All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2.9.1 - 2022-10-13
- fix hard-coded useLockedBody anchor id
- useEventListener passes options to removeEventListener (#235 by @marnusw)
- rename useBoolean, useCounter, useLockedBody and useSidebar hooks ReturnType to Output (#234 by valentinpolitov)
2.9.0 - 2022-10-13
- Transpile commonjs to es5 (fixes #232)
2.8.0 - 2022-10-13
- Added useToggle
- Added options in useScript (#203, #197 by @curtvict)
- Added media query support to useEventListener (#194 by @modex98)
- Remove React import line in all files
- docs misspelling (#189 by @JoshuaCS94)
- useIntersectionObserver deps (#195 by @Guesswhoitis)
2.7.2 - 2022-09-30
- Added useDocumentTitle (#218 by @curtvict)
- Removed
import React
line (not needed since react 17)
- Fixed misspelling (thanks to @alexisoney and @JoshuaCS94)
2.7.1 - 2022-09-22
- Support React 18 (#214 by @sharvit)
- Remove hooks index files
- Remove source-map
2.7.0 - 2022-09-19
- Move usehooks-ts to the root
- Simplify config files (removing some tools)
- Split the documentation website from the workspace
- Regroup hooks related files together (test, doc, demo, hook)
- Upgrade dependencies
2.6.0 - 2022-06-20
- useEventListener now supports
events - useEventListener now supports native event listener options
- Add useSessionStorage (#171 by @createdbymahmood)
- Add unit tests on useHover (#169 by @createdbymahmood)
2.5.4 - 2022-05-30
- improve useCountdown interface (#160 by @PabloLION)
- add SSR unit tests on useIsClient (#161 by @createdbymahmood)
2.5.3 - 2022-05-16
- Ignore unrelated 'storage' events in useLocalStorage (#153 from @bogdanailincaipnt)
- Revert #143 useEffectOnce (#152 from @jherr)
2.5.2 - 2022-05-02
- Fix useFetch (#139 from @daiky218)
- Fix useEffectOnce (#147 from @3GOMESz)
2.5.1 - 2022-04-12
- Revert dependencies
2.5.0 - 2022-04-11
- Memoise useBoolean (#122 from @angusd3v)
- make setter from useLocalStorage referentially stable (#133 from @jbean96)
- add support for useMediaQuery in older versions (#135 from @brycedorn)
- update dependencies
2.4.2 - 2022-02-27
- Improve useEventListener reactivity (#117 from @TunA-Kai)
- Use useIsomorphicLayoutEffect instead of useLayoutEffect
- Memoise useLocalStorage setter (from #118)
2.4.1 - 2022-02-21
- Add unit tests on useWindowSize (#112 from @createdbymahmood)
- Add unit tests on useElementSize (#111 from @createdbymahmood)
- Add useIsomorphicLayoutEffect and replace all useLayoutEffect (#116)
- Fix use[Read]LocalStorage render cycle (#109 from @bogdanailincaipnt)
2.4.0 - 2022-02-12
- Add unit tests on useInterval (#104/#106 from @createdbymahmood)
- Add unit tests on useDarkMode (#105/#106 from @createdbymahmood)
- Update local-storage key in useTernaryDarMode (#98 from @PabloLION)
- Update local-storage key in useDarMode (#98 from @PabloLION)
- Update Typescript to 4.5.5 (minor)
2.3.0 - 2022-01-30
- Create useTernaryDarMode (#89 from @PabloLION)
2.2.2 - 2022-01-25
- Fix esm and source map (issued (#88) by @egehandulger)
2.2.1 - 2022-01-12
- Fix types add tests on useEventListener (#82 from @egehandulger)
2.2.0 - 2022-01-03
- Add tests on useIsMounted (#75 from @DidrikLind)
- Add useCountdown() hook (#76 from @hexp1989)
- Add tests on useDebounce (#80 from @DidrikLind)
2.1.0 - 2021-12-01
- Create media query hook (#74 from @AbbalYouness)
- Add param to allow 'mouseup' event on useOnClickOutside (#69 from @JamesBarretDev)
2.0.2 - 2021-11-19
- Create useClickAnyWhere hook (#66 from @sonjoydatta)
- Fix useTimeout and useInterval (#65 from @oluckyman).
- Fix useOnClickOutside (bug introduced in the 2.0.1).
2.0.1 - 2021-11-17
- Simplify useOnClickOutside (introduces a bug fixed in 2.0.2)
2.0.0 - 2021-11-16
- Fixing the useElementSize changes the hook interface.
1.2.1 - 2021-11-10
- useEffectOnce()
- useUpdateEffect()
- useIsFirstRender()
- Add Revonate
- fix(site-templates-post): Fixed edit link (#59 from @ducktordanny)
1.1.1 - 2021-11-08
- Add renovate bot.
- Upgrade @Material-ui to Mui@5 (including a lot of UI refactoring)
- Upgrade Gatsby to v4.
- Re-generate package-lock.json due wrong npm version.
1.1.0 - 2021-11-06
- Use useEventListener in the hooks when possible #DRY.
- Enforce tree-shaking support with an Eslint plugin.
- New hook: useStep() (#48 from @qlaffont).
1.0.14 - 2021-11-03
- was created.
- SemVer started.
- Upgrade Node and NPM to publish quickly with lerna