(for example, "we will learn how to set up a repo and make a pull request using GitHub")
(for example, graduate students in ecology, mid career researchers, citizen scientists, new contributors to open source projects-- these can be narrow or broad as needed)
(if relevant... in person workshop, online resource)
(Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
(hours, mins)
(materials, tech, etc)
(topics or skills, like command line or gitHub)
(point to other tutorials or learning resources)
(clear and simple definitions, please)
(summary, context, how this topic is relevant, how the skill/info can be applied, specific example/examples when possible)
(number and detail each task that you'll need to complete)
(next lesson in sequence, or related follow-up tranings/resources)
(for example: Thanks to Stephanie Wright for assistance revising this template)