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<html><head><title>Fluent: Your remote team.</title><meta charset="utf-8"><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"><meta content="Fluent is a global market network for professional co-creation, with a platform that helps builders and clients come together to make the best projects possible while minimising boring overhead busywork. Welcome to AMP – autonomy, mastery, and purpose." name="description"><meta content="The global market network for professional co-creation – Fluent" name="og:title"><meta content="https://fluent.to" name="og:url"><meta content="Fluent is a global market network for professional co-creation, with a platform that helps builders and clients come together to make the best projects possible while minimising boring overhead busywork. Welcome to AMP – autonomy, mastery, and purpose." name="og:description"><meta content="https://fluent.to/images/fluent-logo-512px.png" name="og:image"><meta content="summary" name="twitter:card"><meta content="https://fluent.to/images/fluent-logo-512px.png" name="twitter:image"><meta content="@FluentNetwork" name="twitter:site"><meta content="The global market network for professional co-creation – Fluent" name="twitter:title"><meta content="Fluent is a global market network for professional co-creation, with a platform that helps builders and clients come together to make the best projects possible while minimising boring overhead busywork. Welcome to AMP – autonomy, mastery, and purpose." name="twitter:description"><link href="main.css?259467746" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link href="https://fluent.to/" rel="canonical"><link href="/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon"><link href="/favicon-96x96.ico" rel="icon" sizes="96x96" type="image/png"><link href="/images/apple-icon-180x180.png" rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180"></head><body><div id="content-container"><div id="menu"><a href="#"><img src="images/ft.svg"></a><ul><li class="menu-item"><a href="#manifesto">Manifesto</a></li><li class="menu-item"><a href="#amp">Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose</a></li></ul><a class="button" href="#cta-bottom">Join now</a></div><div id="main-content"><div id="hero"><h1>Fluent</h1><h2>Your remote team.</h2><div class="image"></div></div><div class="block columns-2-2fr-1fr" id="fluent-platform"><p class="paragraph"><span class="inline-title">Fluent Network.</span>Fluent is a network and agency that facilitates the next generation workplace, focused on co-creation<sup>1</sup>. It is a distributed, flexible, virtual network of top talent, which connects the best people with the most meaningful projects irregardless of physical location, and takes care of the incidental complexity and overhead of running great projects with great outcomes.</p><p class="footnote">[1] Co-creation is when people come together with the primary purpose to make something larger than themselves, to join in a collaboration of creation and stand on the shoulders of giants. Cf with global themes like the <a href="https://makezine.com">Maker movement</a>, and the <a href="https://burningman.org">Burning Man conference</a> in Nevada.</p><p class="paragraph"><strong>If you're a developer, designer, or PM</strong> who wants to work on Fluent projects, <a href="#cta-bottom">click here to join our network</a>.</p><p class="paragraph"><strong>If you're a company</strong> with a digital project you want to get built, <a href="#cta-bottom">get in touch </a>to learn how Fluent can help organise your ideas into a plan for action.</p><p class="paragraph"><strong>If you just want to talk</strong> to one of us, we have public Office Hours. The topic can be anything related to what Fluent is about, so be creative! <a href="https://fluent.youcanbookme.com">Book a 30 minute video chat now</a>.</p></div><div class="block columns-2-2fr-1fr" id="manifesto"><p class="paragraph"><span class="inline-title">Fluent manifesto.</span>We believe that work is part of life — life should not be lived in breaks between work. These are some of our core beliefs:</p><ul class="paragraph"><li><strong>Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose (<a href="#amp">AMP</a><sup>2</sup>)</strong> over hierarchies, forced promotions, and working without caring.</li><li><strong>Fixed appetite and variable scope</strong> over fixed scope and false delivery dates.</li><li><strong>Clear, honest, sustainable commitments</strong> over <em>"move fast and break [both people and] things"</em>.</li><li><strong>Minimizing and automating away overhead to focus on the essential complexities of a project</strong> over multitasking between workstuff and busystuff ad insaneum.</li><li><strong>Meaningful projects</strong> over maximizing profits.</li><li><strong>Long term thinking</strong> over short term panic.</li></ul><p class="footnote">[2] See the wonderful <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc">illustrated companion</a> to Daniel Pink’s talk about <strong>Autonomy Mastery Purpose</strong>, made by <a href="https://www.thersa.org">the RSA</a>.</p><p class="paragraph">Today’s technology makes it possible to do knowledge work, and soon almost all kinds of work, from <a href="https://www.starlink.com/">practically anywhere</a>. But many companies still think locally and narrowly about their "human resources"<sup>3</sup>, forcing people to work long hours in environments where focus and flow and unstress is not a priority.</p><p class="footnote">[3] Our choice of words to replace the generic and loathed “human resource” and “consultant”, for all the important roles in a project, can be found <a href="#roles">below</a>. The most critical role in our mind is the <strong>Builder</strong> — a person whose primary responsibility is to create and build new things.</p><p class="paragraph">We believe that humans are not resources, and that with the aid of great processes and tools a person can do their best work from <em>wherever they feel they can do their best work</em>.</p></div><div class="block columns-2-2fr-1fr" id="inspiration"><p class="paragraph"><span class="inline-title">Inspiration.</span>Here are some things that inspire us:</p><ul class="paragraph"><li>The <a href="http://longnow.org">Long Now Foundation</a> & the <a href="https://www.norrskenhouse.org">Norrsken Foundation</a>.</li><li><a href="https://basecamp.com/shapeup">Shape Up</a> & <a href="https://basecamp.com/books/calm">It doesn’t have to be crazy at work</a> by Basecamp.</li><li><a href="https://medium.com/red-planet-labs/why-fully-distributed-is-by-far-the-best-way-to-run-a-software-team-d99abfc0c700">Why fully distributed is by far the best way to run a software team</a> by Red Planet Labs.</li><li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ">Awakening from the meaning crisis</a> by John Vervaeke.</li><li><a href="https://www.brainpickings.org/2013/05/09/daniel-pink-drive-rsa-motivation/">Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us</a> by Daniel Pink.</li><li><a href="https://29k.org/">29k: Personal growth programs</a> in app form, by our friends at <a href="https://www.norrskenfoundation.org">Norrsken</a> and <a href="https://ekskaret.se">Ekskäret</a> in Stockholm.</li><li><a href="https://www.reinventingorganizations.com/">Reinventing Organizations</a> by Frederic Laloux.</li></ul></div><hr><div class="block component-grid" id="amp"><div class="component" id="amp"><div class="component-inner"><img src="images/amp.svg"><h3>Autonomy. Mastery. Purpose.</h3><p>It is the core of what the Fluent Way is all about. Originated by Daniel Pink in his book <em>Drive</em>, <strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc">AMP</a></strong> defines our core set of values at Fluent. It crystalises three critical things that motivate us humans to do our best work: the desire for freedom, the striving for constant learning and improvement, and a sense of meaning in whatever we do.</p><p>When all three values are met, at least in some way, this can result in the rarified state of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)">flow</a> — that optimum state of creativity, problem solving, and an overall sense of well-being and meaning in the world.</p></div></div></div><hr><div id="cta-bottom"><div class="component-title"><h2 class="inline-title">Join now</h2></div><div class="block columns-2-1fr-1fr"><div class="cta-area"><h3>I am a Builder</h3><p>I want to work together with the best people in the world on truly meaningful projects, and do it in a sustainable and trustworthy way.</p><a class="button" href="https://airtable.com/shrIqZyY1ayFGxeXl">Join now</a></div><div class="cta-area"><h3>I have a project</h3><p>I want to get the top people and the best process aligned with my needs, to make my project successful.</p><a class="button" href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20have%20a%20project">Contact me</a></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="block">@ 2019-2020 Fluent Development AB, c/o <a href="https://www.norrskenhouse.org">Norrsken House</a> in Stockholm. <a href="/terms-cookies-policy">Terms of use & cookie policy.</a></footer><div><script src="//www.freeprivacypolicy.com/public/cookie-consent/3.1.0/cookie-consent.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {