ludown can also parse .md files as well!
- Hi
- Hello
- Good morning
- Good evening
- help
- I need help
- please help
- {userName=vishwac}
- I'm {userName=vishwac}
- call me {userName=vishwac}
- my name is {userName=vishwac}
- {userName=vishwac} is my name
- you can call me {userName=vishwac}
PREBUILT entities are global. LUIS will always provide results for these when ever a prebuilt entity is found in any utterance.
- create an alarm
- create an alarm for 7AM
- set an alarm for 7AM next thursday
add these as patterns
this utterance will be added as a pattern since there is no labelled value for the alarmTime entity
- delete the {alarmTime} alarm
- remove the {alarmTime} alarm
Since there is a list entity definition, any synonyms in this list will get picked up as list entity type and should not be labelled
- set phone call as my communication preference
- I prefer to receive text message
List entity definition
- phone call
- give me a ring
- ring
- call
- cell phone
- phone
- can you help
you can break up list entity definitions into multiple chunks, interleaved within a .lu file or even spread across .lu files.
- message
- text
- sms
- text message
- fax
- fascimile
You can have references to external .lu files
This is a QnA definition. Follows # ? Question: <list of questions> ```markdown <Answer> ``` format
You can add URLs for QnA maker to ingest using the #URL reference scheme
You can change the default message if you use the QnAMakerDialog.
See [this link]( for details.
You can use our REST apis to manage your KB.
\#1. See here for details:
You can add URLs for QnA maker to ingest using the #URL reference scheme
You can define multilple questions for single answer as well
- get me your ceo info
You can define filters for QnA using the *Filters:* <list of name=value pairs> format
- I need coffee
- location = seattle
You can get coffee in our Seattle store at 1 pike place, Seattle, WA
- I need coffee
- location = portland
You can get coffee in our Portland store at 52 marine drive, Portland, OR
FAQ URLs for QnA maker to ingest.