The EBML Signature Elements are under development and not recommended for use in production. To inquire about, comment upon, or participate in the development of EBML Signatures please contact [email protected] (with a public archive).
The EBML Signature Elements defines a syntax for the storage of digital signatures within an EBML document. The implementation is inspired by the XML Signature defined by the W3C.
This document is dependent on the EBML specification for the structure of EBML Elements and definition of data types.
Element Name: SignatureSlot
Level: 1+
EBML ID: [1B][53][86][67]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: Yes
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Master-element
Description: Contain signature of some (coming) elements in the
Element Name: SignatureAlgo
Level: 2+
EBML ID: [7E][8A]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: No
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Unsigned Integer
Description: Signature algorithm used (1=RSA, 2=elliptic).
Element Name: SignatureHash
Level: 2+
EBML ID: [7E][9A]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: No
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Unsigned Integer
Description: Hash algorithm used (1=SHA1-160, 2=MD5).
Element Name: SignaturePublicKey
Level: 2+
EBML ID: [7E][A5]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: No
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Binary
Description: The public key to use with the algorithm (in the
case of a PKI-based signature).
Element Name: Signature
Level: 2+
EBML ID: [7E][B5]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: No
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Binary
Description: The signature of the data.
Element Name: SignatureElements
Level: 2+
EBML ID: [7E][5B]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: No
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Master-element
Description: Contains elements that will be used to compute the
Element Name: SignatureElementList
Level: 3+
EBML ID: [7E][7B]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: Yes
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Master-element
Description: A list consists of a number of consecutive elements
that represent one case where data is used in
signature. Ex: <i>Cluster|Block|BlockAdditional</i>
means that the BlockAdditional of all Blocks in all
Clusters is used for encryption.
Element Name: SignedElement
Level: 4+
EBML ID: [65][32]
Mandatory: No
Multiple: Yes
Range: -
Default: -
Element Type: Binary
Description: An element ID whose data will be used to compute
the signature.