diff --git a/CenterofExcellenceResources/OfficeHours/Power Platform CoE Starter Kit Office Hours.ics b/CenterofExcellenceResources/OfficeHours/Power Platform CoE Starter Kit Office Hours.ics new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bd941052 --- /dev/null +++ b/CenterofExcellenceResources/OfficeHours/Power Platform CoE Starter Kit Office Hours.ics @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +BEGIN:VCALENDAR +PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 16.0 MIMEDIR//EN +VERSION:2.0 +METHOD:REQUEST +X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE +BEGIN:VTIMEZONE +TZID:GMT Standard Time +BEGIN:STANDARD +DTSTART:16011028T020000 +RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10 +TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 +TZOFFSETTO:-0000 +END:STANDARD +BEGIN:DAYLIGHT +DTSTART:16010325T010000 +RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3 +TZOFFSETFROM:-0000 +TZOFFSETTO:+0100 +END:DAYLIGHT +END:VTIMEZONE +BEGIN:VEVENT +ATTENDEE;CN="Jenefer Monroe";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:Jenefer@Alchemy-Automation.co + m +CLASS:PUBLIC +CREATED:20240103T154729Z +DESCRIPTION:The Microsoft Power Platform CoE Starter Kit (https://aka.ms/co + estarterkit ) is a collection of c + omponents and tools that are designed to help you get started with develop + ing a strategy for governing and nurturing your Microsoft Power Platform a + doption. The office hours are a regular forum for you to learn and ask que + stions about the CoE Starter Kit. Come prepared to ask questions about exi + sting features\, learn how something works and new features you'd like to + see. \n\n\nPlease note: This meeting is not a CoE Starter Kit introduction + or overview session\, and we are also unable to do custom troubleshooting + or consulting not relevant to a broader audience in this session. \n\n\nI + f you are experiencing issues with or have questions about the CoE Starter + Kit\, please don't wait for the call - instead raise your issue or questi + ons via https://aka.ms/coe-starter-kit-issues \n\n\n________________________________________________ + ________________________________ \nMicrosoft Teams meeting \nJoin on your + computer\, mobile app or room device \nClick here to join the meeting \nMeeting ID: 322 220 090 67 \nPasscode: 2xe7ej \nDow + nload Teams + | Join on the web \nOr call in (audio only) \n+44 20 3787 4396\,\,248852823# United Kingdom\, London \nPhone Conference ID: + 248 852 823# \nFind a local number | Reset PIN \nLearn more | Meeting options \n________ + ________________________________________________________________________ \ + n +DTEND;TZID="GMT Standard Time":20240214T160000 +DTSTAMP:20240103T151327Z +DTSTART;TZID="GMT Standard Time":20240214T150000 +LAST-MODIFIED:20240103T154729Z +LOCATION:Microsoft Teams Meeting +ORGANIZER;CN="Manuela Pichler":mailto:Manuela.Pichler@microsoft.com +PRIORITY:5 +RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=11;BYDAY=WE;BYSETPOS=2 +SEQUENCE:1 +SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-gb:Power Platform CoE Starter Kit Office Hours +TRANSP:OPAQUE +UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E008000000006A93A84C543EDA01000000000000000 + 010000000878B57580691F549829D48811C501C8F +X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n\n\n\n
\n + The Microsoft Power Platform CoE Starter Kit (https://aka.ms/coestarterkit< + span class="ContentPasted0" style="box-sizing:border-box\; text-align:star + t\; color:rgb(37\,36\,35)\; background-color:rgb(245\,245\,245)">)\n is a + collection of components and tools that are designed to help you get start + ed with developing a strategy for governing and nurturing your Microsoft P + ower Platform adoption. The office hours are a regular forum for you to le + arn and ask questions about the\n CoE Starter Kit. Come prepared to ask qu + estions about existing features\, learn how something works and new featur + es you'd like to see. \;
\ + n
\nPlease note: This meeting is not a CoE Starter Kit introductio + n or overview session\, and we are also unable to do custom troubleshootin + g\n or consulting not relevant to a broader audience in this session.  + \;
\nIf you are exp + eriencing issues with or have questions about the CoE Starter Kit\, please + don't wait for the call - instead raise\n your issue or questions via&nbs + p\;https://aka.ms/coe-starter-kit-issues \;
\n< + br>\n
________________________________________________________ + ________________________\n
Microsoft Teams meeting + \n
Join on your computer\, mobile app or room device\n< + /div>\nClick\n here to join the meeting
Meeting ID:\n322 220 090 67
\nPasscode: 2xe7ej\n\n\n\n
Or cal + l in (audio only)\n
+44 20 3787 4396\,\,248852823#\n \; United Kingdom\, London < + /div>\n
\nPhone Conferen + ce ID: 248 852 823#\n< + /span>\n\n\n
___________________________________ + _____________________________________________\n