Your branch should be named
), whereXYZ
is an issue number on GitHub. When your pull request is not related to any issue, branch name is arbitrary -
It is important to put meaningful description (in addition to issue number) in a pull request name
Run full build:
$ ./gradlew clean build
Make sure you wrote unit tests, both for new features or bug fixes
Add JavaDoc when applicable
You should avoid breaking backward compatibility, especially repackaging and changing
methods -
Be carefull when changing dependencies
You don't have to assign person and milestone
Document new features in Wiki, especially new configuration properties after they are merged
You should prefer rebasing your pull request instead of merging it. Let's assume that you have
a branch named cool-feature
. Here are instructions needed to rebase your branch on top of master:
$ git checkout cool-feature
$ git pull --rebase origin master
(Resolve conflicts if any. Squash commits if necessary.)
$ git push origin cool-feature -f
(Wait for Travis/Snap CI results, making sure your code isn't broken after rebase.)
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --ff-only cool-feature
$ git push origin master
GitHub will detect automatically these operations and mark your pull request as merged.
Note. If you prefer to merge with --ff-only from GUI (when possible) go to GitHub contact section and write about it. Sample message to copy/paste.
Hi. It would be useful to be able to optionally merge PRs without a merge commit from GUI (if there were no other commits to master in the meantime).