Full API reference:
const shape = new mojs.Shape({
// Parent of the module. {String, Object} [selector, HTMLElement]
parent: document.body,
// Class name. {String}
className: '',
// Shape name. {String} [ 'circle' | 'rect' | 'polygon' | 'line' | 'cross' | 'equal' | 'curve' | 'zigzag' | '*custom defined name*' ]
shape: 'circle',
// ∆ :: Stroke color. {String} [color name, rgb, rgba, hex]
stroke: 'transparent',
// ∆ :: Stroke Opacity. {Number} [ 0..1 ]
strokeOpacity: 1,
// Stroke Line Cap. {String} ['butt' | 'round' | 'square']
strokeLinecap: '',
// ∆ :: Stroke Width. {Number} [ number ]
strokeWidth: 2,
// ∆ , Units :: Stroke Dash Array. {String, Number}
strokeDasharray: 0,
// ∆ , Units :: Stroke Dash Offset. {String, Number}
strokeDashoffset: 0,
// ∆ :: Fill Color. {String} [color name, rgb, rgba, hex]
fill: 'deeppink',
// ∆ :: Fill Opacity. {Number} [ 0..1 ]
fillOpacity: 1,
// ∆ , Units :: Left position of the module. {Number, String}
left: '50%',
// ∆ , Units :: Top position of the module. {Number, String}
top: '50%',
// ∆ , Units :: X shift. {Number, String}
x: 0,
// ∆ , Units :: Y shift. {Number, String}
y: 0,
// ∆ :: Angle. {Number, String}
angle: 0,
// ∆ :: Scale of the module. {Number}
scale: 1,
// ∆ :: Explicit scaleX value (fallbacks to `scale`). {Number}
scaleX: null,
// ∆ :: Explicit scaleX value (fallbacks to `scale`). {Number}
scaleY: null,
// ∆ , Unit :: Origin for `x`, `y`, `scale`, `rotate` properties. {String}
origin: '50% 50%',
// ∆ :: Opacity. {Number} [ 0..1 ]
opacity: 1,
// ∆ :: X border radius. {Number, String}
rx: 0,
// ∆ :: Y border radius. {Number, String}
ry: 0,
// ∆ :: Points count ( for polygon, zigzag, equal ). {Number, String}
points: 3,
// ∆ :: Radius of the shape. {Number, String}
radius: 50,
// ∆ :: Radius X of the shape (fallbacks to `radius`). {Number, String}
radiusX: null,
// ∆ :: Radius Y of the shape (fallbacks to `radius`). {Number, String}
radiusY: null,
// If should hide module with `transforms` instead of `display`. {Boolean}
isSoftHide: true,
// If should trigger composite layer for the module. {Boolean}
isForce3d: false,
// If should be shown before animation starts. {Boolean}
isShowStart: false,
// If should stay shown after animation ends. {Boolean}
isShowEnd: true,
// If refresh state on subsequent plays. {Boolean}
isRefreshState: true,
// Context callbacks will be called with. {Object}
callbacksContext: this,
// Duration {Number}
duration: 350,
// Delay {Number}
delay: 0,
// If should repeat after animation finished {Number} *(1)
repeat: 0,
// Speed of the tween {Number}[0..∞]
speed: 1,
// If the progress should be flipped on repeat animation end {Boolean}
isYoyo: false,
// Easing function {String, Function}[ easing name, path coordinates, bezier string, easing function ]
easing: 'sin.out',
// Easing function for backward direction of the tween animation (fallbacks to `easing`) {String, Function}[ easing name, path coordinates, bezier string, easing function ]
backwardEasing: null,
Fires on every update of the tween in any period (including delay periods). You probably want to use `onUpdate` method instead.
@param p {Number} Normal (not eased) progress.
@param isForward {Boolean} Direction of the progress.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If in `yoyo` period.
onProgress (p, isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the entire progress reaches `0` point(doesn't fire in repeat periods).
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onStart (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the progress reaches `0` point in normal or repeat period.
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onFirstUpdate (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires on first update of the tween in sufficiently active period (excluding delay periods).
@param ep {Number} Eased progress.
@param p {Number} Normal (not eased) progress.
@param isForward {Boolean} Direction of the progress.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If in `yoyo` period.
onUpdate (ep, p, isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the progress reaches `1` point in normal or repeat period.
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onRepeatComplete (isForward, isYoyo) {},
Fires when tween's the entire progress reaches `1` point(doesn't fire in repeat periods).
@param isForward {Boolean} If progress moves in forward direction.
@param isYoyo {Boolean} If progress inside `yoyo` flip period.
onComplete (isForward, isYoyo) {},
/* Fires when the `.play` method called and tween isn't in play state yet. */
onPlaybackStart () {},
/* Fires when the `.pause` method called and tween isn't in pause state yet. */
onPlaybackPause () {},
/* Fires when the `.stop` method called and tween isn't in stop state yet. */
onPlaybackStop () {},
/* Fires when the tween end's animation (regardless progress) */
onPlaybackComplete () {},
Creates next state transition chain.
@param options {Object} Next shape state.
.then({ /* next state options */ })
Tunes start state with new options.
@param options {Object} New start properties.
.tune({ /* new start properties */ })
Regenerates all randoms in initial properties.
Starts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.play( shift = 0 )
Starts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.playBackward( shift = 0 )
Pauses playback.
Restarts playback.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replay( shift = 0 )
Restarts playback in backward direction.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.replayBackward( shift = 0 )
Resumes playback in direction it was prior to `pause`.
@param shift {Number} Start progress shift in milliseconds.
.resume( shift = 0 )
Sets progress of the tween.
@param progress {Number} Progress to set [ 0..1 ].
.setProgress( progress )
Sets speed of the tween.
@param speed {Number} Progress to set [ 0..∞ ].
setSpeed ( speed )
/* Stops and resets the tween. */
reset ( speed )