All Notable changes to laravel-invoice
will be documented in this file.
Updates should follow the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.
- Illuminate Support ^7.0
- IsInvoiceable trait for "product" like models
method for collecting invoices by invoiced modelsfindByRelated()
method for collecting invoices by invoice receiver models- BaseModel created
- Version fixed in changelog
- Test coverage
- Bills for receiving invoices
- Free or complimentary sale for invoice lines
- Polymorphic customer and polymorphic product relationships
- Service layer
- Multiple tax for each invoice line
- Supporting fixed or percentage tax
- Configurable table names
- Package name
- File structure
- Readme for new distribution
To follow original repository, please see sandervanhooft/laravel-invoicable.
Former changes (changelog of original):
### Added
- for new features
### Changed
- for changes in existing functionality
### Deprecated
- for soon-to-be removed features
### Fixed
- for any bug fixes
### Removed
- for now removed features
### Security
- in case of vulnerabilities