Spark and WSC
1) You are going to train an image classifier on a training set of 50,000 images using a WSC of more than
50,000 servers. You notice that 99% of the execution can be parallelized. What is the speedup?
1 1
________________ = _______ = 1
.99 .01
( .01 + ____ )
1) In this example, a WSC has 55,000 servers, and each server has four disks whose annual failure rate is
4%. How many disks will fail per hour?
(55000 * 4 * .04) / (365 * 24) = 1.00456621005
2) What is the availability of the system if it does not tolerate the failure? Assume that the time to repair a
disk is 30 minutes.s
1 / (1 + .5) = 2/3 = 66.6%
Use pseudocode to write MapReduce functions necessary to solve the problems below. Also, make sure to
fill out the correct data types. Some tips:
• The input to each MapReduce job is given by the signature of the map() function.
• The function emit(key k, value v) outputs the key-value pair (k, v).
• The for(var in list) syntax can be used to iterate through Iterables or you can call the
hasNext() and next() functions.
• Usable data types: int, float, String. You may also use lists and custom data types composed of
the aforementioned types.
• The method intersection(list1, list2) returns a list that is the intersection of list1 and list2.
1. Given the student’s name and the course taken, output each student’s name and total GPA.
Declare any custom data types here:
int courseID
float studentGrade // a number from 0-4
map(String student, CourseData value):
emit(student, value.studentGrade)
reduce( String key, Iterable< float > values):
points = classes = 0;
for (grade in grades)
points += grade;
emit(key, points / classes)
2. Given a person’s unique int ID and a list of the IDs of their friends, compute the list of mutual friends
between each pair of friends in a social network.
Declare any custom data types here:
int friendOne
int friendTwo
map(int personID, list<int> friendIDs):
for friendID in friendIDs
emit(FriendPair(personID, friendID), friendIDs)
reduce( FriendPair key, Iterable< list<int> > values):
emit(key, intersection(,
3. a) Given a set of coins and each coin’s owner, compute the number of coins of each denomination that a
person has.
Declare any custom data types here:
String person
String coinType
map(String person, String coinType):
emit(CoinPair(person, coinType), 1)
reduce(CoinPair key, Iterable< int > values):
n = 0;
for (value in values)
n += value
emit(key, n)
b) Using the output of the first MapReduce, compute the amount of money each person has. The function
valueOfCoin(String coinType) returns a float corresponding to the dollar value of the coin.
map(CoinPair key, int amount):
emit(key.person, valueOfCoin(key.coinType) * amount)
reduce(String key, Iterable< float > values):
acc = 0;
for (value in values)
acc += value
emit(key, acc)