- Introduction and Plan the game
- Preparing Superpowers
- Programming the game logic
- Polishing the game
- Complete Game Source Reference
- To discover how easy it is to become a game developer (it is just about doing it)
- How to setup a first game project
- How to create a simple structure for a game and load assets
- How to build a scene with Actors and add components (camera, sprite renderer, text renderer, behavior)
- Code a game with the superpowers API and TypeScript
- Sup.Actor
- Sup.Input
- Sup.ArcadePhysics2D.Body (Sup.ArcadeBody2D)
- Sup.getActor( string ).getChild( string )
- Sup.Math.Ray
- Audio.playsound
- Sup.loadScene
- To discover than now, we are a game developer and than we can learn anything