diff --git a/ecs-deploy b/ecs-deploy
index b3a7021..b113356 100755
--- a/ecs-deploy
+++ b/ecs-deploy
@@ -1,408 +1,462 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -o errexit
-set -o pipefail
-set -u
+# Setup default values for variables
+AWS_CLI=$(which aws)
+AWS_ECS="$AWS_CLI --output json ecs"
+# Define regex for image name
+# This regex will create groups for:
+# - domain
+# - port
+# - repo
+# - image
+# - tag
+# If a group is missing it will be an empty string
 function usage() {
-    set -e
+    #set -e
     cat <<EOM
-    ##### ecs-deploy #####
-    Simple script for triggering blue/green deployments on Amazon Elastic Container Service
-    https://github.com/silinternational/ecs-deploy
+##### ecs-deploy #####
+Simple script for triggering blue/green deployments on Amazon Elastic Container Service
-    One of the following is required:
-        -n | --service-name     Name of service to deploy
-        -d | --task-definition  Name of task definition to deploy
+One of the following is required:
+    -n | --service-name     Name of service to deploy
+    -d | --task-definition  Name of task definition to deploy
-    Required arguments:
-        -k | --aws-access-key        AWS Access Key ID. May also be set as environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
-        -s | --aws-secret-key        AWS Secret Access Key. May also be set as environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
-        -r | --region                AWS Region Name. May also be set as environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
-        -p | --profile               AWS Profile to use - If you set this aws-access-key, aws-secret-key and region are needed
-        -c | --cluster               Name of ECS cluster
-        -i | --image                 Name of Docker image to run, ex: repo/image:latest
-                                     Format: [domain][:port][/repo][/][image][:tag]
-                                     Examples: mariadb, mariadb:latest, silintl/mariadb,
-                                               silintl/mariadb:latest, private.registry.com:8000/repo/image:tag
-        --aws-instance-profile  Use the IAM role associated with this instance
+Required arguments:
+    -k | --aws-access-key        AWS Access Key ID. May also be set as environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
+    -s | --aws-secret-key        AWS Secret Access Key. May also be set as environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
+    -r | --region                AWS Region Name. May also be set as environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
+    -p | --profile               AWS Profile to use - If you set this aws-access-key, aws-secret-key and region are needed
+    -c | --cluster               Name of ECS cluster
+    -i | --image                 Name of Docker image to run, ex: repo/image:latest
+                                 Format: [domain][:port][/repo][/][image][:tag]
+                                 Examples: mariadb, mariadb:latest, silintl/mariadb,
+                                           silintl/mariadb:latest, private.registry.com:8000/repo/image:tag
+    --aws-instance-profile  Use the IAM role associated with this instance
-    Optional arguments:
-        -D | --desired-count    The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service.
-        -m | --min              minumumHealthyPercent: The lower limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment.
-        -M | --max              maximumPercent: The upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment.
-        -t | --timeout          Default is 90s. Script monitors ECS Service for new task definition to be running.
-        -e | --tag-env-var      Get image tag name from environment variable. If provided this will override value specified in image name argument.
-        --max-definitions       Number of Task Definition Revisions to persist before deregistering oldest revisions.
-        -v | --verbose          Verbose output
+Optional arguments:
+    -D | --desired-count    The number of instantiations of the task to place and keep running in your service.
+    -m | --min              minumumHealthyPercent: The lower limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment.
+    -M | --max              maximumPercent: The upper limit on the number of running tasks during a deployment.
+    -t | --timeout          Default is 90s. Script monitors ECS Service for new task definition to be running.
+    -e | --tag-env-var      Get image tag name from environment variable. If provided this will override value specified in image name argument.
+    --max-definitions       Number of Task Definition Revisions to persist before deregistering oldest revisions.
+    -v | --verbose          Verbose output
-    Requirements:
-        aws:  AWS Command Line Interface
-        jq:   Command-line JSON processor
+    aws:  AWS Command Line Interface
+    jq:   Command-line JSON processor
-    Examples:
-      Simple deployment of a service (Using env vars for AWS settings):
+  Simple deployment of a service (Using env vars for AWS settings):
-        ecs-deploy -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman:latest
+    ecs-deploy -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman:latest
-      All options:
+  All options:
-        ecs-deploy -k ABC123 -s SECRETKEY -r us-east-1 -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman -t 240 -e CI_TIMESTAMP -v
+    ecs-deploy -k ABC123 -s SECRETKEY -r us-east-1 -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman -t 240 -e CI_TIMESTAMP -v
-      Updating a task definition with a new image:
+  Updating a task definition with a new image:
-        ecs-deploy -d open-door-task -i docker.repo.com/doorman:17
+    ecs-deploy -d open-door-task -i docker.repo.com/doorman:17
-      Using profiles (for STS delegated credentials, for instance):
+  Using profiles (for STS delegated credentials, for instance):
-        ecs-deploy -p PROFILE -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman -t 240 -e CI_TIMESTAMP -v
+    ecs-deploy -p PROFILE -c production1 -n doorman-service -i docker.repo.com/doorman -t 240 -e CI_TIMESTAMP -v
-    Notes:
-      - If a tag is not found in image and an ENV var is not used via -e, it will default the tag to "latest"
+  - If a tag is not found in image and an ENV var is not used via -e, it will default the tag to "latest"
-    exit 2
+    exit 3
-if [ $# == 0 ]; then usage; fi
 # Check requirements
-function require {
+function require() {
     command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
         echo "Some of the required software is not installed:"
         echo "    please install $1" >&2;
-        exit 1;
+        exit 4;
-# Check for AWS, AWS Command Line Interface
-require aws
-# Check for jq, Command-line JSON processor
-require jq
+# Check that all required variables/combinations are set
+function assertRequiredArgumentsSet() {
-# Setup default values for variables
-AWS_CLI=$(which aws)
-AWS_ECS="$AWS_CLI --output json ecs"
+    # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and AWS_PROFILE can be set as environment variables
+    if [ -z ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID+x} ]; then unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID; fi
+    if [ -z ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY+x} ]; then unset AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY; fi
+    if [ -z ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION+x} ];
+      then unset AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
+      else
+              AWS_ECS="$AWS_ECS --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"
+    fi
+    if [ -z ${AWS_PROFILE+x} ];
+      then unset AWS_PROFILE
+      else
+              AWS_ECS="$AWS_ECS --profile $AWS_PROFILE"
+    fi
-# Loop through arguments, two at a time for key and value
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
-    key="$1"
+    if [ $VERBOSE == true ]; then
+        set -x
+    fi
-    case $key in
-        -k|--aws-access-key)
-            AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        -s|--aws-secret-key)
-            AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        -r|--region)
-            AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        -p|--profile)
-            AWS_PROFILE="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        --aws-instance-profile)
-            echo "--aws-instance-profile is not yet in use"
-            AWS_IAM_ROLE=true
-            ;;
-        -c|--cluster)
-            CLUSTER="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        -n|--service-name)
-            SERVICE="$2"
-            shift # past argument
-            ;;
-        -d|--task-definition)
-            TASK_DEFINITION="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -i|--image)
-            IMAGE="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -t|--timeout)
-            TIMEOUT="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -m|--min)
-            MIN="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -M|--max)
-            MAX="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -D|--desired-count)
-            DESIRED="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -e|--tag-env-var)
-            TAGVAR="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        --max-definitions)
-            MAX_DEFINITIONS="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -v|--verbose)
-            VERBOSE=true
-            ;;
-        *)
-            usage
-            exit 2
-        ;;
-    esac
-    shift # past argument or value
-if [ -z ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID+x} ]; then unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID; fi
-if [ -z ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY+x} ]; then unset AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY; fi
-if [ -z ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION+x} ];
-  then unset AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
-  else
-          AWS_ECS="$AWS_ECS --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"
-if [ -z ${AWS_PROFILE+x} ];
-  then unset AWS_PROFILE
-  else
-          AWS_ECS="$AWS_ECS --profile $AWS_PROFILE"
+    if [ $SERVICE == false ] && [ $TASK_DEFINITION == false ]; then
+        echo "One of SERVICE or TASK DEFINITON is required. You can pass the value using -n / --service-name for a service, or -d / --task-definiton for a task"
+        exit 5
+    fi
+    if [ $SERVICE != false ] && [ $TASK_DEFINITION != false ]; then
+        echo "Only one of SERVICE or TASK DEFINITON may be specified, but you supplied both"
+        exit 6
+    fi
+    if [ $SERVICE != false ] && [ $CLUSTER == false ]; then
+        echo "CLUSTER is required. You can pass the value using -c or --cluster"
+        exit 7
+    fi
+    if [ $IMAGE == false ]; then
+        echo "IMAGE is required. You can pass the value using -i or --image"
+        exit 8
+    fi
+    if ! [[ $MAX_DEFINITIONS =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+        echo "MAX_DEFINITIONS must be numeric, or not defined."
+        exit 9
+    fi
-if [ $VERBOSE == true ]; then
-    set -x
-if [ $SERVICE == false ] && [ $TASK_DEFINITION == false ]; then
-    echo "One of SERVICE or TASK DEFINITON is required. You can pass the value using -n / --service-name for a service, or -d / --task-definiton for a task"
-    exit 1
-if [ $SERVICE != false ] && [ $TASK_DEFINITION != false ]; then
-    echo "Only one of SERVICE or TASK DEFINITON may be specified, but you supplied both"
-    exit 1
-if [ $SERVICE != false ] && [ $CLUSTER == false ]; then
-    echo "CLUSTER is required. You can pass the value using -c or --cluster"
-    exit 1
-if [ $IMAGE == false ]; then
-    echo "IMAGE is required. You can pass the value using -i or --image"
-    exit 1
-if ! [[ $MAX_DEFINITIONS =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
-    echo "MAX_DEFINITIONS must be numeric, or not defined."
-    exit 1
+function parseImageName() {
-# Define regex for image name
-# This regex will create groups for:
-# - domain
-# - port
-# - repo
-# - image
-# - tag
-# If a group is missing it will be an empty string
+    if [[ $IMAGE =~ $imageRegex ]]; then
+      # Define variables from matching groups
+      domain=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+      port=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
+      repo=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
+      img=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}
+      tag=${BASH_REMATCH[5]}
-if [[ $IMAGE =~ $imageRegex ]]; then
-  # Define variables from matching groups
-  domain=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
-  port=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
-  repo=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
-  img=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}
-  tag=${BASH_REMATCH[5]}
-  # Validate what we received to make sure we have the pieces needed
-  if [[ "x$domain" == "x" ]]; then
-    echo "Image name does not contain a domain or repo as expected. See usage for supported formats." && exit 1;
-  fi
-  if [[ "x$repo" == "x" ]]; then
-    echo "Image name is missing the actual image name. See usage for supported formats." && exit 1;
-  fi
-  # When a match for image is not found, the image name was picked up by the repo group, so reset variables
-  if [[ "x$img" == "x" ]]; then
-    img=$repo
-    repo=""
-  fi
-  # check if using root level repo with format like mariadb or mariadb:latest
-  rootRepoRegex="^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+):?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)?$"
-  if [[ $IMAGE =~ $rootRepoRegex ]]; then
-    img=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
-    if [[ "x$img" == "x" ]]; then
-      echo "Invalid image name. See usage for supported formats." && exit 1
+      # Validate what we received to make sure we have the pieces needed
+      if [[ "x$domain" == "x" ]]; then
+        echo "Image name does not contain a domain or repo as expected. See usage for supported formats."
+        exit 10;
+      fi
+      if [[ "x$repo" == "x" ]]; then
+        echo "Image name is missing the actual image name. See usage for supported formats."
+        exit 11;
+      fi
+      # When a match for image is not found, the image name was picked up by the repo group, so reset variables
+      if [[ "x$img" == "x" ]]; then
+        img=$repo
+        repo=""
+      fi
+    else
+      # check if using root level repo with format like mariadb or mariadb:latest
+      rootRepoRegex="^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+):?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)?$"
+      if [[ $IMAGE =~ $rootRepoRegex ]]; then
+        img=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+        if [[ "x$img" == "x" ]]; then
+          echo "Invalid image name. See usage for supported formats."
+          exit 12
+        fi
+        tag=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
+      else
+        echo "Unable to parse image name: $IMAGE, check the format and try again"
+        exit 13
+      fi
-    tag=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
-  else
-    echo "Unable to parse image name: $IMAGE, check the format and try again" && exit 1
-  fi
-# If tag is missing make sure we can get it from env var, or use latest as default
-if [[ "x$tag" == "x" ]]; then
-  if [[ $TAGVAR == false ]]; then
-    tag="latest"
-  else
-    tag=${!TAGVAR}
+    # If tag is missing make sure we can get it from env var, or use latest as default
     if [[ "x$tag" == "x" ]]; then
-      tag="latest"
+      if [[ $TAGVAR == false ]]; then
+        tag="latest"
+      else
+        tag=${!TAGVAR}
+        if [[ "x$tag" == "x" ]]; then
+          tag="latest"
+        fi
+      fi
-  fi
-# Reassemble image name
-if [[ ! -z ${domain+undefined-guard} ]]; then
-  useImage="$domain"
-if [[ ! -z ${port} ]]; then
-  useImage="$useImage:$port"
-if [[ ! -z ${repo+undefined-guard} ]]; then
- if [[ ! "x$repo" == "x" ]]; then
-  useImage="$useImage/$repo"
- fi
-if [[ ! -z ${img+undefined-guard} ]]; then
-  if [[ "x$useImage" == "x" ]]; then
-    useImage="$img"
-  else
-    useImage="$useImage/$img"
-  fi
-if [[ ! -z ${tag+undefined-guard} ]]; then
-  useImage="$useImage:$tag"
+    # Reassemble image name
+    if [[ ! -z ${domain+undefined-guard} ]]; then
+      useImage="$domain"
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z ${port} ]]; then
+      useImage="$useImage:$port"
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z ${repo+undefined-guard} ]]; then
+     if [[ ! "x$repo" == "x" ]]; then
+      useImage="$useImage/$repo"
+     fi
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z ${img+undefined-guard} ]]; then
+      if [[ "x$useImage" == "x" ]]; then
+        useImage="$img"
+      else
+        useImage="$useImage/$img"
+      fi
+    fi
+    imageWithoutTag="$useImage"
+    if [[ ! -z ${tag+undefined-guard} ]]; then
+      useImage="$useImage:$tag"
+    fi
-echo "Using image name: $useImage"
+    # If in test mode output $useImage
+    if [ "$BASH_SOURCE" != "$0" ]; then
+      echo $useImage
+    fi
-if [ $SERVICE != false ]; then
-  # Get current task definition name from service
-  TASK_DEFINITION=`$AWS_ECS describe-services --services $SERVICE --cluster $CLUSTER | jq -r .services[0].taskDefinition`
+function getCurrentTaskDefinition() {
+    if [ $SERVICE != false ]; then
+      # Get current task definition name from service
+      TASK_DEFINITION_ARN=`$AWS_ECS describe-services --services $SERVICE --cluster $CLUSTER | jq -r .services[0].taskDefinition`
+      TASK_DEFINITION=`$AWS_ECS describe-task-definition --task-def $TASK_DEFINITION`
+    fi
-echo "Current task definition: $TASK_DEFINITION";
-# Get a JSON representation of the current task definition
-# + Update definition to use new image name
-# + Filter the def
-DEF=$( $AWS_ECS describe-task-definition --task-def $TASK_DEFINITION \
-        | sed -e "s|\"image\": *\"${imageWithoutTag}:.*\"|\"image\": \"${useImage}\"|g" \
-        | sed -e "s|\"image\": *\"${imageWithoutTag}\"|\"image\": \"${useImage}\"|g" \
-        | jq '.taskDefinition' )
-# Default JQ filter for new task definition
-NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="family: .family, volumes: .volumes, containerDefinitions: .containerDefinitions"
-# Some options in task definition should only be included in new definition if present in
-# current definition. If found in current definition, append to JQ filter.
-CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS=(networkMode taskRoleArn)
-for i in "${CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS[@]}"; do
-  re=".*${i}.*"
-  if [[ "$DEF" =~ $re ]]; then
-    NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="${NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER}, ${i}: .${i}"
-  fi
-# Build new DEF with jq filter
-NEW_DEF=$(echo $DEF | jq "{${NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER}}")
-# Register the new task definition, and store its ARN
-NEW_TASKDEF=`$AWS_ECS register-task-definition --cli-input-json "$NEW_DEF" | jq -r .taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn`
-echo "New task definition: $NEW_TASKDEF";
-if [ $SERVICE == false ]; then
-  echo "Task definition updated successfully"
-  if [ $MAX != false ]; then
-    DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=",maximumPercent=$MAX"
-  fi
-  if [ $MIN != false ]; then
-  fi
-  if [ ! -z "$DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG" ]; then
-    DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG="--deployment-configuration ${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG:1}"
-  fi
-  if [ ! -z ${DESIRED+undefined-guard} ]; then
-    DESIRED_COUNT="--desired-count $DESIRED"
-  fi
-  # Update the service
-  UPDATE=`$AWS_ECS update-service --cluster $CLUSTER --service $SERVICE $DESIRED_COUNT --task-definition $NEW_TASKDEF $DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG`
-  # Only excepts RUNNING state from services whose desired-count > 0
-  SERVICE_DESIREDCOUNT=`$AWS_ECS describe-services --cluster $CLUSTER --service $SERVICE | jq '.services[]|.desiredCount'`
-  if [ $SERVICE_DESIREDCOUNT -gt 0 ]; then
-    # See if the service is able to come up again
-    every=10
-    i=0
-    while [ $i -lt $TIMEOUT ]
-    do
-      # Scan the list of running tasks for that service, and see if one of them is the
-      # new version of the task definition
+function createNewTaskDefJson() {
+    # Get a JSON representation of the current task definition
+    # + Update definition to use new image name
+    # + Filter the def
+    DEF=$( echo $TASK_DEFINITION \
+            | sed -e "s|\"image\": *\"${imageWithoutTag}:.*\"|\"image\": \"${useImage}\"|g" \
+            | sed -e "s|\"image\": *\"${imageWithoutTag}\"|\"image\": \"${useImage}\"|g" \
+            | jq '.taskDefinition' )
+    # Default JQ filter for new task definition
+    NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="family: .family, volumes: .volumes, containerDefinitions: .containerDefinitions"
+    # Some options in task definition should only be included in new definition if present in
+    # current definition. If found in current definition, append to JQ filter.
+    CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS=(networkMode taskRoleArn)
+    for i in "${CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS[@]}"; do
+      re=".*${i}.*"
+      if [[ "$DEF" =~ $re ]]; then
+        NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="${NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER}, ${i}: .${i}"
+      fi
+    done
+    # Build new DEF with jq filter
+    NEW_DEF=$(echo $DEF | jq "{${NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER}}")
+function registerNewTaskDefinition() {
+    # Register the new task definition, and store its ARN
+    NEW_TASKDEF=`$AWS_ECS register-task-definition --cli-input-json "$NEW_DEF" | jq -r .taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn`
+function updateService() {
+    if [ $MAX != false ]; then
+        DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=",maximumPercent=$MAX"
+    fi
+    if [ $MIN != false ]; then
+        DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG="$DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG,minimumHealthyPercent=$MIN"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -z "$DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG" ]; then
+        DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG="--deployment-configuration ${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG:1}"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -z ${DESIRED+undefined-guard} ]; then
+        DESIRED_COUNT="--desired-count $DESIRED"
+    fi
+    # Update the service
+    UPDATE=`$AWS_ECS update-service --cluster $CLUSTER --service $SERVICE $DESIRED_COUNT --task-definition $NEW_TASKDEF $DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG`
+    # Only excepts RUNNING state from services whose desired-count > 0
+    SERVICE_DESIREDCOUNT=`$AWS_ECS describe-services --cluster $CLUSTER --service $SERVICE | jq '.services[]|.desiredCount'`
+    if [ $SERVICE_DESIREDCOUNT -gt 0 ]; then
+        # See if the service is able to come up again
+        every=10
+        i=0
+        while [ $i -lt $TIMEOUT ]
+        do
+            # Scan the list of running tasks for that service, and see if one of them is the
+            # new version of the task definition
+            RUNNING_TASKS=$($AWS_ECS list-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER"  --service-name "$SERVICE" --desired-status RUNNING \
+                | jq -r '.taskArns[]')
+            if [[ ! -z $RUNNING_TASKS ]] ; then
+                RUNNING=$($AWS_ECS describe-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --tasks $RUNNING_TASKS \
+                    | jq ".tasks[]| if .taskDefinitionArn == \"$NEW_TASKDEF\" then . else empty end|.lastStatus" \
+                    | grep -e "RUNNING") || :
-      RUNNING_TASKS=$($AWS_ECS list-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER"  --service-name "$SERVICE" --desired-status RUNNING \
-          | jq -r '.taskArns[]')
+                if [ "$RUNNING" ]; then
+                    echo "Service updated successfully, new task definition running.";
-      if [[ ! -z $RUNNING_TASKS ]] ; then
-        RUNNING=$($AWS_ECS describe-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --tasks $RUNNING_TASKS \
-          | jq ".tasks[]| if .taskDefinitionArn == \"$NEW_TASKDEF\" then . else empty end|.lastStatus" \
-          | grep -e "RUNNING") || :
+                    if [[ $MAX_DEFINITIONS -gt 0 ]]; then
+                        FAMILY_PREFIX=${TASK_DEFINITION##*:task-definition/}
+                        FAMILY_PREFIX=${FAMILY_PREFIX%*:[0-9]*}
+                        TASK_REVISIONS=`$AWS_ECS list-task-definitions --family-prefix $FAMILY_PREFIX --status ACTIVE --sort ASC`
-        if [ "$RUNNING" ]; then
-          echo "Service updated successfully, new task definition running.";
+                        NUM_ACTIVE_REVISIONS=$(echo "$TASK_REVISIONS" | jq ".taskDefinitionArns|length")
-          if [[ $MAX_DEFINITIONS -gt 0 ]]; then
-            FAMILY_PREFIX=${TASK_DEFINITION##*:task-definition/}
-            FAMILY_PREFIX=${FAMILY_PREFIX%*:[0-9]*}
-            TASK_REVISIONS=`$AWS_ECS list-task-definitions --family-prefix $FAMILY_PREFIX --status ACTIVE --sort ASC`
+                        if [[ $NUM_ACTIVE_REVISIONS -gt $MAX_DEFINITIONS ]]; then
+                            LAST_OUTDATED_INDEX=$(($NUM_ACTIVE_REVISIONS - $MAX_DEFINITIONS - 1))
+                            for i in $(seq 0 $LAST_OUTDATED_INDEX); do
+                                OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN=$(echo "$TASK_REVISIONS" | jq -r ".taskDefinitionArns[$i]")
-            NUM_ACTIVE_REVISIONS=$(echo "$TASK_REVISIONS" | jq ".taskDefinitionArns|length")
+                                echo "Deregistering outdated task revision: $OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN"
-            if [[ $NUM_ACTIVE_REVISIONS -gt $MAX_DEFINITIONS ]]; then
-                for i in $(seq 0 $LAST_OUTDATED_INDEX); do
-                    OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN=$(echo "$TASK_REVISIONS" | jq -r ".taskDefinitionArns[$i]")
+                              $AWS_ECS deregister-task-definition --task-definition "$OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN" > /dev/null
+                            done
+                        fi
-                    echo "Deregistering outdated task revision: $OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN"
+                    fi
-                    $AWS_ECS deregister-task-definition --task-definition "$OUTDATED_REVISION_ARN" > /dev/null
-                done
+                    exit 0
+                fi
-          fi
-          exit 0
-        fi
-      fi
+            sleep $every
+            i=$(( $i + $every ))
+        done
+        # Timeout
+        echo "ERROR: New task definition not running within $TIMEOUT seconds"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        echo "Skipping check for running task definition, as desired-count <= 0"
+    fi
-      sleep $every
-      i=$(( $i + $every ))
+# When not being tested, run application as expected #
+if [ "$BASH_SOURCE" == "$0" ]; then
+    set -o errexit
+    set -o pipefail
+    set -u
+    set -e
+    # If no args are provided, display usage information
+    if [ $# == 0 ]; then usage; fi
+    # Check for AWS, AWS Command Line Interface
+    require aws
+    # Check for jq, Command-line JSON processor
+    require jq
+    # Loop through arguments, two at a time for key and value
+    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+    do
+        key="$1"
+        case $key in
+            -k|--aws-access-key)
+                AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            -s|--aws-secret-key)
+                AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            -r|--region)
+                AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            -p|--profile)
+                AWS_PROFILE="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            --aws-instance-profile)
+                echo "--aws-instance-profile is not yet in use"
+                AWS_IAM_ROLE=true
+                ;;
+            -c|--cluster)
+                CLUSTER="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            -n|--service-name)
+                SERVICE="$2"
+                shift # past argument
+                ;;
+            -d|--task-definition)
+                TASK_DEFINITION="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -i|--image)
+                IMAGE="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -t|--timeout)
+                TIMEOUT="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -m|--min)
+                MIN="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -M|--max)
+                MAX="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -D|--desired-count)
+                DESIRED="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -e|--tag-env-var)
+                TAGVAR="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            --max-definitions)
+                MAX_DEFINITIONS="$2"
+                shift
+                ;;
+            -v|--verbose)
+                VERBOSE=true
+                ;;
+            *)
+                usage
+                exit 2
+            ;;
+        esac
+        shift # past argument or value
-    # Timeout
-    echo "ERROR: New task definition not running within $TIMEOUT seconds"
-    exit 1
-  else
-    echo "Skipping check for running task definition, as desired-count <= 0"
-  fi
+    # Check that required arguments are provided
+    assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+    # Determine image name
+    parseImageName
+    echo "Using image name: $useImage"
+    # Get current task definition
+    getCurrentTaskDefinition
+    echo "Current task definition: $TASK_DEFINITION";
+    # create new task definition json
+    createNewTaskDefJson
+    # register new task definition
+    registerNewTaskDefinition
+    echo "New task definition: $NEW_TASKDEF";
+    # update service if needed
+    if [ $SERVICE == false ]; then
+        echo "Task definition updated successfully"
+    else
+        updateService
+    fi
+# End application run logic #
diff --git a/test.bats b/test.bats
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67b6886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.bats
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bats
+# Tests dont run on linux properly, something to do with set -u
+# See: https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/issues/171
+setup() {
+    # Source in ecs-deploy
+    . "ecs-deploy"
+@test "check that usage() returns string and exits with status code 20" {
+   run usage
+   [ $status -eq 3 ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet success" {
+  SERVICE=true
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet status=5" {
+  SERVICE=false
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ $status -eq 5 ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet status=6" {
+  SERVICE=true
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ $status -eq 6 ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet status=7" {
+  SERVICE=true
+  CLUSTER=false
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ $status -eq 7 ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet status=8" {
+  SERVICE=true
+  CLUSTER=true
+  IMAGE=false
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ $status -eq 8 ]
+@test "test assertRequiredArgumentsSet status=9" {
+  SERVICE=true
+  CLUSTER=true
+  IMAGE=true
+  MAX_DEFINITIONS="not a number"
+  run assertRequiredArgumentsSet
+  [ $status -eq 9 ]
+# Image name parsing tests
+# Reference image name format: [domain][:port][/repo][/][image][:tag]
+@test "test parseImageName missing image name" {
+  IMAGE=""
+  run parseImageName
+  [ $status -eq 13 ]
+@test "test parseImageName invalid image name 1" {
+  IMAGE="/something"
+  run parseImageName
+  [ $status -eq 13 ]
+@test "test parseImageName invalid port" {
+  IMAGE="domain.com:abc/repo/image"
+  run parseImageName
+  [ $status -eq 13 ]
+@test "test parseImageName root image no tag" {
+  IMAGE="mariadb"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "mariadb:latest" ]
+@test "test parseImageName root image with tag" {
+  IMAGE="mariadb:1.2.3"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "mariadb:1.2.3" ]
+@test "test parseImageName repo image no tag" {
+  IMAGE="repo/image"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "repo/image:latest" ]
+@test "test parseImageName repo image with tag" {
+  IMAGE="repo/image:v1.2.3"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "repo/image:v1.2.3" ]
+@test "test parseImageName domain plus repo image no tag" {
+  IMAGE="docker.domain.com/repo/image"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "docker.domain.com/repo/image:latest" ]
+@test "test parseImageName domain plus repo image with tag" {
+  IMAGE="docker.domain.com/repo/image:1.2.3"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "docker.domain.com/repo/image:1.2.3" ]
+@test "test parseImageName domain plus port plus repo image no tag" {
+  IMAGE="docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image:latest" ]
+@test "test parseImageName domain plus port plus repo image with tag" {
+  IMAGE="docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image:1.2.3"
+  TAGVAR=false
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image:1.2.3" ]
+@test "test parseImageName domain plus port plus repo image with tag from var" {
+  IMAGE="docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image"
+  CI_TIMESTAMP="1487623908"
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "docker.domain.com:8080/repo/image:1487623908" ]
+@test "test parseImageName using ecr style image name and tag from var" {
+  IMAGE="121212345678.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/acct/repo"
+  CI_TIMESTAMP="1487623908"
+  run parseImageName
+  [ ! -z $status ]
+  [ "$output" == "121212345678.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/acct/repo:1487623908" ]
+@test "test createNewTaskDefJson" {
+    "taskDefinition": {
+        "status": "ACTIVE",
+        "networkMode": "bridge",
+        "family": "app-task-def",
+        "requiresAttributes": [
+            {
+                "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.ecr-auth"
+            }
+        ],
+        "volumes": [],
+        "taskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:121212345678:task-definition/app-task-def:123",
+        "containerDefinitions": [
+            {
+                "environment": [
+                    {
+                        "name": "KEY",
+                        "value": "value"
+                    }
+                ],
+                "name": "API",
+                "links": [],
+                "mountPoints": [],
+                "image": "121212345678.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/acct/repo:1487623908",
+                "essential": true,
+                "portMappings": [
+                    {
+                        "protocol": "tcp",
+                        "containerPort": 80,
+                        "hostPort": 10080
+                    }
+                ],
+                "entryPoint": [],
+                "memory": 128,
+                "command": [
+                    "/data/run.sh"
+                ],
+                "cpu": 200,
+                "volumesFrom": []
+            }
+        ],
+        "revision": 123
+    }