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adamfranco edited this page Jan 24, 2011 · 5 revisions

This Course-Catalog is a project to develop a web front-end for searching and browsing course information stored in Banner.

Overview of operation

  1. (Nightly) Data from the Banner Oracle database is copied into tables in a MySQL database (via coursecatalog/bin/update-from-banner-oci.php)
  2. (Nightly) Derived tables and views to improve the ease of fetching are built from the data now in MySQL (via coursecatalog/bin/update-from-banner-oci.php)
  3. (Nightly) Search indices are built based on the data now in MySQL (via coursecatalog/bin/build_indices.php)
  4. The PHP data model based on the OSID Course Catalog API provides an object-oriented API for accessing the course catalog data. This API ensures consistency in data fetching so that different user-interface screens always have the same information available.
  5. The front-end application (using the Zend Framework’s MVC system) provides search, browse and display interfaces to access the course information. It also provides XML web services for using the course information in remote systems. Additionally, the front-end application includes a schedule-planning tool to help students plan their semesters. All user-interfaces and web services get their data through the OSID Course Catalog API.


Examples of the the Course-Catalog in action at Middlebury College:

Here are some examples of this system in action:


The implementation of this system is layered such that the Web UI code is separated from the data model. The data model is an implementation of the Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I.) Open Service Interface Definition (OSID) for Course information, the Course OSID (detailed doc). Because of this structure, it is possible for other institutions to modify the data model (the OSID implementation) so as to use the same UI code against different data sources, be they different Banner implementations or alternative systems.

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