Notes and hypotheses about InChI's structure based on published documentation.
- version
- disconnected
- / main
- formula
- /c connections
- /h H_atoms (static H and mobile H groups)
- charge
- /q charge
- /p protons (not fixed)
- stereo
- /b stereo:dbond
- /t stereo:sp3
- /m stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /i isotopic
- /h isotopic:exchangeable_H
- /b isotopic:stereo:dbond
- /t isotopic:stereo:sp3
- /m isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s isototopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /f fixed
- /h fixed:H:H_fixed
- /q fixed:H:charge
- /t fixed_H:stereo:dbond
- /m fixed:H:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s fixed_H:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /i isotopic
- /b fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:dbond
- /t fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3
- /m fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s fixed_h:isotopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, r=rac)
- /o transposition
- / main
- /r reconnected
- / main
- /c connections
- /h H_atoms
- charge
- /q charge
- /p protons
- stereo
- /b stereo:dbond
- /t stereo:sp3
- /m stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /i isotopic
- /h isotopic:exchangeable_H
- /b isotopic:stereo:dbond
- /t isotopic:stereo:sp3
- /m isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s isototopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /f fixed
- /h fixed:H:H_fixed
- /q fixed:H:charge
- /t fixed_H:stereo:dbond
- /m fixed:H:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s fixed_H:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)
- /i isotopic
- /b fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:dbond
- /t fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3
- /m fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted
- /s fixed_h:isotopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, r=rac)
- /o transposition
- / main
Starts on Page 78.
- Split L/R into two strings, V, S. L is version, S has all the layers.
- Find
in S. If found, P[1] = before, P[2] = after. Otherwise copy S to P[1]. P[1] is the layers or the layers of a disconnected structure. P[2] if not empty is the layers of a reconnected structure. - For each P in non-empty P[i], search for
. If found, copy left to Q[i][1] (main layer) and right to Q[i][2] (fixed-H layer). - For each Q in non-empty Q[i][j], search for
. If found, left is R[i][j][1] (non-isotopic) and right is R[i][j][2] (isotopic).
This procedure yields R[i][j][k] (i, j, k = 1 or 2), where:
- i = 1: the identifier, or the identifier of a disconnected structure
- i = 2: the identifier of the reconnected structure
- j = 1: the main layer
- j = 2: the fixed-H layer
- k = 1: the non-isotopic part of the layer
- k = 2: the isotopic part of the layer
From "Hierarchical structure of the Identifier"
- Main Layer
- /{formula}
- C5H5N5O
- /c{connections}
- 6-5-9-3-2(4(11)10-5)7-1-8-3
- /h{H_atoms}
- /h1H,(H4,6,7,8,9,10,11)
- /h5H,1-4H3
- /h(H4,2,3,4)
- /{formula}
- Charge Layer
- /q{charge}
- component charge
- /p{protons}
- H+ removed from an atom
- /q{charge}
- Stereo Layer
- /b{stereo:dbond}
- /t{stereo:sp3}
- /m{stereo:sp3:inverted}
- /s{stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)}
- Isotopic Layer
- /i{isotopic:atoms}*
- /h{isotopic:exchangeable_H}
- /b{isotopic:stereo:dbond}
- /t{isotopic:stereo:sp3}
- /m{isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted}
- /s{isotopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)}
- Fixed H Layer (specific tautomer, optional)
- /f {fixed_H:formula}*
- /h {fixed_h:H_fixed}
- /h8,10H,6H2
- /q {fixed_H:charge}
- /b {fixed_H:stereo:dbond}
- /t {fixed_H:stereo:sp3}
- /m {fixed_H:stereo:sp3:inverted}
- /s {fixed_H:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)}
- Fixed/Isotopic Combination (FI)
- /i{fixed_H:isotopic:atoms}*
- /b{fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:dbond}
- /t{fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3}
- /m{fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:sp3:inverted}
- /s{fixed_H:isotopic:stereo:type (1=abs, 2=rel, 3=rac)}
- /o{transposition}