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266 lines (214 loc) · 7.1 KB

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266 lines (214 loc) · 7.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • nelson 1.0.0 merged in nelson-minimalist-core
  • nelson 0.7.9 merged in nelson-minimalist-core
  • nelson 0.7.4 merged in nelson-minimalist-core


  • some modules (nig, modules_manager, help_browser) reworked to use private functions.


  • Apply conda-forge/nelson-core-feedstock patches.

0.3.0 (2023-03-30)


  • function handle builtin added: func2str, function_handle_extraction isfunction_handle, function_handle_fieldnames function_handle_isequal, function_handle_isequaln function_handle_isequalto, str2func

  • validators builtin added: mustBeNumericOrLogical, mustBeLogical, mustBeLogicalScalar, mustBeFinite, mustBeScalarOrEmpty, mustBeValidVariableName, mustBeTextScalar, mustBeText, mustBeFolder, mustBeFile, mustBeVector, mustBeFloat, mustBeNumeric, mustBeNonempty, mustBeA, mustBePositive, mustBeNonnegative, mustBeNegative, mustBeNonpositive, mustBeNonNan, mustBeNonZero, mustBeNonSparse, mustBeReal, mustBeInteger, mustBeNonmissing, mustBeGreaterThan, mustBeLessThan, mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual, mustBeLessThanOrEqual, mustBeMember, mustBeInRange

  • files folders builtin added: pwd, dir cd, isdir isfolder, isfile fileparts, mkdir relativepath, rmdir copyfile, diff_file rmfile, pathsep filesep, fullpath tempdir, userdir, fullfile

  • interpreter builtin added: parsefile, parsestring, max_recursion_depth, iskeyword

  • console builtin added: clc, input, terminal_size

  • debugger builtin added: dbstack

  • integer builtin added: int8, int16 int32, int64 uint8, uint16 uint32, uint64 intmax, intmin

  • double builtin added: double, flintmax, realmax

  • assert_functions builtin added: assert_istrue, assert assert_isfalse, assert_checkerror assert_isequal, assert_isapprox

  • operators builtin added: plus, minus, uminus, uplus, and, colon, ctranspose, transpose, eq, ge, gt, le, lt, ne, ldivide, rdivide, mldivide, mrdivide, mtimes, times, not, or, any, all, power, mpower, shortcutor, shortcutand, subsindex, horzcat, vertcat, ismember,

  • data_structures builtin added: isfield, fieldnames, cellfun, namedargs2cell, getfield, rmfield, struct, iscellstr, cell, struct2cell, cell2struct

  • functions_manager builtin added: macroargs, builtin, feval, what, addpath, clearfun, rmpath, path, ismacro, isbuiltin, rehash, userpath, inmem

  • memory_manager builtin added: clear, who whos, global isglobal, persistent assignin, acquirevar varlock, varunlock varislock, isvar

  • error_manager builtin added: error, warning lasterror, lastwarn getLastReport, MException throw, throwAsCaller rethrow, MException_fieldnames

  • core builtin added: exit, run nfilename, mfilename execstr, eval evalc, evalin nargin, narginchk nargout, nargoutchk pause, namelengthmax, inputname

  • logical builtin added: logical, true, false, "xor,

  • single builtin added: single

  • data_analysis builtin added: prod, sum, cumsum, cumprod, ismissing, sort, max, min, conv2

  • statistics builtin added: corrcoef, var, mean

  • stream_manager builtin added: diary, fopen, fclose, fwrite, fread, fprintf, fgetl, fgets, ftell, frewind, fseek, fsize, dlmwrite, fileread, filewrite, feof, ferror, fscanf, sscanf

  • string builtin added: char, strcmp, strcmpi, strncmp, strncmpi, matches, tolower, lower, toupper, upper, strfind, int2str, num2str, str2double, mat2str, startsWith, endsWith, contains, count, strrep, replace, strtrim, deblank, strlength, string, strings, convertStringsToChars, convertCharsToStrings, blanks, strcat, append, isletter

  • time builtin added: tic, toc, sleep, datevec, timeit

  • constructors_function builtin added: eye, i, j, nan, NaN, inf, Inf, eps, pi, ones, zeros, diag

  • linear_algebra builtin added: sqrtm, logm, expm,, schur, trace, issymmetric, ishermitian, det

  • elementary_functions builtin added: size, length, reshape, real imag, complex, isequal, isequaln isequalto, numel, isapprox, ceil floor, fix, round, isnan isinf, isfinite, ndims, conj mod, abs, repmat, rem cast, norm, exp, log log10, log1p, sqrt, num2bin bin2num, base2dec, bin2dec hex2dec, dec2base, dec2bin, dec2hex linspace, log2, fliplr, flipud find, isvector, isscalar, triu tril, sign, hypot, permute

  • types module builtin added: class, isa, iscell, ischar isclass, isdouble, isempty, isfloat ishandle, isint8, isint16, isint32 isint64, isinteger, islogical, isnumeric isreal, issingle, issparse, isstring isuint8, isuint16, isuint32, isuint64 isvarname

  • #48: Add static build to CI.

  • #6: Windows build with cmake.

  • #24: CI build with Cmake on Windows.

  • #17: Add minimal tests to the CI.

  • plug trigonometric_functions module (currently only builtin) cos, sin, tan, cosh, sinh, tanh, acos, asin, atan, cosm, sinm, tanm, atan2, atanh

  • plug display_format module (format, disp, display, echo)

  • builtin loaded by gateway.


  • #47: Duplicate symbols errors when building nelson-minimalist-core on emscripten-forge.



  • #16: text_completion code imported.

  • #13: cmake packaging (Thanks to JohanMabille).

  • #11: plug 'addpath' builtin.


  • nelson.sln renamed to nelson-minimalist-core.sln

  • synchronized with complete version Nelson 0.6.12


  • #23: VariableCompleter was not filtered by prefix.

  • #8: Install nelson-minimalist-core in local environment

Thanks to JohanMabille, Hind-M and QuantStack for their helps for this initial version of nelson-minimalist-core.