diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig index ee8bbd1..d442aac 100644 --- a/.editorconfig +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ indent_style = space indent_size = 2 charset = utf-8 +[Makefile] +indent_style = tab + diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS deleted file mode 100644 index 5eb38dc..0000000 --- a/.github/CODEOWNERS +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -* @gorillamoe @Grueslayer @treywood diff --git a/.github/workflows/conform-docs.yml b/.github/workflows/conform-docs.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5605f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/conform-docs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +--- +name: Conform Docs + +on: + pull_request: + paths: + - 'docs/**/*.md' + branches: + - main + +jobs: + lint: + name: Lint Docs + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + container: + image: ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-testrunner:latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Run linter + run: ./scripts/lint.sh check-docs diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yml b/.github/workflows/tests.yml index 70a4dc3..a82511e 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yml @@ -1,23 +1,19 @@ --- -name: Test +name: Tests on: pull_request: + paths: + - '**/*.lua' branches: - main jobs: - tests: - name: Tests - runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} - strategy: - fail-fast: false - matrix: - include: - - os: ubuntu-latest - container-image: ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-testrunner:latest + test-linux: + name: Test Code on Linux + runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: - image: ${{ matrix.container-image }} + image: ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-testrunner:latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Restore cache @@ -25,7 +21,48 @@ jobs: with: path: | .tests - key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.container-image }} - + key: ${{ runner.os }}-tests - name: Run tests run: ./scripts/tests.sh run + lint: + name: Lint Code + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + container: + image: ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-testrunner:latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Run linter + run: ./scripts/lint.sh check-code + test-windows: + name: Test Code on Windows + runs-on: windows-latest + if: ${{ github.event.label.name == 'needs-windows-test' }} + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + - name: Restore cache + id: cache-deps + uses: actions/cache@v4 + with: + path: | + .tests + ~\scoop + ~\AppData\Roaming\LJ4W + ~\AppData\Roaming\luarocks + key: ${{ runner.os }}-tests + - name: Check if cache hit + if: steps.cache-deps.outputs.cache-hit == 'true' + run: echo "GH_CACHE_HIT=true" >> $Env:GITHUB_ENV + - name: Install dependencies + run: ./scripts/install-ci-test-requirements.ps1 + - name: Save cache + uses: actions/cache/save@v4 + with: + path: | + .tests + ~\scoop + ~\AppData\Roaming\LJ4W + ~\AppData\Roaming\luarocks + key: ${{ runner.os }}-tests + - name: Run tests + run: ./scripts/tests.ps1 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a9432b7..4c3013c 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ node_modules .env http-client.env.json +!/schemas/http-client.env.json *.http *graphql-schema.json /http-examples .tests +.nvim diff --git a/CODEOWNERS b/CODEOWNERS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a89e4b --- /dev/null +++ b/CODEOWNERS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* @gorillamoe @Grueslayer diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e380ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and +orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or +advances +- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +- Public or private harassment +- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community includes using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting an individual maintainer on: + +### GitHub + +- @gorillamoe + +> (at `GitHub username` + `@github.com`). + +### Discord + +- gorillamoe + +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at [https://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version] + +[homepage]: https://contributor-covenant.org +[version]: https://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/ diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf4ed0f --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +# Contributing to Kulala + +Thanks for checking out Kulala! +We're excited to hear and learn from you. + +We've put together the following guidelines to +help you figure out where you can best be helpful. + +## Table of Contents + +0. [Types of contributions we're looking for](#types-of-contributions-were-looking-for) +0. [Ground rules & expectations](#ground-rules--expectations) +0. [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute) +0. [Style guide](#style-guide) + 1. [Documentation](#documentation) + 2. [Code](#code) +0. [Setting up your environment](#setting-up-your-environment) +0. [Community](#community) + +## Types of contributions we're looking for + +There are many ways you can directly contribute to Kulala: + +- Feature requests +- Bug reports +- Code contributions +- Writing or editing documentation + +## Ground rules & expectations + +Before we get started, +here are a few things we expect from you (and that you should expect from others): + +- Be kind and thoughtful in your conversations around this project. + We all come from different backgrounds and projects, + which means we likely have different perspectives on "how open source is done." + Try to listen to others rather than convince them that your way is correct. +- Kulala is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). + By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms. +- Please ensure that your contribution passes all tests if you open a pull request. + If there are test failures, you will need to address them before we can merge your contribution. +- When adding content, please consider if it is widely valuable. + Please don't add references or links to things you or your employer have created, + as others will do so if they appreciate it. + +## How to contribute + +If you'd like to contribute, +start by searching through the [pull requests](https://github.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/pulls) to +see whether someone else has raised a similar idea or question. + +If you don't see your idea listed, and you think it fits into the goals of this guide, open a pull request. + +## Style guide + +### Documentation + +If you're writing documentation, +see the [style guide](./docs/.vale/styles) (which uses [vale](https://vale.sh)) to +help your prose match the rest of the documentation. + +### Code + +When writing code, +please follow these configurations: + +- [stylua](./stylua.toml) +- [luacheck](./.luacheckrc) +- [EditorConfig](./.editorconfig) +- [yaml-lint](./.yamllint.yaml) + +Most of them are automatically checked by the CI, +so you don't need to worry about them. + +## Community + +Discussions about the Kulala take place on: + +- This repository's [Issues](https://github.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/issues) and + [Pull Requests](https://github.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/pulls) sections +- The [Kulala Discord server](https://discord.gg/QyVQmfY4Rt) + +Anybody is welcome to join these conversations. + +Wherever possible, +do not take these conversations to private channels, +including contacting the maintainers directly. + +Keeping communication public means everybody can benefit and learn from the conversation. diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index dc19184..c0175d8 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MIT License -Copyright (c) 2024 mistweaver.co +Copyright (c) 2024+ mistweaverco Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 76e504c..1017611 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ version: ./scripts/set-version.sh $(VERSION) +tag: + ./scripts/tag.sh +release: + ./scripts/tag.sh +docker-build: + if [ "$(OS)" != "linux" ] || [ "$(OS)" != "windows" ]; then (echo "OS must be either linux or windows"; exit 1); fi + docker build -t ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-$(OS)-testrunner:latest tests/_dockerfiles/$(OS) +docker-push: + if [ "$(OS)" != "linux" ] || [ "$(OS)" != "windows" ]; then (echo "OS must be either linux or windows"; exit 1); fi + docker push ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-$(OS)-testrunner:latest + diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 87dc288..17afce9 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ See [configuration options](https://kulala.mwco.app/docs/getting-started/configu For getting this project started. -This project was heaviliy inspired by the idea of having a REST client in Neovim. +This project was heavily inspired by the idea of having a REST client in Neovim. The actual state of [rest.nvim](https://github.com/rest-nvim/rest.nvim) as archived kicked off the development of kulala.nvim. diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Abbreviations.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Abbreviations.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de4b017 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Abbreviations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +ignorecase: false +level: error +nonword: true +swap: + '\beg\b': e.g., + '\bie\b': i.e., + 'e\.g\.(?:[^,]|$)': e.g., + 'i\.e\.(?:[^,]|$)': i.e., + '(?i)\d{1,2} ?[ap]m': a.m. or p.m. + 'D\.C\.': DC + '\bUSA?\b': U.S. diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Ages.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Ages.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0705ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Ages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +--- +extends: existence +message: Avoid hyphens in ages unless it clarifies the text. +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: warning +tokens: + - '\d{1,3}-year-old' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Brands.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Brands.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fad6ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Brands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/trademarks-and-brands/ +level: warning +ignorecase: true +swap: + Band-Aid: bandage + Bubble Wrap: packaging bubbles + Chapstick: lip balm + Crayola: crayons + Dumpster: waste container + Hi-Liter: highlighting marker + iPod: MP3 player + Kleenex: tissue + Plexiglas: plastic glass + Post-it note: adhesive note + Q-Tips: cotton swabs + Scotch tape: transparent tape + Styrofoam: plastic foam + Taser: stun gun + Xerox: photocopy diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Clarity.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Clarity.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da7683c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Clarity.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: '%s' +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/plain-language/#words-to-avoid +level: warning +ignorecase: true +swap: + (?:commit|pledge): > + Be more specific — we’re either doing something or we’re not. + advancing: Avoid using 'advancing.' + agenda: Avoid using 'agenda' (unless you’re talking about a meeting). + deploy: > + Avoid using 'deploy', unless you’re talking about the military or + software. + disincentivize: Avoid using 'disincentivize.' + empower: Avoid using 'empower.' + focusing: Avoid using 'focusing.' + foster: Avoid using 'foster' (unless it’s children). + impact(?:ful)?: Avoid using impact or impactful. + incentivize: Avoid using 'incentivize.' + innovative: Use words that describe the positive outcome of the innovation. + key: Avoid using 'key' (unless it unlocks something). + leverage: > + Avoid using 'leverage' (unless you're using it in the financial sense). + progress: What are you actually doing? + promote: Avoid using 'promote' (unless you’re talking about an ad campaign). + streamline: Avoid using 'streamline.' + strengthening: > + Avoid using 'strengthening' (unless you’re referring to bridges or other + structures). + tackling: > + Avoid using 'tackling' (unless you’re referring to football or another + contact sport). + touchpoint: Mention specific system components. + transforming: What are you actually doing to change it? diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Contractions.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Contractions.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..875b73a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Contractions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: 'Use "%s" instead of "%s".' +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/voice-and-tone/#use-contractions +level: error +ignorecase: true +swap: + are not: aren't + cannot: can't + could not: couldn't + did not: didn't + do not: don't + does not: doesn't + has not: hasn't + have not: haven't + how is: how's + how will: how'll + is not: isn't + it is: it's + it will: it'll + should not: shouldn't + that is: that's + that will: that'll + they are: they're + they will: they'll + was not: wasn't + we are: we're + we have: we've + we will: we'll + were not: weren't + what is: what's + what will: what'll + when is: when's + when will: when'll + where is: where's + where will: where'll + who is: who's + who will: who'll + why is: why's + why will: why'll + will not: won't diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/DropDown.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/DropDown.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14856fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/DropDown.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use %s instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: error +# 'drop-down' when used as an adjective. For example, drop-down menu. +# 'drop down' when used as a noun. For example, an option from the drop down. +# Never dropdown. +pos: 'drop/\w+ down/RP|dropdown/\w+|drop-down/NN' +ignorecase: true +swap: + drop down: "'drop-down'" + drop-down: "'drop down'" + dropdown: "'drop-down' or 'drop down'" diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Quotes.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Quotes.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24d6d4f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Quotes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +extends: existence +message: Punctuation should be inside the quotes. +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/punctuation/#quotes +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '"[^"]+"[.,?]' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Reading.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Reading.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe560bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Reading.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +message: Craft sentences at 25 words or fewer, whenever possible. +link: 'https://content-guide.18f.gov/be-concise/#keep-sentences-short-and-sweet' +extends: occurrence +scope: sentence +level: warning +max: 25 +token: '\b(\w+)\b' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/SentenceLength.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/SentenceLength.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe560bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/SentenceLength.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +message: Craft sentences at 25 words or fewer, whenever possible. +link: 'https://content-guide.18f.gov/be-concise/#keep-sentences-short-and-sweet' +extends: occurrence +scope: sentence +level: warning +max: 25 +token: '\b(\w+)\b' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Spacing.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Spacing.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c66189d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Spacing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +extends: existence +message: "'%s' should have one space." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/punctuation/#spaces +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '[.?!] {2,}[A-Z]' + - '[.?!][A-Z]' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Terms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Terms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db506ef --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/Terms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Prefer %s over '%s'." +level: warning +ignorecase: false +swap: + 'e(?:-| )mail': email + (?:illegals|illegal aliens): "'undocumented immigrants'" + back-end: "'back end'" + citizen: "'people' or 'The public'" + combating: "'working against' or 'fighting'" + countering: "'answering' or 'responding'" + dialogue: "'speaking(ing)'" + dropdown: "'drop-down' or 'drop down'" + execute: "'run' or 'do'" + open-source: "'open source'" + simple: "'straightforward', 'uncomplicated', or 'clear'" + user testing: "'usability testing'" diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/ToDo.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/ToDo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c2aa7e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/ToDo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: error +# 'to do' (noun) and 'to-do' (adjective). For example, your to dos or your +# to-do list. +pos: 'to/TO do/VB' +ignorecase: true +swap: + to do: to-do diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/18F/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..199e07f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/18F/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +--- +extends: conditional +message: "'%s' should be parenthetically defined." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/abbreviations-and-acronyms/ +level: warning +first: '\b([A-Z]{3,5})\b' +second: '(?:\b[A-Z][a-z]+['']? )+\(([A-Z]{3,5})\)' +exceptions: + - ABC + - ADD + - ADHD + - AIDS + - APA + - API + - CBS + - CIA + - CSI + - CSS + - CST + - ESPN + - EST + - FAQ + - FBI + - FBI + - FIXME + - GNU + - GOV + - HIV + - HR + - HTML + - HTTP + - HTTPS + - JSON + - LAN + - MIT + - MLA + - MLB + - MTV + - NAACP + - NAACP + - NASA + - NASA + - NATO + - NBA + - NBC + - NCAA + - NCAAB + - NCAAF + - NFL + - NHL + - NOTE + - PDF + - PGA + - PPV + - PST + - SGML + - SSN + - TNT + - TODO + - URL + - USA + - USSR + - XML + - XXX diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Abbreviations.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Abbreviations.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de4b017 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Abbreviations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +ignorecase: false +level: error +nonword: true +swap: + '\beg\b': e.g., + '\bie\b': i.e., + 'e\.g\.(?:[^,]|$)': e.g., + 'i\.e\.(?:[^,]|$)': i.e., + '(?i)\d{1,2} ?[ap]m': a.m. or p.m. + 'D\.C\.': DC + '\bUSA?\b': U.S. diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Ages.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Ages.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0705ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Ages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +--- +extends: existence +message: Avoid hyphens in ages unless it clarifies the text. +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: warning +tokens: + - '\d{1,3}-year-old' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/CaseSensitiveTerms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/CaseSensitiveTerms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f45043d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/CaseSensitiveTerms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Prefer %s over '%s'." +level: warning +ignorecase: false +swap: + devops: "'DevOps'" + github: "'GitHub'" + javascript: "'JavaScript'" + readme: "'README'" diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Clarity.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Clarity.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acabf8e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Clarity.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: '%s' +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/plain-language/#words-to-avoid +level: warning +ignorecase: true +swap: + pledge: > + Be more specific than 'pledge' — we’re either doing something or we’re not. + advancing: Avoid using 'advancing.' + agenda: Avoid using 'agenda' (unless you’re talking about a meeting). + disincentivize: Avoid using 'disincentivize.' + empower: Avoid using 'empower.' + focusing: Avoid using 'focusing.' + foster: Avoid using 'foster' (unless it’s children). + impactful: Avoid using impactful. + incentivize: Avoid using 'incentivize.' + innovative: Use words that describe the positive outcome of the innovation. + leverage: > + Avoid using 'leverage' (unless you're using it in the financial sense). + promote: Avoid using 'promote' (unless you’re talking about an ad campaign). + streamline: Avoid using 'streamline.' + strengthening: > + Avoid using 'strengthening' (unless you’re referring to bridges or other + structures). + tackling: > + Avoid using 'tackling' (unless you’re referring to football or another + contact sport). + touchpoint: Mention specific system components. + transforming: What are you actually doing to change it? diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/DropDown.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/DropDown.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14856fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/DropDown.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use %s instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: error +# 'drop-down' when used as an adjective. For example, drop-down menu. +# 'drop down' when used as a noun. For example, an option from the drop down. +# Never dropdown. +pos: 'drop/\w+ down/RP|dropdown/\w+|drop-down/NN' +ignorecase: true +swap: + drop down: "'drop-down'" + drop-down: "'drop down'" + dropdown: "'drop-down' or 'drop down'" diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/LineLength.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/LineLength.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb0b5cb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/LineLength.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +message: A line should be at most 80 characters long. +link: https://tengolang.com/ +extends: script +scope: raw +level: warning +script: | + text := import("text") + matches := [] + // Remove all instances of code blocks since we don't want to count + // inter-block newlines as a new paragraph. + document := text.re_replace("(?s) *(\n```.*?```\n)", scope, "") + for line in text.split(document, "\n") { + // Skip links + if text.re_match("\\[(.*?)\\]: ", line) { + continue + } + if len(line) > 80 { + start := text.index(scope, line) + matches = append(matches, {begin: start, end: start + len(line)}) + } + } diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/SentenceLength.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/SentenceLength.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe560bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/SentenceLength.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +message: Craft sentences at 25 words or fewer, whenever possible. +link: 'https://content-guide.18f.gov/be-concise/#keep-sentences-short-and-sweet' +extends: occurrence +scope: sentence +level: warning +max: 25 +token: '\b(\w+)\b' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Spacing.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Spacing.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c66189d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Spacing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +extends: existence +message: "'%s' should have one space." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/punctuation/#spaces +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '[.?!] {2,}[A-Z]' + - '[.?!][A-Z]' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Terms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Terms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be3a825 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/Terms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Prefer %s over '%s'." +level: warning +ignorecase: true +swap: + 'e(?:-| )mail': email + back-end: "'back end'" + combating: "'working against' or 'fighting'" + countering: "'answering' or 'responding'" + dropdown: "'drop-down' or 'drop down'" + open-source: "'open source'" + simple: "'straightforward', 'uncomplicated', or 'clear'" + user testing: "'usability testing'" diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/ToDo.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/ToDo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc190b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/ToDo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +extends: substitution +message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/specific-words-and-phrases/ +level: suggestion +# 'to do' (noun) and 'to-do' (adjective). For example, your to dos or your +# to-do list. +pos: 'to/TO do/VB' +ignorecase: true +swap: + to do: to-do diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fceeef --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/documentation/UnexpandedAcronyms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +--- +extends: conditional +message: "'%s' should be parenthetically defined." +link: https://content-guide.18f.gov/abbreviations-and-acronyms/ +level: warning +first: '\b([A-Z]{3,5})\b' +second: '(?:\b[A-Z][a-z]+['']? )+\(([A-Z]{3,5})\)' +exceptions: + - ABI + - ACM + - ADC + - ADR + - AKA + - APA + - API + - ARM + - ASAP + - AVR + - CAN + - CBS + - CEO + - CLI + - CMSIS + - CPU + - CRC + - CSS + - CST + - DMA + - DRAM + - DSP + - EST + - ETL + - FAQ + - FIFO + - FILE + - FIXME + - GCC + - GNU + - GOV + - GPIO + - GPS + - HAL + - HTML + - HTTP + - HTTPS + - IDE + - IEEE + - IRQ + - I2C + - JSON + - LAN + - LFS + - LED + - LLC + - MCAPI + - MIPI + - MIPS + - MIT + - MLA + - MLB + - MMU + - MRAPI + - MSVC + - MTAPI + - NASA + - NFC + - NOT + - NOTE + - 'NULL' + - OLED + - OTA + - PCB + - PDF + - PGA + - PIC + - POSIX + - PPV + - PST + - RAII + - RAM + - RFID + - ROM + - RPC + - RTTI + - RTOS + - SDK + - SFR + - SGML + - SPI + - SRAM + - SSN + - STL + - TBD + - TDD + - TODO + - UART + - USART + - UML + - URL + - USA + - USB + - WIP + - XMI + - XML diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Airlinese.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Airlinese.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6ae9c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Airlinese.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is airlinese." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - enplan(?:e|ed|ing|ement) + - deplan(?:e|ed|ing|ement) + - taking off momentarily diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/AnimalLabels.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/AnimalLabels.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b92e06f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/AnimalLabels.yml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +extends: substitution +message: "Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'." +level: error +action: + name: replace +swap: + (?:bull|ox)-like: taurine + (?:calf|veal)-like: vituline + (?:crow|raven)-like: corvine + (?:leopard|panther)-like: pardine + bird-like: avine + centipede-like: scolopendrine + crab-like: cancrine + crocodile-like: crocodiline + deer-like: damine + eagle-like: aquiline + earthworm-like: lumbricine + falcon-like: falconine + ferine: wild animal-like + fish-like: piscine + fox-like: vulpine + frog-like: ranine + goat-like: hircine + goose-like: anserine + gull-like: laridine + hare-like: leporine + hawk-like: accipitrine + hippopotamus-like: hippopotamine + lizard-like: lacertine + mongoose-like: viverrine + mouse-like: murine + ostrich-like: struthionine + peacock-like: pavonine + porcupine-like: hystricine + rattlesnake-like: crotaline + sable-like: zibeline + sheep-like: ovine + shrew-like: soricine + sparrow-like: passerine + swallow-like: hirundine + swine-like: suilline + tiger-like: tigrine + viper-like: viperine + vulture-like: vulturine + wasp-like: vespine + wolf-like: lupine + woodpecker-like: picine + zebra-like: zebrine diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Annotations.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Annotations.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcb24f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Annotations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' left in text." +ignorecase: false +level: error +tokens: + - XXX + - FIXME + - TODO + - NOTE diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Apologizing.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Apologizing.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11088aa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Apologizing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Excessive apologizing: '%s'" +ignorecase: true +level: error +action: + name: remove +tokens: + - More research is needed diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Archaisms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Archaisms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8df9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Archaisms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is archaic." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - alack + - anent + - begat + - belike + - betimes + - boughten + - brocage + - brokage + - camarade + - chiefer + - chiefest + - Christiana + - completely obsolescent + - cozen + - divers + - deflexion + - fain + - forsooth + - foreclose from + - haply + - howbeit + - illumine + - in sooth + - maugre + - meseems + - methinks + - nigh + - peradventure + - perchance + - saith + - shew + - sistren + - spake + - to wit + - verily + - whilom + - withal + - wot + - enclosed please find + - please find enclosed + - enclosed herewith + - enclosed herein + - inforce + - ex postfacto + - foreclose from + - forewent + - for ever diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/But.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/But.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e2c32b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/But.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Do not start a paragraph with a 'but'." +level: error +scope: paragraph +action: + name: remove +tokens: + - ^But diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cliches.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cliches.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c56183c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cliches.yml @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is a cliche." +level: error +ignorecase: true +tokens: + - a chip off the old block + - a clean slate + - a dark and stormy night + - a far cry + - a fate worse than death + - a fine kettle of fish + - a loose cannon + - a penny saved is a penny earned + - a tough row to hoe + - a word to the wise + - ace in the hole + - acid test + - add insult to injury + - against all odds + - air your dirty laundry + - alas and alack + - all fun and games + - all hell broke loose + - all in a day's work + - all talk, no action + - all thumbs + - all your eggs in one basket + - all's fair in love and war + - all's well that ends well + - almighty dollar + - American as apple pie + - an axe to grind + - another day, another dollar + - armed to the teeth + - as luck would have it + - as old as time + - as the crow flies + - at loose ends + - at my wits end + - at the end of the day + - avoid like the plague + - babe in the woods + - back against the wall + - back in the saddle + - back to square one + - back to the drawing board + - bad to the bone + - badge of honor + - bald faced liar + - bald-faced lie + - ballpark figure + - banging your head against a brick wall + - baptism by fire + - barking up the wrong tree + - bat out of hell + - be all and end all + - beat a dead horse + - beat around the bush + - been there, done that + - beggars can't be choosers + - behind the eight ball + - bend over backwards + - benefit of the doubt + - bent out of shape + - best thing since sliced bread + - bet your bottom dollar + - better half + - better late than never + - better mousetrap + - better safe than sorry + - between a rock and a hard place + - between a rock and a hard place + - between Scylla and Charybdis + - between the devil and the deep blue see + - betwixt and between + - beyond the pale + - bide your time + - big as life + - big cheese + - big fish in a small pond + - big man on campus + - bigger they are the harder they fall + - bird in the hand + - bird's eye view + - birds and the bees + - birds of a feather flock together + - bit the hand that feeds you + - bite the bullet + - bite the dust + - bitten off more than he can chew + - black as coal + - black as pitch + - black as the ace of spades + - blast from the past + - bleeding heart + - blessing in disguise + - blind ambition + - blind as a bat + - blind leading the blind + - blissful ignorance + - blood is thicker than water + - blood sweat and tears + - blow a fuse + - blow off steam + - blow your own horn + - blushing bride + - boils down to + - bolt from the blue + - bone to pick + - bored stiff + - bored to tears + - bottomless pit + - boys will be boys + - bright and early + - brings home the bacon + - broad across the beam + - broken record + - brought back to reality + - bulk large + - bull by the horns + - bull in a china shop + - burn the midnight oil + - burning question + - burning the candle at both ends + - burst your bubble + - bury the hatchet + - busy as a bee + - but that's another story + - by hook or by crook + - call a spade a spade + - called onto the carpet + - calm before the storm + - can of worms + - can't cut the mustard + - can't hold a candle to + - case of mistaken identity + - cast aspersions + - cat got your tongue + - cat's meow + - caught in the crossfire + - caught red-handed + - chase a red herring + - checkered past + - chomping at the bit + - cleanliness is next to godliness + - clear as a bell + - clear as mud + - close to the vest + - cock and bull story + - cold shoulder + - come hell or high water + - comparing apples and oranges + - compleat + - conspicuous by its absence + - cool as a cucumber + - cool, calm, and collected + - cost a king's ransom + - count your blessings + - crack of dawn + - crash course + - creature comforts + - cross that bridge when you come to it + - crushing blow + - cry like a baby + - cry me a river + - cry over spilt milk + - crystal clear + - crystal clear + - curiosity killed the cat + - cut and dried + - cut through the red tape + - cut to the chase + - cute as a bugs ear + - cute as a button + - cute as a puppy + - cuts to the quick + - cutting edge + - dark before the dawn + - day in, day out + - dead as a doornail + - decision-making process + - devil is in the details + - dime a dozen + - divide and conquer + - dog and pony show + - dog days + - dog eat dog + - dog tired + - don't burn your bridges + - don't count your chickens + - don't look a gift horse in the mouth + - don't rock the boat + - don't step on anyone's toes + - don't take any wooden nickels + - down and out + - down at the heels + - down in the dumps + - down the hatch + - down to earth + - draw the line + - dressed to kill + - dressed to the nines + - drives me up the wall + - dubious distinction + - dull as dishwater + - duly authorized + - dyed in the wool + - eagle eye + - ear to the ground + - early bird catches the worm + - easier said than done + - easy as pie + - eat your heart out + - eat your words + - eleventh hour + - even the playing field + - every dog has its day + - every fiber of my being + - everything but the kitchen sink + - eye for an eye + - eyes peeled + - face the music + - facts of life + - fair weather friend + - fall by the wayside + - fan the flames + - far be it from me + - fast and loose + - feast or famine + - feather your nest + - feathered friends + - few and far between + - fifteen minutes of fame + - fills the bill + - filthy vermin + - fine kettle of fish + - first and foremost + - fish out of water + - fishing for a compliment + - fit as a fiddle + - fit the bill + - fit to be tied + - flash in the pan + - flat as a pancake + - flip your lid + - flog a dead horse + - fly by night + - fly the coop + - follow your heart + - for all intents and purposes + - for free + - for the birds + - for what it's worth + - force of nature + - force to be reckoned with + - forgive and forget + - fox in the henhouse + - free and easy + - free as a bird + - fresh as a daisy + - full steam ahead + - fun in the sun + - garbage in, garbage out + - gentle as a lamb + - get a kick out of + - get a leg up + - get down and dirty + - get the lead out + - get to the bottom of + - get with the program + - get your feet wet + - gets my goat + - gilding the lily + - gilding the lily + - give and take + - go against the grain + - go at it tooth and nail + - go for broke + - go him one better + - go the extra mile + - go with the flow + - goes without saying + - good as gold + - good deed for the day + - good things come to those who wait + - good time was had by all + - good times were had by all + - greased lightning + - greek to me + - green thumb + - green-eyed monster + - grist for the mill + - growing like a weed + - hair of the dog + - hand to mouth + - happy as a clam + - happy as a lark + - hasn't a clue + - have a nice day + - have a short fuse + - have high hopes + - have the last laugh + - haven't got a row to hoe + - he's got his hands full + - head honcho + - head over heels + - hear a pin drop + - heard it through the grapevine + - heart's content + - heavy as lead + - hem and haw + - high and dry + - high and mighty + - high as a kite + - his own worst enemy + - his work cut out for him + - hit paydirt + - hither and yon + - Hobson's choice + - hold your head up high + - hold your horses + - hold your own + - hold your tongue + - honest as the day is long + - horns of a dilemma + - horns of a dilemma + - horse of a different color + - hot under the collar + - hour of need + - I beg to differ + - icing on the cake + - if the shoe fits + - if the shoe were on the other foot + - if you catch my drift + - in a jam + - in a jiffy + - in a nutshell + - in a pig's eye + - in a pinch + - in a word + - in hot water + - in light of + - in the final analysis + - in the gutter + - in the last analysis + - in the nick of time + - in the thick of it + - in your dreams + - innocent bystander + - it ain't over till the fat lady sings + - it goes without saying + - it takes all kinds + - it takes one to know one + - it's a small world + - it's not what you know, it's who you know + - it's only a matter of time + - ivory tower + - Jack of all trades + - jockey for position + - jog your memory + - joined at the hip + - judge a book by its cover + - jump down your throat + - jump in with both feet + - jump on the bandwagon + - jump the gun + - jump to conclusions + - just a hop, skip, and a jump + - just the ticket + - justice is blind + - keep a stiff upper lip + - keep an eye on + - keep it simple, stupid + - keep the home fires burning + - keep up with the Joneses + - keep your chin up + - keep your fingers crossed + - kick the bucket + - kick up your heels + - kick your feet up + - kid in a candy store + - kill two birds with one stone + - kiss of death + - knock it out of the park + - knock on wood + - knock your socks off + - know him from Adam + - know the ropes + - know the score + - knuckle down + - knuckle sandwich + - knuckle under + - labor of love + - ladder of success + - land on your feet + - lap of luxury + - last but not least + - last but not least + - last hurrah + - last-ditch effort + - law of the jungle + - law of the land + - lay down the law + - leaps and bounds + - let sleeping dogs lie + - let the cat out of the bag + - let the good times roll + - let your hair down + - let's talk turkey + - letter perfect + - lick your wounds + - lies like a rug + - life's a bitch + - life's a grind + - light at the end of the tunnel + - lighter than a feather + - lighter than air + - like clockwork + - like father like son + - like taking candy from a baby + - like there's no tomorrow + - lion's share + - live and learn + - live and let live + - long and short of it + - long lost love + - look before you leap + - look down your nose + - look what the cat dragged in + - looking a gift horse in the mouth + - looks like death warmed over + - loose cannon + - lose your head + - lose your temper + - loud as a horn + - lounge lizard + - loved and lost + - low man on the totem pole + - luck of the draw + - luck of the Irish + - make a mockery of + - make hay while the sun shines + - make money hand over fist + - make my day + - make the best of a bad situation + - make the best of it + - make your blood boil + - male chauvinism + - man of few words + - man's best friend + - mark my words + - meaningful dialogue + - missed the boat on that one + - moment in the sun + - moment of glory + - moment of truth + - moment of truth + - money to burn + - more in sorrow than in anger + - more power to you + - more sinned against than sinning + - more than one way to skin a cat + - movers and shakers + - moving experience + - my better half + - naked as a jaybird + - naked truth + - neat as a pin + - needle in a haystack + - needless to say + - neither here nor there + - never look back + - never say never + - nip and tuck + - nip in the bud + - nip it in the bud + - no guts, no glory + - no love lost + - no pain, no gain + - no skin off my back + - no stone unturned + - no time like the present + - no use crying over spilled milk + - nose to the grindstone + - not a hope in hell + - not a minute's peace + - not in my backyard + - not playing with a full deck + - not the end of the world + - not written in stone + - nothing to sneeze at + - nothing ventured nothing gained + - now we're cooking + - off the top of my head + - off the wagon + - off the wall + - old hat + - olden days + - older and wiser + - older than dirt + - older than Methuselah + - on a roll + - on cloud nine + - on pins and needles + - on the bandwagon + - on the money + - on the nose + - on the rocks + - on the same page + - on the spot + - on the tip of my tongue + - on the wagon + - on thin ice + - once bitten, twice shy + - one bad apple doesn't spoil the bushel + - one born every minute + - one brick short + - one foot in the grave + - one in a million + - one red cent + - only game in town + - open a can of worms + - open and shut case + - open the flood gates + - opportunity doesn't knock twice + - out of pocket + - out of sight, out of mind + - out of the frying pan into the fire + - out of the woods + - out on a limb + - over a barrel + - over the hump + - pain and suffering + - pain in the + - panic button + - par for the course + - part and parcel + - party pooper + - pass the buck + - patience is a virtue + - pay through the nose + - penny pincher + - perfect storm + - pig in a poke + - pile it on + - pillar of the community + - pin your hopes on + - pitter patter of little feet + - plain as day + - plain as the nose on your face + - play by the rules + - play your cards right + - playing the field + - playing with fire + - pleased as punch + - plenty of fish in the sea + - point with pride + - poor as a church mouse + - pot calling the kettle black + - presidential timber + - pretty as a picture + - pull a fast one + - pull your punches + - pulled no punches + - pulling your leg + - pure as the driven snow + - put it in a nutshell + - put one over on you + - put the cart before the horse + - put the pedal to the metal + - put your best foot forward + - put your foot down + - quantum jump + - quantum leap + - quick as a bunny + - quick as a lick + - quick as a wink + - quick as lightning + - quiet as a dormouse + - rags to riches + - raining buckets + - raining cats and dogs + - rank and file + - rat race + - reap what you sow + - red as a beet + - red herring + - redound to one's credit + - redound to the benefit of + - reinvent the wheel + - rich and famous + - rings a bell + - ripe old age + - ripped me off + - rise and shine + - road to hell is paved with good intentions + - rob Peter to pay Paul + - roll over in the grave + - rub the wrong way + - ruled the roost + - running in circles + - sad but true + - sadder but wiser + - salt of the earth + - scared stiff + - scared to death + - sea change + - sealed with a kiss + - second to none + - see eye to eye + - seen the light + - seize the day + - set the record straight + - set the world on fire + - set your teeth on edge + - sharp as a tack + - shirked his duties + - shoot for the moon + - shoot the breeze + - shot in the dark + - shoulder to the wheel + - sick as a dog + - sigh of relief + - signed, sealed, and delivered + - sink or swim + - six of one, half a dozen of another + - six of one, half a dozen of the other + - skating on thin ice + - slept like a log + - slinging mud + - slippery as an eel + - slow as molasses + - smart as a whip + - smooth as a baby's bottom + - sneaking suspicion + - snug as a bug in a rug + - sow wild oats + - spare the rod, spoil the child + - speak of the devil + - spilled the beans + - spinning your wheels + - spitting image of + - spoke with relish + - spread like wildfire + - spring to life + - squeaky wheel gets the grease + - stands out like a sore thumb + - start from scratch + - stick in the mud + - still waters run deep + - stitch in time + - stop and smell the roses + - straight as an arrow + - straw that broke the camel's back + - stretched to the breaking point + - strong as an ox + - stubborn as a mule + - stuff that dreams are made of + - stuffed shirt + - sweating blood + - sweating bullets + - take a load off + - take one for the team + - take the bait + - take the bull by the horns + - take the plunge + - takes one to know one + - takes two to tango + - than you can shake a stick at + - the cream of the crop + - the cream rises to the top + - the more the merrier + - the real deal + - the real McCoy + - the red carpet treatment + - the same old story + - the straw that broke the camel's back + - there is no accounting for taste + - thick as a brick + - thick as thieves + - thick as thieves + - thin as a rail + - think outside of the box + - thinking outside the box + - third time's the charm + - this day and age + - this hurts me worse than it hurts you + - this point in time + - thought leaders? + - three sheets to the wind + - through thick and thin + - throw in the towel + - throw the baby out with the bathwater + - tie one on + - tighter than a drum + - time and time again + - time is of the essence + - tip of the iceberg + - tired but happy + - to coin a phrase + - to each his own + - to make a long story short + - to the best of my knowledge + - toe the line + - tongue in cheek + - too good to be true + - too hot to handle + - too numerous to mention + - touch with a ten foot pole + - tough as nails + - trial and error + - trials and tribulations + - tried and true + - trip down memory lane + - twist of fate + - two cents worth + - two peas in a pod + - ugly as sin + - under the counter + - under the gun + - under the same roof + - under the weather + - until the cows come home + - unvarnished truth + - up the creek + - uphill battle + - upper crust + - upset the applecart + - vain attempt + - vain effort + - vanquish the enemy + - various and sundry + - vested interest + - viable alternative + - waiting for the other shoe to drop + - wakeup call + - warm welcome + - watch your p's and q's + - watch your tongue + - watching the clock + - water under the bridge + - wax eloquent + - wax poetic + - we've got a situation here + - weather the storm + - weed them out + - week of Sundays + - went belly up + - wet behind the ears + - what goes around comes around + - what you see is what you get + - when it rains, it pours + - when push comes to shove + - when the cat's away + - when the going gets tough, the tough get going + - whet (?:the|your) appetite + - white as a sheet + - whole ball of wax + - whole hog + - whole nine yards + - wild goose chase + - will wonders never cease? + - wisdom of the ages + - wise as an owl + - wolf at the door + - wool pulled over our eyes + - words fail me + - work like a dog + - world weary + - worst nightmare + - worth its weight in gold + - writ large + - wrong side of the bed + - yanking your chain + - yappy as a dog + - years young + - you are what you eat + - you can run but you can't hide + - you only live once + - you're the boss + - young and foolish + - young and vibrant diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/CorporateSpeak.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/CorporateSpeak.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4de8ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/CorporateSpeak.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is corporate speak." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - at the end of the day + - back to the drawing board + - hit the ground running + - get the ball rolling + - low-hanging fruit + - thrown under the bus + - think outside the box + - let's touch base + - get my manager's blessing + - it's on my radar + - ping me + - i don't have the bandwidth + - no brainer + - par for the course + - bang for your buck + - synergy + - move the goal post + - apples to apples + - win-win + - circle back around + - all hands on deck + - take this offline + - drill-down + - elephant in the room + - on my plate diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Currency.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Currency.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebd4b7d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Currency.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Incorrect use of symbols in '%s'." +ignorecase: true +raw: + - \$[\d]* ?(?:dollars|usd|us dollars) diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cursing.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cursing.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e65070a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Cursing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Consider replacing '%s'." +level: error +ignorecase: true +tokens: + - shit + - piss + - fuck + - cunt + - cocksucker + - motherfucker + - tits + - fart + - turd + - twat diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateCase.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateCase.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28c4771 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateCase.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +extends: existence +message: With lowercase letters, the periods are standard. +ignorecase: true +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '\d{1,2} ?[ap]m' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateMidnight.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateMidnight.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0130e1a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateMidnight.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Use 'midnight' or 'noon'." +ignorecase: true +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '12 ?[ap]\.?m\.?' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateRedundancy.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateRedundancy.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1f653e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateRedundancy.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'a.m.' is always morning; 'p.m.' is always night." +ignorecase: true +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '\d{1,2} ?a\.?m\.? in the morning' + - '\d{1,2} ?p\.?m\.? in the evening' + - '\d{1,2} ?p\.?m\.? at night' + - '\d{1,2} ?p\.?m\.? in the afternoon' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateSpacing.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateSpacing.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7a2fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DateSpacing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +extends: existence +message: "It's standard to put a space before '%s'" +ignorecase: true +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '\d{1,2}[ap]\.?m\.?' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DenizenLabels.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DenizenLabels.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc3dd8a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/DenizenLabels.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Did you mean '%s'? +ignorecase: false +action: + name: replace +swap: + (?:Afrikaaner|Afrikander): Afrikaner + (?:Hong Kongite|Hong Kongian): Hong Konger + (?:Indianan|Indianian): Hoosier + (?:Michiganite|Michiganian): Michigander + (?:New Hampshireite|New Hampshireman): New Hampshirite + (?:Newcastlite|Newcastleite): Novocastrian + (?:Providencian|Providencer): Providentian + (?:Trentian|Trentonian): Tridentine + (?:Warsawer|Warsawian): Varsovian + (?:Wolverhamptonite|Wolverhamptonian): Wulfrunian + Alabaman: Alabamian + Albuquerquian: Albuquerquean + Anchoragite: Anchorageite + Arizonian: Arizonan + Arkansawyer: Arkansan + Belarusan: Belarusian + Cayman Islander: Caymanian + Coloradoan: Coloradan + Connecticuter: Nutmegger + Fairbanksian: Fairbanksan + Fort Worther: Fort Worthian + Grenadian: Grenadan + Halifaxer: Haligonian + Hartlepoolian: Hartlepudlian + Illinoisian: Illinoisan + Iowegian: Iowan + Leedsian: Leodenisian + Liverpoolian: Liverpudlian + Los Angelean: Angeleno + Manchesterian: Mancunian + Minneapolisian: Minneapolitan + Missouran: Missourian + Monacan: Monegasque + Neopolitan: Neapolitan + New Jerseyite: New Jerseyan + New Orleansian: New Orleanian + Oklahoma Citian: Oklahoma Cityan + Oklahomian: Oklahoman + Saudi Arabian: Saudi + Seattlite: Seattleite + Surinamer: Surinamese + Tallahassean: Tallahasseean + Tennesseean: Tennessean + Trois-Rivièrester: Trifluvian + Utahan: Utahn + Valladolidian: Vallisoletano diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Diacritical.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Diacritical.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd74808 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Diacritical.yml @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'. +ignorecase: true +level: error +action: + name: replace +swap: + beau ideal: beau idéal + boutonniere: boutonnière + bric-a-brac: bric-à-brac + cafe: café + cause celebre: cause célèbre + chevre: chèvre + cliche: cliché + consomme: consommé + coup de grace: coup de grâce + crudites: crudités + creme brulee: crème brûlée + creme de menthe: crème de menthe + creme fraice: crème fraîche + creme fresh: crème fraîche + crepe: crêpe + debutante: débutante + decor: décor + deja vu: déjà vu + denouement: dénouement + facade: façade + fiance: fiancé + fiancee: fiancée + flambe: flambé + garcon: garçon + lycee: lycée + maitre d: maître d + menage a trois: ménage à trois + negligee: négligée + protege: protégé + protegee: protégée + puree: purée + my resume: my résumé + your resume: your résumé + his resume: his résumé + her resume: her résumé + a resume: a résumé + the resume: the résumé + risque: risqué + roue: roué + soiree: soirée + souffle: soufflé + soupcon: soupçon + touche: touché + tete-a-tete: tête-à-tête + voila: voilà + a la carte: à la carte + a la mode: à la mode + emigre: émigré + + # Spanish loanwords + El Nino: El Niño + jalapeno: jalapeño + La Nina: La Niña + pina colada: piña colada + senor: señor + senora: señora + senorita: señorita + + # Portuguese loanwords + acai: açaí + + # German loanwords + doppelganger: doppelgänger + Fuhrer: Führer + Gewurztraminer: Gewürztraminer + vis-a-vis: vis-à-vis + Ubermensch: Übermensch + + # Swedish loanwords + filmjolk: filmjölk + smorgasbord: smörgåsbord + + # Names, places, and companies + Beyonce: Beyoncé + Bronte: Brontë + Bronte: Brontë + Champs-Elysees: Champs-Élysées + Citroen: Citroën + Curacao: Curaçao + Lowenbrau: Löwenbräu + Monegasque: Monégasque + Motley Crue: Mötley Crüe + Nescafe: Nescafé + Queensryche: Queensrÿche + Quebec: Québec + Quebecois: Québécois + Angstrom: Ångström + angstrom: ångström + Skoda: Škoda diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GenderBias.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GenderBias.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d98d3cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GenderBias.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'. +ignorecase: true +level: error +action: + name: replace +swap: + (?:alumnae|alumni): graduates + (?:alumna|alumnus): graduate + air(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): pilot(s) + anchor(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): anchor(s) + authoress: author + camera(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): camera operator(s) + chair(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): chair(s) + congress(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): member(s) of congress + door(?:m[ae]|wom[ae]n): concierge(s) + draft(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): drafter(s) + fire(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): firefighter(s) + fisher(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): fisher(s) + fresh(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): first-year student(s) + garbage(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): waste collector(s) + lady lawyer: lawyer + ladylike: courteous + landlord: building manager + mail(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): mail carriers + man and wife: husband and wife + man enough: strong enough + mankind: human kind + manmade: manufactured + men and girls: men and women + middle(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): intermediary + news(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): journalist(s) + ombuds(?:man|woman): ombuds + oneupmanship: upstaging + poetess: poet + police(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): police officer(s) + repair(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): technician(s) + sales(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): salesperson or sales people + service(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): soldier(s) + steward(?:ess)?: flight attendant + tribes(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): tribe member(s) + waitress: waiter + woman doctor: doctor + woman scientist[s]?: scientist(s) + work(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): worker(s) diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GroupTerms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GroupTerms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a59fa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/GroupTerms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'. +ignorecase: true +action: + name: replace +swap: + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of chickens: brood of chickens + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of crows: murder of crows + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of hawks: cast of hawks + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of parrots: pandemonium of parrots + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of peacocks: muster of peacocks + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of penguins: muster of penguins + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of sparrows: host of sparrows + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of turkeys: rafter of turkeys + (?:bunch|group|pack|flock) of woodpeckers: descent of woodpeckers + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of apes: shrewdness of apes + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of baboons: troop of baboons + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of badgers: cete of badgers + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of bears: sloth of bears + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of bullfinches: bellowing of bullfinches + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of bullocks: drove of bullocks + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of caterpillars: army of caterpillars + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of cats: clowder of cats + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of colts: rag of colts + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of crocodiles: bask of crocodiles + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of dolphins: school of dolphins + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of foxes: skulk of foxes + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of gorillas: band of gorillas + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of hippopotami: bloat of hippopotami + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of horses: drove of horses + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of jellyfish: fluther of jellyfish + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of kangeroos: mob of kangeroos + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of monkeys: troop of monkeys + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of oxen: yoke of oxen + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of rhinoceros: crash of rhinoceros + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of wild boar: sounder of wild boar + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of wild pigs: drift of wild pigs + (?:bunch|group|pack|herd) of zebras: zeal of wild pigs + (?:bunch|group|pack|school) of trout: hover of trout diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hedging.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hedging.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8615f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hedging.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is hedging." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - I would argue that + - ', so to speak' + - to a certain degree diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hyperbole.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hyperbole.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0361772 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Hyperbole.yml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is hyperbolic." +level: error +nonword: true +tokens: + - '[a-z]+[!?]{2,}' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Jargon.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Jargon.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2454a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Jargon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is jargon." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - in the affirmative + - in the negative + - agendize + - per your order + - per your request + - disincentivize diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTOffensive.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTOffensive.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaf5a84 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTOffensive.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is offensive. Remove it or consider the context." +ignorecase: true +tokens: + - fag + - faggot + - dyke + - sodomite + - homosexual agenda + - gay agenda + - transvestite + - homosexual lifestyle + - gay lifestyle diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTTerms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTTerms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efdf268 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/LGBTTerms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +extends: substitution +message: "Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'." +ignorecase: true +action: + name: replace +swap: + homosexual man: gay man + homosexual men: gay men + homosexual woman: lesbian + homosexual women: lesbians + homosexual people: gay people + homosexual couple: gay couple + sexual preference: sexual orientation + (?:admitted homosexual|avowed homosexual): openly gay + special rights: equal rights diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Malapropisms.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Malapropisms.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9699778 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Malapropisms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is a malapropism." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - the infinitesimal universe + - a serial experience + - attack my voracity diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Needless.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Needless.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..807f3c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Needless.yml @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Prefer '%s' over '%s' +ignorecase: true +action: + name: replace +swap: + '(?:cell phone|cell-phone)': cellphone + '(?:cliquey|cliquy)': cliquish + '(?:pygmean|pygmaen)': pygmy + '(?:retributional|retributionary)': retributive + '(?:revokable|revokeable)': revocable + abolishment: abolition + accessary: accessory + accreditate: accredit + accruement: accrual + accusee: accused + acquaintanceship: acquaintance + acquitment: acquittal + administrate: administer + administrated: administered + administrating: administering + adulterate: adulterous + advisatory: advisory + advocator: advocate + aggrievance: grievance + allegator: alleger + allusory: allusive + amative: amorous + amortizement: amortization + amphiboly: amphibology + anecdotalist: anecdotist + anilinctus: anilingus + anticipative: anticipatory + antithetic: antithetical + applicative: applicable + applicatory: applicable + applier: applicator + approbative: approbatory + arbitrager: arbitrageur + arsenous: arsenious + ascendance: ascendancy + ascendence: ascendancy + ascendency: ascendancy + auctorial: authorial + averral: averment + barbwire: barbed wire + benefic: beneficent + benignant: benign + bestowment: bestowal + betrothment: betrothal + blamableness: blameworthiness + butt naked: buck naked + camarade: comrade + carta blanca: carte blanche + casualities: casualties + casuality: casualty + catch on fire: catch fire + catholicly: catholically + cease fire: ceasefire + channelize: channel + chaplainship: chaplaincy + chrysalid: chrysalis + chrysalids: chrysalises + cigaret: cigarette + coemployee: coworker + cognitional: cognitive + cohabitate: cohabit + cohabitor: cohabitant + collodium: collodion + collusory: collusive + commemoratory: commemorative + commonty: commonage + communicatory: communicative + compensative: compensatory + complacence: complacency + complicitous: complicit + computate: compute + conciliative: conciliatory + concomitancy: concomitance + condonance: condonation + confirmative: confirmatory + congruency: congruence + connotate: connote + consanguineal: consanguine + conspicuity: conspicuousness + conspiratorialist: conspirator + constitutionist: constitutionalist + contingence: contigency + contributary: contributory + contumacity: contumacy + conversible: convertible + conveyal: conveyance + copartner: partner + copartnership: partnership + corroboratory: corroborative + cotemporaneous: contemporaneous + cotemporary: contemporary + criminate: incriminate + culpatory: inculpatory + cumbrance: encumbrance + cumulate: accumulate + curatory: curative + daredeviltry: daredevilry + deceptious: deceptive + defamative: defamatory + defraudulent: fraudulent + degeneratory: degenerative + delimitate: delimit + delusory: delusive + denouncement: denunciation + depositee: depositary + depreciative: depreciatory + deprival: deprivation + derogative: derogatory + destroyable: destructible + detoxicate: detoxify + detractory: detractive + deviancy: deviance + deviationist: deviant + digamy: deuterogamy + digitalize: digitize + diminishment: diminution + diplomatist: diplomat + disassociate: dissociate + disciplinatory: disciplinary + discriminant: discriminating + disenthrone: dethrone + disintegratory: disintegrative + dismission: dismissal + disorientate: disorient + disorientated: disoriented + disquieten: disquiet + distraite: distrait + divergency: divergence + dividable: divisible + doctrinary: doctrinaire + documental: documentary + domesticize: domesticate + duplicatory: duplicative + duteous: dutiful + educationalist: educationist + educatory: educative + enigmatas: enigmas + enlargen: enlarge + enswathe: swathe + epical: epic + erotism: eroticism + ethician: ethicist + ex officiis: ex officio + exculpative: exculpatory + exigeant: exigent + exigence: exigency + exotism: exoticism + expedience: expediency + expediential: expedient + expediential: expedient + extensible: extendable + eying: eyeing + fiefdom: fief + flagrance: flagrancy + flatulency: flatulence + fraudful: fraudulent + funebrial: funereal + geographical: geographic + geometrical: geometric + gerry-rigged: jury-rigged + goatherder: goatherd + gustatorial: gustatory + habitude: habit + henceforward: henceforth + hesitance: hesitancy + heterogenous: heterogeneous + hierarchic: hierarchical + hindermost: hindmost + honorand: honoree + hypostasize: hypostatize + hysteric: hysterical + idolatrize: idolize + impanel: empanel + imperviable: impervious + importunacy: importunity + impotency: impotence + imprimatura: imprimatur + improprietous: improper + inalterable: unalterable + incitation: incitement + incommunicative: uncommunicative + inconsistence: inconsistency + incontrollable: uncontrollable + incurment: incurrence + indow: endow + indue: endue + inhibitive: inhibitory + innavigable: unnavigable + innovational: innovative + inquisitional: inquisitorial + insistment: insistence + insolvable: unsolvable + instillment: instillation + instinctual: instinctive + insuror: insurer + insurrectional: insurrectionary + interpretate: interpret + intervenience: intervention + ironical: ironic + jerry-rigged: jury-rigged + judgmatic: judgmental + labyrinthian: labyrinthine + laudative: laudatory + legitimatization: legitimation + legitimatize: legitimize + legitimization: legitimation + lengthways: lengthwise + life-sized: life-size + liquorice: licorice + lithesome: lithe + lollipop: lollypop + loth: loath + lubricous: lubricious + maihem: mayhem + medicinal marijuana: medical marijuana + meliorate: ameliorate + minimalize: minimize + mirk: murk + mirky: murky + misdoubt: doubt + monetarize: monetize + moveable: movable + narcism: narcissism + neglective: neglectful + negligency: negligence + neologizer: neologist + neurologic: neurological + nicknack: knickknack + nictate: nictitate + nonenforceable: unenforceable + normalcy: normality + numbedness: numbness + omittable: omissible + onomatopoetic: onomatopoeic + opinioned: opined + optimum advantage: optimal advantage + orientate: orient + outsized: outsize + oversized: oversize + overthrowal: overthrow + pacificist: pacifist + paederast: pederast + parachronism: anachronism + parti-color: parti-colored + participative: participatory + party-colored: parti-colored + pediatrist: pediatrician + penumbrous: penumbral + perjorative: pejorative + permissory: permissive + permutate: permute + personation: impersonation + pharmaceutic: pharmaceutical + pleuritis: pleurisy + policy holder: policyholder + policyowner: policyholder + politicalize: politicize + precedency: precedence + preceptoral: preceptorial + precipitance: precipitancy + precipitant: precipitate + preclusory: preclusive + precolumbian: pre-Columbian + prefectoral: prefectorial + preponderately: preponderantly + preserval: preservation + preventative: preventive + proconsulship: proconsulate + procreational: procreative + procurance: procurement + propelment: propulsion + propulsory: propulsive + prosecutive: prosecutory + protectory: protective + provocatory: provocative + pruriency: prurience + psychal: psychical + punitory: punitive + quantitate: quantify + questionary: questionnaire + quiescency: quiescence + rabbin: rabbi + reasonability: reasonableness + recidivistic: recidivous + recriminative: recriminatory + recruital: recruitment + recurrency: recurrence + recusance: recusancy + recusation: recusal + recusement: recusal + redemptory: redemptive + referrable: referable + referrible: referable + refutatory: refutative + remitment: remittance + remittal: remission + renouncement: renunciation + renunciable: renounceable + reparatory: reparative + repudiative: repudiatory + requitement: requital + rescindment: rescission + restoral: restoration + reticency: reticence + reviewal: review + revisal: revision + revisional: revisionary + revolute: revolt + saliency: salience + salutiferous: salutary + sensatory: sensory + sessionary: sessional + shareowner: shareholder + sicklily: sickly + signator: signatory + slanderize: slander + societary: societal + sodomist: sodomite + solicitate: solicit + speculatory: speculative + spiritous: spirituous + statutorial: statutory + submergeable: submersible + submittal: submission + subtile: subtle + succuba: succubus + sufficience: sufficiency + suppliant: supplicant + surmisal: surmise + suspendible: suspendable + synthetize: synthesize + systemize: systematize + tactual: tactile + tangental: tangential + tautologous: tautological + tee-shirt: T-shirt + thenceforward: thenceforth + transiency: transience + transposal: transposition + transposal: transposition + unfrequent: infrequent + unreasonability: unreasonableness + unrevokable: irrevocable + unsubstantial: insubstantial + usurpature: usurpation + variative: variational + vegetive: vegetative + vindicative: vindictive + vituperous: vituperative + vociferant: vociferous + volitive: volitional + wolverene: wolverine + wolvish: wolfish + Zoroastrism: Zoroastrianism + diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Nonwords.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Nonwords.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57e7b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Nonwords.yml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +extends: substitution +message: "Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'." +ignorecase: true +level: error +action: + name: replace +swap: + affrontery: effrontery + analyzation: analysis + annoyment: annoyance + confirmant: confirmand + confirmants: confirmands + conversate: converse + crained: cranded + discomforture: discomfort|discomfiture + dispersement: disbursement|dispersal + doubtlessly: doubtless|undoubtedly + forebearance: forbearance + improprietous: improper + inclimate: inclement + inimicable: inimical + irregardless: regardless + minimalize: minimize + minimalized: minimized + minimalizes: minimizes + minimalizing: minimizing + optimalize: optimize + paralyzation: paralysis + pettifogger: pettifog + proprietous: proper + relative inexpense: relatively low price|affordability + seldomly: seldom + thusly: thus + uncategorically: categorically + undoubtably: undoubtedly|indubitably + unequivocable: unequivocal + unmercilessly: mercilessly + unrelentlessly: unrelentingly|relentlessly diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Oxymorons.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Oxymorons.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25fd2aa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Oxymorons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is an oxymoron." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - amateur expert + - increasingly less + - advancing backwards + - alludes explicitly to + - explicitly alludes to + - totally obsolescent + - completely obsolescent + - generally always + - usually always + - increasingly less + - build down + - conspicuous absence + - exact estimate + - found missing + - intense apathy + - mandatory choice + - organized mess diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/P-Value.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/P-Value.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8230938 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/P-Value.yml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +extends: existence +message: "You should use more decimal places, unless '%s' is really true." +ignorecase: true +level: suggestion +tokens: + - 'p = 0\.0{2,4}' diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/RASSyndrome.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/RASSyndrome.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deae9c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/RASSyndrome.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is redundant." +level: error +action: + name: edit + params: + - split + - ' ' + - '0' +tokens: + - ABM missile + - ACT test + - ABM missiles + - ABS braking system + - ATM machine + - CD disc + - CPI Index + - GPS system + - GUI interface + - HIV virus + - ISBN number + - LCD display + - PDF format + - PIN number + - RAS syndrome + - RIP in peace + - please RSVP + - SALT talks + - SAT test + - UPC codes diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Skunked.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Skunked.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96a1f69 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Skunked.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is a bit of a skunked term — impossible to use without issue." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - bona fides + - deceptively + - decimate + - effete + - fulsome + - hopefully + - impassionate + - Thankfully diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Spelling.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Spelling.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3c9be7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Spelling.yml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +extends: consistency +message: "Inconsistent spelling of '%s'." +level: error +ignorecase: true +either: + advisor: adviser + centre: center + colour: color + emphasise: emphasize + finalise: finalize + focussed: focused + labour: labor + learnt: learned + organise: organize + organised: organized + organising: organizing + recognise: recognize diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Typography.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Typography.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60283eb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Typography.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +extends: substitution +message: Consider using the '%s' symbol instead of '%s'. +level: error +nonword: true +swap: + '\.\.\.': … + '\([cC]\)': © + '\(TM\)': ™ + '\(tm\)': ™ + '\([rR]\)': ® + '[0-9]+ ?x ?[0-9]+': × diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Uncomparables.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Uncomparables.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b96f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Uncomparables.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +extends: existence +message: "'%s' is not comparable" +ignorecase: true +level: error +action: + name: edit + params: + - split + - ' ' + - '1' +raw: + - \b(?:absolutely|most|more|less|least|very|quite|largely|extremely|increasingly|kind of|mildy|hardly|greatly|sort of)\b\s* +tokens: + - absolute + - adequate + - complete + - correct + - certain + - devoid + - entire + - 'false' + - fatal + - favorite + - final + - ideal + - impossible + - inevitable + - infinite + - irrevocable + - main + - manifest + - only + - paramount + - perfect + - perpetual + - possible + - preferable + - principal + - singular + - stationary + - sufficient + - 'true' + - unanimous + - unavoidable + - unbroken + - uniform + - unique + - universal + - void + - whole diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Very.yml b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Very.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4077f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/Very.yml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +extends: existence +message: "Remove '%s'." +ignorecase: true +level: error +tokens: + - very diff --git a/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/meta.json b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3c6580 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.vale/styles/proselint/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "author": "jdkato", + "description": "A Vale-compatible implementation of the proselint linter.", + "email": "support@errata.ai", + "lang": "en", + "url": "https://github.com/errata-ai/proselint/releases/latest/download/proselint.zip", + "feed": "https://github.com/errata-ai/proselint/releases.atom", + "issues": "https://github.com/errata-ai/proselint/issues/new", + "license": "BSD-3-Clause", + "name": "proselint", + "sources": [ + "https://github.com/amperser/proselint" + ], + "vale_version": ">=1.0.0", + "coverage": 0.0, + "version": "0.1.0" +} diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9d6cc86..0000000 --- a/docs/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -# Website - -This website is built using [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/), a modern static website generator. - -### Installation - -``` -$ npm install -``` - -### Local Development - -``` -$ npm run start -``` - -This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server. - -### Build - -``` -$ npm run build -``` - -This command generates static content into the `build` directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service. - diff --git a/docs/docs/getting-started/configuration-options.md b/docs/docs/getting-started/configuration-options.md index 18daea8..48e32dc 100644 --- a/docs/docs/getting-started/configuration-options.md +++ b/docs/docs/getting-started/configuration-options.md @@ -4,12 +4,21 @@ Kulala can be configured with the following options. ### Full example -Here is a full example of setting up the Kulala plugin with the available `opts`: +Here is a full example of setting up +the Kulala plugin with the available `opts`: ```lua title="kulala.lua" { "mistweaverco/kulala.nvim", opts = { + -- cURL path + -- if you have curl installed in a non-standard path, + -- you can specify it here + curl_path = "curl", + + -- Display mode, possible values: "split", "float" + display_mode = "split", + -- split direction -- possible values: "vertical", "horizontal" split_direction = "vertical", @@ -81,7 +90,7 @@ Here is a full example of setting up the Kulala plugin with the available `opts` winbar = false, -- Specify the panes to be displayed by default - -- Current avaliable pane contains { "body", "headers", "headers_body", "script_output" }, + -- Current available pane contains { "body", "headers", "headers_body", "script_output", "stats" }, default_winbar_panes = { "body", "headers", "headers_body" }, -- enable reading vscode rest client environment variables @@ -90,9 +99,51 @@ Here is a full example of setting up the Kulala plugin with the available `opts` -- disable the vim.print output of the scripts -- they will be still written to disk, but not printed immediately disable_script_print_output = false, + -- set scope for environment and request variables -- possible values: b = buffer, g = global environment_scope = "b", + + -- certificates + certificates = {}, + }, +} +``` + +### curl_path + +cURL path. + +If you have `curl` installed in a non-standard path, you can specify it here. + +Default: `curl` + +Example: + +```lua +{ + "mistweaverco/kulala.nvim", + opts = { + curl_path = "/home/bonobo/.local/bin/curl", + }, +} +``` + +### display_mode + +The display mode. + +Can be either `split` or `float`. + +Default: `split` + +Example: + +```lua +{ + "mistweaverco/kulala.nvim", + opts = { + display_mode = "float", }, } ``` @@ -101,6 +152,8 @@ Here is a full example of setting up the Kulala plugin with the available `opts` Split direction. +Only used when `display_mode` is set to `split`. + Possible values: - `vertical` @@ -128,6 +181,8 @@ Possible values: - `body` - `headers` - `headers_body` +- `script_output` +- `stats` Default: `body` @@ -146,7 +201,7 @@ Example: Default environment. -See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/http-files?view=aspnetcore-8.0#environment-files +See: [Environment files][see-env-files]. Possible values: @@ -189,7 +244,8 @@ Example: ### contenttypes -Filetypes, formatters and path resolvers are defined for each content-type in an hash array +Filetypes, formatters and path resolvers are +defined for each content-type in an hash array. Default: @@ -253,13 +309,16 @@ Example: #### contenttypes.formatter -Formatters take the response body and produce a beautified / more human readable output. +Formatters take the response body and +produce a beautified / more human readable output. Possible values: - You can define a commandline which processes the body. - The body will be piped as stdin and the output will be used as the formatted body. -- You can define a lua function `formatted_body = function(body)` which returns the formatted body. + The body will be piped as stdin and + the output will be used as the formatted body. +- You can define a lua function `formatted_body = function(body)` + which returns the formatted body. Default: @@ -297,19 +356,27 @@ Example: #### contenttypes.pathresolver You can use Request Variables to read values from requests / responses. -To access a specific value inside a body Kulala gives you the possibility to define a path for it. -This is normally JSONPath for JSON or XPath for XML but can be individually defined for any content type. +To access a specific value inside a body Kulala gives +you the possibility to define a path for it. + +This is normally JSONPath for JSON or XPath for XML, +but can be individually defined for any content type. Possible values: -- You can use an external program which receives the full body as stdin and has to return the selected value in stdout. - The placeholder `{{path}}` can be used in any string of this defintion and will be replaced by the actual path (after `body.`). +- You can use an external program which receives the + full body as stdin and has to return the selected value in stdout. + The placeholder `{{path}}` can be used in any string of + this definition and will be replaced by the actual path (after `body.`). - Alternative you can give a lua function of `value = function(body, path)`. Default: -Kulala has implemented a simple JSONPath parser which supports object traversal including array index access. -For full JSONPath support you need to use an external program like `jsonpath-cli` or `jp`. +Kulala has implemented a basic JSONPath parser which +supports object traversal including array index access. + +For full JSONPath support you need to use an +external program like `jsonpath-cli` or `jp`. ```lua contenttypes = { @@ -423,7 +490,7 @@ Example: Scratchpad default contents. -The contents of the scratchpad when it is opened +The contents of the scratchpad when it's opened via `:lua require('kulala').scratchpad()` command. Possible values: @@ -493,9 +560,13 @@ Example: ### vscode_rest_client_environmentvars -If enabled, Kulala searches for `.vscode/settings.json` or `*.code-workspace` files in the current directory and its parents to read the `rest-client.environmentVariables` definitions (`$shared` will be treated as `_base`). +If enabled, Kulala searches for +`.vscode/settings.json` or `*.code-workspace` +files in the current directory and +its parents to read the `rest-client.environmentVariables` definitions. -If `http-client.env.json` is also present, it will be merged (and overwrites variables from VSCode). +If `http-client.env.json` is also present, +it'll be merged (and overwrites variables from VSCode). Possible values: @@ -514,10 +585,11 @@ Example: }, } ``` + ### environment_scope While using request variables the results will be stored for later use. -As usual variables they are file relevant and should be stored in the buffer. +As usual variables they're file relevant and should be stored in the buffer. If you want to share the variables between buffers you can use the global scope. Possible values: @@ -537,3 +609,48 @@ Example: }, } ``` + + +### certificates + +A hash array of certificates to be used for requests. + +The key is the hostname and optional the port. +If no port is given, the certificate will be used for all ports where no dedicated one is defined. + +Each certificate definition needs + +- `cert` the path to the certificate file +- `key` the path to the key files + +Example: + +```lua +{ +"mistweaverco/kulala.nvim", + opts = { + certificates = { + ["localhost"] = { + cert = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/certs/localhost.crt", + key = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/certs/localhost.key", + }, + ["www.somewhere.com:8443"] = { + cert = "/home/userx/certs/somewhere.crt", + key = "/home/userx/certs/somewhere.key", + }, + }, + }, +} +``` + +Hostnames with prefix `*.` will be used as wildcard certificates for the host itself and all subdomains. + +`*.company.com` will match + +- `company.com` +- `www.company.com` +- `api.company.com` +- `sub.api.company.com` +- etc. + +[see-env-files]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/http-files?view=aspnetcore-8.0#environment-files diff --git a/docs/docs/getting-started/example-configuration.md b/docs/docs/getting-started/example-configuration.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46ea3b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/docs/getting-started/example-configuration.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +# Example configuration + +This is an example configuration for `kulala`. + +This helps you get started with `kulala` and +provides a basic configuration to use it. + +## Configuration file + +Create `ftplugin/http.lua` in your configuration directory. + +This file will be loaded when you open a file with the `http` filetype. + +### Execute request + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to +run the http request when you press Enter. + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "", + "lua require('kulala').run()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Execute the request" } +) +``` + +### Jump between requests + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to +jump between requests when you press `]` and `[`. + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "[", + "lua require('kulala').jump_prev()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Jump to the previous request" } +) +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "]", + "lua require('kulala').jump_next()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Jump to the next request" } +) +``` + +### Inspect the current request + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to +inspect the current request when you press `i`. + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "i", + "lua require('kulala').inspect()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Inspect the current request" } +) +``` + +### Toggle body and headers + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to +toggle between body and headers when you press `t`. + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "t", + "lua require('kulala').toggle_view()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Toggle between body and headers" } +) +``` + +### Copy as curl + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to +copy the current request as a curl command when you press `co`. + +:::tip + +Mnemonic: `co` for `curl out`. + +::: + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "co", + "lua require('kulala').copy()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Copy the current request as a curl command" } +) +``` + +### Insert from curl + +Add the following code to `ftplugin/http.lua` to insert from a curl command +in your clipboard when you press `ci`. + +:::tip + +Mnemonic: `ci` for `curl in`. + +::: + +```lua ftplugin/http.lua +vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( + 0, + "n", + "ci", + "lua require('kulala').from_curl()", + { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Paste curl from clipboard as http request" } +) +``` diff --git a/docs/docs/getting-started/install.md b/docs/docs/getting-started/install.md index fbb7189..2b46b3c 100644 --- a/docs/docs/getting-started/install.md +++ b/docs/docs/getting-started/install.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Requires Neovim 0.10.0+ Via [lazy.nvim](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim): -### Simple configuration +### Basic configuration ```lua title="init.lua" require('lazy').setup({ diff --git a/docs/docs/getting-started/requirements.md b/docs/docs/getting-started/requirements.md index ff53929..d51c437 100644 --- a/docs/docs/getting-started/requirements.md +++ b/docs/docs/getting-started/requirements.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ List of requirements for using kulala. ### Syntax Highlighting -- [Treesitter for HTTP](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter?tab=readme-ov-file#supported-languages) (`:TSInstall http`) +- [Treesitter for HTTP][ts] ## cURL @@ -16,15 +16,21 @@ List of requirements for using kulala. ## jq -- [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) (tested with 1.7) (Only required for formatted JSON responses) +- [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) (tested with 1.7) + +(Only required for formatted JSON responses) ## xmllint -- [xmllint](https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/libxml2-utils) (tested with libxml v20914) (Only required for formatted XML/HTML responses and resolving XML request variables) +- [xmllint][xmllint] (tested with libxml v20914) + +(Only required for formatted XML/HTML responses and +resolving XML request variables) # Optional Requirements -To make things a lot easier, you can put this lua snippet somewhere in your configuration: +To make things a lot easier, +you can put this lua snippet somewhere in your configuration: ```lua vim.filetype.add({ @@ -36,21 +42,5 @@ vim.filetype.add({ This will make Neovim recognize files with the `.http` extension as HTTP files. -> Custom keymappings will make your life easier. -> Here is an example of how you can set it up. - -- Create `ftplugin` directory inside `~/.config/nvim`. -- Inside `ftplugin` directory create a file `http.lua`. -- Inside `http.lua` define a key mapping for running kulala. - -```lua -vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", ":lua require('kulala').jump_prev()", { noremap = true, silent = true }) -vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", ":lua require('kulala').jump_next()", { noremap = true, silent = true }) -vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", ":lua require('kulala').run()", { noremap = true, silent = true }) -``` - -This will allow you to: - -- run `kulala` by pressing `Ctrl + l` in normal mode. -- jump to the previous request by pressing `Ctrl + j` in normal mode. -- jump to the next request by pressing `Ctrl + k` in normal mode. +[ts]: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter?tab=readme-ov-file#supported-languages +[xmllint]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/libxml2-utils diff --git a/docs/docs/scripts/client-reference.md b/docs/docs/scripts/client-reference.md index 9e6c265..8a1cfab 100644 --- a/docs/docs/scripts/client-reference.md +++ b/docs/docs/scripts/client-reference.md @@ -2,5 +2,81 @@ These helper functions are available in the client object in scripts. -- `client.global.set(key, value)` - Set a global variable. Persisted across script runs and Neovim restarts. -- `client.global.get(key)` - Get a global variable. +## client.global.set + +Set a variable. + +Variables are persisted across script runs and Neovim restarts. + +```javascript +client.global.set("SOME_TOKEN", "123"); +``` + +## client.global.get + +Get a variable. + +Variables are persisted across script runs and Neovim restarts. + +```javascript +client.log(client.global.get("SOME_TOKEN")); +``` + +## client.log + +Logs arbitrary data to the console. + +```javascript +client.log("Hello, world!"); +``` + +## client.test + +:::warning + +Not yet implemented. + +::: + +## client.assert + +:::warning + +Not yet implemented. + +::: + +## client.exit + +Terminates execution of the response handler script. + +```javascript +client.exit(); +``` +### client.isEmpty + +Checks whether the `global` object has no variables defined. + +```javascript +const isEmpty = client.isEmpty(); +if (isEmpty) { + client.log("No global variables defined"); +} +``` + + +## client.clear + +Removes the `varName` variable from the global variables storage. + +```javascript +client.clear("SOME_TOKEN"); +``` + +## client.clearAll + +Removes all variables from the global variables storage. + +```javascript +client.clearAll(); +``` diff --git a/docs/docs/scripts/overview.md b/docs/docs/scripts/overview.md index b1a7a50..be322f6 100644 --- a/docs/docs/scripts/overview.md +++ b/docs/docs/scripts/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ Given the following folder structure: The current working directory for `my-script.js` is the `scripts` directory, whereas the current working directory for `example.js` is the `http` directory. -All inline scripts are executed in the current working directory of the HTTP file, +All inline scripts are executed in the +current working directory of the HTTP file, which is the `http` directory in this case. ### Using node modules @@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ You can use the `require` function to import modules in `my-script.js`: const moment = require("moment"); ``` -as long as the module is installed in the same directory as the script, or globally. +as long as the module is installed in the +same directory as the script, or globally. The current working directory for `my-script.js` is the `scripts` directory. @@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ So want to write a file in the `http` directory, you can use a relative path: const fs = require("fs"); fs.writeFileSync("../http/my-file.txt", "Hello, world!"); ``` - ## Pre-request ```http title="./pre-request-example.http" @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ content-type: application/json :::tip -Variables set via `request.variables.set` are only available in the current request. +Variables set via `request.variables.set` are +only available in the current request. ::: @@ -126,77 +128,9 @@ Variables set via `client.global.set` are available in all requests and persist between neovim restarts. To clear a global variable, -run [`lua require('kulala').scripts_clear_global('BONOBO')`](../usage/public-methods#scripts_clear_global). - -::: - -```plaintext title="./TOKEN.txt" -THIS_IS_SOME_TOKEN_VALUE_123 -``` - -## Pre-request - -```http title="./pre-request-example.http" -# @name REQUEST_ONE -< {% - var crypto = require('crypto'); - var fs = require('fs'); - var TOKEN = fs.readFileSync('TOKEN.txt', 'utf8').trim(); - request.variables.set('GORILLA', TOKEN); - request.variables.set('PASSWORD', crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex')); -%} -< ./pre-request.js -POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 -Accept: application/json -Content-Type: application/json -Authorization: Bearer Foo:bar +run `lua require('kulala').scripts_clear_global('BONOBO')`. -{ - "token": "{{GORILLA}}", - "password": "{{PASSWORD}}", - "deep": { - "nested": [ - { - "key": "foo" - }, - { - "key": "{{BONOBO}}" - } - ] - } -} - -### - -# @name REQUEST_TWO -POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 -accept: application/json -content-type: application/json - -{ - "token": "{{REQUEST_ONE.response.body.$.json.token}}", - "nested": "{{REQUEST_ONE.response.body.$.json.deep.nested[1].key}}", - "gorilla": "{{GORILLA}}" -} -``` - -:::tip - -Variables set via `request.variables.set` are only available in the current request. - -::: - -```javascript title="./pre-request.js" -client.global.set("BONOBO", "bar"); -``` - -:::tip - -Variables set via `client.global.set` are available in all requests and -persist between neovim restarts. - -To clear a global variable, -run [`lua require('kulala').scripts_clear_global('BONOBO')`](../usage/public-methods#scripts_clear_global). +See: [scripts_clear_global](../usage/public-methods#scripts_clear_global). ::: diff --git a/docs/docs/scripts/request-reference.md b/docs/docs/scripts/request-reference.md index 2512f01..ae1030d 100644 --- a/docs/docs/scripts/request-reference.md +++ b/docs/docs/scripts/request-reference.md @@ -2,5 +2,191 @@ These helper functions are available in the request object in scripts. -- `request.variables.get(key)` - Get a request variable. Request variables are only available for the duration of the request. -- `request.variables.set(key, value)` - Set a request variable. Request variables are only available for the duration of the request. +## request.variables.get + +Get a request variable. + +Request variables are only available for the duration of the request. + +```javascript +client.log(request.variables.get("SOME_TOKEN")); +``` + +## request.variables.set + +Set a request variable. + +Request variables are only available for the duration of the request. + +```javascript +request.variables.set("SOME_TOKEN, "123"); +client.log(request.variables.get("SOME_TOKEN")); +``` + +## request.body.getRaw + +Returns the request body `string` in +the raw format (or `undefined` if there is no body). + +If the body contains variables, +their names are displayed instead of their values. +For example: + +```javascript +client.log(request.body.getRaw()); +``` + +## request.body.tryGetSubstituted + +Returns the request body with variables substituted +(or `undefined` if there is no body). + +```javascript +client.log(request.body.tryGetSubstituted()); +``` + +## request.body.getComputed + +Returns the `string` request body as sent via curl; with variables substituted, +or `undefined` if there is no body. + +:::tip + +Useful if you want to see the request body as it was sent to the server. + +The `tryGetSubstituted` method will substitute variables with their values, +but leave the rest of the body as is. + +If you have a GraphQL query in the body, for example, the `getComputed` +method will show the query as it was sent to the server, +which is quite different from the substituted version. + +::: + +As an example, if you have a request body like this: + +```graphql +query getRestClient($name: String!) { + restclient(name: $name) { + id + name + editorsSupported { + name + } + } +} + +{ + "variables": { + "name": "{{ENV_VAR_CLIENT_NAME}}" + } +} +``` + +Then the `getComputed` method will +return the body as it was sent to the server: + +```json +{"query": "query getRestClient($name: String!) { restclient(name: $name) { id name editorsSupported { name } } } ", "variables": {"variables": {"name": "kulala"}}} +``` + +whereas the `tryGetSubstituted` method will +return the body with variables substituted as seen in your script: + +```graphql +query getRestClient($name: String!) { + restclient(name: $name) { + id + name + editorsSupported { + name + } + } +} + +{ + "variables": { + "name": "kulala" + } +} +``` + +:::warning + +The `getComputed` method is always `undefined` for binary bodies. + +::: + +## request.environment.get + + +Retrieves a value of the environment variable identified +by its name or returns null if it doesn't exist. + +```javascript +client.log(request.environment.get("SOME_ENV_VAR")); +``` + +## request.headers.all + +Returns all request header objects. + +Each header object has the following methods: + +- `name()` - Returns the name of the header. +- `getRawValue()` - Returns the value of the header in the raw format. +- `tryGetSubstituted()` - Returns the value of the header with variables substituted. + +```javascript +const headers = request.headers.all(); +for (const header of headers) { + client.log(header.name()); + client.log(header.getRawValue()); + client.log(header.tryGetSubstituted()); +} +``` + +## request.headers.findByName + +Returns a request header object identified by its name. + +The header object has the following methods: + +- `name()` - Returns the name of the header. +- `getRawValue()` - Returns the value of the header in the raw format. +- `tryGetSubstituted()` - Returns the value of the header with variables substituted. + +```javascript +const contentTypeHeader = request.headers.findByName("Content-Type"); +if (contentTypeHeader) { + client.log(contentTypeHeader.name()); + client.log(contentTypeHeader.getRawValue()); + client.log(contentTypeHeader.tryGetSubstituted()); +} +``` + +## request.method + +Returns the request method. + +Such as `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, etc. + +```javascript +client.log(request.method()); +``` + +## request.url.getRaw + +Returns the request URL in the raw format, without any substitutions. + +```javascript +client.log(request.url.getRaw()); +``` + +## request.url.tryGetSubstituted + +Returns the request URL with variables substituted. + +```javascript +client.log(request.url.tryGetSubstituted()); +``` diff --git a/docs/docs/scripts/response-reference.md b/docs/docs/scripts/response-reference.md index e1b8350..4e4850b 100644 --- a/docs/docs/scripts/response-reference.md +++ b/docs/docs/scripts/response-reference.md @@ -2,6 +2,24 @@ These helper functions are available in the response object in scripts. -- `reponse.body` - The response body, as a string, or json object if the response is json. -- `response.headers.valueOf(headerName)` - Get the value of a header. -- `response.headers.valuesOf(headerName)` - Retrieves the array containing all values of the headerName response header. Returns an empty array if the headerName response header does not exist. +## response.body + +The response body, as a string, or json object if the response is json. + +```javascript +client.log(response.body); +``` + +## response.headers + +Returns all response header objects. + +Each header object has the following methods: + +- `header.valueOf(headerName)` - Get the value of a header. +- `header.valuesOf(headerName)` - Retrieves the object containing all values of the headerName response header. Returns null if the headerName response header doesn't exist. + +```javascript +client.log(response.headers.valueOf("Content-Type")); +``` + diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/authentication.md b/docs/docs/usage/authentication.md index 14c2894..ed1214f 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/authentication.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/authentication.md @@ -2,28 +2,46 @@ How to handle authentication in Kulala. -In general, you can use the `Authorization` header to send an authentication token to the server. +In general, you can use the `Authorization` header to +send an authentication token to the server. The content of the header depends on the type of authentication you are using. See these topics for more information: - [Sending form data](sending-form-data.md) -- [Dynamic environment variables](dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md) +- [Dynamic environment variables][dyn-env] - [Dotenv and environment files](dotenv-and-http-client.env.json-support) - [Request variables](request-variables.md) +## Supported Authentication Types + +Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature version 4 is +a protocol for authenticating requests to AWS services. + +New Technology LAN Manager (NTLM), +is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that +provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users. + +Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Bearer Token, +AWS Signature V4 and SSL Client Certificates are supported. + ## Basic Authentication -Basic authentication needs a Base64 encoded string of `username:password` as the value of the `Authorization` header. +Basic authentication needs a +Base64 encoded string of `username:password` as +the value of the `Authorization` header. -If given it will be directly used in the HTTP request: +If given it'll be directly used in the HTTP request: ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic TXlVc2VyOlByaXZhdGU= ``` -Futhermore you can enter username and password in plain text in the `Authorization` header field, Kulala will automatically encode it for you. +Furthermore you can enter username and password in +plain text in the `Authorization` header field, +Kulala will automatically encode it for you. + There will be two possible ways to enter the credentials: ```http @@ -46,35 +64,45 @@ You can enter the `username:password` in plain text ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 -Authorization: Basic {{Username}}:{{Password}} +Authorization: Digest {{Username}}:{{Password}} ``` or `username password` ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 -Authorization: Basic {{Username}} {{Password}} +Authorization: Digest {{Username}} {{Password}} ``` ## NTLM Authentication -For NTLM authentication, you need to provide the username and password the same way: +For NTLM authentication, +you need to provide the username and password the same way: ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 -Authorization: Basic {{Username}}:{{Password}} +Authorization: NTLM {{Username}}:{{Password}} ``` or ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 -Authorization: Basic {{Username}} {{Password}} +Authorization: NTLM {{Username}} {{Password}} +``` + +or without any username where the current user is been used + +```http +GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 +Authorization: NTLM ``` ## Negotiate -This is a SPNEGO-based implementation, which does not need username and password but uses the default credentials. +This is a SPNEGO-based implementation, +which doesn't need username and password, +but uses the default credentials. ```http GET https://www/api HTTP/1.1 @@ -83,7 +111,9 @@ Authorization: Negotiate ## Bearer Token -For a Bearer Token you need to send your credentials to an authentication endpoint and receive a token in return. +For a Bearer Token you need to send your credentials to +an authentication endpoint and receive a token in return. + This token is then used in the `Authorization` header for further requests. ### Sending the credentials @@ -97,7 +127,8 @@ Accept: application/json client_id={{ClientId}}&client_secret={{ClientSecret}}&grant_type=client_credentials&scope={{Scope}} ``` -This is a `login` named request with the credentials and the result may look like +This is a `login` named request with the credentials and +the result may look like ```json { @@ -107,7 +138,8 @@ This is a `login` named request with the credentials and the result may look lik } ``` -with the request variables feature from Kulala you can now access the `access_token` and use it in the next requests. +with the request variables feature from Kulala you +can now access the `access_token` and use it in the next requests. ```http GET {{apiURL}}/items HTTP/1.1 @@ -117,8 +149,12 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{login.response.body.$.access_token}} ## AWS Signature V4 +Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature version 4 is a +protocol for authenticating requests to AWS services. + AWS Signature version 4 authenticates requests to AWS services. -To use it you need to set the Authorization header schema to AWS and provide your AWS credentials separated by spaces: +To use it you need to set the Authorization header schema to +AWS and provide your AWS credentials separated by spaces: ```plaintext : AWS Access Key Id @@ -132,3 +168,29 @@ service:: AWS Service GET {{apiUrl}}/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: AWS token: region: service: ``` + +## SSL Client Certificate + +This is described in the configuration section and is done on a per-host basis. + +Example: + +```lua +{ +"mistweaverco/kulala.nvim", + opts = { + certificates = { + ["localhost"] = { + cert = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/certs/localhost.crt", + key = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/certs/localhost.key", + }, + ["www.somewhere.com:8443"] = { + cert = "/home/userx/certs/somewhere.crt", + key = "/home/userx/certs/somewhere.key", + }, + }, + }, +} +``` + +[dyn-env]: dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/automatic-response-formatting.md b/docs/docs/usage/automatic-response-formatting.md index f7575d4..341488f 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/automatic-response-formatting.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/automatic-response-formatting.md @@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ You can automatically format the response of an HTTP request. The response header will be parsed for the `Content-Type` value. -If the content type has been defined in the `contentypes` section of the configuration and there is a `formatter` available, the response will be processed by the given beautifier. +If the content type has been defined in +the `contentypes` section of the configuration. + +If there is a `formatter` available, +the response will be processed by the given beautifier. :::info diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/dotenv-and-http-client.env.json-support.md b/docs/docs/usage/dotenv-and-http-client.env.json-support.md index 1d0b8db..e051b82 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/dotenv-and-http-client.env.json-support.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/dotenv-and-http-client.env.json-support.md @@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ Kulala supports environment variables in `.http` files. It allows you to define environment variables in a `.env` file or -in a `http-client.env.json` file (preferred) and reference them in your HTTP requests. +in a `http-client.env.json` file (preferred) and +reference them in your HTTP requests. -If you define the same environment variable in both the `.env` and the `http-client.env.json` file, +If you define the same environment variable in +both the `.env` and the `http-client.env.json` file, the value from the `http-client.env.json` file will be used. The order of the environment variables resolution is as follows: @@ -20,8 +22,8 @@ The usage of environment variables is optional, but if you want to use them, we would advise you to use the `http-client.env.json` file. -DotEnv is still supported, but it is not recommended, -because it is not as flexible as the `http-client.env.json` file. +DotEnv is still supported, but it's not recommended, +because it's not as flexible as the `http-client.env.json` file. ::: @@ -29,22 +31,28 @@ because it is not as flexible as the `http-client.env.json` file. You can also define environment variables via the `http-client.env.json` file. -Create a file `http-client.env.json` in the root of your `.http` files directory and +Create a file `http-client.env.json` in the root +of your `.http` files directory and define environment variables in it. ```json title="http-client.env.json" { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/main/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json", "dev": { - "API_KEY": "your-api-key" + "API_URL": "https://httpbin.org/post?env=dev", + "API_KEY": "" }, "testing": { - "API_KEY": "your-api-key" + "API_URL": "https://httpbin.org/post?env=testing", + "API_KEY": "" }, "staging": { - "API_KEY": "your-api-key" + "API_URL": "https://httpbin.org/post?env=staging", + "API_KEY": "" }, "prod": { - "API_KEY": "your-api-key" + "API_URL": "https://httpbin.org/post?env=prod", + "API_KEY": "" } } ``` @@ -57,9 +65,11 @@ You can freely define your own environment names. By default the `dev` environment is used. -This can be overridden by [setting the `default_env` configuration option](../getting-started/configuration-options). +This can be overridden by +[setting the `default_env` configuration option][config]. -To change the environment, you can use the `:lua require('kulala').set_selected_env('prod')` command. +To change the environment, +you can use the `:lua require('kulala').set_selected_env('prod')` command. :::tip @@ -68,10 +78,44 @@ command to select an environment using a telescope prompt. ::: -Then, you can reference the environment variables in your HTTP requests like this: +As you can see in the example above, +we defined the `API_URL` and `API_KEY` environment variables, +but left the `API_KEY` empty. + +This is by intention, because we can define the `API_KEY` in the +`http-client.private.env.json` file. + +:::danger + +You should never commit sensitive data like API keys to your repository. +So always use the `http-client.private.env.json` file for that and +add it to your `.gitignore` file. + +::: + +```json title="http-client.private.env.json" +{ + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/main/schemas/http-client.private.env.schema.json", + "dev": { + "API_KEY": "d3v" + }, + "testing": { + "API_KEY": "t3st1ng" + }, + "staging": { + "API_KEY": "st4g1ng" + }, + "prod": { + "API_KEY": "pr0d" + } +} +``` + +Then, you can reference the environment variables +in your HTTP requests like this: ```http title="examples.http" -POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 +POST {{API_URL}} HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {{API_KEY}} @@ -84,23 +128,26 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{API_KEY}} You can define default HTTP headers in the `http-client.env.json` file. -You need to put them in the special `_base` key and -the `DEFAULT_HEADERS` will be merged with the headers from the HTTP requests. +You need to put them in the special `$shared` property and +the `$default_headers` will be merged with the headers from the HTTP requests. ```json title="http-client.env.json" { - "_base": { - "DEFAULT_HEADERS": { + "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/main/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json", + "$shared": { + "$default_headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" + }, }, "dev": { - "API_KEY": "your-api-key" + "API_URL": "https://httpbin.org/post?env=dev", + "API_KEY": "" } } ``` -Then, they are automatically added to the HTTP requests, +Then, they're automatically added to the HTTP requests, unless you override them. ```http title="examples.http" @@ -120,13 +167,15 @@ define environment variables in it. The file should look like this: ```env title=".env" +API_URL=https://httpbin.org/post API_KEY=your-api-key ``` -Then, you can reference the environment variables in your HTTP requests like this: +Then, you can reference the environment variables +in your HTTP requests like this: ```http title="examples.http" -POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 +POST {{API_URL}} HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {{API_KEY}} @@ -135,3 +184,5 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{API_KEY}} } ``` +[config]: ../getting-started/configuration-options.md + diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-headers.md b/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-headers.md index d511562..3fcfd81 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-headers.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-headers.md @@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ You can set environment variables based on the headers of a HTTP request. Create a file with the `.http` extension and write your HTTP requests in it. -## Simple example +## Example The headers of the first request can be obtained and used in the second request. -In this example, the `Content-Type` and `Date` headers are received in the first request. +In this example, the `Content-Type` and `Date` headers are +received in the first request. ```http title="simple.http" # @name REQUEST_ONE diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md b/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md index 8b87b6b..461270d 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/dynamically-setting-environment-variables-based-on-response-json.md @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ Create a file with the `.http` extension and write your HTTP requests in it. ## With built-in parser -If the response is a *simple* JSON object, -you can set environment variables using the [request variables](request-variables) feature. +If the response is a *uncomplicated* JSON object, +you can set environment variables using +the [request variables](request-variables) feature. ```http title="with-builtin-parser.http" # Setting the environment variables to be used in the next request. @@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ If the response is a *complex* JSON object, you can use the `@env-stdin-cmd` directive to set environment variables using an external command (e.g., `jq`). +JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a common example where the response JSON is complex. + In this example `jq` is used to extract the `ctx` string from a JWT token. ```http title="with-external-jq.http" diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/file-to-variable.md b/docs/docs/usage/file-to-variable.md index 4ad8f08..0b35d13 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/file-to-variable.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/file-to-variable.md @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ # File to variable -You can use the `@file-to-variable` directive to read the content of a file and assign it to a variable. +You can use the `@file-to-variable` directive to +read the content of a file and assign it to a variable. -Create a file with the `.http` extension and write your JSON request in it. +Create a file with the `.http` extension and +write your JSON request in it. Then, use the `@file-to-variable` directive to specify the variable name -that you want to use in the request. The second argument is the path to the file. +that you want to use in the request. + +The second argument is the path to the file. ```http title="file-to-variable.http" @@ -19,7 +23,8 @@ Accept: application/json } ``` -The `TEST_INCLUDE` variable will be replaced with the content of the `test-include.json` file. +The `TEST_INCLUDE` variable will be replaced with +the content of the `test-include.json` file. ```json title="test-include.json" { diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/graphql.md b/docs/docs/usage/graphql.md index 69acb59..9045280 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/graphql.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/graphql.md @@ -56,11 +56,13 @@ You can download the schema of a GraphQL server with: You need to have your cursor on a line with a GraphQL request. -The file will be downloaded to the the directory where the current file is located. +The file will be downloaded to the the +directory where the current file is located. The filename will be `[http-file-name-without-extension].graphql-schema.json`. -This file can be used in conjunction with the [kulala-cmp-graphql][kulala-cmp-graphql] +This file can be used in conjunction with +the [kulala-cmp-graphql][kulala-cmp-graphql] plugin to provide autocompletion and type checking. [kulala-cmp-graphql]: https://github.com/mistweaverco/kulala-cmp-graphql.nvim diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/http-file-spec.md b/docs/docs/usage/http-file-spec.md index fccd0db..8cd08ea 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/http-file-spec.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/http-file-spec.md @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ### Requests -The format for an HTTP request is `HTTPMethod` `URL` `HTTPVersion`, all on one line, where: +The format for an HTTP request is `HTTPMethod` `URL` `HTTPVersion`, +all on one line, where: - `HTTPMethod` is the HTTP method to use, for example: - `OPTIONS` @@ -19,8 +20,12 @@ The format for an HTTP request is `HTTPMethod` `URL` `HTTPVersion`, all on one l - `DELETE` - `TRACE` - `CONNECT` -- `URL` is the URL to send the request to. The URL can include query string parameters. The URL doesn't have to point to a local web project. It can point to any URL that Visual Studio can access. -- `HTTPVersion` is optional and specifies the HTTP version that should be used, that is, `HTTP/1.1`, `HTTP/2`, or `HTTP/3`. +- `URL` is the URL to send the request to. + The URL can include query string parameters. + The URL doesn't have to point to a local web project. + It can point to any URL that Visual Studio can access. +- `HTTPVersion` is optional and specifies the HTTP version that should be used, + that's, `HTTP/1.1`, `HTTP/2`, or `HTTP/3`. A file can contain multiple requests by using lines with `###` as delimiters. The following example showing three requests in a file illustrates this syntax: @@ -42,7 +47,8 @@ GET https://localhost:7220/weatherforecast HTTP/3 To add one or more headers, add each header on its own line immediately after the request line. -Don't include any blank lines between the request line and the first header or between subsequent header lines. +Don't include any blank lines between the request line and +the first header or between subsequent header lines. The format is `header-name`: `value`, as shown in the following examples: ```http @@ -58,8 +64,7 @@ Age: 100 ### ``` -> When calling an API that authenticates with headers, -> do not commit any secrets to a source code repository. +> Don't add any secrets to a source code repository. ### Request body diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/huge-request-body.md b/docs/docs/usage/huge-request-body.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa611c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/docs/usage/huge-request-body.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Huge Request Body + +If you try to create a request with a large body, + +an error might occur due to a shell limitation of arg list size. + +To avoid this error, you can use the `@write-body-to-temporary-file` +meta tag in the request section. + +This tells Kulala to write the request body to a +temporary file and use the file as the request body. + +:::note + +For `Content-Type: multipart/form-data` this isn't not necessary, +because Kulala enforces the use of temporary files for this content type. + +::: + +```http title="huge-request-body.http" + +# @write-body-to-temporary-file +POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 +Content-Type: application/json +Accept: application/json + +{ + "name": "John", + "age": 30, + "address": "123 Main St, Springfield, IL 62701", + "phone": "555-555-5555", + "email": "" +} +``` + +In the example above, the request body is written to a temporary file. diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/magic-variables.md b/docs/docs/usage/magic-variables.md index cb42fd7..20fd1c6 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/magic-variables.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/magic-variables.md @@ -1,15 +1,20 @@ # Magic Variables -There is a predefined set of magic variables that you can use in your HTTP requests. +There is a predefined set of magic variables that +you can use in your HTTP requests. They all start with a `$` sign. -- `{{$uuid}}` - Generates a random UUID. +A Unique User Identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to +identify information in computer systems. + +- `{{$uuid}}` - Generates a UUID. - `{{$timestamp}}` - Generates a timestamp. -- `{{$date}}` - Generates a date (YYYY-MM-DD). +- `{{$date}}` - Generates a date (yyyy-mm-dd). - `{{$randomInt}}` - Generates a random integer (between 0 and 9999999). -To test this feature, create a file with the `.http` extension and write your HTTP requests in it. +To test this feature, +create a file with the `.http` extension and write your HTTP requests in it. ```http title="magic-variables.http" POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/public-methods.md b/docs/docs/usage/public-methods.md index e7bfbbd..fee4993 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/public-methods.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/public-methods.md @@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ It opens up a floating window with the parsed request. The scratchpad is a (throwaway) buffer where you can write your requests. -It is useful for quick testing. It is useful for requests that you don't want to save. +It's useful for quick testing. +It's useful for requests that you don't want to save. It's default contents can be configured via the -[`scratchpad_default_contents`][scratchpad_default_contents] configuration option. +[`scratchpad_default_contents`][scratchpad_default_contents] +configuration option. ### copy @@ -43,28 +45,39 @@ It's default contents can be configured via the ### from_curl `require('kulala').from_curl()` parse the cURL command from the clipboard and -write the HTTP spec into current buffer. It is useful for importing requests -from other tools like browsers. +write the HTTP spec into current buffer. +It's useful for importing requests from other tools like browsers. ### close -`require('kulala').close()` closes the kulala window and also the current buffer. +`require('kulala').close()` closes the kulala window and +also the current buffer. -> (it will not close the current buffer, if it is not a `.http` or `.rest` file) +> (it'll not close the current buffer, if it's not a `.http` or `.rest` file) ### toggle_view `require('kulala').toggle_view()` toggles between the `body` and `headers` view of the last run request. -Persists across restarts. - ### search -`require('kulala').search()` searches for all `.http` and `.rest` files -in the current working directory. +`require('kulala').search()` searches for all *named* requests in the current buffer. + +:::tip + +Named requests are those that have a name like so: + +```http +# @name MY_REQUEST_NAME +GET http://example.com +``` + +::: + -It tries to load up a telescope prompt to select a file or fallback to using `vim.ui.select`. +It tries to load up a telescope prompt to select a +file or fallback to using `vim.ui.select`. ### jump_prev @@ -77,7 +90,8 @@ It tries to load up a telescope prompt to select a file or fallback to using `vi ### scripts_clear_global `require('kulala').scripts_clear_global('variable_name')` -clears a global variable set via [`client.global.set`](../scripts/client-reference). +clears a global variable set via +[`client.global.set`](../scripts/client-reference). You can clear all globals by omitting the `variable_name` like so: `require('kulala').scripts_clear_global()`. @@ -86,6 +100,19 @@ Additionally, you can clear a list of global variables by passing a table of variable names like so: `require('kulala').scripts_clear_global({'variable_name1', 'variable_name2'})`. +### clear_cached_files + +`require('kulala').clear_cached_files()` +clears all cached files. + +These files include: + +- last response body +- last response headers +- last request data +- global variables set via scripts +- compiled pre- and post-request scripts + ### download_graphql_schema You can download the schema of a GraphQL server with: @@ -96,9 +123,11 @@ You can download the schema of a GraphQL server with: You need to have your cursor on a line with a GraphQL request. -The file will be downloaded to the the directory where the current file is located. +The file will be downloaded to +the the directory where the current file is located. -The filename will be `[http-file-name-without-extension].graphql-schema.json`. +The filename will be +`[http-file-name-without-extension].graphql-schema.json`. This file can be used in conjunction with the [kulala-cmp-graphql][kulala-cmp-graphql] plugin to @@ -106,7 +135,7 @@ provide autocompletion and type checking. ### get_selected_env -::: warning ::: +:::warning This function is only available if you are using a `http-client.env.json` file. @@ -117,7 +146,7 @@ returns the selected environment. ### set_selected_env -::: warning ::: +:::warning This function is only available if you are using a `http-client.env.json` file. @@ -126,10 +155,12 @@ This function is only available if you are using a `http-client.env.json` file. `require('kulala').set_selected_env(env_key)` sets the selected environment. -See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/http-files?view=aspnetcore-8.0#environment-files +See: [Environment Files][env-files]. If you omit the `env_key`, -it will try to load up a telescope prompt to select an environment or fallback to using `vim.ui.select`. +it'll try to load up a telescope prompt to +select an environment or fallback to using `vim.ui.select`. [scratchpad_default_contents]: ../getting-started/configuration-options#scratchpad_default_contents [kulala-cmp-graphql]: https://github.com/mistweaverco/kulala-cmp-graphql.nvim +[env-files]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/http-files?view=aspnetcore-8.0#environment-files diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/redirect-the-response.md b/docs/docs/usage/redirect-the-response.md index 04c367b..d0f0cf9 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/redirect-the-response.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/redirect-the-response.md @@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ You can redirect the response to a file. -## Do not overwrite file +## Don't overwrite file -By using the `>>` operator followed by the file name, the response will be saved to the file. +By using the `>>` operator followed by the file name, +the response will be saved to the file. -If the file already exists, a warning will be displayed, and the file will not be overwritten. +If the file already exists, +a warning will be displayed, and the file won't be overwritten. To overwrite the file, use the `>>!` operator. diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/request-variables.md b/docs/docs/usage/request-variables.md index 82350bc..b3f8866 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/request-variables.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/request-variables.md @@ -11,33 +11,49 @@ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded name=foo&password=bar ``` -You can think of request variable as attaching a name metadata to the underlying request, -and this kind of requests can be called with Named Request, +You can think of request variable as attaching +a name metadata to the underlying request. + +This kind of requests can be called with Named Request. + Other requests can use `THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE_REQUEST_NAME` as an -identifier to reference the expected part of the named request or its latest response. +identifier to reference the expected part of +the named request or its latest response. :::warning If you want to refer the response of a named request, -you need to manually trigger the named request to retrieve its response first, -otherwise the plain text of -variable reference like `{{THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE_REQUEST_NAME.response.body.$.id}}` will be sent instead. +you need to manually trigger the named request to retrieve its response first. +Otherwise the plain text of +variable reference like +`{{THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE_REQUEST_NAME.response.body.$.id}}` +will be sent instead. ::: -The reference syntax of a request variable is a bit more complex than other kinds of custom variables. +The reference syntax of a request variable is a +bit more complex than other kinds of custom variables. ## Request Variable Reference Syntax -The request variable reference syntax follows `{{REQUEST_NAME.(response|request).(body|headers).(*|JSONPath|XPath|Header Name)}}`. +The request variable reference syntax follows + +``` +{{REQUEST_NAME.(response|request).(body|headers).(*|JSONPath|XPath|Header Name)}}` +``` -You have two reference part choices of the `response` or `request`: `body` and `headers`. +You have two reference part choices of +the `response` or `request`: `body` and `headers`. -For `body` part, you can use JSONPath and XPath to extract specific property or attribute. +For `body` part, +you can use JSONPath and XPath to extract specific property or attribute. ### Special case for cookies -The response cookies can be referenced by `{{REQUEST_NAME.response.cookies.CookieName.(value|domain|flag|path|secure|expires)}}`. +The response cookies can be referenced by +``` +{{REQUEST_NAME.response.cookies.CookieName.(value|domain|flag|path|secure|expires)}}` +``` ```http # @name REQUEST_GH @@ -69,23 +85,29 @@ GET https://github.com HTTP/1.1 ## Example -if a JSON response returns `body` `{"id": "mock"}`, you can set the JSONPath part to `$.id` to reference the `id`. +if a JSON response returns `body` `{"id": "mock"}`, +you can set the JSONPath part to `$.id` to reference the `id`. For `headers` part, you can specify the header name to extract the header value. -The header name is case-sensitive for `response` part, and all lower-cased for `request` part. +The header name is case-sensitive for `response` part, +and all lower-cased for `request` part. -If the *JSONPath* or *XPath* of `body`, or *Header Name* of `headers` can't be resolved, +If the *JSONPath* or *XPath* of `body`, +or *Header Name* of `headers` can't be resolved, the plain text of variable reference will be sent instead. + And in this case, diagnostic information will be displayed to help you to inspect this. -Below is a sample of request variable definitions and references in an http file. +Below is a sample of request variable definitions and +references in an http file. ```http # @name REQUEST_ONE POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json +Content-Type: application/json { "token": "foobar" @@ -96,6 +118,7 @@ Accept: application/json # @name REQUEST_TWO POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json +Content-Type: application/json { "token": "{{REQUEST_ONE.response.body.$.json.token}}" @@ -105,6 +128,7 @@ Accept: application/json POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json +Content-Type: application/json { "date_header": "{{REQUEST_TWO.response.headers['Date']}}" diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/sending-form-data.md b/docs/docs/usage/sending-form-data.md index 187c085..c77a4d8 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/sending-form-data.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/sending-form-data.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # Sending Form Data -You can send form data in Kulala by using the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` content type. +You can send form data in Kulala by +using the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` content type. Create a file with the `.http` extension and write your HTTP requests in it. @@ -16,3 +17,47 @@ name={{name}}& age={{age}} ``` +## Sending multipart form data + +You can send multipart form data in Kulala by +using the `multipart/form-data` content type. + +:::warning + +When sending a file, +(other than text files) +you need to use the `binary` directive to read the file as binary data. + +You can omit the `binary` directive when sending text files. + +::: + +```http title="multipart.http" +# @file-to-variable LOGO_FILE_VAR ./../../logo.png binary +POST https://httpbin.org/post HTTP/1.1 +Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} + +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} +Content-Disposition: form-data; name="logo"; filename="logo.png" +Content-Type: image/jpeg + +{{LOGO_FILE_VAR}} + +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} +Content-Disposition: form-data; name="x" + +0 +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} +Content-Disposition: form-data; name="y" + +1.4333333333333333 +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} +Content-Disposition: form-data; name="w" + +514.5666666666667 +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}} +Content-Disposition: form-data; name="h" + +514.5666666666667 +------WebKitFormBoundary{{$timestamp}}-- +``` diff --git a/docs/docs/usage/using-variables.md b/docs/docs/usage/using-variables.md index 6bd60fb..6653f85 100644 --- a/docs/docs/usage/using-variables.md +++ b/docs/docs/usage/using-variables.md @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ These variables are available in all requests in the file. ## Prompt variables -You can also use prompt variables. These are variables that you can set when you run the request. +You can also use prompt variables. +These are variables that you can set when you run the request. ```http title="examples.http" # @prompt pokemon @@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ GET https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{{pokemon}} HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json ``` -When you run this request, you will be prompted to enter a value for `pokemon`. +When you run this request, +you will be prompted to enter a value for `pokemon`. -These variables are available for the current request and all subsequent requests in the file. +These variables are available for the current request and +all subsequent requests in the file. diff --git a/docs/docusaurus.config.ts b/docs/docusaurus.config.ts index e3464ef..4deb9a9 100644 --- a/docs/docusaurus.config.ts +++ b/docs/docusaurus.config.ts @@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ const config: Config = { ], }, ], - copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} mistweaver.co.`, + copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} mistweaverco.`, }, prism: { theme: prismThemes.github, darkTheme: prismThemes.dracula, - 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-# Markdown page example - -You don't need React to write simple standalone pages. diff --git a/docs/vale.ini b/docs/vale.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63ddb75 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/vale.ini @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +StylesPath = .vale/styles + +MinAlertLevel = suggestion + +[*.{md}] +BasedOnStyles = proselint, 18F, documentation diff --git a/lua/kulala/augroups/init.lua b/lua/kulala/augroups/init.lua index 210da68..3f453cf 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/augroups/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/augroups/init.lua @@ -1,21 +1,34 @@ local Config = require("kulala.config") -local Parser = require("kulala.parser") local Float = require("kulala.ui.float") -local Db = require("kulala.db") -local M = {} +local TS = require("kulala.parser.treesitter") +local DB = require("kulala.db") +local ENV_PARSER = require("kulala.parser.env") + +local VV_NS_NAME = "virtual_variable_text_namespace" +local M = { + show_virtual_variable_text = Config.get().show_variable_info_text == "virtual", +} local show_variable_info_text = function() local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() - local db_env = Db.find_unique("env") - if db_env == nil then - return nil + local default_headers = nil + if DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared") then + local headers = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared")["$default_headers"] + if headers then + default_headers = headers + end end - local variables = Parser.get_document() - if variables == nil then + local variables = vim.tbl_extend( + "force", + TS == nil and {} or TS.get_document_variables() or {}, + ENV_PARSER.get_env() or {}, + default_headers or {} + ) + if vim.tbl_isempty(variables) then return nil end - variables = vim.tbl_extend("force", variables, db_env) + -- get variable under cursor -- a variable is a string that starts with two {{ and ends with two }} local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) @@ -31,15 +44,95 @@ local show_variable_info_text = function() return nil end local variable = line:sub(start_col + 1, end_col - 1) - local variable_value = variables[variable] or "{{" .. variable .. "}}" + local variable_value = variables[variable] + if not variable_value then + variable_value = "{{" .. variable .. "}}" + end + local max_len = Config.get().virtual_variable_max_length or 100 + if #variable_value > max_len then + variable_value = variable_value:sub(1, max_len) .. "..." + end return Float.create({ contents = { variable_value }, position = "cursor", }) end +-- Function to add virtual text to patterns like {{host}} +local add_virtual_variable_text = function() + if (M.show_virtual_variable_text or false) == false then + return + end + + local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() + local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) + + local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace(VV_NS_NAME) + vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns_id, 0, -1) + + local pattern = "{{(.-)}}" + local max_len = Config.get().virtual_variable_max_length or 100 + + local default_headers = nil + if DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared") then + local headers = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared")["$default_headers"] + if headers then + default_headers = headers + end + end + + local variables = vim.tbl_extend( + "force", + TS == nil and {} or TS.get_document_variables() or {}, + ENV_PARSER.get_env() or {}, + default_headers or {} + ) + + for lineno, line in ipairs(lines) do + if line ~= nil and line:match("%S") ~= nil then + for start_idx, match in line:gmatch("()(" .. pattern .. ")()") do + local label = match:gsub("{{", ""):gsub("}}", "") + local value = variables[label] + if value ~= nil then + -- Calculate the position to place virtual text + local end_idx = start_idx + #match - 1 + + if #value > max_len then + value = value:sub(1, max_len) .. "..." + end + -- Add virtual text before the closing braces of the match + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, ns_id, lineno - 1, end_idx - 2, { + virt_text = { { ":" .. value, "Comment" } }, -- You can change the highlight group "Comment" as needed + virt_text_pos = "inline", + }) + end + end + end + end +end + +M.toggle_virtual_variable = function() + M.show_virtual_variable_text = not M.show_virtual_variable_text + + local group_name = "kulala_virtual_variable" + if M.show_virtual_variable_text then + add_virtual_variable_text() + vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(group_name, { clear = true }) + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter", "TextChanged", "TextChangedI" }, { + group = group_name, + callback = add_virtual_variable_text, + }) + else + local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace(VV_NS_NAME) + local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() + vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns_id, 0, -1) + vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = group_name }) + end +end + M.setup = function() - if Config.get().show_variable_info_text == "float" then + local type = Config.get().show_variable_info_text + if type == "float" then local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("kulala_show_float_variable_info_text", { clear = true }) local float_win_id = nil local timer = nil @@ -61,6 +154,8 @@ M.setup = function() end) end, }) + elseif type == "virtual" then + M.toggle_virtual_variable() end end diff --git a/lua/kulala/cmd/init.lua b/lua/kulala/cmd/init.lua index ccb3cf8..37d08e5 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/cmd/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/cmd/init.lua @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ local PARSER = require("kulala.parser") local EXT_PROCESSING = require("kulala.external_processing") local INT_PROCESSING = require("kulala.internal_processing") local Api = require("kulala.api") -local Scripts = require("kulala.scripts") local INLAY = require("kulala.inlay") local UV = vim.loop local Logger = require("kulala.logger") @@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ end ---Runs the command and returns the result ---@param cmd table command to run ----@param callback function callback function +---@param callback function|nil callback function M.run = function(cmd, callback) vim.fn.jobstart(cmd, { on_stderr = function(_, datalist) @@ -124,7 +123,12 @@ M.run_parser = function(req, callback) end end INT_PROCESSING.redirect_response_body_to_file(result.redirect_response_body_to_files) - Scripts.javascript.run("post_request", result.scripts.post_request) + + local has_post_request_scripts = #result.scripts.post_request.inline > 0 + or #result.scripts.pre_request.files > 0 + if has_post_request_scripts then + PARSER.scripts.javascript.run("post_request", result.scripts.post_request) + end Api.trigger("after_request") end Fs.delete_request_scripts_files() @@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ M.run_parser_all = function(doc, callback) end end INT_PROCESSING.redirect_response_body_to_file(result.redirect_response_body_to_files) - Scripts.javascript.run("post_request", result.scripts.post_request) + PARSER.scripts.javascript.run("post_request", result.scripts.post_request) Api.trigger("after_request") end Fs.delete_request_scripts_files() diff --git a/lua/kulala/config/init.lua b/lua/kulala/config/init.lua index 9c41061..e5ffa57 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/config/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/config/init.lua @@ -2,6 +2,13 @@ local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") local M = {} M.defaults = { + -- cURL path + -- if you have curl installed in a non-standard path, + -- you can specify it here + curl_path = "curl", + -- Display mode + -- possible values: "split", "float" + display_mode = "split", -- split direction -- possible values: "vertical", "horizontal" split_direction = "vertical", @@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ M.defaults = { -- enable winbar winbar = false, -- Specify the panes to be displayed by default - -- Current avaliable pane contains { "body", "headers", "headers_body", "script_output" }, + -- Current available pane contains { "body", "headers", "headers_body", "script_output", "stats" }, default_winbar_panes = { "body", "headers", "headers_body" }, -- enable reading vscode rest client environment variables vscode_rest_client_environmentvars = false, @@ -75,6 +82,10 @@ M.defaults = { -- this will show the variable name and value either as virtual text or float -- possible values: false, "virtual", "float" show_variable_info_text = false, + -- The maximum length of the virtual text display + virtual_variable_max_length = 100, + -- certificates + certificates = {}, } M.default_contenttype = { diff --git a/lua/kulala/db/init.lua b/lua/kulala/db/init.lua index 83566c5..d135b54 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/db/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/db/init.lua @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ local function default_data() return { selected_env = nil, -- string - name of selected env http_client_env = nil, -- table of envs from http-client.env.json - http_client_env_base = nil, -- table of base env values which should be applied to all requests + http_client_env_shared = nil, -- table of base env values which should be applied to all requests env = {}, -- table of envs from document sources scope_nr = nil, -- number - buffer number of the current scope } diff --git a/lua/kulala/globals/init.lua b/lua/kulala/globals/init.lua index 889ebf9..5382eba 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/globals/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/globals/init.lua @@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ local M = {} local plugin_tmp_dir = FS.get_plugin_tmp_dir() -M.VERSION = "3.7.0" +M.VERSION = "4.4.1" M.UI_ID = "kulala://ui" M.SCRATCHPAD_ID = "kulala://scratchpad" M.HEADERS_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/headers.txt" M.BODY_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/body.txt" M.STATS_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/stats.json" +M.REQUEST_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/request.json" M.COOKIES_JAR_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/cookies.txt" M.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/pre-script-output.txt" M.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE = plugin_tmp_dir .. "/post-script-output.txt" diff --git a/lua/kulala/graphql/init.lua b/lua/kulala/graphql/init.lua index bb78687..eeaf33e 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/graphql/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/graphql/init.lua @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +local Config = require("kulala.config") local Parser = require("kulala.parser") local Parserutils = require("kulala.parser.utils") local Cmd = require("kulala.cmd") @@ -16,9 +17,12 @@ M.download_schema = function() Logger.warn("Not a GraphQL request") return end + if not Parserutils.contains_header(req.headers, "content-type", "application/json") then + req.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" + end local filename = vim.fn.expand("%:t:r") .. ".graphql-schema.json" local c = { - "curl", + Config.get().curl_path, "-s", "-o", filename, diff --git a/lua/kulala/health.lua b/lua/kulala/health.lua index 5794d8c..2c66c2e 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/health.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/health.lua @@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ local M = {} M.check = function() info("{kulala.nvim} version " .. GLOBALS.VERSION) - if FS.command_exists("curl") then - ok("{curl} found") + local curl = CONFIG.get().curl_path + if FS.command_exists(curl) then + local curl_path = FS.command_path(curl) + local curl_version = vim.fn.system({ curl_path, "--version" }) + ok(string.format("{curl} found: %s (version: %s)", curl_path, curl_version:gsub("^curl ([^ ]+).*", "%1"))) else - error("{curl} not found") + error(string.format("{%s} not found", curl)) end start("Checking formatters") diff --git a/lua/kulala/init.lua b/lua/kulala/init.lua index c091761..f1587e9 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/init.lua @@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ local CONFIG = require("kulala.config") local JUMPS = require("kulala.jumps") local Graphql = require("kulala.graphql") local Logger = require("kulala.logger") -local ScriptsUtils = require("kulala.scripts.utils") local Augroups = require("kulala.augroups") +local ScriptsUtils = require("kulala.parser.scripts.utils") +local Fs = require("kulala.utils.fs") + local M = {} M.setup = function(config) @@ -103,4 +105,14 @@ M.set_selected_env = function(env) vim.g.kulala_selected_env = env end +M.toggle_virtual_variable = function() + Augroups.toggle_virtual_variable() +end + +---Clears all cached files +---Useful when you want to clear all cached files +M.clear_cached_files = function() + Fs.clear_cached_files() +end + return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/internal_processing/init.lua b/lua/kulala/internal_processing/init.lua index d62bbe3..18f38e2 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/internal_processing/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/internal_processing/init.lua @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") local GLOBALS = require("kulala.globals") local DB = require("kulala.db") local CONFIG = require("kulala.config") +local STRING_UTILS = require("kulala.utils.string") local M = {} -- Function to access a nested key in a table dynamically @@ -18,18 +19,39 @@ local function get_nested_value(t, key) return value end -local get_headers_as_table = function() +---Function to get the last headers as a table +---@description Reads the headers file and returns the headers as a table. +---In some cases the headers file might contain multiple header sections, +---e.g. if you have follow-redirections enabled. +---This function will return the headers of the last response. +---@return table +local get_last_headers_as_table = function() local headers_file = FS.read_file(GLOBALS.HEADERS_FILE):gsub("\r\n", "\n") local lines = vim.split(headers_file, "\n") local headers_table = {} + -- INFO: + -- We only want the headers of the last response + -- so we reset the headers_table only each time the previous line was empty + -- and we also have new headers data + local previously_empty = false for _, header in ipairs(lines) do - if header:find(":") ~= nil then - local kv = vim.split(header, ":") - local key = kv[1] - -- the value should be everything after the first colon - -- but we can't use slice and join because the value might contain colons - local value = header:sub(#key + 2) - headers_table[key] = vim.trim(value) + local empty_line = header == "" + if empty_line then + previously_empty = true + else + if previously_empty then + headers_table = {} + end + previously_empty = false + if header:find(":") ~= nil then + local kv = vim.split(header, ":") + local key = kv[1] + -- INFO: + -- the value should be everything after the first colon + -- but we can't use slice and join because the value might contain colons + local value = header:sub(#key + 2) + headers_table[key] = vim.trim(value) + end end end return headers_table @@ -78,7 +100,7 @@ local get_cookies_as_table = function() end local get_lower_headers_as_table = function() - local headers = get_headers_as_table() + local headers = get_last_headers_as_table() local headers_table = {} for key, value in pairs(headers) do headers_table[key:lower()] = value @@ -90,6 +112,7 @@ M.get_config_contenttype = function() local headers = get_lower_headers_as_table() if headers["content-type"] then local content_type = vim.split(headers["content-type"], ";")[1] + content_type = STRING_UTILS.trim(content_type) local config = CONFIG.get().contenttypes[content_type] if config then return config @@ -101,7 +124,7 @@ end M.set_env_for_named_request = function(name, body) local named_request = { response = { - headers = get_headers_as_table(), + headers = get_last_headers_as_table(), body = body, cookies = get_cookies_as_table(), }, diff --git a/lua/kulala/lib/shlex/init.lua b/lua/kulala/lib/shlex/init.lua index c50c01f..ad2f426 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/lib/shlex/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/lib/shlex/init.lua @@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() print("shlex: in state '" .. (self.state or "nil") .. "' I see character: '" .. (nextchar or "nil") .. "'") end + -- lua doesn't have continue statements and Lua 5.1 sadly don't have goto + local continue = false + if none(self.state) then self.token = "" break @@ -115,37 +118,37 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() if some(self.token) or (self.posix and quoted) then break else - break + continue = true end - elseif self.commenters:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.commenters:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.sr:readline() self.lineno = self.lineno + 1 - elseif self.posix and self.escape:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.posix and self.escape:find(nextchar, 1, true) then escapedstate = "a" self.state = nextchar - elseif self.wordchars:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.wordchars:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.token = nextchar self.state = "a" - elseif self.punctuation_chars:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.punctuation_chars:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.token = nextchar self.state = "c" - elseif self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) then if not self.posix then self.token = nextchar end self.state = nextchar - elseif self.whitespace_split then + elseif not continue and self.whitespace_split then self.token = nextchar self.state = "a" - else + elseif not continue then self.token = nextchar if some(self.token) or (self.posix and quoted) then break else - break + continue = true end end - elseif self.quotes:find(self.state, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.quotes:find(self.state, 1, true) then quoted = true if none(nextchar) then if self.debug >= 2 then @@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() else self.token = self.token .. nextchar end - elseif self.escape:find(self.state, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.escape:find(self.state, 1, true) then if none(nextchar) then if self.debug >= 2 then print("shlex: I see EOF in escape state") @@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() end self.token = self.token .. nextchar self.state = escapedstate - elseif self.state == "a" or self.state == "c" then + elseif not continue and self.state == "a" or self.state == "c" then if none(nextchar) then self.state = nil break @@ -191,9 +194,9 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() if some(self.token) or (self.posix and quoted) then break else - break + continue = true end - elseif self.commenters:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.commenters:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.sr:readline() self.lineno = self.lineno + 1 if self.posix then @@ -201,10 +204,10 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() if some(self.token) or (self.posix and quoted) then break else - break + continue = true end end - elseif self.state == "c" then + elseif not continue and self.state == "c" then if self.punctuation_chars:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.token = self.token .. nextchar else @@ -214,18 +217,21 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() self.state = " " break end - elseif self.posix and self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.posix and self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) then self.state = nextchar - elseif self.posix and self.escape:find(nextchar, 1, true) then + elseif not continue and self.posix and self.escape:find(nextchar, 1, true) then escapedstate = "a" self.state = nextchar elseif - self.wordchars:find(nextchar, 1, true) - or self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) - or (self.whitespace_split and not self.punctuation_chars:find(nextchar, 1, true)) + not continue + and ( + self.wordchars:find(nextchar, 1, true) + or self.quotes:find(nextchar, 1, true) + or (self.whitespace_split and not self.punctuation_chars:find(nextchar, 1, true)) + ) then self.token = self.token .. nextchar - else + elseif not continue then if some(self.punctuation_chars) then table.insert(self._pushback_chars, nextchar) else @@ -235,7 +241,7 @@ function M.shlex:read_token() if some(self.token) or (self.posix and quoted) then break else - break + continue = true end end end @@ -292,6 +298,7 @@ function M.split(str, comments, posix) end local lex = M.shlex(str) lex.posix = posix + lex.whitespace_split = true if comments == false then lex.commenters = "" end diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/curl.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/curl.lua index 1adf729..4059bd7 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/curl.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/curl.lua @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +local Config = require("kulala.config") local Shlex = require("kulala.lib.shlex") local Stringutils = require("kulala.utils.string") @@ -27,9 +28,9 @@ function M.parse(curl) curl = string.gsub(curl, "%s+", " ") local parts = Shlex.split(curl) - -- if string doesn't start with curl, return nil + -- if string doesn't start with curl or different from curl_path, return nil -- it could also be curl-7.68.0 or something like that - if string.find(parts[1], "^curl.*") == nil then + if string.find(parts[1], "^curl.*") == nil and parts[1] ~= Config.get().curl_path then return nil, nil end local res = { diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/env.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/env.lua index 12f615e..46addd6 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/env.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/env.lua @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local M = {} M.get_env = function() local http_client_env_json = FS.find_file_in_parent_dirs("http-client.env.json") + local http_client_private_env_json = FS.find_file_in_parent_dirs("http-client.private.env.json") local dotenv = FS.find_file_in_parent_dirs(".env") local env = {} @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ M.get_env = function() env[key] = value end - DB.update().http_client_env_base = {} + DB.update().http_client_env_shared = {} DB.update().http_client_env = {} if Config.get().vscode_rest_client_environmentvars then @@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ M.get_env = function() if settings and settings["rest-client.environmentVariables"] then local f = settings["rest-client.environmentVariables"] if f["$shared"] then - DB.update().http_client_env_base = - vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base"), f["$shared"]) + DB.update().http_client_env_shared = + vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared"), f["$shared"]) end f["$shared"] = nil DB.update().http_client_env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env"), f) @@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ M.get_env = function() if settings and settings["rest-client.environmentVariables"] then local f = settings["rest-client.environmentVariables"] if f["$shared"] then - DB.update().http_client_env_base = - vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base"), f["$shared"]) + DB.update().http_client_env_shared = + vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared"), f["$shared"]) end f["$shared"] = nil DB.update().http_client_env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env"), f) @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ M.get_env = function() if dotenv then local dotenv_env = vim.fn.readfile(dotenv) for _, line in ipairs(dotenv_env) do - -- if the line is not empy and not a comment, then + -- if the line is not empty and not a comment, then if not line:match("^%s*$") and not line:match("^%s*#") then local key, value = line:match("^%s*([^=]+)%s*=%s*(.*)%s*$") if key and value then @@ -68,16 +69,27 @@ M.get_env = function() if http_client_env_json then local f = vim.fn.json_decode(vim.fn.readfile(http_client_env_json)) - if f._base then - DB.update().http_client_env_base = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base"), f._base) + if f["$shared"] then + DB.update().http_client_env_shared = + vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared"), f["$shared"]) end - f._base = nil + f["$shared"] = nil DB.update().http_client_env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env"), f) end - local http_client_env_base = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base") or {} - for key, value in pairs(http_client_env_base) do - if key ~= "DEFAULT_HEADERS" then + if http_client_private_env_json then + local f = vim.fn.json_decode(vim.fn.readfile(http_client_private_env_json)) + if f["$shared"] then + DB.update().http_client_env_shared = + vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared"), f["$shared"]) + end + f["$shared"] = nil + DB.update().http_client_env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DB.find_unique("http_client_env"), f) + end + + local http_client_env_shared = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared") or {} + for key, value in pairs(http_client_env_shared) do + if key ~= "$default_headers" then env[key] = value end end diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/graphql.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/graphql.lua index 08553aa..00ad079 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/graphql.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/graphql.lua @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ local M = {} local function parse(body) + local query_string + local variables_string + -- Split the body into lines local lines = vim.split(body, "\r\n") local in_query = false local in_variables = false @@ -22,6 +25,7 @@ local function parse(body) in_query = false in_variables = true end + line = vim.trim(line) if in_query then table.insert(query, line) elseif in_variables then @@ -30,18 +34,18 @@ local function parse(body) end if #query == 0 then - query = nil + query_string = nil else - query = table.concat(query, " ") + query_string = table.concat(query, " ") end if #variables == 0 then - variables = nil + variables_string = nil else - variables = table.concat(variables, " ") + variables_string = table.concat(variables, " ") end - return query, variables + return query_string, variables_string end M.get_json = function(body) diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/init.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/init.lua index b68b2d8..af8580e 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/init.lua @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +local M = {} +M.scripts = {} local CONFIG = require("kulala.config") local DB = require("kulala.db") local DYNAMIC_VARS = require("kulala.parser.dynamic_vars") @@ -9,15 +11,19 @@ local REQUEST_VARIABLES = require("kulala.parser.request_variables") local STRING_UTILS = require("kulala.utils.string") local PARSER_UTILS = require("kulala.parser.utils") local TS = require("kulala.parser.treesitter") -local PLUGIN_TMP_DIR = FS.get_plugin_tmp_dir() local CURL_FORMAT_FILE = FS.get_plugin_path({ "parser", "curl-format.json" }) -local Scripts = require("kulala.scripts") local Logger = require("kulala.logger") -local M = {} -local function parse_string_variables(str, variables, env) +M.scripts.javascript = require("kulala.parser.scripts.javascript") + +---Parse the variables in a string +---@param str string -- The string to parse +---@param variables table -- The variables defined in the document +---@param env table -- The environment variables +---@param silent boolean|nil -- Whether to suppress not found variable warnings +local function parse_string_variables(str, variables, env, silent) local function replace_placeholder(variable_name) - local value = "" + local value -- If the variable name contains a `$` symbol then try to parse it as a dynamic variable if variable_name:find("^%$") then local variable_value = DYNAMIC_VARS.read(variable_name) @@ -32,11 +38,13 @@ local function parse_string_variables(str, variables, env) value = REQUEST_VARIABLES.parse(variable_name) else value = "{{" .. variable_name .. "}}" - Logger.info( - "The variable '" - .. variable_name - .. "' was not found in the document or in the environment. Returning the string as received ..." - ) + if not silent then + Logger.info( + "The variable '" + .. variable_name + .. "' was not found in the document or in the environment. Returning the string as received ..." + ) + end end return value end @@ -44,10 +52,10 @@ local function parse_string_variables(str, variables, env) return result end -local function parse_headers(headers, variables, env) +local function parse_headers(headers, variables, env, silent) local h = {} for key, value in pairs(headers) do - h[key] = parse_string_variables(value, variables, env) + h[key] = parse_string_variables(value, variables, env, silent) end return h end @@ -88,18 +96,39 @@ local function encode_url_params(url) return url .. anchor end -local function parse_url(url, variables, env) - url = parse_string_variables(url, variables, env) +local function parse_url(url, variables, env, silent) + url = parse_string_variables(url, variables, env, silent) url = encode_url_params(url) url = url:gsub('"', "") return url end -local function parse_body(body, variables, env) +--- Parse the body of the request +---@param body string|nil -- The body of the request +---@param variables table|nil -- The variables defined in the document +---@param env table|nil -- The environment variables +---@param silent boolean|nil -- Whether to suppress not found variable warnings +local function parse_body(body, variables, env, silent) if body == nil then return nil end - return parse_string_variables(body, variables, env) + variables = variables or {} + env = env or {} + return parse_string_variables(body, variables, env, silent) +end + +--- Parse the body_display of the request +---@param body_display string|nil -- The body of the request +---@param variables table|nil -- The variables defined in the document +---@param env table|nil -- The environment variables +---@param silent boolean|nil -- Whether to suppress not found variable warnings +local function parse_body_display(body_display, variables, env, silent) + if body_display == nil then + return nil + end + variables = variables or {} + env = env or {} + return parse_string_variables(body_display, variables, env, silent) end local function split_by_block_delimiters(text) @@ -148,7 +177,7 @@ local function get_request_from_fenced_code_block() -- If we didn't find a block start, return nil if not block_start then - return nil + return nil, nil end -- Search for the end of the fenced code block @@ -163,7 +192,7 @@ local function get_request_from_fenced_code_block() -- If we didn't find a block end, return nil if not block_end then - return nil + return nil, nil end return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, block_start, block_end - 1, false), block_start @@ -199,12 +228,14 @@ M.get_document = function() local is_prerequest_handler_script_inline = false local is_postrequest_handler_script_inline = false local is_body_section = false - local lines = vim.split(block, "\n", { plain = true, trimempty = false }) + local lines = vim.split(block, "\n") local block_line_count = #lines local request = { headers = {}, + headers_raw = {}, metadata = {}, body = nil, + body_display = nil, show_icon_line_number = nil, start_line = line_offset + 1, block_line_count = block_line_count, @@ -223,7 +254,6 @@ M.get_document = function() }, } for relative_linenr, line in ipairs(lines) do - line = vim.trim(line) -- end of inline scripting if is_request_line == true and line:match("^%%}$") then is_prerequest_handler_script_inline = false @@ -252,9 +282,7 @@ M.get_document = function() elseif is_request_line == true and line:match("^< (.*)$") then local scriptfile = line:match("^< (.*)$") table.insert(request.scripts.pre_request.files, scriptfile) - -- It's a comment, skip it elseif line == "" and is_body_section == false then - -- Skip empty lines if is_request_line == false then is_body_section = true end @@ -289,37 +317,42 @@ M.get_document = function() variable_name = variable_name:sub(1) variables[variable_name] = variable_value end - elseif is_body_section == true and #line > 0 then + elseif is_body_section == true then + local _, content_type_header_value = PARSER_UTILS.get_header(request.headers, "content-type") + -- If the request body is nil, this also means that the body_display is nil + -- so we need to initialize it to an empty string, because the header value content-type + -- is present and implies that there is a body to be sent if request.body == nil then request.body = "" + request.body_display = "" end if line:find("^<") then - if - request.headers["content-type"] ~= nil and request.headers["content-type"]:find("^multipart/form%-data") - then + if content_type_header_value ~= nil and content_type_header_value:find("^multipart/form%-data") then request.body = request.body .. line .. "\r\n" + request.body_display = request.body_display .. line .. "\r\n" else local file_path = vim.trim(line:sub(2)) local contents = FS.read_file(file_path) - if contents then - request.body = request.body .. contents + if contents ~= nil then + request.body = request.body .. contents .. "\r\n" + request.body_display = request.body_display .. "[[external file skipped]]\r\n" else - vim.notify("The file '" .. file_path .. "' was not found. Skipping ...", "warn") + Logger.warn("The file '" .. file_path .. "' was not found. Skipping ...") end end else - if - (request.headers["content-type"] ~= nil and request.headers["content-type"]:find("^multipart/form%-data")) - or PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(request, "graphql") - then + if content_type_header_value ~= nil and content_type_header_value:find("^multipart/form%-data") then request.body = request.body .. line .. "\r\n" + request.body_display = request.body_display .. line .. "\r\n" elseif - request.headers["content-type"] ~= nil - and request.headers["content-type"]:find("^application/x%-www%-form%-urlencoded") + content_type_header_value ~= nil + and content_type_header_value:find("^application/x%-www%-form%-urlencoded") then request.body = request.body .. line + request.body_display = request.body_display .. line else request.body = request.body .. line .. "\r\n" + request.body_display = request.body_display .. line .. "\r\n" end end elseif is_request_line == false and line:match("^([^:]+):%s*(.*)$") then @@ -334,7 +367,8 @@ M.get_document = function() -- dynamic variables are defined as `{{$variable_name}}` local key, value = line:match("^([^:]+):%s*(.*)$") if key and value then - request.headers[key:lower()] = value + request.headers[key] = value + request.headers_raw[key] = value end elseif is_request_line == true then -- Request line (e.g., GET http://example.com HTTP/1.1) @@ -359,6 +393,7 @@ M.get_document = function() end if request.body ~= nil then request.body = vim.trim(request.body) + request.body_display = vim.trim(request.body_display) end request.end_line = line_offset + block_line_count line_offset = request.end_line + 1 -- +1 for the '###' separator line @@ -368,6 +403,10 @@ M.get_document = function() end M.get_request_at = function(requests, linenr) + if requests == nil then + Logger.error("No requests found in the document") + return nil + end if linenr == nil then linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] end @@ -410,14 +449,20 @@ end -- extend the document_variables with the variables defined in the request -- via the # @file-to-variable variable_name file_path metadata syntax +---@param document_variables table|nil +---@param request Request +---@return table local function extend_document_variables(document_variables, request) + document_variables = document_variables or {} for _, metadata in ipairs(request.metadata) do if metadata then if metadata.name == "file-to-variable" then local kv = vim.split(metadata.value, " ") local variable_name = kv[1] local file_path = kv[2] - local file_contents = FS.read_file(file_path) + local is_binary = #kv > 2 and kv[3] == "binary" or false + file_path = FS.get_file_path(file_path) + local file_contents = FS.read_file(file_path, is_binary) if file_contents then document_variables[variable_name] = file_contents end @@ -427,43 +472,58 @@ local function extend_document_variables(document_variables, request) return document_variables end +local cleanup_request_files = function() + FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.HEADERS_FILE) + FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.BODY_FILE) + FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.COOKIES_JAR_FILE) +end + ---@class ResponseBodyToFile ---@field file string -- The file path to write the response body to ---@field overwrite boolean -- Whether to overwrite the file if it already exists ----@class ScriptsItems ----@field inline table -- Inline post-request handler scripts - each element is a line of the script ----@field file table -- File post-request handler scripts - each element is a file path ---- ---@class Scripts ----@field pre_request ScriptsItems[] -- Pre-request handler scripts ----@field post_request ScriptsItems[] -- Post-request handler scripts +---@field pre_request ScriptData -- Pre-request handler scripts +---@field post_request ScriptData -- Post-request handler scripts ---@class Request ----@field metadata table ----@field method string ----@field url table ----@field headers table ----@field body table ----@field cmd table ----@field ft string ----@field http_version string ----@field show_icon_line_number string ----@field scripts Scripts +---@field metadata table[] -- Metadata of the request +---@field method string -- The HTTP method of the request +---@field url_raw string -- The raw URL as it appears in the document +---@field url string -- The URL with variables and dynamic variables replaced +---@field headers table -- The headers with variables and dynamic variables replaced +---@field headers_raw table -- The headers as they appear in the document +---@field body_raw string|nil -- The raw body as it appears in the document +---@field body_computed string|nil -- The computed body as sent by curl; with variables and dynamic variables replaced +---@field body_display string|nil -- The body with variables and dynamic variables replaced and sanitized +---(e.g. with binary files replaced with a placeholder) +---@field body string|nil -- The body with variables and dynamic variables replaced +---@field environment table -- The environment- and document-variables +---@field cmd table -- The command to execute the request +---@field ft string -- The filetype of the document +---@field http_version string -- The HTTP version of the request +---@field show_icon_line_number string -- The line number to show the icon +---@field scripts Scripts -- The scripts to run before and after the request ---@field redirect_response_body_to_files ResponseBodyToFile[] ---Parse a request and return the request on itself, its headers and body ---@param start_request_linenr number|nil The line number where the request starts ---@return Request|nil -- Table containing the request data or nil if parsing fails -function M.parse(start_request_linenr) +function M.get_basic_request_data(start_request_linenr) local res = { metadata = {}, method = "GET", - url = {}, + url = "", + url_raw = "", headers = {}, - body = {}, + headers_raw = {}, + body = nil, + body_raw = nil, + body_computed = nil, + body_display = nil, cmd = {}, ft = "text", + environment = {}, redirect_response_body_to_files = {}, scripts = { pre_request = { @@ -477,13 +537,11 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) }, } - local req, document_variables + local req if CONFIG:get().treesitter then - document_variables = TS.get_document_variables() req = TS.get_request_at(start_request_linenr) else - local requests - document_variables, requests = M.get_document() + local _, requests = M.get_document() req = M.get_request_at(requests, start_request_linenr) end @@ -491,54 +549,74 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) return nil end - Scripts.javascript.run("pre_request", req.scripts.pre_request) - local env = ENV_PARSER.get_env() - - DB.update().previous_request = DB.find_unique("current_request") - - document_variables = extend_document_variables(document_variables, req) - res.scripts.pre_request = req.scripts.pre_request res.scripts.post_request = req.scripts.post_request res.show_icon_line_number = req.show_icon_line_number - res.url = parse_url(req.url, document_variables, env) + res.headers = req.headers + res.headers_raw = req.headers_raw + res.url_raw = req.url res.method = req.method res.http_version = req.http_version - res.headers = parse_headers(req.headers, document_variables, env) - res.body = parse_body(req.body, document_variables, env) + res.body_raw = req.body + res.body_display = req.body_display res.metadata = req.metadata res.redirect_response_body_to_files = req.redirect_response_body_to_files - -- We need to append the contents of the file to - -- the body if it is a POST request, - -- or to the URL itself if it is a GET request - if req.body_type == "input" and not CONFIG:get().treesitter then - if req.body_path:match("%.graphql$") or req.body_path:match("%.gql$") then - local graphql_file = io.open(req.body_path, "r") - local graphql_query = graphql_file:read("*a") - graphql_file:close() - if res.method == "POST" then - res.body = '{ "query": "' .. graphql_query .. '" }' - else - graphql_query = - STRING_UTILS.url_encode(STRING_UTILS.remove_extra_space(STRING_UTILS.remove_newline(graphql_query))) - res.graphql_query = STRING_UTILS.url_decode(graphql_query) - res.url = res.url .. "?query=" .. graphql_query - end - else - local file = io.open(req.body_path, "r") - local body = file:read("*a") - file:close() - res.body = body - end + return res +end + +---Replace the variables in the URL, headers and body +---@param res Request -- The request object +---@param document_variables table -- The variables defined in the document +---@param env table -- The environment variables +---@param silent boolean -- Whether to suppress not found variable warnings +---@return string, table, string|nil, string|nil -- The URL, headers, body and body_display with variables replaced +local replace_variables_in_url_headers_body = function(res, document_variables, env, silent) + local url = parse_url(res.url_raw, document_variables, env, silent) + local headers = parse_headers(res.headers, document_variables, env, silent) + local body = parse_body(res.body_raw, document_variables, env, silent) + local body_display = parse_body_display(res.body_display, document_variables, env, silent) + return url, headers, body, body_display +end + +---Parse a request and return the request on itself, its headers and body +---@param start_request_linenr number|nil The line number where the request starts +---@return Request|nil -- Table containing the request data or nil if parsing fails +M.parse = function(start_request_linenr) + local res = M.get_basic_request_data(start_request_linenr) + + if res == nil then + return nil + end + + local has_pre_request_scripts = #res.scripts.pre_request.inline > 0 or #res.scripts.pre_request.files > 0 + + local document_variables + if CONFIG:get().treesitter then + document_variables = TS.get_document_variables() + else + document_variables = M.get_document() end - -- Merge headers from the _base environment if it exists - if DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base") then - local default_headers = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_base")["DEFAULT_HEADERS"] + DB.update().previous_request = DB.find_unique("current_request") + + local env = ENV_PARSER.get_env() + + document_variables = extend_document_variables(document_variables, res) + res.environment = vim.tbl_extend("force", env, document_variables) + + -- INFO: if has_pre_request_script: + -- silently replace the variables in the URL, headers and body, otherwise warn the user + -- for non existing variables + res.url, res.headers, res.body, res.body_display = + replace_variables_in_url_headers_body(res, document_variables, env, has_pre_request_scripts) + + -- Merge headers from the $shared environment if it does not exist in the request + -- this ensures that you can always override the headers in the request + if DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared") then + local default_headers = DB.find_unique("http_client_env_shared")["$default_headers"] if default_headers then for key, value in pairs(default_headers) do - key = key:lower() if res.headers[key] == nil then res.headers[key] = value end @@ -546,76 +624,138 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) end end - -- build the command to exectute the request - table.insert(res.cmd, "curl") + local is_graphql = PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(res, "graphql") + or PARSER_UTILS.contains_header(res.headers, "x-request-type", "graphql") + if res.body ~= nil then + if is_graphql then + local gql_json = GRAPHQL_PARSER.get_json(res.body) + if gql_json then + res.body_computed = gql_json + end + else + res.body_computed = res.body + end + end + if CONFIG.get().treesitter then + -- treesitter parser handles graphql requests before this point + is_graphql = false + end + + FS.write_file(GLOBALS.REQUEST_FILE, vim.fn.json_encode(res), false) + -- PERF: We only want to run the scripts if they exist + -- Also we don't want to re-run the environment replace_variables_in_url_headers_body + -- if we don't actually have any scripts to run that could have changed the environment + if has_pre_request_scripts then + -- INFO: + -- This runs a client and request script that can be used to magic things + -- See: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/http-response-reference.html + M.scripts.javascript.run("pre_request", res.scripts.pre_request) + -- INFO: now replace the variables in the URL, headers and body again, + -- because user scripts could have changed them, + -- but this time also warn the user if a variable is not found + env = ENV_PARSER.get_env() + res.url, res.headers, res.body, res.body_display = + replace_variables_in_url_headers_body(res, document_variables, env, false) + end + + -- build the command to execute the request + table.insert(res.cmd, CONFIG.get().curl_path) table.insert(res.cmd, "-s") table.insert(res.cmd, "-D") - table.insert(res.cmd, PLUGIN_TMP_DIR .. "/headers.txt") + table.insert(res.cmd, GLOBALS.HEADERS_FILE) table.insert(res.cmd, "-o") - table.insert(res.cmd, PLUGIN_TMP_DIR .. "/body.txt") + table.insert(res.cmd, GLOBALS.BODY_FILE) table.insert(res.cmd, "-w") table.insert(res.cmd, "@" .. CURL_FORMAT_FILE) table.insert(res.cmd, "-X") table.insert(res.cmd, res.method) - local is_graphql = PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(req, "graphql") - or PARSER_UTILS.contains_header(res.headers, "x-request-type", "GraphQL") - if CONFIG.get().treesitter then - -- treesitter parser handles graphql requests before this point - is_graphql = false - end + local content_type_header_name, content_type_header_value = PARSER_UTILS.get_header(res.headers, "content-type") - if res.headers["content-type"] ~= nil and res.body ~= nil then + if content_type_header_name and content_type_header_value and res.body ~= nil then -- check if we are a graphql query -- we need this here, because the user could have defined the content-type -- as application/json, but the body is a graphql query - -- This can happen when the user is using http-client.env.json with DEFAULT_HEADERS. + -- This can happen when the user is using http-client.env.json with $shared -> $default_headers. if is_graphql then local gql_json = GRAPHQL_PARSER.get_json(res.body) if gql_json then - table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") - table.insert(res.cmd, gql_json) - res.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" + if PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(res, "write-body-to-temporary-file") then + local tmp_file = FS.get_temp_file(res.body) + if tmp_file ~= nil then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") + table.insert(res.cmd, "@" .. tmp_file) + res.headers[content_type_header_name] = "application/json" + else + Logger.error("Failed to create a temporary file for the request body") + end + else + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") + table.insert(res.cmd, gql_json) + res.headers[content_type_header_name] = "application/json" + end + end + elseif content_type_header_value:find("^multipart/form%-data") then + local tmp_file = FS.get_binary_temp_file(res.body) + if tmp_file ~= nil then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data-binary") + table.insert(res.cmd, "@" .. tmp_file) + else + Logger.error("Failed to create a temporary file for the binary request body") end - elseif res.headers["content-type"]:find("^multipart/form%-data") then - table.insert(res.cmd, "--data-binary") - table.insert(res.cmd, res.body) else - table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") - table.insert(res.cmd, res.body) + if PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(res, "write-body-to-temporary-file") then + local tmp_file = FS.get_temp_file(res.body) + if tmp_file ~= nil then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") + table.insert(res.cmd, "@" .. tmp_file) + else + Logger.error("Failed to create a temporary file for the request body") + end + else + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") + table.insert(res.cmd, res.body) + end end else -- no content type supplied -- check if we are a graphql query if is_graphql then local gql_json = GRAPHQL_PARSER.get_json(res.body) if gql_json then - table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") - table.insert(res.cmd, gql_json) - res.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" + local tmp_file = FS.get_temp_file(res.body) + if tmp_file ~= nil then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--data") + table.insert(res.cmd, "@" .. tmp_file) + res.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" + res.body_computed = gql_json + else + Logger.error("Failed to create a temporary file for the request body") + end end end end - if res.headers["authorization"] then - local auth_header = res.headers["authorization"] - local authtype = auth_header:match("^(%w+)%s+.*") + local auth_header_name, auth_header_value = PARSER_UTILS.get_header(res.headers, "authorization") + + if auth_header_name and auth_header_value then + local authtype = auth_header_value:match("^(%w+)%s+.*") if authtype == nil then - authtype = auth_header:match("^(%w+)%s*$") + authtype = auth_header_value:match("^(%w+)%s*$") end if authtype ~= nil then authtype = authtype:lower() if authtype == "ntlm" or authtype == "negotiate" or authtype == "digest" or authtype == "basic" then - local match, authuser, authpw = auth_header:match("^(%w+)%s+([^%s:]+)%s*[:%s]%s*([^%s]+)%s*$") + local match, authuser, authpw = auth_header_value:match("^(%w+)%s+([^%s:]+)%s*[:%s]%s*([^%s]+)%s*$") if match ~= nil or (authtype == "ntlm" or authtype == "negotiate") then table.insert(res.cmd, "--" .. authtype) table.insert(res.cmd, "-u") table.insert(res.cmd, (authuser or "") .. ":" .. (authpw or "")) - res.headers["authorization"] = nil + res.headers[auth_header_name] = nil end elseif authtype == "aws" then - local key, secret, optional = auth_header:match("^%w+%s([^%s]+)%s*([^%s]+)[%s$]+(.*)$") + local key, secret, optional = auth_header_value:match("^%w+%s([^%s]+)%s*([^%s]+)[%s$]+(.*)$") local token = optional:match("token:([^%s]+)") local region = optional:match("region:([^%s]+)") local service = optional:match("service:([^%s]+)") @@ -634,7 +774,40 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) table.insert(res.cmd, "-H") table.insert(res.cmd, "x-amz-security-token:" .. token) end - res.headers["authorization"] = nil + res.headers[auth_header_name] = nil + end + end + end + + local protocol, host, port = res.url:match("^([^:]*)://([^:/]*):([^/]*)") + if not protocol then + protocol, host = res.url:match("^([^:]*)://([^:/]*)") + end + if protocol == "https" then + local certificate = CONFIG.get().certificates[host .. ":" .. (port or "443")] + if not certificate then + certificate = CONFIG.get().certificates[host] + end + if not certificate then + while host ~= "" do + certificate = CONFIG.get().certificates["*." .. host .. ":" .. (port or "443")] + if not certificate then + certificate = CONFIG.get().certificates["*." .. host] + end + if certificate then + break + end + host = host:gsub("^[^%.]+%.?", "") + end + end + if certificate then + if certificate.cert then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--cert") + table.insert(res.cmd, certificate.cert) + end + if certificate.key then + table.insert(res.cmd, "--key") + table.insert(res.cmd, certificate.key) end end end @@ -650,7 +823,7 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) table.insert(res.cmd, "kulala.nvim/" .. GLOBALS.VERSION) -- if the user has not specified the no-cookie meta tag, -- then use the cookies jar file - if PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(req, "no-cookie-jar") == false then + if PARSER_UTILS.contains_meta_tag(res, "no-cookie-jar") == false then table.insert(res.cmd, "--cookie-jar") table.insert(res.cmd, GLOBALS.COOKIES_JAR_FILE) end @@ -658,15 +831,7 @@ function M.parse(start_request_linenr) table.insert(res.cmd, additional_curl_option) end table.insert(res.cmd, res.url) - -- TODO: - -- Make a cleanup function that deletes the files - -- and mayebe sets up other things - FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.HEADERS_FILE) - FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.BODY_FILE) - FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.COOKIES_JAR_FILE) - if CONFIG.get().debug then - FS.write_file(PLUGIN_TMP_DIR .. "/request.txt", table.concat(res.cmd, " "), false) - end + cleanup_request_files() DB.update().current_request = res -- Save this to global, -- so .replay() can be triggered from any buffer or window diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/inspect.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/inspect.lua index 823d4de..4b49b7e 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/inspect.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/inspect.lua @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ local M = {} M.get_contents = function() local req = Parser.parse() local contents = {} + if req == nil then + return contents + end if req.http_version ~= nil then req.http_version = " " .. req.http_version else @@ -13,9 +16,12 @@ M.get_contents = function() for header_key, header_value in pairs(req.headers) do table.insert(contents, header_key .. ": " .. header_value) end - if req.body ~= nil then + -- Use the body_display, because it's meant to be human-readable + -- e.g. without binary data + if req.body_display ~= nil then + -- use an empty line to separate headers and body table.insert(contents, "") - local body_as_table = vim.split(req.body, "\r?\n") + local body_as_table = vim.split(req.body_display, "\r?\n") for _, line in ipairs(body_as_table) do table.insert(contents, line) end diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/init.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df8d87 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") +local GLOBALS = require("kulala.globals") +local CONFIG = require("kulala.config") +local Logger = require("kulala.logger") +local M = {} + +local NPM_EXISTS = vim.fn.executable("npm") == 1 +local NODE_EXISTS = vim.fn.executable("node") == 1 +local NPM_BIN = vim.fn.exepath("npm") +local NODE_BIN = vim.fn.exepath("node") +local SCRIPTS_DIR = FS.get_scripts_dir() +local REQUEST_SCRIPTS_DIR = FS.get_request_scripts_dir() +local SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR = FS.get_tmp_scripts_build_dir() +local BASE_DIR = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_DIR, "engines", "javascript", "lib") +local BASE_FILE_PRE_CLIENT_ONLY = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR, "dist", "pre_request_client_only.js") +local BASE_FILE_PRE = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR, "dist", "pre_request.js") +local BASE_FILE_POST_CLIENT_ONLY = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR, "dist", "post_request_client_only.js") +local BASE_FILE_POST = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR, "dist", "post_request.js") +local FILE_MAPPING = { + pre_request_client_only = BASE_FILE_PRE_CLIENT_ONLY, + pre_request = BASE_FILE_PRE, + post_request_client_only = BASE_FILE_POST_CLIENT_ONLY, + post_request = BASE_FILE_POST, +} + +M.install = function() + FS.copy_dir(BASE_DIR, SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR) + local res_install = vim.system({ NPM_BIN, "install", "--prefix", SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR }):wait() + if res_install.code ~= 0 then + Logger.error("npm install fail with code " .. res_install.code) + return + end + local res_build = vim.system({ NPM_BIN, "run", "build", "--prefix", SCRIPTS_BUILD_DIR }):wait() + if res_build.code ~= 0 then + Logger.error("npm run build fail with code " .. res_build.code) + return + end +end + +---@class Scripts +---@field path string -- path to script +---@field cwd string -- current working directory + +---@class ScriptData table -- data for script +---@field inline string -- inline scripts +---@field files string
-- paths to script files + +---@param script_type "pre_request_client_only" | "pre_request" | "post_request_client_only" | "post_request" +---type of script +---@param is_external_file boolean -- is external file +---@param script_data string
| string -- either inline script or path to script file +local generate_one = function(script_type, is_external_file, script_data) + local userscript + local base_file_path = FILE_MAPPING[script_type] + if base_file_path == nil then + return nil, nil + end + local base_file = FS.read_file(base_file_path) + if base_file == nil then + return nil, nil + end + local script_cwd + -- buf_dir is "kulala:" when the buffer is scratch buffer + -- in this case, use current working directory for script_cwd and base_dir + local buf_dir = FS.get_current_buffer_dir() + + if is_external_file then + -- if script_data starts with ./ or ../, it is a relative path + if string.match(script_data, "^%./") or string.match(script_data, "^%../") then + local local_script_path = script_data:gsub("^%./", "") + local base_dir = buf_dir == "kulala:" and vim.loop.cwd() or buf_dir + script_data = FS.join_paths(base_dir, local_script_path) + end + script_cwd = buf_dir == "kulala:" and vim.loop.cwd() or FS.get_dir_by_filepath(script_data) + userscript = FS.read_file(script_data) + else + script_cwd = buf_dir == "kulala:" and vim.loop.cwd() or buf_dir + userscript = vim.fn.join(script_data, "\n") + end + base_file = base_file .. "\n" .. userscript + local uuid = FS.get_uuid() + local script_path = FS.join_paths(REQUEST_SCRIPTS_DIR, uuid .. ".js") + FS.write_file(script_path, base_file, false) + return script_path, script_cwd +end + +---@param script_type "pre_request_client_only" | "pre_request" | "post_request_client_only" | "post_request" +---type of script +---@param scripts_data ScriptData -- data for scripts +---@return Scripts
-- paths to scripts +local generate_all = function(script_type, scripts_data) + local scripts = {} + local script_path, script_cwd = generate_one(script_type, false, scripts_data.inline) + if script_path ~= nil and script_cwd ~= nil then + table.insert(scripts, { path = script_path, cwd = script_cwd }) + end + for _, script_data in ipairs(scripts_data.files) do + script_path, script_cwd = generate_one(script_type, true, script_data) + if script_path ~= nil and script_cwd ~= nil then + table.insert(scripts, { path = script_path, cwd = script_cwd }) + end + end + return scripts +end + +local scripts_is_empty = function(scripts_data) + return #scripts_data.inline == 0 and #scripts_data.files == 0 +end + +---@param type "pre_request_client_only" | "pre_request" | "post_request_client_only" | "post_request" -- type of script +---@param data ScriptData +M.run = function(type, data) + if scripts_is_empty(data) then + return + end + + if not NODE_EXISTS then + Logger.error("node not found, please install nodejs") + return + end + + if not NPM_EXISTS then + Logger.error("npm not found, please install nodejs") + return + end + + if not FS.file_exists(BASE_FILE_PRE) or not FS.file_exists(BASE_FILE_POST) then + Logger.warn("Javascript base files not found. Installing dependencies...") + M.install() + end + + local scripts = generate_all(type, data) + if #scripts == 0 then + return + end + + for _, script in ipairs(scripts) do + local output = vim + .system({ + NODE_BIN, + script.path, + }, { + cwd = script.cwd, + env = { + NODE_PATH = FS.join_paths(script.cwd, "node_modules"), + }, + }) + :wait() + if output ~= nil then + FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE) + FS.delete_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE) + + if output.stderr ~= nil and not string.match(output.stderr, "^%s*$") then + if not CONFIG.get().disable_script_print_output then + vim.print(output.stderr) + end + if type == "pre_request" then + FS.write_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE, output.stderr) + elseif type == "post_request" then + FS.write_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE, output.stderr) + end + end + if output.stdout ~= nil and not string.match(output.stdout, "^%s*$") then + if not CONFIG.get().disable_script_print_output then + vim.print(output.stdout) + end + if type == "pre_request" then + if not FS.write_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE, output.stdout) then + Logger.error("write " .. GLOBALS.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE .. " fail") + end + elseif type == "post_request" then + if not FS.write_file(GLOBALS.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE, output.stdout) then + Logger.error("write " .. GLOBALS.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE .. " fail") + end + end + end + end + end +end + +return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/dist/.gitignore b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/dist/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6b7ef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/dist/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +* +!.gitignore diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/eslint.config.cjs b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/eslint.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4af487e --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/eslint.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +module.exports = [ + { + ...require('eslint-config-love'), + files: ['src/**/*.ts'], + }, +] diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/package-lock.json b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcacb43 --- /dev/null +++ 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b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38ca3e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "name": "kulala-scripts-js", + "version": "1.0.0", + "scripts": { + "build": "rollup --config rollup.config.ts --configPlugin @rollup/plugin-typescript", + "lint": "eslint" + }, + "type": "module", + "devDependencies": { + "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "15.3.0", + "@rollup/plugin-terser": "0.4.4", + "@rollup/plugin-typescript": "12.1.0", + "@types/node": "22.7.4", + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "7.18.0", + "eslint": "8.57.1", + "eslint-config-love": "83.0.0", + "eslint-plugin-import": "2.30.0", + "eslint-plugin-n": "15.7.0", + "eslint-plugin-promise": "6.6.0", + "rollup": "4.22.5", + "tslib": "2.7.0", + "typescript": "5.6.2", + "typescript-eslint": "7.18.0" + } +} diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/rollup.config.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/rollup.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08f28b --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/rollup.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'; +import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; +import terser from '@rollup/plugin-terser'; + +export default [ + { + input: './src/pre_request.ts', + output: { + dir: 'dist', + format: 'cjs' + }, + plugins: [ + typescript(), + nodeResolve(), + terser({ + mangle: { + reserved: [ + 'client', + 'request', + ], + }, + }), + ], + }, + { + input: './src/post_request.ts', + output: { + dir: 'dist', + format: 'cjs' + }, + plugins: [ + typescript(), + nodeResolve(), + terser({ + mangle: { + reserved: [ + 'client', + 'response', + 'request', + ], + }, + }), + ], + }, +] diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/Client.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/Client.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76dee21 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/Client.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import * as fs from 'fs'; +import * as path from 'path'; +const _GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'global_variables.json'); + +const getGlobalVariables = (): Record => { + let json: Record = {}; + if (fs.existsSync(_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { + json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' })) as Record; + } + return json; +}; + +export const Client = { + log: (...args: unknown[]): void => { + console.log(...args); + }, + test: (): void => { + console.error('Not yet implemented'); + }, + assert: (): void => { + console.error('Not yet implemented'); + }, + exit: (): void => { + process.exit(); + }, + global: { + set: function (key: string, value: string) { + const json = getGlobalVariables(); + json[key] = value; + fs.writeFileSync(_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(json)); + }, + get: function (key: string) { + const json = getGlobalVariables(); + return json[key]; + }, + isEmpty: function () { + const noItemsInObject = 0; + const json = getGlobalVariables(); + return Object.keys(json).length === noItemsInObject; + }, + clear: function (key: string) { + const json = getGlobalVariables(); + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete + if (key in json) delete json[key]; + fs.writeFileSync(_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(json)); + }, + clearAll: function () { + fs.writeFileSync(_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, '{}'); + } + } +}; diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequest.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequest.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3201e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequest.ts @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import * as fs from 'fs'; +import * as path from 'path'; +const _REQUEST_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'request.json'); +const _REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, 'request_variables.json'); + +type RequestVariables = Record; + +interface RequestJson { + headers: Record, + headers_raw: Record, + body_raw: string, + body_computed: string | undefined, + body: string | object, + method: string, + url_raw: string, + url: string, + environment: Record, +}; + +const getRequestVariables = (): RequestVariables => { + let reqVariables: RequestVariables = {}; + try { + reqVariables = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' })) as RequestVariables; + } catch (e) { + // do nothing + } + return reqVariables; +}; + +interface HeaderObject { + name: () => string, + getRawValue: () => string, + tryGetSubstituted: () => string, +}; + +const getHeaderObject = (headerName: string, headerRawValue: string, headerValue: string | undefined): HeaderObject | null => { + if (headerValue === undefined) { + return null; + } + return { + name: () => { + return headerName + }, + getRawValue: () => { + return headerRawValue; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return headerValue; + }, + }; +}; + +const req = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_REQUEST_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' })) as RequestJson; + +export const Request = { + body: { + getRaw: () => { + return req.body_raw; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return req.body; + }, + getComputed: () => { + return req.body_computed; + }, + }, + headers: { + findByName: (headerName: string) => { + return getHeaderObject(headerName, req.headers_raw[headerName], req.headers[headerName]); + }, + all: function (): HeaderObject[] { + const h = []; + for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(req.headers)) { + const item = getHeaderObject(key, req.headers_raw[key], value); + if (item !== null) { + h.push(item); + } + } + return h; + }, + }, + environment: { + getName: (name: string): string | null => { + if (name in req.environment) { + return req.environment[name]; + } + return null; + }, + get: (name: string): string | null => { + if (name in req.environment) { + return req.environment[name]; + } + return null; + } + }, + method: req.method, + url: { + getRaw: () => { + return req.url_raw; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return req.url + }, + }, + status: null, + contentType: { + mimeType: null, + charset: null, + }, + variables: { + set: function (key: string, value: string) { + const reqVariables = getRequestVariables(); + reqVariables[key] = value; + fs.writeFileSync(_REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(reqVariables)); + }, + get: function (key: string) { + const reqVariables = getRequestVariables(); + if (key in reqVariables) { + return reqVariables[key]; + } + return null; + } + }, +}; + diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequestResponse.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequestResponse.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe683f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PostRequestResponse.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import * as fs from 'fs'; +import * as path from 'path'; +const _RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'headers.txt'); +const _RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'body.txt'); + +interface HeaderObject { + name: string, + value: string, +}; + +type Headers = Record; +type Body = null | string | object; + +let body: Body = null; +const headers: Headers = {}; + +if (fs.existsSync(_RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH)) { + const bodyRaw = fs.readFileSync(_RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' }) + const lines = bodyRaw.split('\n'); + const delimiter = ":"; + for (const line of lines) { + if (!line.includes(delimiter)) { + continue; + } + const [key] = line.split(delimiter); + headers[key] = { + name: key, + value: line.slice(key.length + delimiter.length).trim() + } + } +} + +if (fs.existsSync(_RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH)) { + const bodyRaw = fs.readFileSync(_RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' }) + try { + body = JSON.parse(bodyRaw) as object; + } catch (e) { + body = bodyRaw; + } +} + +export const Response = { + body, + headers: { + valueOf: (headerName: string): string | null => { + if (headerName in headers) { + return headers[headerName].value; + } + return null; + }, + valuesOf: function (headerName: string): HeaderObject | null { + if (headerName in headers) { + return headers[headerName]; + } + return null; + }, + all: function (): Headers { + return headers; + }, + }, + contentType: { + mimeType: null, + charset: null, + } +}; + diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PreRequestRequest.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PreRequestRequest.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3201e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/lib/PreRequestRequest.ts @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import * as fs from 'fs'; +import * as path from 'path'; +const _REQUEST_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'request.json'); +const _REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = path.join(__dirname, 'request_variables.json'); + +type RequestVariables = Record; + +interface RequestJson { + headers: Record, + headers_raw: Record, + body_raw: string, + body_computed: string | undefined, + body: string | object, + method: string, + url_raw: string, + url: string, + environment: Record, +}; + +const getRequestVariables = (): RequestVariables => { + let reqVariables: RequestVariables = {}; + try { + reqVariables = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' })) as RequestVariables; + } catch (e) { + // do nothing + } + return reqVariables; +}; + +interface HeaderObject { + name: () => string, + getRawValue: () => string, + tryGetSubstituted: () => string, +}; + +const getHeaderObject = (headerName: string, headerRawValue: string, headerValue: string | undefined): HeaderObject | null => { + if (headerValue === undefined) { + return null; + } + return { + name: () => { + return headerName + }, + getRawValue: () => { + return headerRawValue; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return headerValue; + }, + }; +}; + +const req = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(_REQUEST_FILEPATH, { encoding: 'utf8' })) as RequestJson; + +export const Request = { + body: { + getRaw: () => { + return req.body_raw; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return req.body; + }, + getComputed: () => { + return req.body_computed; + }, + }, + headers: { + findByName: (headerName: string) => { + return getHeaderObject(headerName, req.headers_raw[headerName], req.headers[headerName]); + }, + all: function (): HeaderObject[] { + const h = []; + for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(req.headers)) { + const item = getHeaderObject(key, req.headers_raw[key], value); + if (item !== null) { + h.push(item); + } + } + return h; + }, + }, + environment: { + getName: (name: string): string | null => { + if (name in req.environment) { + return req.environment[name]; + } + return null; + }, + get: (name: string): string | null => { + if (name in req.environment) { + return req.environment[name]; + } + return null; + } + }, + method: req.method, + url: { + getRaw: () => { + return req.url_raw; + }, + tryGetSubstituted: () => { + return req.url + }, + }, + status: null, + contentType: { + mimeType: null, + charset: null, + }, + variables: { + set: function (key: string, value: string) { + const reqVariables = getRequestVariables(); + reqVariables[key] = value; + fs.writeFileSync(_REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(reqVariables)); + }, + get: function (key: string) { + const reqVariables = getRequestVariables(); + if (key in reqVariables) { + return reqVariables[key]; + } + return null; + } + }, +}; + diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/post_request.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/post_request.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a32cae --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/post_request.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import { Client } from './lib/Client'; +import { Response } from './lib/PostRequestResponse'; +import { Request } from './lib/PostRequest'; + +export const client = Client; +export const response = Response; +export const request = Request; diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/pre_request.ts b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/pre_request.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac7ed2d --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/src/pre_request.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { Client } from './lib/Client'; +import { Request } from './lib/PreRequestRequest'; + +export const client = Client; +export const request = Request; + diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/tsconfig.json b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a172d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/engines/javascript/lib/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "module": "esnext", + "strict": true, + "outDir": "./dist", + "rootDir": "./", + "skipLibCheck": true, + "moduleResolution": "node", + "target": "esnext", + "esModuleInterop": false + }, + "types": ["node"], + "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "rollup.config.ts"], + "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"] +} diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/init.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/javascript/init.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/javascript/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b4c56e --- /dev/null +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/javascript/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +local M = require("kulala.parser.scripts.engines.javascript") +return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/scripts/utils.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/scripts/utils/init.lua similarity index 100% rename from lua/kulala/scripts/utils.lua rename to lua/kulala/parser/scripts/utils/init.lua diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/treesitter.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/treesitter.lua index 77b87d0..90a96b0 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/treesitter.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/treesitter.lua @@ -7,12 +7,17 @@ local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") local STRING_UTILS = require("kulala.utils.string") local M = {} +local QUERIES = {} -local QUERIES = { - section = vim.treesitter.query.parse("http", "(section (request) @request) @section"), - variable = vim.treesitter.query.parse("http", "(variable_declaration) @variable"), +local function init_queries() + if QUERIES.section ~= nil then + return + end + + QUERIES.section = vim.treesitter.query.parse("http", "(section (request) @request) @section") + QUERIES.variable = vim.treesitter.query.parse("http", "(variable_declaration) @variable") - request = vim.treesitter.query.parse( + QUERIES.request = vim.treesitter.query.parse( "http", [[ (comment name: (_) value: (_)) @meta @@ -37,8 +42,8 @@ local QUERIES = { (res_redirect path: (path)) @redirect ]] - ), -} + ) +end local function text(node, metadata) if not node then @@ -58,6 +63,7 @@ local REQUEST_VISITORS = { req.method = fields.method req.http_version = fields.http_version req.body = fields.body + req.body_display = fields.body req.start_line = start_line req.block_line_count = end_line - start_line req.lines_length = end_line - start_line @@ -196,6 +202,7 @@ local function parse_request(section_node) end M.get_document_variables = function(root) + init_queries() root = root or get_root_node() local vars = {} @@ -208,6 +215,7 @@ M.get_document_variables = function(root) end M.get_request_at = function(line) + init_queries() line = line or (vim.fn.line(".") - 1) local root = get_root_node() @@ -219,6 +227,7 @@ M.get_request_at = function(line) end M.get_all_requests = function(root) + init_queries() root = root or get_root_node() local requests = {} @@ -237,6 +246,7 @@ M.get_all_requests = function(root) end M.get_document = function() + init_queries() local root = get_root_node() local variables = M.get_document_variables(root) local requests = M.get_all_requests(root) diff --git a/lua/kulala/parser/utils.lua b/lua/kulala/parser/utils.lua index 374ab31..de72e40 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/parser/utils.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/parser/utils.lua @@ -1,21 +1,130 @@ local M = {} +-- PERF: we do a lot of if else blocks with repeating loops +-- we could "optimize" this by using a single loop and if else blocks +-- that would make the code more readable and easier to maintain +-- but it would also make it slower + +---Get the value of a meta tag from the request +---@param request table The request to check +---@param tag string The meta tag to check for +---@return string|nil +M.get_meta_tag = function(request, tag) + tag = tag:lower() + for _, meta in ipairs(request.metadata) do + if meta.name:lower() == tag then + return meta.value + end + end + return nil +end + +---Check if a request has a specific meta tag +---@param request table The request to check +---@param tag string The meta tag to check for M.contains_meta_tag = function(request, tag) + tag = tag:lower() for _, meta in ipairs(request.metadata) do - if meta.name == tag then + if meta.name:lower() == tag then return true end end return false end +---Check if a header is present in the request +---@param headers table The headers to check +---@param header string The header name to check +---@param value string|nil The value to check for or nil if only the header name should be checked +---@return boolean M.contains_header = function(headers, header, value) - for k, v in pairs(headers) do - if k == header and v == value then - return true + header = header:lower() + value = value and value:lower() or nil + if value == nil then + for k, _ in pairs(headers) do + if k:lower() == header then + return true + end + end + else + for k, v in pairs(headers) do + if k:lower() == header and v:lower() == value then + return true + end end end return false end +---Get the value of a header from the request +---@param headers table The headers to check +---@param header string The header name to check +---@param dont_ignore_case boolean|nil If true, the header name will be case sensitive +---@return string|nil +M.get_header_value = function(headers, header, dont_ignore_case) + header = dont_ignore_case and header or header:lower() + for k, v in pairs(headers) do + if k == header then + return v + end + end + return nil +end + +---Get the name of a header from the request +---@param headers table The headers to check +---@param header string The header name to check +---@param dont_ignore_case boolean|nil If true, the header name will be case sensitive +---@return string|nil +M.get_header_name = function(headers, header, dont_ignore_case) + header = dont_ignore_case and header or header:lower() + for k, _ in pairs(headers) do + if k:lower() == header then + return k + end + end + return nil +end + +---Get a header from the request +---@param headers table The headers to check +---@param header string The header name to check +---@param value string|nil The value to check for or nil if only the header name should be checked +---@param dont_ignore_case boolean|nil If true, the header name will be case sensitive +---@return (string|nil), (string|nil) The header name and value or nil if not found +M.get_header = function(headers, header, value, dont_ignore_case) + header = dont_ignore_case and header or header:lower() + value = value and (dont_ignore_case and value or value:lower()) or nil + if dont_ignore_case then + if value == nil then + for k, _ in pairs(headers) do + if k == header then + return k, headers[k] + end + end + else + for k, v in pairs(headers) do + if k == header and v == value then + return k, v + end + end + end + else + if value == nil then + for k, _ in pairs(headers) do + if k:lower() == header then + return k, headers[k] + end + end + else + for k, v in pairs(headers) do + if k:lower() == header and v:lower() == value then + return k, v + end + end + end + end + return nil, nil +end + return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/scripts/init.lua b/lua/kulala/scripts/init.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 7e20732..0000000 --- a/lua/kulala/scripts/init.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -local Javascript = require("kulala.scripts.javascript") -local M = { - javascript = Javascript, -} - -return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/scripts/javascript.lua b/lua/kulala/scripts/javascript.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 3c61b81..0000000 --- a/lua/kulala/scripts/javascript.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") -local GLOBALS = require("kulala.globals") -local CONFIG = require("kulala.config") -local M = {} - -local NODE_EXISTS = vim.fn.executable("node") == 1 -local SCRIPTS_DIR = FS.get_scripts_dir() -local REQUEST_SCRIPTS_DIR = FS.get_request_scripts_dir() -local BASE_FILE_PRE = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_DIR, "pre_request_base.js") -local BASE_FILE_POST = FS.join_paths(SCRIPTS_DIR, "post_request_base.js") - -local generate_one = function(script_type, is_external_file, script_data) - local lines - local base_file_path = script_type == "pre_request" and BASE_FILE_PRE or BASE_FILE_POST - local base_file = FS.read_file(base_file_path) - if base_file == nil then - return nil, nil - end - local script_cwd - if is_external_file then - -- if script_data starts with ./ or ../, it is a relative path - if string.match(script_data, "^%./") or string.match(script_data, "^%../") then - script_data = FS.get_current_buffer_dir() .. FS.ps .. script_data:gsub("^%./", "") - end - script_cwd = FS.get_dir_by_filepath(script_data) - lines = FS.read_file_lines(script_data) - else - script_cwd = FS.get_current_buffer_dir() - lines = script_data - end - for _, line in ipairs(lines) do - base_file = base_file .. "\n" .. line - end - if #lines == 0 then - return nil, nil - end - local uuid = FS.get_uuid() - local script_path = REQUEST_SCRIPTS_DIR .. FS.ps .. uuid .. ".js" - FS.write_file(script_path, base_file, false) - return script_path, script_cwd -end - ----@class Scripts ----@field path string -- path to script ----@field cwd string -- current working directory - ----@class ScriptData table -- data for script ----@field inline string
-- inline scripts ----@field files string
-- paths to script files - ----@param script_type string -- "pre_request" or "post_request" ----@param scripts_data ScriptData ----@return Scripts
-- paths to scripts -local generate_all = function(script_type, scripts_data) - local scripts = {} - local script_path, script_cwd = generate_one(script_type, false, scripts_data.inline) - if script_path ~= nil and script_cwd ~= nil then - table.insert(scripts, { path = script_path, cwd = script_cwd }) - end - for _, script_data in ipairs(scripts_data.files) do - script_path, script_cwd = generate_one(script_type, true, script_data) - if script_path ~= nil and script_cwd ~= nil then - table.insert(scripts, { path = script_path, cwd = script_cwd }) - end - end - return scripts -end - ----@param type string -- "pre_request" or "post_request" ----@param data ScriptData -M.run = function(type, data) - if not NODE_EXISTS then - return - end - local scripts = generate_all(type, data) - if scripts == nil then - return - end - - for _, script in ipairs(scripts) do - local output = vim - .system({ - "node", - script.path, - }, { - cwd = script.cwd, - env = { - NODE_PATH = script.cwd .. FS.ps .. "node_modules", - }, - }) - :wait() - if output ~= nil then - local script_pre_output_file = GLOBALS.SCRIPT_PRE_OUTPUT_FILE - FS.delete_file(script_pre_output_file) - local script_post_output_file = GLOBALS.SCRIPT_POST_OUTPUT_FILE - FS.delete_file(script_post_output_file) - - if output.stderr ~= nil and not string.match(output.stderr, "^%s*$") then - if not CONFIG.get().disable_script_print_output then - vim.print(output.stderr) - end - if type == "pre_request" then - FS.write_file(script_pre_output_file, output.stderr) - elseif type == "post_request" then - FS.write_file(script_post_output_file, output.stderr) - end - end - if output.stdout ~= nil and not string.match(output.stdout, "^%s*$") then - if not CONFIG.get().disable_script_print_output then - vim.print(output.stdout) - end - if type == "pre_request" then - if not FS.write_file(script_pre_output_file, output.stdout) then - vim.print("write " .. script_pre_output_file .. " fail") - end - elseif type == "post_request" then - if not FS.write_file(script_post_output_file, output.stdout) then - vim.print("write " .. script_post_output_file .. " fail") - end - end - end - end - end -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/scripts/post_request_base.js b/lua/kulala/scripts/post_request_base.js deleted file mode 100644 index 430da1d..0000000 --- a/lua/kulala/scripts/post_request_base.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -const __fs = require('fs'); -const __path = require('path'); -const __GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = __path.join(__dirname, '..', 'global_variables.json'); -const __RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH = __path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'headers.txt'); -const __RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH = __path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'body.txt'); - -const client = {}; -client.global = {}; -client.global.set = function (key, value) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - json[key] = value; - __fs.writeFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(json)); -}; -client.global.get = function (key) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - return json[key]; -}; - -const response = {}; -response.body = null; -response.headers = { - headers: {}, - valueOf: function (headerName) { - return this.headers[headerName]; - }, - valuesOf: function (headerName) { - const values = []; - for (const key in this.headers) { - if (key.toLowerCase() === headerName.toLowerCase()) { - values.push(this[key]); - } - } - return values; - }, -}; -response.status = null; -response.contentType = { - mimeType: null, - charset: null, -}; - -if (__fs.existsSync(__RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH)) { - const headers = __fs.readFileSync(__RESPONSE_HEADERS_FILEPATH, 'utf8'); - headers.split('\n').forEach(header => { - const [key, _] = header.split(':'); - response.headers.headers[key] = header.split(':').slice(1).join(':').trim(); - }); -} - -if (__fs.existsSync(__RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH)) { - response.body = __fs.readFileSync(__RESPONSE_BODY_FILEPATH, 'utf8'); - try { - response.body = JSON.parse(response.body); - } catch (e) { - // do nothing - } -} diff --git a/lua/kulala/scripts/pre_request_base.js b/lua/kulala/scripts/pre_request_base.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5b7c5bc..0000000 --- a/lua/kulala/scripts/pre_request_base.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -const __fs = require('fs'); -const __path = require('path'); -const __REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = __path.join(__dirname, 'request_variables.json'); -const __GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH = __path.join(__dirname, '..', 'global_variables.json'); - -const request = {}; -request.variables = {}; -request.variables.set = function (key, value) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - json[key] = value; - __fs.writeFileSync(__REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(json)); -} -request.variables.get = function (key) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__REQUEST_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - return json[key]; -}; -const client = {}; -client.global = {}; -client.global.set = function (key, value) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - json[key] = value; - __fs.writeFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(json)); -}; -client.global.get = function (key) { - let json = {}; - if (__fs.existsSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)) { - json = JSON.parse(__fs.readFileSync(__GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILEPATH)); - } - return json[key]; -}; diff --git a/lua/kulala/ui/init.lua b/lua/kulala/ui/init.lua index a46be52..42924b5 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/ui/init.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/ui/init.lua @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") local DB = require("kulala.db") local INT_PROCESSING = require("kulala.internal_processing") local FORMATTER = require("kulala.formatter") -local TS = require("kulala.parser.treesitter") local Logger = require("kulala.logger") local AsciiUtils = require("kulala.utils.ascii") local Inspect = require("kulala.parser.inspect") @@ -30,6 +29,26 @@ local get_win = function() return nil end +local open_float = function() + local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, false) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, "kulala://ui") + + local width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) - 10 + local height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) - 10 + + local winnr = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, { + title = "Kulala", + title_pos = "center", + relative = "editor", + border = "single", + width = width, + height = height, + row = math.floor(((vim.o.lines - height) / 2) - 1), + col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - width) / 2), + style = "minimal", + }) +end + local get_buffer = function() -- Iterate through all buffers for _, buf in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do @@ -52,9 +71,7 @@ local replace_buffer = function() local old_bufnr = get_buffer() local new_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, false) - vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("buftype", "nofile", { - buf = new_bufnr, - }) + vim.bo[new_bufnr].buftype = "nofile" if old_bufnr ~= nil then for _, win in ipairs(vim.fn.win_findbuf(old_bufnr)) do @@ -73,21 +90,29 @@ local replace_buffer = function() return new_bufnr end -local open_buffer = function() +local open_split = function() local prev_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local sd = CONFIG.get().split_direction == "vertical" and "vsplit" or "split" - vim.cmd(sd .. " " .. GLOBALS.UI_ID) + vim.cmd("keepalt " .. sd .. " " .. GLOBALS.UI_ID) if CONFIG.get().winbar then WINBAR.create_winbar(get_win()) end vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(prev_win) end +local open_buffer = function() + if CONFIG.get().display_mode == "split" then + open_split() + else + open_float() + end +end + local close_buffer = function() vim.cmd("bdelete! " .. GLOBALS.UI_ID) end -local function buffer_exists() +local buffer_exists = function() return get_buffer() ~= nil end @@ -99,8 +124,9 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("WinClosed", { group = augroup, callback = function(args) -- if the window path is the same as the GLOBALS.UI_ID and the buffer exists - if args.buf == get_buffer() then - vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(get_buffer(), { force = true }) + local buf = get_buffer() + if buf and args.buf == buf then + vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, { force = true }) end end, }) @@ -108,13 +134,14 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("WinClosed", { local function set_buffer_contents(contents, ft) if buffer_exists() then local buf = replace_buffer() - local lines = vim.split(contents, "\n") - vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, false, lines) + -- setup filetype first so that treesitter foldexpr can calculate fold level per lines if ft ~= nil then vim.bo[buf].filetype = ft else vim.bo[buf].filetype = "text" end + local lines = vim.split(contents, "\n") + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, false, lines) end end @@ -443,7 +470,6 @@ end M.scratchpad = function() vim.cmd("e " .. GLOBALS.SCRATCHPAD_ID) - vim.cmd("setlocal buftype=nofile") vim.cmd("setlocal filetype=http") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, CONFIG.get().scratchpad_default_contents) end diff --git a/lua/kulala/ui/selector.lua b/lua/kulala/ui/selector.lua index be05e45..5767948 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/ui/selector.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/ui/selector.lua @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ local DB = require("kulala.db") local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") +local Parser = require("kulala.parser") +local ParserUtils = require("kulala.parser.utils") local M = {} @@ -11,7 +13,9 @@ function M.select_env() local envs = {} for key, _ in pairs(http_client_env) do - table.insert(envs, key) + if key ~= "$schema" and key ~= "$shared" then + table.insert(envs, key) + end end local opts = { @@ -26,15 +30,30 @@ function M.select_env() end M.search = function() - local files = FS.find_all_http_files() - if #files == 0 then + local _, requests = Parser.get_document() + + if requests == nil then + return + end + + local line_starts = {} + local names = {} + + for _, request in ipairs(requests) do + local request_name = ParserUtils.get_meta_tag(request, "name") + if request_name ~= nil then + table.insert(names, request_name) + line_starts[request_name] = request.start_line + end + end + if #names == 0 then return end - vim.ui.select(files, { prompt = "Search" }, function(result) + vim.ui.select(names, { prompt = "Search" }, function(result) if not result then return end - vim.cmd("e " .. result) + vim.cmd("normal! " .. line_starts[result] + 1 .. "G") end) end diff --git a/lua/kulala/ui/winbar.lua b/lua/kulala/ui/winbar.lua index fe76610..635352b 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/ui/winbar.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/ui/winbar.lua @@ -87,10 +87,11 @@ M.create_winbar = function(win_id) local default_view = CONFIG.get().default_view M.winbar_sethl() M.toggle_winbar_tab(win_id, default_view) - UICallbacks.add("on_replace_buffer", function(_, new_buffer) - M.winbar_set_key_mapping(new_buffer) - end) end end +UICallbacks.add("on_replace_buffer", function(_, new_buffer) + M.winbar_set_key_mapping(new_buffer) +end) + return M diff --git a/lua/kulala/utils/fs.lua b/lua/kulala/utils/fs.lua index 9c7ad49..5f69a43 100644 --- a/lua/kulala/utils/fs.lua +++ b/lua/kulala/utils/fs.lua @@ -1,15 +1,81 @@ +local Logger = require("kulala.logger") local M = {} ---- Path separator -M.ps = package.config:sub(1, 1) +---Get the OS +---@return "windows" | "mac" | "unix" | "unknown" +M.get_os = function() + if vim.fn.has("unix") == 1 then + return "unix" + end + if vim.fn.has("mac") == 1 then + return "mac" + end + if vim.fn.has("win32") == 1 or vim.fn.has("win64") then + return "windows" + end + return "unknown" +end + +---The OS +---@type "windows" | "mac" | "unix" | "unknown" +M.os = M.get_os() + +---Get the path separator for the current OS +---@return "\\" | "/" +M.get_path_separator = function() + if M.os == "windows" then + return "\\" + end + return "/" +end + +---Path separator +---@type "\\" | "/" +M.ps = M.get_path_separator() ---Join paths -- similar to os.path.join in python ---@vararg string ---@return string M.join_paths = function(...) + if M.os == "windows" then + for _, v in ipairs({ ... }) do + -- if the path contains at least one forward slash, + -- then it needs to be converted to backslashes + if v:match("/") then + local parts = {} + for _, p in ipairs({ ... }) do + p = p:gsub("/", "\\") + table.insert(parts, p) + end + return table.concat(parts, M.ps) + end + end + return table.concat({ ... }, M.ps) + end return table.concat({ ... }, M.ps) end +---Returns true if the path is absolute, false otherwise +M.is_absolute_path = function(path) + if path:match("^/") or path:match("^%a:\\") then + return true + end + return false +end + +---Either returns the absolute path if the path is already absolute or +---joins the path with the current buffer directory +M.get_file_path = function(path) + if M.is_absolute_path(path) then + return path + end + local buffer_dir = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") + if path:sub(1, 2) == "./" or path:sub(1, 2) == ".\\" then + path = path:sub(3) + end + return M.join_paths(buffer_dir, path) +end + -- This is mainly used for determining if the current buffer is a non-http file -- and therefore maybe we need to parse a fenced code block M.is_non_http_file = function() @@ -72,13 +138,13 @@ end -- Writes string to file --- @param filename string --- @param content string ---- @param append boolean +--- @param append boolean|nil --- @usage fs.write_file('Makefile', 'all: \n\t@echo "Hello World"') --- @usage fs.write_file('Makefile', 'all: \n\t@echo "Hello World"', true) --- @return boolean --- @usage local p = fs.write_file('Makefile', 'all: \n\t@echo "Hello World"') M.write_file = function(filename, content, append) - local f = nil + local f if append then f = io.open(filename, "a") else @@ -113,6 +179,14 @@ M.file_exists = function(filename) return vim.fn.filereadable(filename) == 1 end +M.copy_dir = function(source, destination) + if M.os == "unix" or M.os == "mac" then + vim.system({ "cp", "-r", source .. M.ps .. ".", destination }):wait() + elseif M.os == "windows" then + vim.system({ "xcopy", "/H", "/E", "/I", source .. M.ps .. "*", destination }):wait() + end +end + M.ensure_dir_exists = function(dir) if vim.fn.isdirectory(dir) == 0 then vim.fn.mkdir(dir, "p") @@ -123,13 +197,21 @@ end --- @return string --- @usage local p = fs.get_plugin_tmp_dir() M.get_plugin_tmp_dir = function() - local dir = M.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath("data"), "tmp", "kulala") + local cache = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") + ---@cast cache string + local dir = M.join_paths(cache, "kulala") M.ensure_dir_exists(dir) return dir end M.get_scripts_dir = function() - local dir = M.join_paths(M.get_plugin_root_dir(), "scripts") + local dir = M.join_paths(M.get_plugin_root_dir(), "parser", "scripts") + return dir +end + +M.get_tmp_scripts_build_dir = function() + local dir = M.join_paths(M.get_plugin_tmp_dir(), "scripts", "build") + M.ensure_dir_exists(dir) return dir end @@ -145,7 +227,12 @@ M.get_request_scripts_dir = function() return dir end +---Delete all files in a directory +---@param dir string +---@usage fs.delete_files_in_directory('tmp') +---@return string[] deleted_files M.delete_files_in_directory = function(dir) + local deleted_files = {} -- Open the directory for scanning local scandir = vim.loop.fs_scandir(dir) if scandir then @@ -155,18 +242,21 @@ M.delete_files_in_directory = function(dir) if not name then break end - -- Only delete files, not directories - if type == "file" then - local filepath = dir .. M.ps .. name + -- Only delete files, not directories except .gitingore + if type == "file" and name:match(".gitignore$") == nil then + local filepath = M.join_paths(dir, name) local success, err = vim.loop.fs_unlink(filepath) if not success then print("Error deleting file:", filepath, err) + else + table.insert(deleted_files, filepath) end end end else print("Error opening directory:", dir) end + return deleted_files end M.delete_request_scripts_files = function() @@ -202,6 +292,10 @@ M.command_exists = function(cmd) return vim.fn.executable(cmd) == 1 end +M.command_path = function(cmd) + return vim.fn.exepath(cmd) +end + M.get_plugin_root_dir = function() local source = debug.getinfo(1).source local dir_path = source:match("@(.*/)") or source:match("@(.*\\)") @@ -218,12 +312,14 @@ M.get_plugin_path = function(paths) return M.get_plugin_root_dir() .. M.ps .. table.concat(paths, M.ps) end --- Read a file ---- @param filename string ---- @return string|nil ---- @usage local p = fs.read_file('Makefile') -M.read_file = function(filename) - local f = io.open(filename, "r") +---Read a file +---@param filename string +---@param is_binary boolean|nil +---@return string|nil +---@usage local p = fs.read_file('Makefile') +M.read_file = function(filename, is_binary) + local read_mode = is_binary and "rb" or "r" + local f = io.open(filename, read_mode) if f == nil then return nil end @@ -232,6 +328,28 @@ M.read_file = function(filename) return content end +M.get_temp_file = function(content) + local tmp_file = vim.fn.tempname() + local f = io.open(tmp_file, "w") + if f == nil then + return nil + end + f:write(content) + f:close() + return tmp_file +end + +M.get_binary_temp_file = function(content) + local tmp_file = vim.fn.tempname() + local f = io.open(tmp_file, "wb") + if f == nil then + return nil + end + f:write(content) + f:close() + return tmp_file +end + ---Read file lines ---@param filename string ---@return string[] @@ -248,4 +366,17 @@ M.read_file_lines = function(filename) return lines end +---Clears all cached files +M.clear_cached_files = function() + local tmp_dir = M.get_plugin_tmp_dir() + local deleted_files = M.delete_files_in_directory(tmp_dir) + local string_list = vim.fn.join( + vim.tbl_map(function(file) + return "- " .. file + end, deleted_files), + "\n" + ) + Logger.info("Deleted files:\n" .. string_list) +end + return M diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/kulala.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/kulala.lua index a8a0759..5439113 100644 --- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/kulala.lua +++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/kulala.lua @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ if not has_telescope then end local DB = require("kulala.db") -local FS = require("kulala.utils.fs") +local Parser = require("kulala.parser") +local ParserUtils = require("kulala.parser.utils") local action_state = require("telescope.actions.state") local actions = require("telescope.actions") @@ -15,15 +16,28 @@ local previewers = require("telescope.previewers") local config = require("telescope.config").values local function kulala_search(_) - -- a list of all the .http/.rest files in the current directory - -- and its subdirectories - local files = FS.find_all_http_files() + local _, requests = Parser.get_document() + + if requests == nil then + return + end + + local data = {} + local names = {} + + for _, request in ipairs(requests) do + local request_name = ParserUtils.get_meta_tag(request, "name") + if request_name ~= nil then + table.insert(names, request_name) + data[request_name] = request + end + end pickers .new({}, { prompt_title = "Search", finder = finders.new_table({ - results = files, + results = names, }), attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr) actions.select_default:replace(function() @@ -32,12 +46,34 @@ local function kulala_search(_) if selection == nil then return end - vim.cmd("e " .. selection.value) + local request = data[selection.value] + vim.cmd("normal! " .. request.start_line + 1 .. "G") end) return true end, - previewer = previewers.vim_buffer_cat.new({ + previewer = previewers.new_buffer_previewer({ title = "Preview", + define_preview = function(self, entry) + local request = data[entry.value] + if request == nil then + return + end + local lines = {} + local http_version = request.http_version and "HTTP/" .. request.http_version or "HTTP/1.1" + table.insert(lines, request.method .. " " .. request.url .. " " .. http_version) + for key, value in pairs(request.headers) do + table.insert(lines, key .. ": " .. value) + end + if request.body_display ~= nil then + table.insert(lines, "") + local body_as_table = vim.split(request.body_display, "\r?\n") + for _, line in ipairs(body_as_table) do + table.insert(lines, line) + end + end + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) + vim.bo[self.state.bufnr].filetype = "http" + end, }), sorter = config.generic_sorter({}), }) @@ -52,7 +88,9 @@ local function kulala_env_select(_) local envs = {} for key, _ in pairs(http_client_env) do - table.insert(envs, key) + if key ~= "$schema" and key ~= "$shared" then + table.insert(envs, key) + end end pickers diff --git a/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json b/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f62ce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +{ + "$id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/main/schemas/http-client.env.schema.json", + "title": "HTTP Client Environment Variables", + "description": "The environment variables required for the HTTP client", + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "$schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "$shared": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "$default_headers": { + "type": "object", + "patternProperties": { + "^.*$": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$": { + "type": ["string", "number"] + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^.*$": { + "type": "object", + "patternProperties": { + "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$": { + "type": ["string", "number"] + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false +} diff --git a/schemas/http-client.private.env.schema.json b/schemas/http-client.private.env.schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8473415 --- /dev/null +++ b/schemas/http-client.private.env.schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +{ + "$id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistweaverco/kulala.nvim/main/schemas/http-client.private.env.schema.json", + "title": "HTTP Client Private Environment Variables", + "description": "The private environment variables required for the HTTP client", + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "$schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "$shared": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "$default_headers": { + "type": "object", + "patternProperties": { + "^.*$": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$": { + "type": ["string", "number"] + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^.*$": { + "type": "object", + "patternProperties": { + "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$": { + "type": ["string", "number"] + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false +} diff --git a/scripts/install-ci-test-requirements.ps1 b/scripts/install-ci-test-requirements.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82f6783 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/install-ci-test-requirements.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +$Env:KULALA_ROOT_DIR = (Get-Location).Path + +if ($Env:GH_CACHE_HIT -eq $null) { + mkdir .tests +} + +cd .tests + +Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser + +if ($Env:GH_CACHE_HIT -eq $null) { + Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh | Invoke-Expression + scoop install main/git + scoop install main/neovim@0.10.2 +} else { + $Env:PATH = "$Env:USERPROFILE\scoop\shims;$Env:USERPROFILE\scoop\apps\git\current\cmd;$Env:USERPROFILE\scoop\apps\neovim\current\bin;$Env:PATH" +} + +if ($Env:GH_CACHE_HIT -eq $null) { + Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://github.com/mistweaverco/luajit-for-win64/archive/refs/tags/v0.0.2.zip -outfile luajit.zip + 7z x luajit.zip + RM luajit.zip + cd luajit-for-win64-0.0.2 + .\luajit-for-win64.cmd +} else { + cd luajit-for-win64-0.0.2 +} + +$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR = (Get-Location).Path + +$Env:PATH = "$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\cmd;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\PortableGit\mingw64\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\PortableGit\usr\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\mingw\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lib;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\bin;$Env:APPDATA\LJ4W\LuaRocks\bin;$Env:PATH" +$Env:LUA_PATH = "$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lua\?.lua;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lua\?\init.lua;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua;$Env:LUA_PATH" +$Env:LUA_CPATH = "$Env:APPDATA\luarocks;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll;$Env:LUA_CPATH" + +if ($Env:GH_CACHE_HIT -eq $null) { + luarocks install --lua-version 5.1 busted +} + +# Persist the Environment Variables +"PATH=$Env:Path" >> $Env:GITHUB_ENV +"LUA_PATH=$Env:LUA_PATH" >> $Env:GITHUB_ENV +"LUA_CPATH=$Env:LUA_CPATH" >> $Env:GITHUB_ENV + +cd $Env:KULALA_ROOT_DIR diff --git a/scripts/lint.sh b/scripts/lint.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6618eba --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/lint.sh @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +check_code() { + if ! command -v stylua &> /dev/null; then + echo "stylua is not installed" + exit 1 + fi + stylua --version + if [[ -n $1 ]]; then + stylua --check "$1" + else + stylua --check . + fi +} + +check_docs() { + if ! command -v vale &> /dev/null; then + echo "stylua is not installed" + exit 1 + fi + cd docs || exit 1 + if [[ -n $1 ]]; then + vale "$1" + else + vale . + fi +} + +main() { + local action="$1" + shift + local args=$* + case $action in + "check-code") + check_code "$args" + ;; + "check-docs") + check_docs "$args" + ;; + *) + echo "Invalid action" + exit 1 + ;; + esac + +} +main "$@" diff --git a/scripts/tag.sh b/scripts/tag.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8efbfb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/tag.sh @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Creates a tag based on the version found in lua/kulala/globals.lua +# and pushes it to the remote repository. + +set -euo pipefail + +get_tag() { + local file="./lua/kulala/globals/init.lua" + local VERSION_REGEX="VERSION = \"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\"" + local version + version=$(grep -oP "$VERSION_REGEX" "$file" | cut -d'"' -f2) + echo "v$version" +} + +check_on_main_branch() { + local branch + branch=$(git branch --show-current) + if [ "$branch" != "main" ]; then + echo "You must be on the main branch to create a tag." + exit 1 + fi +} + +check_if_clean() { + if ! git diff --quiet; then + echo "You have uncommitted changes. Please commit or stash them before creating a tag." + exit 1 + fi +} + +check_on_main_branch +check_if_clean + +tag=$(get_tag) + +git tag "$tag" && git push origin "$tag" diff --git a/scripts/tests.ps1 b/scripts/tests.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4774d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/tests.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +nvim --version +nvim -l tests/minit.lua tests diff --git a/scripts/tests.sh b/scripts/tests.sh index b265a91..dc77216 100755 --- a/scripts/tests.sh +++ b/scripts/tests.sh @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash +if ! command -v nvim &> /dev/null; then + echo "nvim is not installed" + exit 1 +fi + run() { nvim --version if [[ -n $1 ]]; then diff --git a/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile b/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile index 5ec7f7d..d644c55 100644 --- a/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile +++ b/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ FROM ubuntu:latest -RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y curl git gcc lua5.1 luarocks -RUN mkdir -p _neovim && curl -sL https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/v0.10.1/nvim-linux64.tar.gz | tar -xz -C _neovim && mv _neovim/nvim-linux64 /usr/local/nvim && rm -rf _neovim +RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y curl git gcc lua5.1 luarocks unzip xclip +RUN mkdir -p _neovim && curl -sL https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/v0.10.2/nvim-linux64.tar.gz | tar -xz -C _neovim && mv _neovim/nvim-linux64 /usr/local/nvim && rm -rf _neovim +RUN mkdir -p _stylua && curl -sL https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/StyLua/releases/download/v0.20.0/stylua-linux-x86_64.zip | funzip > _stylua/stylua && chmod +x _stylua/stylua && mv _stylua/stylua /usr/local/bin/stylua && rm -rf _stylua +RUN mkdir -p _vale && curl -sL https://github.com/errata-ai/vale/releases/download/v2.28.0/vale_2.28.0_Linux_64-bit.tar.gz | tar -xz -C _vale && mv _vale/vale /usr/local/bin/vale && rm -rf _vale RUN luarocks install busted RUN ln -s /usr/local/nvim/bin/nvim /usr/bin/nvim +RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/stylua /usr/bin/stylua +RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/vale /usr/bin/vale + +# for xclip and neovim to work, see :h clipboard in neovim +ENV DISPLAY=:0 + +WORKDIR /app diff --git a/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/README.md b/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de1e839 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/_dockerfiles/ubuntu/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# Kulala Neovim Linux Testrunner Docker Image + +This is a docker image for running tests in a Linux environment. + +It is based on the [ubuntu](https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu) image. + +## Features + +- `neovim` v0.10.2 +- `stylua` v0.20.0 +- `vale` v2.28.0 +- `curl` +- `git` +- `gcc` +- `lua5.1` +- `luarocks` +- `unzip` +- `xclip` (for neovim clipboard support) +- `luarocks busted` (for running tests) + +## Building the image + +```bash +make docker-build OS=linux +``` + +## Pushing the image + +> [!WARNING] +> You need to have write access to the docker registry at +> `ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-linux-testrunner`. + +```bash +make docker-push OS=windows +``` diff --git a/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/Dockerfile b/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f027c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:20H2-amd64 +FROM mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:lts-windowsservercore-1809 + +SHELL ["pwsh", "-Command"] + +USER ContainerAdministrator + +WORKDIR "C:\\kulala.nvim" + +RUN Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser +RUN Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh -outfile 'install.ps1' +RUN .\install.ps1 -RunAsAdmin + +# required before add extras +RUN scoop install main/git + +# add for extras suggested by neovim +RUN scoop bucket add extras + +RUN scoop install extras/vcredist2022 +RUN scoop install main/neovim@0.10.2 + +WORKDIR "C:\\luajjt" + +RUN Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://github.com/mistweaverco/luajit-for-win64/archive/refs/tags/v0.0.2.zip -outfile luajit.zip +RUN 7z x luajit.zip + +WORKDIR "C:\\luajjt\luajit-for-win64-0.0.2" + +RUN .\luajit-for-win64.cmd + +RUN setx /M KULALA_LUA_DIR \"C:\luajjt\luajit-for-win64-0.0.2\" + +RUN setx /M PATH \"$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\cmd;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\PortableGit\mingw64\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\PortableGit\usr\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\tools\mingw\bin;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lib;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\bin;$Env:APPDATA\LJ4W\LuaRocks\bin;$Env:path\" + +RUN setx /M LUA_PATH \"$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lua\?.lua;$Env:KULALA_LUA_DIR\lua\?\init.lua;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua;$Env:LUA_PATH\" +RUN setx /M LUA_CPATH \"$Env:APPDATA\luarocks;$Env:APPDATA\luarocks\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll;$Env:LUA_CPATH\" + +RUN luarocks install --lua-version 5.1 busted + +WORKDIR "C:\\kulala.nvim" + +RUN git config --global safe.directory '*' +RUN git config --global core.autocrlf true + +ENTRYPOINT ["pwsh"] diff --git a/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/README.md b/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6462c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/_dockerfiles/windows/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Kulala Neovim Windows Testrunner Docker Image + +This is a docker image for running tests in a Windows environment. + +It is based on the [microsoft/windows-nanoserver](https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/windows-nanoserver) image. + +## Features + +- `neovim` v0.10.2 +- `stylua` v0.20.0 +- `vale` v2.28.0 +- `curl` +- `git` +- `gcc` +- `lua5.1` +- `luarocks` +- `unzip` +- `luarocks busted` (for running tests) + +## Building the image + +> [!WARNING] +> You need to run the docker build command on +> a windows machine. +> It's a limitation of the windows docker images, +> provided by Microsoft, not us. + +```bash +make docker-build OS=windows +``` + +## Pushing the image + +> [!WARNING] +> You need to have write access to the docker registry at +> `ghcr.io/mistweaverco/kulala-nvim-windows-testrunner`. + +```bash +make docker-push OS=windows +``` diff --git a/tests/lib/shlex/shlex_spec.lua b/tests/lib/shlex/shlex_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d771d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/lib/shlex/shlex_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +local SHLEX = require("kulala.lib.shlex") + +-- testing data from cpython implementation +-- https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/4a6b1f179667e2a8c6131718eb78a15f726e047b/Lib/test/test_shlex.py#L73 +local posix_data = [[x|x| +foo bar|foo|bar| +foo bar|foo|bar| +foo bar |foo|bar| +foo bar bla fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel| +x y z xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx| +\x bar|x|bar| +\ x bar| x|bar| +\ bar| bar| +foo \x bar|foo|x|bar| +foo \ x bar|foo| x|bar| +foo \ bar|foo| bar| +foo "bar" bla|foo|bar|bla| +"foo" "bar" "bla"|foo|bar|bla| +"foo" bar "bla"|foo|bar|bla| +"foo" bar bla|foo|bar|bla| +foo 'bar' bla|foo|bar|bla| +'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| +'foo' bar 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| +'foo' bar bla|foo|bar|bla| +blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| +blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| +""|| +''|| +\"|"| +"\""|"| +"foo\ bar"|foo\ bar| +"foo\\ bar"|foo\ bar| +"foo\\ bar\""|foo\ bar"| +"foo\\" bar\"|foo\|bar"| +"foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\ bar" dfadf| +"foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\\ bar" dfadf| +"foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\\x bar" dfadf| +"foo\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\x bar" dfadf| +\'|'| +'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| +'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| +"foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df"|foo\\x bar" df'a\ 'df| +\"foo|"foo| +\"foo\x|"foox| +"foo\x"|foo\x| +"foo\ "|foo\ | +foo\ xx|foo xx| +foo\ x\x|foo xx| +foo\ x\x\"|foo xx"| +"foo\ x\x"|foo\ x\x| +"foo\ x\x\\"|foo\ x\x\| +"foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|foo\ x\x\foobar| +"foo\ x\x\\"\'"foobar"|foo\ x\x\'foobar| +"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar| +"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't| +"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t' \\|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't|\| +'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| +'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| +foo\ bar|foo bar| +foo#bar\nbaz|foo|baz| +:-) ;-)|:-)|;-)| +áéíóú|áéíóú| +]] + +-- broken data are test cases which works well in CPython shlex, but do not in Lua version +local broken_data = [[ +foo "" bar|foo||bar| +foo '' bar|foo||bar| +foo "" "" "" bar|foo||||bar| +foo '' '' '' bar|foo||||bar| +]] + +local function splitlines(str, sep) + if sep == nil then + sep = "\r?\n" + end + local pos = 0 + return function() + if pos >= #str then + return nil + end + local s, e = str:find(sep, pos) + local line = str:sub(pos, s and s - 1) + pos = (e or #str) + 1 + return line + end +end + +local function split(str, sep) + local t = {} + for part in splitlines(str, sep) do + table.insert(t, part) + end + return t +end + +-- reimplementation of test_shlex.py setUp code +-- https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/962304a54ca79da0838cf46dd4fb744045167cdd/Lib/test/test_shlex.py#L141 +local function test_cases(str) + local it = splitlines(str) + return function() + local line = it() + if line == nil then + return nil + end + local expected = split(line, "|") + local input = expected[1] + input = input:gsub("\\n", "\n") + table.remove(expected, 1) + return input, expected + end +end + +describe("posix", function() + for input, expected in test_cases(posix_data) do + it("'" .. input .. "'", function() + local actual = SHLEX.split(input) + assert.same(expected, actual) + end) + end +end) + +describe("curl", function() + it("should return url as one string", function() + local input = "curl http://example.com" + local actual = SHLEX.split(input) + local expected = { "curl", "http://example.com" } + assert.same(expected, actual) + end) +end) + +describe("broken", function() + for input, expected in test_cases(broken_data) do + it("'" .. input .. "'", function() + local actual = SHLEX.split(input) + assert.is_not.same(expected, actual) + end) + end +end) diff --git a/tests/test_helper/ui.lua b/tests/test_helper/ui.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..554bac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_helper/ui.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +local api = vim.api + +local UITestHelper = {} + +UITestHelper.delete_all_bufs = function() + -- Get a list of all buffer numbers + local buffers = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() + + -- Iterate over each buffer and delete it + for _, buf in ipairs(buffers) do + -- Check if the buffer is valid and loaded + if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buf) then + vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, {}) + end + end +end + +---@param lines? string[] +---@param bufname? string +---@return integer bufnr +UITestHelper.create_buf = function(lines, bufname) + lines = lines or {} + local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) + api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) + api.nvim_set_current_buf(bufnr) + api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { 1, 1 }) + + if bufname then + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, bufname) + end + + return bufnr +end + +---@param bufnr integer +---@return string[] lines +UITestHelper.get_buf_lines = function(bufnr) + return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) +end + +---@return integer[] bufnr list +UITestHelper.list_loaded_bufs = function() + local bufnr_list = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() + + local loaded_bufs = {} + for _, bufnr in ipairs(bufnr_list) do + if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then + loaded_bufs[#loaded_bufs + 1] = bufnr + end + end + + return loaded_bufs +end + +return UITestHelper diff --git a/tests/ui/init_spec.lua b/tests/ui/init_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2b284 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ui/init_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +local GLOBALS = require("kulala.globals") +local UI = require("kulala.ui") +local ui_helper = require("test_helper.ui") + +local assert = require("luassert") + +describe("kulala.ui", function() + -- restore all changed done by luassert before each test run + local snapshot + + before_each(function() + snapshot = assert:snapshot() + end) + + after_each(function() + snapshot:revert() + ui_helper.delete_all_bufs() + end) + + describe("from_curl()", function() + it("pastes simple curl", function() + local bufnr = ui_helper.create_buf() + vim.fn.setreg("+", "curl http://example.com") + + UI.from_curl() + + local expected = { + [[# curl http://example.com]], + [[GET http://example.com]], + [[]], + [[]], + } + assert.are.same(expected, ui_helper.get_buf_lines(bufnr)) + end) + end) + + describe("close()", function() + local extensions = { "http", "rest" } + for _, ext in ipairs(extensions) do + it(("closes ui and %s file"):format(ext), function() + ui_helper.create_buf({ "" }, GLOBALS.UI_ID) + ui_helper.create_buf({ "" }, "file_for_requests." .. ext) + + UI.close() + + local loaded_bufs = ui_helper.list_loaded_bufs() + for _, bufnr in ipairs(loaded_bufs) do + local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) + + assert.is.True(bufname:find(GLOBALS.UI_ID) == nil, "should have closed the ui") + assert.is.True( + bufname:find("file_for_requests." .. ext) == nil, + "should have closed the file with extension: " .. ext + ) + end + end) + end + end) +end) diff --git a/tests/util/fs_spec.lua b/tests/util/fs_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f68dcde --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/util/fs_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +local Fs = require("kulala.utils.fs") + +local assert = require("luassert") + +describe("kulala.utils.fs", function() + -- restore all changed done by luassert before each test run + local snapshot + + before_each(function() + snapshot = assert:snapshot() + end) + + after_each(function() + snapshot:revert() + end) + + describe("join_paths on windows", function() + Fs.os = "windows" + Fs.ps = "\\" + it("joins mixed on windows", function() + local expected = "C:\\a\\b\\c" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("C:\\a", "b", "c") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + it("joins no-mixed on windows", function() + local expected = "C:\\a\\b\\c" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("C:\\a", "b", "c") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + it("fixes ps on windows", function() + local expected = "C:\\a\\user\\bin\\blah\\blubb" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("C:\\a", "user/bin", "blah/blubb") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + end) + describe("join_paths on linux", function() + Fs.os = "unix" + Fs.ps = "/" + it("joins mixed on unix", function() + local expected = "/a/b/c" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("/a", "b", "c") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + it("joins no-mixed on unix", function() + local expected = "/a/b/c" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("/a", "b", "c") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + it("joins more mixed on unix", function() + local expected = "/a/user/bin/blah/blubb" + local actual = Fs.join_paths("/a", "user/bin", "blah/blubb") + assert.are.same(expected, actual) + end) + end) +end)