- Auto-Publish
+ Auto-PublishAutopubliser
- Auto-Publish to {0}
+ Auto-Publish to {0}Autopubliser til {0}
- Review changes
+ Review changesSe gjennom endringene
- Apply
+ ApplyTa i bruk
- Apply changes
+ Apply changesBruk endringer
- Cancel
+ CancelAvbryt
- Back
+ BackTilbake
- Choose
+ ChooseVelg
- Type to search
+ Type to searchSkriv for å søke
- Content
+ ContentInnhold
- Node
+ NodeNode
- Content View
+ Content ViewInnholdsvisning
- Create after
+ Create afterOpprett etter
- Create new
+ Create newOpprett ny
- Close
+ CloseLukk
- Copy
+ CopyKopier
- Cut
+ CutKlipp ut
- Delete
+ DeleteSlett
- Yes, delete the element
+ Yes, delete the elementJa, slett elementet
- Delete the element
+ Delete the elementSlett elementet
- Discard
+ DiscardForkast
- Discard changes
+ Discard changesForkast endringer
- Edit title
+ Edit titleRediger tittel
- Edit / Preview
+ Edit / PreviewRediger / Forhåndsvis
- Edit
+ EditRediger
- Hide / Unhide
+ Hide / UnhideSkjul / Vis
- Hide
+ HideSkjul
- Unhide
+ UnhideOpphev skjuling
- into
+ intoinn i
- before
+ beforefør
- after
+ afteretter
- Loading
+ LoadingLaster inn
- New After
+ New AfterNy etter
- New Before
+ New BeforeNy før
- New Into
+ New IntoNy inn i
- Navigate
+ NavigateNaviger
- OK
- Page
+ PageSide
- Paste
+ PasteLim inn
- Paste After
+ Paste AfterLim inn etter
- Paste Before
+ Paste BeforeLim inn før
- Paste Into
+ Paste IntoLim inn i
- Password
+ PasswordPassord
- Preview
+ PreviewForhåndsvis
- Publish
+ PublishPubliser
- Publish to {0}
+ Publish to {0}Publiser til {0}
- Publish all changes for current page
+ Publish all changes for current pagePubliser alle endringer for gjeldende side
- Can't publish because the target workspace is read-only
+ Can't publish because the target workspace is read-onlyKan ikke publisere fordi arbeidsområdet du vil publisere til er skrivebeskyttet
- Select target workspace
+ Select target workspaceVelg et arbeidsområde
- Publishing
+ PublishingPublisering
- Published
+ PublishedPublisert
- Toggle publish menu
+ Toggle publish menuSlå av/på publiseringsmeny
- Target workspace
+ Target workspaceMålarbeidsområde
- Current workspace
+ Current workspaceGjeldende arbeidsområde
- Remove
+ RemoveFjern
- Refresh
+ RefreshOppdater
- Save
+ SaveLagre
- Saving
+ SavingLagrer...
- Saved
+ SavedLagret
- Search
+ SearchSøk
- Toggle inspector
+ Toggle inspectorVis/skjul inspektør
- Username
+ UsernameBrukernavn
- You
+ YouDeg
- [no title]
+ [no title][uten navn]
- Label
+ LabelEtikett
- Content Type
+ Content TypeNodetype
- Path
+ PathBane
- Relative Path
+ Relative PathRelativ bane
- Version
+ VersionVersjon
- This operation cannot be undone.
+ This operation cannot be undone.Denne operasjonen kan ikke angres.
- Asset
+ AssetRessurs
- Created
+ CreatedOpprettet
- Last modification
+ Last modificationSist endret
- Last publication
+ Last publicationSist publisert
- Identifier
+ IdentifierIdentifikator
- Name
+ NameNavn
- Workspace
+ WorkspaceArbeidsområde
- Structure
+ StructureStruktur
- Toggle context structure
+ Toggle context structureVelg kontekststruktur
- Filter
+ FilterFilter
- Toggle menu
+ Toggle menuVis/skjul meny
- Load error!
+ Load error!Feil under innlasting!
- You have to select a node
+ You have to select a nodeDu må velge en node
- The Root node cannot be deleted.
+ The Root node cannot be deleted.Rotnoden kan ikke slettes
- You cannot copy this node
+ You cannot copy this nodeDu kan ikke kopiere denne noden
- You cannot cut this node
+ You cannot cut this nodeDu kan ikke klippe ut denne noden
- Content Dimensions
+ Content DimensionsInnholdsdimensjoner
- Site
+ SiteSite
- Document
+ DocumentDokument
- Reference
+ ReferenceReferanse
- Host
+ HostVert
- Scheme
+ SchemeOppsett
- Port
+ PortPort
- Primary
+ PrimaryPrimært
- Package
+ PackagePackage
- Deactivated
+ DeactivatedDeactivated
- Unavailable
+ UnavailableUnavailable
- Inactive
+ InactiveInactive
- Click to edit
+ Click to editKlikk for å redigere
- Click to deactivate
+ Click to deactivateClick to deactivate
- Click to activate
+ Click to activateClick to activate
- Click to delete
+ Click to deleteKlikk for å slette
- Click to create new
+ Click to create newClick to create new
- Status
+ StatusStatus
- Active
+ ActiveActive
- Domains
+ DomainsDomains
- Domain
+ DomainDomain
- Yes, delete it!
+ Yes, delete it!Yes, delete it!
- Package Key
+ Package KeyPackage Key
- Description
+ DescriptionBeskrivelse
- Toggle content tree
+ Toggle content treeToggle content tree
- Show publish options
+ Show publish optionsShow publish options
- Activate Fullscreen edit mode
+ Activate Fullscreen edit modeActivate Fullscreen edit mode
- Deactivate Fullscreen edit mode
+ Deactivate Fullscreen edit modeDeactivate Fullscreen edit mode
- Show preview
+ Show previewShow preview
- General
+ GeneralGenerelt
- Structure
+ StructureStruktur
- Plugins
+ PluginsPlugins
- Click {0} to continue to the page.
+ Click {0} to continue to the page.Klikk {0} å fortsette til siden.
- Click {0} to see the file.
+ Click {0} to see the file.Klikk {0} for å se filen.
- Click {0} to open the link.
+ Click {0} to open the link.Klikk {0} for å åpne koblingen.
- (no target has been selected)
+ (no target has been selected)(ingen mål er valgt)
- This is a shortcut to the first child page.<br />Click {0} to continue to the page.
+ This is a shortcut to the first child page.<br />Click {0} to continue to the page.Dette er en snarvei til den første undersiden.<br />Klikk {0} for å fortsette til siden.
- This is a shortcut to the parent page.<br />Click {0} to continue to the page.
+ This is a shortcut to the parent page.<br />Click {0} to continue to the page.Dette er en snarvei til den overordnede siden. <br /> Klikk {0} å fortsette til siden.
- Full Screen
+ Full ScreenFullskjerm
- Open page in live workspace
+ Open page in live workspaceDeprecated, replaced by previewShortcutButton.titleÅpne siden i live-arbeidsområdet
- Open page in target workspace
+ Open page in target workspaceÅpne siden i valgt arbeidsområde
- Discard all
+ Discard allForkast alt
- Discard all changes
+ Discard all changesForkast alle endringer
- Are you sure that you want to discard all changes in this workspace?
+ Are you sure that you want to discard all changes in this workspace?Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste alle endringer i dette arbeidsområdet?
- Are you sure that you want to discard {numberOfChanges} change(s) in this workspace?
+ Are you sure that you want to discard {numberOfChanges} change(s) in this workspace?Are you sure that you want to discard {numberOfChanges} change(s) in this workspace?
- Publish all
+ Publish allPubliser alt
- Publish all changes
+ Publish all changesPubliser alle endringer
- Are you sure that you want to publish all changes?
+ Are you sure that you want to publish all changes?Er du sikker på at du vil publisere alle endringer?
- Pending changes
+ Pending changesVentende endringer
- Your personal workspace currently contains unpublished changes. In order to switch to a different target workspace you need to either publish or discard pending changes first.
+ Your personal workspace currently contains unpublished changes. In order to switch to a different target workspace you need to either publish or discard pending changes first.Det personlige arbeidsområde inneholder upubliserte endringer. For å bytte til et annet arbeidsområde må du enten publisere eller forkaste ventende endringer først.
- Please review your changes, publish or discard them, and then choose a new target workspace again.
+ Please review your changes, publish or discard them, and then choose a new target workspace again.Se gjennom endringene og publiser eller forkast dem og velg deretter et nytt arbeidsområde.
- Editing Modes
+ Editing ModesRedigeringsmoduser
- Preview Central
+ Preview CentralForhåndsvisningssentral
- You still have changes. What do you want to do with them?
+ You still have changes. What do you want to do with them?Du har fortsatt endringer. Hva vil du gjøre med dem?
- Selected element
+ Selected elementMarkert element
- There are fields that are not correctly filled in.
+ There are fields that are not correctly filled in.Det er felt som ikke er fylt ut riktig.
- The fields marked with an error are not yet correctly filled in. Please complete them properly.
+ The fields marked with an error are not yet correctly filled in. Please complete them properly.Feltene merket med feil er ikke ennå riktig fylt ut. Fyll dem ut riktig.
- Continue editing
+ Continue editingFortsett redigeringen
- Throw away
+ Throw awayForkast
- Apply
+ ApplyTa i bruk
- Select a Plugin
+ Select a PluginVelg en plugin
- No plugin configured
+ No plugin configuredIngen plugin konfigurert
- view is displayed on page
+ view is displayed on pagevisningen finnes på siden
- view is displayed on current page
+ view is displayed on current pagevisningen finnes på den aktive siden
- No date set
+ No date setIngen dato
- Edit code
+ Edit codeRediger kode
- Paste a link, or type to search
+ Paste a link, or type to searchLim inn en kobling eller skriv for å søke
- Unable to load sub node types of:
+ Unable to load sub node types of:Kan ikke laste inn undernoden av typen:
- Change type
+ Change typeEndre type
- Additional info
+ Additional infoYtterligere info
- Visibility
+ VisibilitySynlighet
- Document options
+ Document optionsDokumentegenskaper
- The length of this text must be between {minimum} and {maximum} characters.
+ The length of this text must be between {minimum} and {maximum} characters.Lengden på denne teksten må være mellom {{minimum}} og {{maximum}} tegn.
- This field must contain at least {minimum} characters.
+ This field must contain at least {minimum} characters.Dette feltet må inneholde minst {{minimum}} tegn.
- This text may not exceed {maximum} characters.
+ This text may not exceed {maximum} characters.Denne teksten kan ikke være lenger enn {{maximum}} tegn.
- Only regular characters (a to z, umlauts, ...) and numbers are allowed.
+ Only regular characters (a to z, umlauts, ...) and numbers are allowed.Bare vanlige tegn (a til å, omlyder, m. fl.) og tall er tillatt.
- The given subject was not countable.
+ The given subject was not countable.Verdien var ikke tellbar.
- The count must be between {minimum} and {maximum}.
+ The count must be between {minimum} and {maximum}.Antallet må være mellom {{minimum}} og {{maximum}}.
- The given value was not a valid date.
+ The given value was not a valid date.Den gitte verdien var ikke en gyldig dato.
- The given date must be between {formatEarliestDate} and {formatLatestDate}
+ The given date must be between {formatEarliestDate} and {formatLatestDate}Den angitte datoen må være mellom {{formatEarliestDate}} og {{formatLatestDate}}
- The given date must be after {formatEarliestDate}
+ The given date must be after {formatEarliestDate}Den angitte datoen må være etter {{formatEarliestDate}}
- The given date must be before {formatLatestDate}
+ The given date must be before {formatLatestDate}Den angitte datoen må være før {{formatLatestDate}}
- Please specify a valid email address.
- Angi en gyldig epostadresse.
+ Please specify a valid email address.
+ Angi en gyldig e-postadresse.
- A valid float number is expected.
+ A valid float number is expected.Verdien må være et gyldig desimaltall.
- A valid integer number is expected.
+ A valid integer number is expected.Verdien må være et gyldig heltall.
- Only letters, numbers, spaces and certain punctuation marks are expected.
+ Only letters, numbers, spaces and certain punctuation marks are expected.Bare bokstaver, tall, mellomrom og visse tegn kan brukes.
- This property is required.
+ This property is required.Denne verdien er påkrevet.
- A valid number is expected.
+ A valid number is expected.Verdien må være et gyldig tall.
- Please enter a valid number between {minimum} and {maximum}
+ Please enter a valid number between {minimum} and {maximum}Angi et tall mellom {{minimum}} og {{maximum}}
- The given subject did not match the pattern ({pattern})
+ The given subject did not match the pattern ({pattern})Verdien samsvarte ikke med mønsteret ({{pattern}})
- A valid string is expected.
+ A valid string is expected.Verdien må være en tekst.
- Valid text without any XML tags is expected.
+ Valid text without any XML tags is expected.Teksten må være uten XML-tagger.
- The given subject is not a valid UUID.
+ The given subject is not a valid UUID.Verdien er ikke en gyldig UUID.
- Toggle content dimensions selector
+ Toggle content dimensions selectorVis/skjul velger for innholdsdimensjoner
- Start with an empty or pre-filled document?
+ Start with an empty or pre-filled document?Start med et tomt eller forhåndsutfylt dokument?
- This {nodeTypeLabel} does not exist yet in {currentDimensionChoiceText}.
+ This {nodeTypeLabel} does not exist yet in {currentDimensionChoiceText}.Denne {nodeTypeLabel} eksisterer ikke ennå i {currentDimensionChoiceText}.
- You can create it now, either starting with an empty {nodeTypeLabel} or copying all content from the currently visible {nodeTypeLabel} in {currentDocumentDimensionChoiceText}.
+ You can create it now, either starting with an empty {nodeTypeLabel} or copying all content from the currently visible {nodeTypeLabel} in {currentDocumentDimensionChoiceText}.Du kan opprette den nå, enten ved å starte med en tom {nodeTypeLabel} eller å kopiere innholdet fra den nåværende, synlige {nodeTypeLabel} i {currentDocumentDimensionChoiceText}.
- Additionally, there are {numberOfNodesMissingInRootline} ancestor documents which do not exist in the chosen variant either, and which will be created as well.
+ Additionally, there are {numberOfNodesMissingInRootline} ancestor documents which do not exist in the chosen variant either, and which will be created as well.I tillegg er det {numberOfNodesMissingInRootline} forgjenger-dokumenter som ikke eksisterer i den valgte varienten heller, som vil opprettes.
- Create empty
+ Create emptyOpprett tom
- Create and copy
+ Create and copyOpprett og kopier
- Content
+ ContentInnhold
- Toggle menu group
+ Toggle menu groupVis/skjul menygruppe
- Toggle sticky menu mode
+ Toggle sticky menu modeSkru av/på festbar meny-modus
- Do you really want to delete
+ Do you really want to deleteØnsker du virkelig å slette
- This will delete the element
+ This will delete the elementDette vil slette elementet
- and it's children
+ and it's childrenog dets underelementer
- This action can be undone in the workspace management.
+ This action can be undone in the workspace management.Denne handlingen kan angres i administrasjonsmodulen for arbeidsområder.
- Height
+ HeightHøyde
- Do you really want to delete
+ Do you really want to deleteØnsker du virkelig å slette
- this element
+ this elementdette elementet
- This will delete the element.
+ This will delete the element.Dette vil slette elementet.
- This action can be undone in the workspace management.
+ This action can be undone in the workspace management.Denne handlingen kan angres i administrasjonsmodulen for arbeidsområder.
- Media
+ MediaMedia
- Crop
+ CropBeskjær
- Width
+ WidthBredde
- Missing required property:
+ Missing required property: Mangler nødvendig verdi:
- Workspace
+ WorkspaceArbeidsområde
- Workspaces
+ WorkspacesArbeidsområder
- An error occurred during saving
+ An error occurred during savingFeil under lagring
- Reload the page to attempt to fix the problem.
+ Reload the page to attempt to fix the problem.Oppdater siden for å løse problemet.
- Reload the backend
+ Reload the backendLast inn backend på nytt
- Reload
+ ReloadLast inn på nytt
- In-Place
+ In-PlaceDirekte
- Raw Content
+ Raw ContentUten layout
- Raw Content Mode
+ Raw Content ModeRå innholds-modus
- Desktop
+ DesktopSkrivebord
- Login to
+ Login toInnlogging for TYPO3 Neos
- Authenticating
+ AuthenticatingGodkjenner
- Logout
+ LogoutLogg ut
- The entered username or password was wrong
+ The entered username or password was wrongDet inntastede brukernavnet eller passordet er feil
- Your login has expired. Please log in again.
+ Your login has expired. Please log in again.Din innlogging har utløpt. Vennligst logg inn på nytt.
- Welcome to Neos
+ Welcome to NeosWelcome to Neos
- Go to setup
+ Go to setupGå til oppsett
- Technical Information
+ Technical InformationTechnical Information
- Missing Homepage
+ Missing HomepageMangler Hjem-side
- Either no site has been defined, the site does not contain a homepage or the active site couldn't be determined.
+ Either no site has been defined, the site does not contain a homepage or the active site couldn't be determined.Enten har ingen nettsteder blitt definert eller nettstedet mangler en hjem-side eller det var umulig å fastslå hvilket nettsted som er aktivt.
- You might want to set the site's domain or import a new site in the setup.
+ You might want to set the site's domain or import a new site in the setup.Du kan angi domenet til nettstedet eller importere et nytt område.
- Database Error
+ Database ErrorDatabasefeil
- There is no database connection yet or the Neos database schema has not been created.
+ There is no database connection yet or the Neos database schema has not been created.There is no database connection yet or the Neos database schema has not been created.
- Run the setup to configure your database.
+ Run the setup to configure your database.Run the setup to configure your database.
- Page Not Found
+ Page Not FoundFinner ikke siden
- Sorry, the page you requested was not found.
+ Sorry, the page you requested was not found.Beklager, men den ønskede siden ble ikke funnet.
- Invalid NodeType
+ Invalid NodeTypeUgyldig nodetype
- The configuration of the NodeType that is supposed to be rendered here is not available. Probably you renamed the NodeType and are missing a migration or you simply misspelled it.
+ The configuration of the NodeType that is supposed to be rendered here is not available. Probably you renamed the NodeType and are missing a migration or you simply misspelled it.Konfigurasjonen av nodetypen som skal gjengis her er ikke tilgjengelig. Sannsynligvis har du omdøpt nodetypen og mangler en migrasjon eller du har feilstavet navnet.
- Unexpected error while creating node
+ Unexpected error while creating nodeEn uforventet feil oppsto under oppretting av node
- Unexpected error while deleting node
+ Unexpected error while deleting nodeEn uforventet feil oppsto under sletting av node
- Unexpected error while updating node
+ Unexpected error while updating nodeEn uforventet feil oppsto under oppdatering av node
- Unexpected error while moving node
+ Unexpected error while moving nodeEn uforventet feil oppsto under flytting av node
- Node Tree loading error.
+ Node Tree loading error.Feil under lasting av nodetre
- The entered username or password was wrong
+ The entered username or password was wrongDet inntastede brukernavnet eller passordet er feil
- "{nodeTypeName}" on page "{pageLabel}"
+ "{nodeTypeName}" on page "{pageLabel}""{nodeTypeName}" på siden "{pageLabel}"
- Nodes
+ NodesNoder
- Show
+ ShowVis
- This node cannot be accessed through a public URL
+ This node cannot be accessed through a public URLDenne noden kan ikke nås gjennom en offentlig URL-adresse
- Node Properties
+ Node PropertiesEgenskaper for node
- Copy {source} to {target}
+ Copy {source} to {target}Copy {source} to {target}
- Move {source} to {target}
+ Move {source} to {target}Move {source} to {target}
- Please select the position at which you want {source} inserted relative to {target}.
+ Please select the position at which you want {source} inserted relative to {target}.Please select the position at which you want {source} inserted relative to {target}.
- Insert
+ InsertInsert
- Insert mode
+ Insert modeInsert mode
- Choose an Aspect Ratio
+ Choose an Aspect RatioChoose an Aspect Ratio
- Bold
+ BoldBold
- Italic
+ ItalicItalic
- Underline
+ UnderlineUnderline
- Subscript
+ SubscriptSubscript
- Superscript
+ SuperscriptSuperscript
- Strikethrough
+ StrikethroughStrikethrough
- Link
+ LinkLink
- Ordered list
+ Ordered listOrdered list
- Unordered list
+ Unordered listUnordered list
- Align left
+ Align leftAlign left
- Align right
+ Align rightAlign right
- Align center
+ Align centerAlign center
- Align justify
+ Align justifyAlign justify
- Table
+ TableTable
- Remove format
+ Remove formatRemove format
- Outdent
+ OutdentOutdent
- Indent
+ IndentIndent
- Create new
+ Create newOpprett ny
- No matches found
+ No matches foundNo matches found
- Please enter ###CHARACTERS### more character
+ Please enter ###CHARACTERS### more characterPlease enter ###CHARACTERS### more character
- Wrong Credentials
+ Wrong CredentialsWrong Credentials
- The entered username or password was wrong
+ The entered username or password was wrongDet inntastede brukernavnet eller passordet er feil
- Logged Out
+ Logged OutLogged Out
- Successfully logged out
+ Successfully logged outSuccessfully logged out
- Switch back to the orginal user account
+ Switch back to the orginal user accountBytt tilbake til den opprinnelige brukerkontoen
- Switched back from "{0}" to the orginal user "{1}"
+ Switched back from "{0}" to the orginal user "{1}"Byttet tilbake fra «{0}» til den opprinnelige brukeren «{1}»
- Could not switch back to the original user.
+ Could not switch back to the original user.Kunne ikke bytte tilbake til opprinnelig bruker.
- Back to user "{0}"
+ Back to user "{0}"Tilbake til {0}-brukeren
- Switched to the new user "{0}".
+ Switched to the new user "{0}".Byttet til den nye {0}-brukeren.
- Could not switch to the selected user.
+ Could not switch to the selected user.Kunne ikke bytte til valgt bruker.
- Login as user
+ Login as userLogg inn som bruker