Here I'm showing a fresh git pull of the repo, and a fresh(ish) install of the BBS. (no other mods, audit cleared)
The example is showing the creation of a new mod from the skeleton.
I run NEWMOD.BAT and create a new module called (Dev ID:ABC, MOD ID:BLOOP) ABCBLOOP.
I enter the fresh src directories it created in BBSV6/SRC; BBSV6/SRC/ABC/BLOOP
I build the module using make. In this case I'm using the MAKEMOD.BAT batch file, which is just
make -DPRETTY %1
for the ansi output. -
I start the BBS, add an entry to the
menu, and point the new menu option at the ABCBLOOP module. -
I hit 5-
the BBS starts and you can see ABCBLOOP in the audit log. -
I log in, select the menu option and you can see the module in use.
Here I'm showing another fresh git pull of the repo, and a fresh(ish) install of the BBS. (no other mods, audit cleared)
The example is showing the creation of another new module from the skeleton.
- I run NEWMOD.BAT and create a new module called (Dev ID:ABC, MOD ID:BLEEP) ABCBLEEP.
[Basically the same as 2-6]
I show that the output for option
isABCBLEEP v1.0.0
I stop the BBS, return to the module's source directory and open MODMAIN.C with BorlandC's BC.EXE
I go to line ~252 and change the prf statement from
prf("%s %s\n", MODNAM, MODVER);
prf("Module: %s Version: %s\n", MODNAM, MODVER);
I save the file, return to the command line and build the module using
make -DPRETTY all
(MAKEMOD.BAT would do the same, just showing it) -
I start the BBS, and then [Basically the same as 5-6]
I show that the output for option
isModule: ABCBLEEP Version: v1.0.0
Here we start where Example 2 left off. I'm showing the creation of a new module along-side the previous one.
[Basically 1-6] (Except calling the mod
) I'm showing that the newly created modules do not conflict with existing modules (Provided they are named uniquely.) and are managed in sub-directories of their own. -
After I log in I show that both BLEEP and OTHER are running side-by-side and working.