate | Float | The position's pay rate in dollars. | [optional] |
payPeriod | PayPeriodEnum | The time period this pay rate encompasses. | [optional] |
payFrequency | PayFrequencyEnum | The position's pay frequency. | [optional] |
payCurrency | PayCurrencyEnum | The position's currency code. | [optional] |
payGroup | UUID | [optional] | |
flsaStatus | FlsaStatusEnum | The position's FLSA status. | [optional] |
effectiveDate | OffsetDateTime | The position's effective date. | [optional] |
employmentType | EmploymentTypeEnum | The position's type of employment. | [optional] |
remoteData | List<RemoteData> | [optional] [readonly] | |
remoteWasDeleted | Boolean | Indicates whether or not this object has been deleted on the third-party. | [optional] [readonly] |