Please use the following settings to create a crowd-sourcing task at AMT.
- Title: Judge the Usefulness of a Statistical Dataset
- Description: Visit a webpage on a statistical dataset and judge the usefulness of it
- Keywords: website, classification
- Reward per assignment: $1.5
- Number of assignments per task: 3
- Time allotted per assignment: 1 hours
- Task expires in: 2 days
- Auto-approve and pay Workers in: 7 days
- Require that Workers be Masters to do your tasks: Yes
- Specify any additional qualifications Workers must meet to work on your tasks: - HIT Approval Rate (%) for all Requesters' HITs greater than 95 - Number of HITs Approved greater than 100 - Location is UNITED STATES (US)
- Project contains adult content: (NOT CHECKED)
- Task Visibility: Hidden
Please also find an HTML source of the task at amt-template.html