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An impelemntation of a Neural Dependency Parser

MST: The Maximum Spanning Tree Algorithm was done by Chu-Liu-Edmonds

  • This algorithm can be found in
  • To access it call the function mst:
    • The input should be a directed graph such that:
      • The root is 0
      • All other nodes are labeled 1 -> n
      • The graph is provided as a dictionary with keys being the nodes and the entries for each key being in turn a dictionary
      • The dictionary corresponding to node i should have keys for each j between 1 and n, and distinct from i, and for each such j, the entry is the weight for the arc from node i to j
    • The output is the Maximum Spanning Tree:
      • It is given as a dictionary where the entries are nodes
      • For each node i, there corresponding value is a new dictionary that gives the successors of i in the maximum spanning tree, and for each of them the corresponding weight
  • Call mst_one_out_root(graph) to have the maximum spanning tree such that there is only one outgoing edge from node 0 (root)
  • The file mst_Tim_Dozat contains the original file of Tim Dozat (, with correction added for the implementation of Chu-Liu-Edmonds, in the function chu_liu_edmonds
  • The file contains the automated testing procedure of ourimplementation of MST versus the corrected version of that of Tim Dozat
    • It is given as a dictionary where the entries are nodes
    • Call the function test, with two parameters namely the number of tests, no_tests, and the size of the testing graphs, size_graph, to find if the two algorithms agree on the maximum weight of a spanning tree
    • The procedure should return 'All fine!' if now diference wes found for no_tests many random graphs of sizes size_graph
    • If differences are found the alogrithm returns 'problem found:' followed by the details of the example to caused the fail
    • We've run this function with 1000 graphs of size 70, and no differences were found